DeLorme Street Atlas USA 2011 Administration Guide

Street Atlas USA

Administration Guide

Last updated on 12/13/2011


DMINISTRATION GUIDE ................................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................1
REPARE FOR INSTALLING THE PREREQUISITES ..................................................................................................... 1
SING RUNPREREQUISITES.VBS ........................................................................................................................ 1
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 1
Using the script ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Examples ................................................................................................................................................ 2
NSTALL PREREQUISITES USING ACTIVE DIRECTORY .............................................................................................. 2
DEPLOYING STREET ATLAS USA USING ACTIVE DIRECTORY ................................................................ 18
DISTRIBUTING A PATCH USING ACTIVE DIRECTORY GPO ................................................................... 27
XTRACT MSP FILE ....................................................................................................................................... 27
ERGE MSP WITH UNCOMPRESSED MSI ........................................................................................................ 27
EPLOY MERGED MSI .................................................................................................................................. 28
DEPLOYING STREET ATLAS USA USING SMS ...................................................................................... 30
Option 1: Upgrade existing clients by using update.exe ...................................................................... 55
Option 2: Upgrade existing clients by merging the MSP file ............................................................... 57
Option 3: Patch existing clients with a full install ................................................................................ 58
REATE A COLLECTION OF COMPUTERS THAT HAVE STREET ATLAS USA INSTALLED ................................................ 66
OW TO USE PROPERTIES ............................................................................................................................. 70
PROPERTY LIST FOR STREET ATLAS USA ............................................................................................ 71
OW TO USE THE EXISTING_MAP_DATA_PATHS PROPERTY ......................................................................... 73
OW TO USE INSTALL_FEATURES AND DISABLE_FEATURES ....................................................................... 73
PTIONAL FEATURE LIST ............................................................................................................................... 73
EQUIRED FEATURE LIST ............................................................................................................................... 75
REATE A TRANSFORM USING ORCA ............................................................................................................... 75
OMMAND LINE EXAMPLES ........................................................................................................................... 76
Install silently using Setup.exe ............................................................................................................. 76
Install using default destination directory ........................................................................................... 76
Install the application using a transform ............................................................................................. 76
Incorrect command line parameters when you install using Setup.exe .............................................. 76
Incorrect command line parameters when you install using Msiexec ................................................. 77
Creating an MSI log for debugging ...................................................................................................... 77
Access Rights Error ............................................................................................................................... 77
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 77


This document contains information regarding Street Atlas USA® installation and tasks at the administrative level. Content may evolve over time as additional information is provided or new tasks are added. This document does not intend to preclude need of more detailed process descriptions that may be found in the Street Atlas USA Help documentation. Please contact DeLorme Professional Sales if you are unable to address a particular Street Atlas USA network administration related issue.

Installation Prerequisites

When installing Street Atlas USA with the MSI instead of the bootstrapper, which is the case when installing with Active Directory or SMS, you must install all required prerequisites before you install Street Atlas USA. The prerequisite Installer is included on the installation media in the Admin Prerequisites Installer folder. There are three ways that you can deploy the prerequisites. You can choose which method you want to use based on your business practices.
Install the prerequisites using SMS. These instructions are described in the
Atlas USA Using SMS section.
Create a batch file that calls the RunPrerequisites.vbs script for each client computer to which
you want to install, as described in the Using RunPrerequisites.vbs
Install the prerequisites using Active Directory. The Install Prerequisites Using Active Directory
section describes how to install the prerequisites for Active Directory. This option is a little more complex as the prerequisites have to be installed through a startup script. Because of the sequencing of startup scripts after software distribution in Active Directory, you have to perform a step to check the installation of the prerequisites on the client computers before
implementing the instructions for installing Street Atlas USA using Active Directory. SMS or another software distribution system with similar capabilities is the most robust and easiest way to deploy the prerequisites and application. If you have that available, you should use it.
Deploying Street

Prepare for installing the prerequisites

Save the prerequisite installer to a network share that is accessible to all the client computers on which you want to install prerequisites. Ensure that the Everyone user group has read permissions for the folder and for the share as the prerequisite installer will run in each client computer’s system context.

Using RunPrerequisites.vbs


This script installs or checks the prerequisites for Street Atlas USA. The script is provided in the root of prerequisite installation folder. It can be used as a startup script through Active Directory, run directly on the command line, or run from a batch file. If you have multiple computers on which to install the prerequisites, you can create a batch file that calls the RunPrerequisites.vbs script through the psexec command, or you can use Active Directory to deploy the script as a startup script to several client computers. This script either installs the prerequisites or checks to see if the prerequisites are installed, depending on the command line parameters passed in.

Using the script

RunPrerequisites.vbs <path to prerequisites.exe> [computer name] <path to prerequisites.exe> :=
This is the path to the installation program, prerequisites.exe in the root of the prerequisite installation folder. If installing to multiple remote computers, the installation folder should be placed in a network share that has read and execute permissions for the Everyone group.
[computer name]:= This is an optional parameter. If provided, then the prerequisites will not be
installed. This is the name of the computer on which to check the prerequisite installation. If the prerequisites are installed on the given computer, then the script sets the variable to 0. If the prerequisites are not installed, the script sets the
ERRORLEVEL environment
ERRORLEVEL environment variable
to 1. Run the script again using this parameter for each remote client computer to ensure that the prerequisites are installed before starting the Street Atlas USA installation. Optionally, you can prefix the RunPrerequisites.vbs with cscript, e.g.
, to see the command line output of the script, otherwise it will run silently.


Install prerequisites on a remote computer: psexec \\lois RunPrerequisites.vbs
Check the prerequisite installation on a remote computer:
\\myserver\sausa_prerequisites\prerequisites.exe <client server name>
NOTE: Client Server Name does not need the leading \\ characters.
After running either command, check the
ERRORLEVEL property. If it is 0, then the prerequisites are
installed; if it is 1, then they are not installed.

Install Prerequisites Using Active Directory

1. It may be useful to get a tool such as psexec that you can use to run gpupdate and/or restart the
client computers. You should use this or a similar tool so you don’t have to go to each computer to force an update or ask your users to force an update of group policies. Install the tool and add its path to the system path variable so you can access it easily from the command line. You won’t need this tool until the last step, but you should get it beforehand and have it installed and ready to go. This tool has a very simple installation; just download the compressed file and unpack it to where you want to run it from. Add the path to the uncompressed folder to your system path to make it easy to use.
2. Save the prerequisite installer to a network share that is accessible to all the client computers on
which you want to install prerequisites. Ensure that the Everyone user group has read permissions for the folder and for the share as the prerequisite installer will run in each client computer’s system context.
3. If you are running the script on many computers, it is easier to add all the computers to which you
want to install the prerequisites to a computer group using the Active Directory Users and Computers tool on your Active directory server before you implement this step. The following optional steps show how to create a computer group using the Active Directory Users and Computers tool.
a. Locate the Active Directory Users and Computers tool in the Control Panel’s Administrative
Tools and start the program.
b. Click the Computers folder under the domain in which you want to create the group.
c. Click the Action menu, point to New and click Group.
d. In the New Object – Group dialog; in the Group name box, type your group name, leave the
default settings as is, and click OK.
e. Right-click your new computer group and click Properties.
f. Click the Members tab on the Properties dialog and click the Add button.
g. Click Object Types and select Computers so it is one of the types you can add. Type the list
of computer names using semi-colons to separate them in the Enter the object names to select box and click OK.
h. The list of computers is displayed in the Members tab of the Properties dialog. Click OK to
complete creation of the group. Close the Active Directory Users and Computers program;
the group is available in your Group Policy object.
4. Open the Group Policy Management tool on your Active Directory Server.
5. Expand Domains, and then expand the domain in which you want to work.
6. Right-click the domain to which you want to add the policy and click Create and Link a GPO Here.
7. Type the name of the prerequisite in the Name box and click OK.
8. Click your new policy in the management console and make sure the Scope tab is selected in the
pane on the right. Under Security Filtering, click Authenticated Users and then click the Remove button.
9. Under Security Filtering, click the Add button.
10. On the Select User, Computer, or Group dialog click the Object Types button, select Computers in
the Object Types dialog, and then click OK.
11. Type a computer or computer group for which you want install prerequisites in the Enter the object
name to select box. See step 3
if you are installing to a lot of computers as this dialog only allows
you to add one computer at a time. Click OK once you have entered the computer or group.
12. Right-click your new group policy and click Edit on the context menu.
13. In the Group Policy Object Editor, expand Computer Configuration. Expand Windows Settings and
click Scripts (Startup/Shutdown).
14. Double-click the Startup Scripts icon in the Group Policy Object Editor. Click the Show Files button
on the Startup Properties dialog once it appears.
15. A file explorer window opens to the group policies startup script folder. Open another window to
the network share folder that contains the Prerequisites setup that you created in step 2
. Copy the
RunPrerequisites.vbs script to the startup script folder.
16. Close the folders and reopen the Startup Properties dialog from the Group Policy Object Editor. Click
the Add button.
17. On the Add a Script dialog, click the Browse button; a file dialog opens. Double-click the
RunPrerequisites.vbs script that you copied in step 15
. This should populate the Script Name box in
the Add a Script dialog.
18. Type the script parameter in the Script Parameters box in the Add a Script dialog. There is only one
parameter; the network path to the Prerequisites.exe in the Prerequisites source folder that you created in step 2
. Enclose the path in quotes if it contains any spaces. Then, click OK, and click OK
again in the Startup Properties dialog.
19. The configuration of the group policy for running the prerequisite startup script is complete. Close
the Group Policy Object Editor.
20. Open a command prompt and use any tool for running commands on remote computers. These
examples use psexec.
a. Make sure that psexec is available in your system path, or provide a fully qualified path to
psexec to run it.
b. Run the following command sequence on Windows XP PCs
psexec \\<machine name> gpupdate /Target:Computer /Sync /Boot
ii. If the boot doesn’t work you may have to run:
shutdown –r –m \\<machine name>
Note: Sometimes we have had to run this process twice to get the prerequisite installer to run on XP client machines on our test network.
c. Run the following command on Windows Vista PCs.
psexec \\<machine name> gpupdate /Target:Computer /Sync /Boot
d. If you have many computers, you may want to create a batch file and run the command pair
against each computer that needs to be updated.
e. Here’s an example for running the gpupdate command followed by the shut down
command for an XP client.
f. On the client computer, you should see a shut down message similar to the following. Note
this is from a Windows Vista client. The XP client message will look slightly different.
21. For some reason, the startup scripts do not appear to run synchronously at startup on Windows
Vista clients, so the prerequisite installer may still be running when a user logs on to their computer. Use step 22 to check to see if the prerequisites are finished before you can begin installing Street Atlas USA.
22. Run the RunPrerequisites.vbs script from the prerequisite installer media using the following
command line to check if a given client computer has the prerequisites installed. Make sure that you are in the directory that contains the RunPrerequisites.vbs script, that the path to the script is in your system path, or that you provide the full path to the local copy of the RunPrerequisites.vbs script on the command line.:
cscript RunPrerequisites.vbs <network path to Prerequisites installer> <client computer name>
E.g. cscript RunPrerequisites.vbs “\\someserver\path_to_installer\Prerequisites.exe” someclient
a. NOTE: This command or some of the steps following this command may produce an error
that outputs text to the command window that is similar to the following:
There was a problem connecting to machine_name\root\default:StdRegProv Error 462 The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable.
If you see this error text it can be caused by one of two things:
The client computer or the firewall that the client is behind is blocking the port for
the remote registry service. If this is the case, enable the port for the remote registry service if your security policy allows this, or, go to the client computer to physically verify that the prerequisites have completed installing by viewing the processes that are running to ensure that the Prerequisites process is not running. You can use the task manager or pslist if available on the client, to view the processes.
The remote registry service is not running on the client computer. If this is the case,
then you can run the following command to enable the remote registry service on the client computer:
psexec \\<client computer> net start RemoteRegistry
The script will set the ERRORLEVEL variable to 0 if the prerequisites are installed or 1 if the prerequisites are not installed. You may want add this call for each client computer you are installing on to a batch script. Below is an example of calling the command for a computer that does not have all of the prerequisites installed.
23. The prerequisite installer may be running asynchronously when the computer is starting up and the
user may be able to log in while the prerequisites are installing. If the prerequisites don’t show as installed when running the command above, then you can check to see if the prerequisite install is still running by doing the following:
a. Run:
pslist \\<client computer>.
This command comes with the same package that you installed for the psexec command.
b. You should see a list of processes. If the prerequisite installer is still running then you should
see “prerequisites” in the list:
c. If the prerequisites are still running, then periodically repeat steps 22.a and b until the
prerequisites are finished. Then you can run the following command again as you did at the beginning of step 22 to see if the prerequisites are fully installed:
RunPrerequisites.vbs <network path to Prerequisites installer> <client computer name>
Then check the ERRORLEVEL by executing the following command line:
If you see 1 printed in the command window, then you know that the prerequisites installer may still be running or the install failed. If you see 0, then it has finished running and the prerequisites should be installed. Note: I’ve had cases on the test network where the first installation of the prerequisites did not install everything. Repeating steps 21 to 22 usually fixes this as it forces the prerequisites to run again.
24. Once this process is complete for all the client computers you want to install Street Atlas USA to,
follow the instructions in Deploying Street Atlas USA Using Active Directory

Deploying Street Atlas USA Using Active Directory

Follow the steps below to install Street Atlas USA on a network using Active Directory.
1. Ensure that all prerequisites are installed prior to distributing package. See the
Prerequisites section for more information.
2. Ensure that the application setup is uncompressed.
3. Create a transform and set the LICENSE_NUMBER
in the property table to the license number that
was assigned to you. How To Use Properties describes how to set properties in the property table. Additional properties that you can set in the transform to customize your install are described in
Property List for Street Atlas USA. Once you create the transform, set it aside; you will apply it to
your distribution package in a later step. The transform that you create in this step should be saved as an *.mst file.
NOTE: We have found that it is easier and causes fewer errors to use Orca to generate transforms. This is a free tool and doesn’t add any extra properties that can potentially break an installation. Many other third-party tools will run the installation to generate the transform and record changes; however, these changes end up being too specific for the computer on which the tool is run and the settings will break installations on other computers. The
Create a Transform section describes how
to create a transform with Orca.
4. Set up a shared folder containing the setup files.
5. Create a Streets20xx group policy against the domain, organizational unit, etc. If applicable, add
appropriate machines.
a. If you are upgrading a previous version of Street Atlas USA and have deployed the previous
version with Active Directory, then do the following: In the group policy manager, find the group policy with which you deployed the previous version of, Street Atlas USA, right-click that policy and click Edit in the context menu. Go to step 5.r. Otherwise, go to the next step.
b. Go to Start>Programs>Administrative Tools>Group Policy Management. If this information
is not listed, you can download and install it from:
Group Policy Management Console with
Service Pack 1.
c. In the tree view on the left, expand Forest and expand Domains. Then, right-click Domains
(or Organizational Unit) and select Create and Link a GPO Here.
d. Name the policy Streets20xx. e. Double-click to open the Streets20xx policy you just created. f. On the Scope tab, under Security Filtering, highlight Authenticated Users, click Remove,
and then click OK to confirm the removal.
g. Click Add (to the left of the Remove button) and then click Advanced. h. Click Object Types in the upper-right corner of the window.
Clear all check boxes except Computers.
i. Click OK. j. Click Find Now to populate all of the computers in the Domain.
k. Highlight a computer to add to the policy and click OK. Click OK again to add the policy
under Security Filtering. Perform steps g–j for each computer you want to add to the policy.
l. Once all of the computers have been added, right-click your policy under Group Policy
Objects and then click Edit. A new window opens.
m. In the tree view, expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates,
expand Windows Components, and select Windows Installer.
n. On the right, double-click Always install with elevated privileges. A new dialog opens
o. Set this option to Enabled, and click on OK.
p. In the tree view, expand User Configuration, then expand Administrative Templates, then
expand Windows Components. Click Windows Installer, then repeat steps n and o.
q. With this done, move back to Computer Configuration in the tree view, expand this option,
and then expand Software Settings.
r. Right-click Software Installation, point to New, and then click Package.
s. Browse to the shared folder you created in step 3
, select the DeLorme Street Atlas USA
20xx.msi file, and then click Open. The Deploy Software dialog box opens.
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