In the scenario below, a bird watcher (To m) uses the E arthmate GPS PN-20, ADP data, and the Earthmate GPS PN-20 O nline Map Center to prepare for his expedition:
Before Tom leaves for his trip, he uses the E arthmate GPS PN-20 Online Map Center to download an
ADP so he can get satellite and aerial views of the area where he’ll be. This is hel pful to Tom because
he has heard that the bird population is greater near the s wamp l and. With the aerial and satellite data
provided in the ADP, Tom can see all of the geologic al formations in his bird watching are a before he
leaves, giving him a gre ater idea of where he should sp end his day.
1. Visit http ://data.delo to download the area where you will be bir d watching.
Once the map of the loc ation is saved on the GPS device, he leaves for h is bird watching trip. When
he arrives at the location he parks his truck, turns on the Ea rthmate GPS PN-2 0, waits until he gets
a 2-D or 3-D fix, places a waypoint to represent the parking lot, modifies his tracking setting s, and
then turns on Track recording .
2. Press and hold the Po wer button to turn the Earthmate GP S PN-20 on.
3. Press the Mark bu tton on the device to place a waypoint at the pa rking lot location.
4. Press MENU, hig hlight the Tracks optio n, and then press ENT ER.
5. Press MENU, hig hlight the Edit Trac k Settings option, and p ress ENTER.
6. Highlight the Re cord Points By drop -down list and press ENTER .
7. Highlight the Ti me option and press ENTER.
8. Highlight the Re cording Inter val text field and press ENTER.
9. Use the arrow keypad to increase/ decrease each digit. Press ENTER after each digit is changed.
10. If the On button is n ot activated, highlight the button and the n press ENTER to act ivate it.
If the On button is alre ady activated, pro ceed to step 11.
Tom proceeds on h is journey to his bird watching spot. While he’s walking, he notices an eag le in a
tree and wants to use his Ear thmate GPS PN-20 to mark a wayp oint at the bird location.
11. While at the spot of th e tree, press the Mark but ton.
12. Scroll to the top of the Waypoint screen to hi ghlight the waypoint symbol and press ENTER.
Use the arrow keypad to find and hi ghlight the bird icon and then press ENT ER.
13. Scroll to the label text field (to the right of the bird icon ) and p ress E NTER. Use the arrow
keypad to highlight the letter E and press EN TER. Repeat this step for each letter in the words
“Eagle.” When you’re finished , highlight OK and press E NTER.
14. Scroll to highlight t he Save button and pres s ENTER.
Once he ar rives at the desired bird watching sp ot, he saves his track log, turns off the GPS devic e,
and spends the day bir d watching.
15. Press MENU, sele ct Tra cks, and then press ENTER.
16. Scroll to highlight t he Save button and pres s ENTER.
17. Press the Power bu tton to turn the Earthmate GPS PN -20 off. Press ENTER when prompted .
Once he’s finished for the day, he turns the GP S device back on, waits until he gets a 2- D or 3-D fix,
and then follows his track to where he started-ensur ing th at he won’t get lost. The process of follow ing his initial track c reates a new route that can be use d again in the future.
18. Press and hold the Po wer button to turn the E arthmate GPS PN-20 on.
19. Press MENU, sele ct Tra cks, and then press ENTER.
20. Select the tra ck that was saved earlier t hat day and press ENTER.
21. Scroll to highlight t he Follow but ton and press ENTER.
Tom reaches his start loc ation without getting lost.
Mountain B iking
Earthmate GPS PN- 20 is also a perfect companion while mountain bikin g.
Carla and Jordan are preparing fo r a ride a t Slickrock Bike Trail. Before th ey go, they download da ta
of the Moab, Utah region with Top o USA. T hey then create a route that starts an d finishes at the
trailhead, but includ es three stops: Shrimp Rock , Up per Shrimp Rock, and Mt. View Cave. They then
export the d ata of the region as well as the route they created to their Earth mate GPS PN -20. Once
they arrive at the trail, they mount thei r GPS devices onto their bikes, powe r them on, and select the
route they plan to use for navig ation.
1. Press MENU, hig hlight the Route s option, and then press ENTER.
2. Highlight the des ired route and press ENT ER.
3. Highlight the Na vigate button and press ENT ER.
Scenari os
Safety Ti p: Be sure to bring a
map and comp ass with you on
your expedition in case the batteries in your E arthmate GPS
PN-20 are low.
Editing the track settin gs
Navigating a route
Marking the “Eagle” waypoi nt