Dell Vostro 3445 User Manual

Dell Command | Monitor Version 9.2.1 Reference Guide
Notes, cautions, and warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
Copyright © 2008 - 2017 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its
2017 - 05
Rev. A00
1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 7
2 Dell Command | Monitor Namespaces.............................................................................8
3 Proles............................................................................................................................9
4 Classes........................................................................................................................... 11
5 Dell Command | Monitor classes and properties............................................................ 12
Classes supported for systems running Linux....................................................................................................................12
Classes supported for systems running Windows..............................................................................................................12
DCIM_Card................................................................................................................................................................ 20
DCIM_Chassis............................................................................................................................................................ 22
DCIM_DesktopMonitor.............................................................................................................................................. 26
DCIM_FlatPanel......................................................................................................................................................... 48
DCIM_VirtualDiskView............................................................................................................................................... 58
DCIM_PhysicalPackage............................................................................................................................................. 62
DCIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint............................................................................................................................ 68
DCIM_Slot.................................................................................................................................................................. 71
DCIM_USBPort.......................................................................................................................................................... 82
DCIM_Memory.......................................................................................................................................................... 86
DCIM_PCIDevice....................................................................................................................................................... 92
DCIM_PowerSupply................................................................................................................................................. 105
DCIM_Battery.......................................................................................................................................................... 108
DCIM_Processor....................................................................................................................................................... 113
DCIM_NumericSensor.............................................................................................................................................. 123
DCIM_Sensor............................................................................................................................................................ 131
DCIM_VideoHead..................................................................................................................................................... 140
DCIM_Button........................................................................................................................................................... 142
DCIM_NetworkPortCongurationService................................................................................................................. 147
DCIM_AccountManagementService........................................................................................................................ 152
DCIM_ComputerSystem........................................................................................................................................... 172
DCIM_RecordLog..................................................................................................................................................... 178
DCIM_OperatingSystem........................................................................................................................................... 182
DCIM_SoftwareIdentity............................................................................................................................................ 187
DCIM_BIOSElement................................................................................................................................................. 189
DCIM_BootSourceSetting........................................................................................................................................ 192
DCIM_IPAssignmentSettingData.............................................................................................................................. 194
DCIM_PowerAllocationSettingData.......................................................................................................................... 194
DCIM_AssetAcquisition............................................................................................................................................ 196
DCIM_AssetExtendedWarrantyInformation.............................................................................................................. 197
DCIM_AssetWarrantyInformation............................................................................................................................ 200
DCIM_AMTSettings................................................................................................................................................. 201
DCIM_BootServiceCapabilities................................................................................................................................. 214
DCIM_PlatformWatchdogServiceCapabilities........................................................................................................... 215
DCIM_RoleBasedManagementCapabilities.............................................................................................................. 222
DCIM_BIOSServiceCapabilities................................................................................................................................ 224
DCIM_SoftwareInstallationServiceCapabilities......................................................................................................... 224
DCIM_RedundancySet............................................................................................................................................ 226
DCIM_Role.............................................................................................................................................................. 228
DCIM_MemoryError................................................................................................................................................ 234
DCIM_OrderedComponent...................................................................................................................................... 235
DCIM_Container...................................................................................................................................................... 236
DCIM_SystemDevice............................................................................................................................................... 236
DCIM_SystemBIOS.................................................................................................................................................. 237
DCIM_SettingsDeneCapabilities............................................................................................................................. 237
DCIM_HostedService.............................................................................................................................................. 239
DCIM_SAPSAPDependency.................................................................................................................................... 239
DCIM_ReferencedProle......................................................................................................................................... 239
DCIM_MetricForME................................................................................................................................................ 240
DCIM_ElementInConnector..................................................................................................................................... 240
DCIM_Docked.......................................................................................................................................................... 241
DCIM_RunningOS.................................................................................................................................................... 241
DCIM_AssociatedIndicatorLED................................................................................................................................ 242
DCIM_AssociatedCacheMemory............................................................................................................................. 242
DCIM_ElementSoftwareIdentity.............................................................................................................................. 244
DCIM_OrderedMemberOfCollection........................................................................................................................ 246
DCIM_ElementCapacity........................................................................................................................................... 247
DCIM_ServiceAectsElement.................................................................................................................................. 247
DCIM_InstalledSoftwareIdentity.............................................................................................................................. 250
DCIM_ConcreteIdentity........................................................................................................................................... 250
6 BIOS settings supported in Dell Command | Monitor...................................................252
7 Alerts in Dell Command | Monitor.................................................................................313
8 Dell Command | Monitor alerting................................................................................. 314
9 Sample scripts............................................................................................................. 317


The Dell Command | Monitor software enables remote management application programs to access information, monitor the status, or change the state of the system, such as shutting it down remotely. Dell Command | Monitor exposes, through standard interfaces, key system parameters that allow administrators to manage, inventory, monitor the system health of, and gather information on deployed client systems. Dell Command | Monitor is designed for Dell Enterprise client systems, Dell IoT Gateway systems, as well as for Dell Embedded PCs. For more information on supported Dell systems refer Release notes available at
NOTE: Dell Command | Monitor was formerly Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation (OMCI). After the OMCI version
8.2.1, OMCI is rebranded as Dell Command | Monitor.
NOTE: All classes or properties listed in the reference guide may not be supported on all Dell systems.

Dell Command | Monitor Namespaces

Namespaces are standards-based with implementation of multiple proles as dened by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). The following namespaces are available in Dell Command | Monitor:
root\dcim\sysman - The CIM schema for this namespace is 2.17 and provides all the functionality of Dell Command | Monitor for Windows. Dell Command | Monitor for Windows, usees DASH-compliant namespace conventions. A DASH-compliant implementation uses a CIM-based data model for representing managed resources and services.
root/dcim/sysman - The CIM schema for this namespace is 2.32.0 and provides all the functionality of Dell Command | Monitor for Linux.
Dell Command | Monitor running on Microsoft Windows operating system uses industry standard proles to represent the management data provided. These proles are implemented either as dened or in some cases have Dell-specic extensions.
The following is a list of proles that are implemented for Dell Command | Monitor for Windows:
Non-extended proles:
Base Metrics — The Base Metrics Prole is a component prole that denes the minimum object model needed to provide dynamic metrics associated to existing managed element s and related associations.
Battery — The Battery Prole extends the management capabilities of referencing proles by adding the capability to represent batteries for manageability. The battery as a logical device is modeled as referencing the battery physical package for physical asset information, the sensor for sensor-reading information, and the prole registration for the schema implementation version information.
BIOS Management — The BIOS Management Prole extends the management capabilities of referencing proles by adding the capability to represent and congure BIOS settings, such as a Network Controller or IDE Controller. The individual BIOS settings’ relationship with a respective device is also described.
Boot Control — The Boot Control Prole describes the classes, associations, properties, and methods used to manage the boot control congurations of a physical or virtual computer system.
CPU — The CPU Prole extends the management capability of referencing proles by adding the capability to represent CPUs or processors in a managed system . CPU cache memory and associations with CPU physical aspects, as well as prole implementation version information, are modeled in this prole.
Fan — The Fan Prole extends the management capabilities of referencing proles by adding the capability to represent fans for manageability and describe fans in a redundant conguration. The fan as a logical device is modeled as referencing the fan physical package for physical asset information, a sensor for sensor reading information.
Indications — The Indications Prole denes the CIM elements that are used to subscribe for indications of unsolicited events, to advertise the possible indications, and to represent indications used to report events in a managed system.
IP Interface — The IP Interface Prole extends the management capability of referencing proles by adding the capability to represent an IP interface of a managed system.
OS Status — The OS Status Prole extends the management capabilities of referencing proles by adding the capability to perform basic management of operating systems installed on a system.
PCI Device — The PCI Device Prole extends the management capabilities of referencing proles by adding the capability to represent PCI devices for manageability, including PCI, PCI-X, PCI Express, bridge and switch devices.
Physical Asset — The Physical Asset Prole extends the management capability of the referencing proles by adding the capability to describe the physical aspects of logical elements that the implementation is instantiating.
Power State Management — The Power State Management Prole describes the classes, associations, properties, and methods used to manage the power of a computer system.
Prole Registration — The Prole Registration extends the management capability of the referencing proles by adding the capability to describe the registration and versioning of CIM proles that are implemented by CIM based system and component management instrumentations.
RecordLog — The Record Log Prole is an autonomous prole that provides the management capabilities to represent logs of a managed system element.
Sensors — The Sensors Prole extends the management capabilities of referencing proles by adding the capability to represent sensors.
Software Inventory — The Software Inventory Prole describes the CIM schema elements required to provide an inventory of installed BIOS, rmware, drivers, and related software in a managed system.
Device Tray — The Device Tray Prole is a component prole for modeling a device tray of a modular system.
Software Update — The Software Update Prole describes the classes, associations, properties, and methods used to support the installation and update of BIOS, rmware, drivers and related software on a managed element within a managed system.
Base Desktop and Mobile — The Base Desktop and Mobile Prole is an autonomous prole that denes the classes used to describe monolithic desktop or mobile computer hardware and related software. The scope of this prole is limited to monolithic desktop or mobile computer hardware and related software that are directly realized in physical components.
Extended proles:
Asset Prole
Ethernet Port Prole
Event Conguration
Serial Port
Service Processor Prole
System Memory
Docking Station
Human Computer Interaction
Display Controller
For more information on Proles, refer to the website -les.


Classes and properties are dened by the CIM schema. The proles identify mandatory classes and properties in order to implement the prole.
For more information on CIM schema, classes and properties, refer to the website -

Dell Command | Monitor classes and properties

Dell Command | Monitor provides information for a namespace through dierent classes.

Classes supported for systems running Linux

For systems running Linux operating system, only the following classes are currently supported.

Classes supported for systems running Windows

The namespace to access the Dell Command | Monitor DMTF proles is root\dcim\sysman.
The following tables describe the classes and properties associated with each class.


AlertingEle mentForm at
Description Supported Operating
The format of the AlertingManagedElement property is interpretable based on the value of this property.
Possible values are:
0 = Unknown — The format is unknown or not meaningfully interpretable by a CIM client application.
Microsoft Windows, Linux
Property Description Supported Operating
1 = Other — The format is dened by the value of the OtherAlertingElementFormat property.
2 = CIMObjectPath — The format is a CIMObjectPath, with format NamespacePath:ClassName.Prop1 = Value1, Prop2=Value2, . . . specifying an instance in the CIM Schema.
AlertingMa nagedElem ent
The identifying information of the entity (that is, the instance) for which this Indication is generated. The property contains the path of an instance, encoded as a string parameter — if the instance is modeled in the CIM Schema. If it is not a CIM instance, the property contains some identifying string that names the entity for which the Alert is generated. The path or identifying string is formatted per the AlertingElementFormat property.
Primary classication of the Indication.
Possible values are:
1 = Other — The Indication's OtherAlertType property conveys its classication. Use of Other in an enumeration is a standard CIM convention. It means that the current Indication does not t into the categories described by this enumeration.
2 = Communications Alert — An Indication of this type is principally associated with the procedures and/or processes required to convey information from one point to another.
3 = Quality of Service Alert — An Indication of this type is principally associated with a degradation or errors in the performance or function of an entity.
4 = Processing Error — An Indication of this type is principally associated with a software or processing fault.
5 = Device Alert — An Indication of this type is principally associated with an equipment or hardware fault.
6 = Environmental Alert — An Indication of this type is principally associated with a condition relating to an enclosure in which the hardware resides, or other environmental considerations.
7 = Model Change — The Indication addresses changes in the Information Model. For example, it may embed a Lifecycle Indication to convey the specic model change being alerted.
8 = Security Alert — An Indication of this type is associated with security violations, detection of viruses, and similar issues.
Microsoft Windows, Linux
Microsoft Windows, Linux
IndicationI dentier
An instrumentation or provider-specic value that describes the underlying real-world event represented by the Indication. Two Indications with the same, non NULL EventID value are considered, by the creating entity, to represent the same event. The comparison of two EventID values is only dened for Alert Indications with identical, non NULL values of SystemCreateClassName, SystemName, and ProviderName.
An identier for the Indication. This property is similar to a key value in that it can be used for identication, when correlating Indications (see the CorrelatedIndications array). Its value SHOULD be unique as long as correlations are reported, but MAY be reused or left NULL if no future Indications will reference it in their CorrelatedIndications array. To ensure uniqueness, the value of IndicationIdentier should be constructed using the following preferred algorithm:
Where <OrgID> and <LocalID>are separated by a colon (:), and where <OrgID> must include a copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity that is creating or dening the IndicationIdentier or that is a recognized ID that is assigned to the business entity by a recognized global authority. (This requirement is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness must not contain a colon (:). When using this algorithm, the rst colon to appear in IndicationIdentier must appear between <OrgID>and <LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and should not be re-used to identify dierent underlying (real-world) elements. If the
preferred algorithm is not used, the dening entity should assure that the resulting
Microsoft Windows, Linux
Microsoft Windows
Property Description Supported Operating
IndicationIdentier is not reused across any IndicationIdentiers that are produced by this or other providers for the NameSpace of this instance.
IndicationT ime
The time and date of creation of the Indication. The property may be set to NULL if the entity creating the Indication is not capable of determining this information.
NOTE: IndicationTime may be the same for two Indications that are generated in rapid succession.
Microsoft Windows
MessageAr guments
OtherAlerti ngElement Format
OtherAlert Type
OtherSeve rity
OwningEnt ity
Perceived Severity
The formatted message. This message is constructed by combining some or all of the dynamic elements specied in the MessageArguments property with the static elements uniquely identied by the MessageID in a message registry or other catalog associated with the OwningEntity.
An array containing the dynamic content of the message.
A string that uniquely identies, within the scope of the OwningEntity, the format of the Message.
A string dening Other values for AlertingElementFormat. This value MUST be set to a non NULL value when AlertingElementFormat is set to a value of 1 (Other). For all other values of AlertingElementFormat, the value of this string must be set to NULL.
A string describing the Alert type — used when the AlertType property is set to 1, Other State Change.
Holds the value of the user-dened severity value when PerceivedSeverity is 1 (Other).
A string that uniquely identies the entity that owns the denition of the format of the Message described in this instance. OwningEntity MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity or standards body dening the format.
An enumerated value that describes the severity of the Alert Indication from the notier's point of view:
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows, Linux
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows, Linux
Microsoft Windows, Linux
Microsoft Windows, Linux
Microsoft Windows, Linux
Microsoft Windows, Linux
ProbableC ause
Possible values are:
2 and 0 — Information and Unknown (respectively) follow common usage. Literally, the AlertIndication is purely informational or its severity is unknown.
1 = Other — By CIM convention, is used to indicate that the Severity's value can be found in the OtherSeverity property.
3 = Degraded/Warning — Is used when it is appropriate to let the user decide if action is needed.
4 = Minor — Is used to indicate that action is needed, but the situation is not serious now.
5 = Major — Is used to indicate that action is needed NOW.
6 = Critical — Is used to indicate that action is needed NOW and the scope is broad (perhaps an imminent outage to a critical resource results).
7 = Fatal/Non recoverable — Is used to indicate that an error occurred, but it is too late to take remedial action.
An enumerated value that describes the probable cause of the situation that resulted in the AlertIndication.
Possible values are:
0 = Unknown
1 = Other
Microsoft Windows, Linux
Property Description Supported Operating
2 = Adapter/Card Error
3 = Application Subsystem Failure
4 = Bandwidth Reduced
5 = Connection Establishment Error
6 = Communications Protocol Error
7 = Communications Subsystem Failure
8 = Conguration/Customization Error
9 = Congestion
10 = Corrupt Data
11 = CPU Cycles Limit Exceeded
12 = Dataset/Modem Error
13 = Degraded Signal
14 = DTE-DCE Interface Error
15 = Enclosure Door Open
16 = Equipment Malfunction
17 = Excessive Vibration
18 = File Format Error
19 = Fire Detected
20 = Flood Detected
21 = Framing Error
22 = HVAC Problem
23 = Humidity Unacceptable
24 = I/O Device Error
25 = Input Device Error
26 = LAN Error
27 = Non-Toxic Leak Detected
28 = Local Node Transmission Error
29 = Loss of Frame
30 = Loss of Signal
31 = Material Supply Exhausted
32 = Multiplexer Problem
33 = Out of Memory
34 = Output Device Error
35 = Performance Degraded
36 = Power Problem
37 = Pressure Unacceptable
38 = Processor Problem (Internal Machine Error)
39 = Pump Failure
40 = Queue Size Exceeded
41 = Receive Failure
42 = Receiver Failure
43 = Remote Node Transmission Error
44 = Resource at or Nearing Capacity
45 = Response Time Excessive
46 = Retransmission Rate Excessive
47 = Software Error
48 = Software Program Abnormally Terminated
49 = Software Program Error (Incorrect Results)
50 = Storage Capacity Problem
Property Description Supported Operating
51 = Temperature Unacceptable
52 = Threshold Crossed
53 = Timing Problem
54 = Toxic Leak Detected
55 = Transmit Failure
56 = Transmitter Failure
57 = Underlying Resource Unavailable
58 = Version MisMatch
59 = Previous Alert Cleared
60 = Login Attempts Failed
61 = Software Virus Detected
62 = Hardware Security Breached
63 = Denial of Service Detected
64 = Security Credential MisMatch
65 = Unauthorized Access
66 = Alarm Received
67 = Loss of Pointer
68 = Payload Mismatch
69 = Transmission Error
70 = Excessive Error Rate
71 = Trace Problem
72 = Element Unavailable
73 = Element Missing
74 = Loss of Multi Frame
75 = Broadcast Channel Failure
76 = Invalid Message Received
77 = Routing Failure
78 = Backplane Failure
79 = Identier Duplication
80 = Protection Path Failure
81 = Sync Loss or Mismatch
82 = Terminal Problem
83 = Real Time Clock Failure
84 = Antenna Failure
85 = Battery Charging Failure
86 = Disk Failure
87 = Frequency Hopping Failure
88 = Loss of Redundancy
89 = Power Supply Failure
90 = Signal Quality Problem
91 = Battery Discharging
92 = Battery Failure
93 = Commercial Power Problem
94 = Fan Failure
95 = Engine Failure
96 = Sensor Failure
97 = Fuse Failure
98 = Generator Failure
99 = Low Battery
Property Description Supported Operating
100 = Low Fuel
101 = Low Water
102 = Explosive Gas
103 = High Winds
104 = Ice Buildup
105 = Smoke
106 = Memory Mismatch
107 = Out of CPU Cycles
108 = Software Environment Problem
109 = Software Download Failure
110 = Element Reinitialized
111 = Timeout
112 = Logging Problems
113 = Leak Detected
114 = Protection Mechanism Failure
115 = Protecting Resource Failure
116 = Database Inconsistency
117 = Authentication Failure
118 = Breach of Condentiality
119 = Cable Tamper
120 = Delayed Information
121 = Duplicate Information
122 = Information Missing
123 = Information Modication
124 = Information Out of Sequence
125 = Key Expired
126 = Non-Repudiation Failure
127 = Out of Hours Activity
128 = Out of Service
129 = Procedural Error
130 = Unexpected Information
ProviderNa me
SystemCre ationClass Name
SystemNa me
The name of the Provider generating this Indication.
The scoping of the creation class name of the system for the provider, generating this indication.
The scoping name of the system for the provider, generating this indication.
Provides information on trending — trending up, down, or no change.
Possible values are:
0 = Unknown
1 = Not Applicable
2 = Trending Up
3 = Trending Down
4 = No Change
Microsoft Windows, Linux
Microsoft Windows, Linux
Microsoft Windows, Linux
Microsoft Windows, Linux
Property Description
The Caption property is a short textual description (one- line string) of the object.
The Description property provides a textual description of the object.
A user-friendly name for the object. This property allows each instance to dene a user-friendly name in addition to its key properties, identity data, and description information.
NOTE: The Name property of ManagedSystemElement is also dened as a user-friendly name. But, it is often subclassed to be a Key. It is not reasonable that the same property can convey both identity and a user-friendly name, without inconsistencies. Where Name exists and is not a Key (such as for instances of LogicalDevice), the same information can be present in both the Name and ElementName properties.
Indicates the accuracy of the values reported for this metric.
The accuracy is expressed as the value of theAccuracy property in the units specied by the AccuracyUnits property.
Denes one or more strings that can be used to rene (break down) queries against the BaseMetricValues along a certain dimension. An example is a transaction name, allowing the break down of the total value for all transactions into a set of values, one for each transaction name. Other examples might be application system or user group name. The strings are free format and should be meaningful to the end users of the metric data. The strings indicate which break down dimensions are supported for this metric denition, by the underlying instrumentation.
An enumerated value that describes the characteristics of the metric, for purposes of performing calculations.
Possible values are:
1 = Non-calculable
2 = Summable
3 = Non-summable
ChangeType indicates how the metric value changes, in the form of typical combinations of ner grain attributes such as direction change, minimum and maximum values, and wrapping semantics.
Possible values are:
0 = Unknown
2 = N/A
3 = Counter
4 = Gauge
5..32767 = DMTF Reserved
32768..65535 = Vendor Reserved
3 = Counter
Property Description
The data type of the metric. These types represent the datatypes dened for CIM.
Possible values are:
1 = boolean
2 = char16
3 = datetime
4 = real32
5 = real64
6 = sint16
7 = sint32
8 = sint64
9 = sint8
10 = string
11 = uint16
12 = uint32
13 = uint64
14 = uint8
Id A string that uniquely identies the metric denition. The use of OSF
IsContinuous True
Name The name of the metric. This name does not have to be unique, but should
ProgrammaticUnits Identies the specic units of a value. The value of this property shall be a
SampleInterval If metric values are collected at regular intervals, the SampleInterval
GatheringType indicates how the metric values are gathered by the underlying instrumentation. This allows the client application to choose the right metric for the purpose.
Possible values are:
0 = Unknown
2 = OnChange
3 = Periodic
4 = OnRequest
5..32767 = DMTF Reserved
32768..65535 = Vendor Reserved
UUID/GUIDs is recommended.
be descriptive and may contain blanks.
legal value of the Programmatic Units qualier as dened in Appendix C.1 of DSP0004 V2.4 or later.
property indicates the length of the interval. If non-null, the value of the SampleInterval shall be expressed in interval notation. A value of NULL shall indicate the SampleInterval is unknown. A value of
99990101000000.000000+000 shall indicate the sampling interval is irregular.
TimeScope indicates the time scope to which the metric value applies.
Possible values are:
0 = Unknown
2 = Point
3 = Interval
Property Description
4 = StartupInterval
5..32767 = DMTF Reserved
32768..65535 = Vendor Reserved
Identies the specic units of a value. Examples are Bytes, Packets, Jobs, Files, Milliseconds, and Amps.


Property Description
Boolean that indicates whether this PhysicalElement can be FRUed (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
Indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identied.
A user-friendly name for the object. This property allows each instance to dene a user-friendly name in addition to its key properties, identity data, and description information.
NOTE: The Name property of ManagedSystemElement is also dened as a user-friendly name. But, it is often subclassed to be a Key. It is not reasonable that the same property can convey both identity and a user­friendly name, without inconsistencies. Where Name exists and is not a Key (such as for instances of LogicalDevice), the same information can be present in both the Name and ElementName properties.
Boolean indicating that this Card is a Motherboard or, more generically, a baseboard in a Chassis.
The name of the organization responsible for producing the PhysicalElement. This organization may be the entity from whom the Element is purchased, but it is not necessarily true. The latter information is contained in the Vendor property of CIM_Product.
The name by which the PhysicalElement is known.
Enumeration dening the type of the PhysicalPackage.
Possible values are:
0 = Unknown — Indicates that the package type is not known.
1 = Other — The package type does not correspond to an existing enumerated value. The value is specied using the OtherPackageType property.
2 = Rack
3 = Chassis/Frame
4 = Cross Connect/Backplane
5 = Container/Frame Slot
6 = Power Supply
7 = Fan
Property Description
8 = Sensor
9 = Module/Card
10 = Port/Connector
11 = Battery
12 = Processor
13 = Memory
14 = Power Source/Generator
15 = Storage Media Package (e.g., Disk or Tape Drive)
16 = Blade
17 = Blade Expansion
NOTE: This enumeration expands on the list in the Entity MIB (the attribute, entPhysicalClass). The numeric values are consistent with CIM's enum numbering guidelines, but are slightly dierent than the MIB's values.
The values Rack through Port/Connector are dened per the Entity-MIB (where the semantics of rack are equivalent to the MIB's stack value). The other values (for battery, processor, memory, power source/generator and storage media package) are self-explanatory. A value of Blade should be used when the PhysicalPackage contains the operational hardware aspects of a ComputerSystem, without the supporting mechanicals such as power and cooling. For example, a Blade Server includes processor(s) and memory, and relies on the containing chassis to supply power and cooling. In many respects, a Blade can be considered a inventory systems and diers in terms of service philosophy. For example, a Blade is intended to be hot-plugged into a hosting enclosure without requiring additional cabling, and does not require a cover to be removed from the enclosure for installation. Similarly, a Blade Expansion has characteristics of a Blade and a Module/Card. However, it is distinct from both due to inventory tracking and service philosophy, and because of its hardware dependence on a Blade. A Blade Expansion must be attached to a Blade prior to inserting the resultant assembly into an enclosure.
Module/Card. However, it is tracked dierently by
The part number assigned by the organization that is responsible for producing or manufacturing the PhysicalElement.
The stock-keeping unit number for this PhysicalElement.
An arbitrary string that uniquely identies the Physical Element and serves as the key of the Element. The Tag property can contain information such as asset tag or serial number data. The key for PhysicalElement is placed very high in the object hierarchy to independently identify the hardware or entity, regardless of physical placement in or on Cabinets, Adapters, and so on. For example, a hotswappable or removable component can be taken from its containing (scoping) Package and be temporarily unused. The object still continues to exist and can even be inserted into a dierent scoping container. Therefore, the key for Physical Element is an arbitrary string and is dened independently of any placement or location-oriented hierarchy.


Property Description
A free-form string providing more information if the SecurityBreach property indicates that a breach or some other security-related event occurred.
Boolean that indicates whether this PhysicalElement can be FRUed (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
Indicates the physical form factor for the type of Chassis.
Possible values are:
0 = Unknown
1 = Other
2 = SMBIOS Reserved
3 = Desktop
4 = Low Prole Desktop
5 = Pizza Box
6 = Mini Tower
7 = Tower
8 = Portable
9 = LapTop
10 = Notebook
11 = Hand Held
12 = Docking Station
13 = All in One
14 = Sub Notebook
15 = Space-Saving
16 = Lunch Box
17 = Main System Chassis
18 = Expansion Chassis
19 = SubChassis
20 = Bus Expansion Chassis
21 = Peripheral Chassis
22 = Storage Chassis
23 = SMBIOS Reseved
24 = Sealed-Case PC
25 = SMBIOS Reserved
26 = CompactPCI
27 = AdvancedTCA
28 = Blade Enclosure
29 = SMBIOS Reserved
30 = Tablet
31 = Convertible
32 = Detachable
33 = IoT Gateway
.. = DMTF Reserved
0x8000..0xFFFF = Vendor Reserved
This property may have a value when the PackageType property contains the value 3 Chassis Frame. A value of 28 Blade
Property Description
Enclosure indicates that the Chassis is designed to contain one
or more PhysicalPackage(s) of PackageType 16 Blade or PackageType 17 Blade Expansion.
A string providing more information on the ChassisPackageType.
Indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identied.
A user-friendly name for the object. This property allows each instance to dene a user-friendly name in addition to its key properties, identity data, and description information.
NOTE: The Name property of ManagedSystemElement is also dened as a user-friendly name. But, it is often sub-classed to be a Key. It is not reasonable that the same property can convey both identity and a user­friendly name, without inconsistencies. Where Name exists and is not a Key (such as for instances of LogicalDevice), the same information can be present in both the Name and ElementName properties.
Boolean indicating whether the Frame is protected with a lock.
The name of the organization responsible for producing the PhysicalElement. This organization may be the entity from whom the Element is purchased, but this is not necessarily true. The latter information is contained in the Vendor property of CIM_Product.
The name by which the PhysicalElement is generally known.
The Name property denes the label by which the object is known. When sub-classed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property.
Enumeration dening the type of the PhysicalPackage.
Possible values are:
0 = Unknown — Indicates that the package type is not known.
1 = Other — The package type does not correspond to an existing enumerated value. The value is specied using the OtherPackageType property.
2 = Rack
3 = Chassis/Frame
4 = Cross Connect/Backplane
5 = Container/Frame Slot
6 = Power Supply
7 = Fan
8 = Sensor
9 = Module/Card
10 = Port/Connector
11 = Battery
12 = Processor
Property Description
13 = Memory
14 = Power Source/Generator
15 = Storage Media Package (example, Disk or Tape Drive)
16 = Blade
17 = Blade Expansion
NOTE: This enumeration expands on the list in the Entity MIB (the attribute, entPhysicalClass). The numeric values are consistent with CIM's enum numbering guidelines, but are slightly dierent than the MIB's values.
The values Rack through Port/Connector are dened per the Entity-MIB (where the semantics of rack are equivalent to the MIB's stack value).
The other values (for battery, processor, memory, power source/generator and storage media package) are self­explanatory. A value of Blade should be used when the PhysicalPackage contains the operational hardware aspects of a ComputerSystem, without the supporting mechanicals such as power and cooling. For example, a Blade Server includes processor(s) and memory, and relies on the containing chassis to supply power and cooling.
In many respects, a Blade can be considered a Module/Card. However, it is tracked dierently by inventory systems and diers in terms of service philosophy. For example, a Blade is intended to be hot-plugged into a hosting enclosure without requiring additional cabling, and does not require a cover to be removed from the enclosure for installation. Similarly, a Blade Expansion has characteristics of a Blade and a Module/Card. However, it is distinct from both due to inventory tracking and service philosophy, and because of its hardware dependence on a Blade. A Blade Expansion must be attached to a Blade prior to inserting the resultant assembly into an enclosure.
The part number assigned by the organization that is responsible for producing or manufacturing the PhysicalElement.
Property Ownership Tag of a system.
An enumerated, integer-valued property indicating whether a physical breach of the Frame was attempted but unsuccessful (value = 4) or attempted and successful (value = 5).
Possible values are:
1 = Other
2 = Unknown
3 = No Breach
4 = Breach Attempted
5 = Breach Successful
The stock-keeping unit number for this PhysicalElement.
An arbitrary string that uniquely identies the Physical Element and serves as the key of the Element. The Tag property can contain information such as asset tag or serial number data. The
Property Description
key for PhysicalElement is placed very high in the object hierarchy in order to independently identify the hardware or entity, regardless of physical placement in or on Cabinets, Adapters, and so on. For example, a hotswappable or removable component can be taken from its containing (scoping) Package and be temporarily unused. The object still continues to exist and can even be inserted into a dierent scoping container. Therefore, the key for Physical Element is an arbitrary string and is dened independently of any placement or location-oriented hierarchy.
ChangePropertyOwenershipTag (Method)
ChangeAssetTag (Method)


An array of strings that identify the component that is compatible with, and can be inserted in a slot that reports this string as one of the array element in the VendorCompatibilityStrings. This allows system administrators to determine whether it is appropriate to insert a package into a slot to ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, each value dened by the vendor for use in the VendorCompatibilityStrings property SHOULD be constructed using the following preferred algorithm: : Where and are separated by a colon ':', and where MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity creating/dening the InstanceID, or is a registered ID that is assigned to the business entity by a recognized global authority (This is similar to the _ structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness MUST NOT contain a colon (':'). When using this algorithm, the rst colon to appear in InstanceID MUST appear between and . is chosen by the business entity and SHOULD not be re-used to identify dierent underlying (real-world) elements.
This method allows a user to change the Property Ownership Tag of a system.
This method allows a user to change the Asset Tag of a system.
Boolean that indicates whether this PhysicalElement can be FRUed (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
Indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identied.
A user-friendly name for the object. This property allows each instance to dene a user-friendly name in addition to its key properties, identity data, and description information.
NOTE: The Name property of ManagedSystemElement is also dened as a user-friendly name. But, it is often sub classed to be a Key. It is not reasonable that the same property can convey both identity and a user­friendly name, without inconsistencies. Where Name exists and is not a Key (such as for instances of LogicalDevice), the same information can be present in both the Name and ElementName properties.
Property Description
The name of the organization responsible for producing the PhysicalElement. This organization may be the entity from where the Element is purchased, but this is not necessarily true. The latter information is contained in the Vendor property of CIM_Product.


The name by which the PhysicalElement is generally known.
The part number assigned by the organization that is responsible for producing or manufacturing the PhysicalElement.
A manufacturer-allocated number used to identify the Physical Element.
The stock-keeping unit number for this PhysicalElement.
An arbitrary string that uniquely identies the Physical Element and serves as the key of the Element. The Tag property can contain information such as asset tag or serial number data. The key for PhysicalElement is placed very high in the object hierarchy to independently identify the hardware or entity, regardless of physical placement in or on Cabinets, Adapters, and so on.
For example, a hotswappable or removable component can be taken from its containing (scoping) Package and be temporarily unused. The object still continues to exist and can even be inserted into a dierent scoping container. Therefore, the key for Physical Element is an arbitrary string and is dened independently of any placement or location-oriented hierarchy.
Monitor's bandwidth in Mega Hertz. If unknown, enter 0.
This property represents the brightness/Luminance of the video output. The property value is from 0 to the MaxBrightness property value. If the Brightness property is implemented but the brightness is unknown at the time, the property has a value 0x80000000.
The Caption property is a short textual description (one- line string) of the object.
Color code format supported.
Color Bit Depth.
This property denes a specied color temperature of the display.
Possible values are:
0 = Unknown
2 = sRGB
3 = Display Native
Property Description
4 = 4000K
5 = 5000K
6 = 6500K
7 = 7500K
8 = 8200K
9 = 9300K
1011 = 10000K
12 = 11500K
13 = User 1
14 = User
2 .. = User 3
32768..65535 = DMTF Reserved
This property lists the allowed values for ColorModePreset.
Possible values are:
0 = Unknown
2 = sRGB
3 = Display Native
4 = 4000K
5 = 5000K
6 = 6500K
7 = 7500K
8 = 8200K
9 = 9300K
1011 = 10000K
12 = 11500K
13 = User 1
14 = User
.. = User 3
32768..65535 = DMTF Reserved
Indicates the ability of the instrumentation to communicate with the underlying ManagedElement. A Null return indicates the implementation (provider) does not implement this property.
Possible values are:
0 = Unknown — Indicates that the implementation is in general capable of returning this property, but is unable to do so now.
1 = Not Available — Indicates that the implementation (provider) is capable of returning a value for this property, but not ever for this particular piece of hardware/software or the property is intentionally not used because it adds no meaningful information (as in the case of a property that is intended to add additional info to another property).
2 = Communication OK — indicates that communication is established with the element, but does not convey any quality of service.
3 = Lost Communication — Indicates that the Managed Element is known to exist and has been contacted successfully in the past, but is unreachable.
Property Description
4 = No Contact — Indicates that the monitoring system has knowledge of this element, but has never been able to establish communications with it.
.. = DMTF Reserved
0x8000.. = Vendor Reserved
Composite Sync Signal on Green video is supported.
Composite Sync Signal on Horizontal is supported.
For EDID 1.3, this bit indicated support for or no support for GTF(using the default GTF parameter values). For EDID 1.4 this bit has been redened to indicate Continuous frequency(1) or Non-Continuous Frequency(0).
This property represents the contrast of the video output. The property value is from 0 to the MaxContrast property value. If the Contrast property is implemented but the contrast is unknown at the time, the property has a value 0x80000000.
Indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identied.
This property indicated the current horizontal resolution in pixels.
This property indicated the current vertical resolution in pixels.
Provides a textual description of the object.
An address or other identifying information used to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.
This array property represents various characteristics of a video output device. value.
StandbyModeSupported: the video output device can go into a stand by mode,
SuspendModeSupported: the video output device can go into a suspend mode,
VeryLowPowerSupported: the video output goes into a low power mode. If DisplayCharacteristics is implemented but the value is unknown, the property has an Unknown
Possible values are:
0 = Unknown
2 = StandbyModeSupported
3 = SuspendModeSupported
4 = VeryLowPowerSupported
.. = DMTF Reserved
32768..65535 = Vendor Reserved
This property permits the selection of a preset optimized by manufacturer for an application type or the selection of a user- dened setting.
Property Description
Possible values are:
2 = Standard/default mode
3 = Productivity
4 = Mixed
5 = Movie
6 = User dened
7 = Games
8 = Sports
9 = Professional
10 = Standard (intermediate power)
11 = Standard(low power)
12 = demonstration
13 = Dynamic contrast
.. = DMTF Reserved
32768..65535 = Vendor Reserved
This property lists the allowed values for DisplayMode.
Possible values are:
2 = Standard/default mode
3 = Productivity
4 = Mixed
5 = Movie
6 = User dened
7 = Games
8 = Sports
9 = Professional
10 = Standard (intermediate power)
11 = Standard(low power)
12 = demonstration
13 = Dynamic contrast
.. = DMTF Reserved
32768..65535 = Vendor Reserved
Display transfer characteristics(GAMMA).Range is from 1.00­>3.54. GAMMA = (EDID Value + 100) / 100
EDID version and reversion number.
A user-friendly name for the object. This property allows each instance to dene a user-friendly name in addition to its key properties, identity data, and description information.
NOTE: The Name property of ManagedSystemElement is also dened as a user-friendly name. But, it is often subclassed to be a Key. It is not reasonable that the same property can convey both identity and a user­friendly name, without inconsistencies. Where Name exists and is not a Key (such as for instances of LogicalDevice), the same information can be present in both the Name and ElementName properties.
Property Description
An enumerated value indicating an administrator's default or startup conguration for the Enabled State of an element.
Possible values are:
2 = Enabled
3 = Disabled
5 = Not Applicable
6 = Enabled but Oine
7 = No Default
9 = Quiesce
.. = DMTF Reserved
32768..65535 = Vendor Reserved
By default, the element is Enabled (value = 2).
An integer enumeration that indicates the enabled and disabled states of an element. It can also indicate the transitions between these requested states. For example, shutting down (value = 4) and starting (value = 10) are transient states between enabled and disabled.
Possible values are:
0 = Unknown
1 = Other
2 = Enabled — Indicates that the element is or could be executing commands, will process any queued commands, and queues new requests.
3 = Disabled — Indicates that the element will not run commands and drops any new requests.
4 = Shutting Down — Indicates that the element is in the process of going to a Disabled state.
5 = Not Applicable — Indicates that the element does not support being enabled or disabled.
6 = Enabled but Oine — Indicates that the element may be completing commands, and drops any new requests.
7 = In Test — Indicates that the element is in a test state.
8 = Deferred — Indicates that the element may be completing commands, but queues any new requests.
9 = Quiesce — Indicates that the element is enabled but in a restricted mode.
10 = Starting — Indicates that the element is in the process of going to an Enabled state. New requests are queued.
11..32767 = DMTF Reserved
32768..65535 = Vendor Reserved
This property is a horizontal synchronization signal frequency in Hz as determined by the display.
This property is a vertical synchronization signal frequency in Hz as determined by the display.
Indicates the current health of the element. This attribute expresses the health of this element but not necessarily that of its subcomponents.
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