Dell Vizioncore Web Component Guide

vFoglight™ 5.2.4
Web Component Guide
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Web Component Guide March 2009 Version 5.2.4
Table of Contents
Introduction to this Guide...................................................................................................................................7
About vFoglight ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
About this Guide............................................................................................................................................................... 8
vFoglight Documentation Suite ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Core Documentation Set....................................................................................................................................... 10
Cartridge Documentation Sets .............................................................................................................................. 10
Feedback on the Documentation........................................................................................................................... 11
Text Conventions........................................................................................................................................................... 11
About Vizioncore Inc. ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Contacting Dell............................................................................................................................................................... 14
Introducing the Web Component Framework.................................................................................................27
Services Management with vFoglight............................................................................................................................. 28
The vFoglight Browser Interface’s Views .............................................................................................................. 28
Configuring the Default Views............................................................................................................................... 28
Overview of the Web Component Framework ............................................................................................................... 29
The User Interface.......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Anatomy of a Typical Dashboard .......................................................................................................................... 31
View Components ................................................................................................................................................. 32
Overview of Web Components.........................................................................................................................43
View Components, Containers, and Renderers............................................................................................................. 44
Common................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Containers............................................................................................................................................................. 45
Tables and Trees................................................................................................................................................... 47
Charts and Gauges ............................................................................................................................................... 47
Time Range........................................................................................................................................................... 48
4 vFoglight
Web Component Guide
Reporting ..............................................................................................................................................................49
The Web Component Framework....................................................................................................................55
Core Concepts................................................................................................................................................................56
Modules .................................................................................................................................................................56
Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................63
On Null Values.......................................................................................................................................................63
Default Values........................................................................................................................................................64
Data Sources, Data Types, and Data Objects.......................................................................................................64
Using the Web Component Framework..........................................................................................................................66
The Web Component Framework Editor ...............................................................................................................66
An Example Page..................................................................................................................................................68
Web Component Framework in vFoglight..............................................................................................................69
Managing Dashboards...................................................................................... ..............................................................69
Definitions Panes............. ....... ...... .............................................................................. ...........................................70
Data and Data Sources Pages ..............................................................................................................................71
Definitions Pane............................................................. ...... ..................................................................................72
Web Component Framework Workflow .................................................................................................................74
Additional Documentation....................................................................................................... ...............................74
Customizing the UI Quickly....................................................................................................................................74
Finding Pages: Bookmarks....................................................................................................................................74
Queries............................................................................................................................................................... 75
Overview of Query Definitions........................................................................................................................................76
Creating a Query in vFoglight.........................................................................................................................................76
Query Definition Settings.......................................................................................................................................77
Conditional Types..................................................................................................................................................87
Table of Contents 5
Sequence of Evaluation .........................................................................................................................................91
Parameters in Queries....................................................................................................................................................94
Creating a Query.............................................................................................................................................................94
Configuring Views and Context......................................................................................................................101
Configuring Views.........................................................................................................................................................102
Creating a New Container View...........................................................................................................................102
Definitions Page for a View..................................................................................................................................105
Definitions Pane Settings Tabs............................................................................................................................107
General Tab .........................................................................................................................................................108
Context tab...........................................................................................................................................................112
Configuration Tab.................................................................................................................................................113
Flow tab................................................................................................................................................................114
Layout Tab................................................. ....... ...... ....... ......................................................................................121
Views Tab.............................................................................................................................................................122
Context and the Context Tab........................................................................................................................................122
Context Tab..........................................................................................................................................................123
Context Types......................................................................................................................................................124
Additional Context................................................................................................................................................125
Dynamic Context................................................................................................... ...... .........................................126
Flow Context ........................................................................................................................................................127
Runtime Values................................................................................................................................................129
Configurable Properties and Runtime Values...............................................................................................................130
Simple Types........................................................................................................................................................130
Runtime Value Types...........................................................................................................................................131
Details of each Runtime Value.............................................................................................................................133
Additional Components ..................................................................................................................................147
Renderers .....................................................................................................................................................................148
Setting Renderers, Icons and Units in Views.......................................................................................................148
6 vFoglight
Web Component Guide
Determining the Appropriate Renderer for a Runtime Value ...............................................................................154
Theme and Module Resources.....................................................................................................................................155
WCFMODULE .....................................................................................................................................................156
Web Browser Printing..........................................................................................................................................157
PDF Generation...................................................................................................................................................157
Reports ................................................................................................................................................................158
Remote Access to Views..............................................................................................................................................160
Google Gadget.....................................................................................................................................................161
SharePoint Web Part...........................................................................................................................................162
Index................................................................................................................................................................. 163

Introduction to this Guide

This chapter provides information about what is contained in the vFoglight Web Component Guide. It also provides information about the vFoglight documentation suite
and Vizioncore.
This chapter contains the following sections:
About vFoglight..............................................................................................................................8
About this Guide............................................................................................................................8
vFoglight Documentation Suite......................................................................................................9
Text Conventions.........................................................................................................................11
About Vizioncore Inc....................................................................................................................12
8 vFoglight
Web Component Guide

About vFoglight

vFoglight helps IT organizations understand the virtual infrastructure by managing the relationships and interaction between all the components in the environment, includ ing data centers, data stores, clusters, resource pools, hosts and virtual machines. With vFoglight, administrators can quickly determine the root-cause of an incident or problem, track virtual machine (VM) movements and understand their impact, and identify contention for resources between virtual machines.

About this Guide

This Web Component Guide provides information about the vFoglight command-l ine interface. You can use vFoglight commands to interface with different components of your monitoring environment instead of the browser interface.
This guide is intended for vFoglight System Administrators who want to use the vFoglight commands.
The Web Component Guide is organized as follows: Chapter 1, About the Command-Line Interface—Explains the command-line
syntax, lists vFoglight commands and introduces the command-line interface using a getting started approach. Read this chapter to get an overview of vFoglight commands and how to get started.
Chapter 2, Managing the vFoglight Management Server—Describes the commands that allow you to perform server-related operations through the command-line interface and provides detailed instructions on how to get started with those commands. It provides reference information on server-related commands along with usage examples. Use the server-related commands to perform a variety of tasks such as starting or stopping the vFoglight Management Server, upgrading the database, or managing encryption keys.
Chapter 3, Managing the vFoglight Agent Manager—Describes the commands that allow you to access the vFoglight Agent Manager through the command-line interface along with instructions on how to configure your environment to obtain access to the commands that allow you to start or stop the vFoglight Agent Manager, display version information, or manage JVM options. Use this chapter to find reference information on the commands for managing the vFoglight Agent Manager along with usage examples.
Chapter 4, Managing Agents, Cartridges and Metrics—Provides information about the fglcmd interface that contains commands for managing common vFoglight entities
such as agents, cartridges and metrics. It also explains the fglcmd syntax and contains additional getting started instructions that show you how to configure your environment. Use this chapter to find reference information about the fglcmd commands and usage examples.
Appendix A, vFoglight Client Commands—Describes the commands that allow you to access the vFoglight Client through the command-line interface along with instructions on how to configure your environment to obtain access to the commands that allow you to start or stop the vFoglight Client display version information, or manage JVM options. Use this chapter to find reference information on the commands for managing the vFoglight Client along with usage examples.

vFoglight Documentation Suite

The vFoglight documentation suite is made up of the core documentation set, plus the documentation set for each vFoglight cartridge that you deploy. Documentation is
provided in a combination of online help, PDF and HTML.
Online Help: You can open the online help by selecting the Help tab from
vFoglight’s action panel.
Introduction to this Guide 9
vFoglight Documentation Suite
PDF: The Getting Started Guide, What’s New Guide, System Requirements and
Platform Support Guide, Installation and Setup Guide set, Administration and Configuration Guide, vFoglight User Guide, Command-Line Reference Guide, Web Component Guide, and Web Component Tutorial, are provided as PDF files.
10 vFoglight
Web Component Guide

Core Documentation Set

The core documentation set consists of the following files:
Release Notes (HTML)
Getting Started Guide (PDF )
What’s New Guide (PDF)
System Requirements and Platform Support Guide (PDF)
Installation and Setup Guide set (all in PDF format):
Administration and Configuration Guide (PDF and online help)
vFoglight User Guide (PDF and online help)
Advanced Configuration Guide set
The PDF guides are included in the zip file downloaded from Vizioncore. Adobe® Reader® is required.
HTML: Release Notes are provided in HTML.
• Installation and Setup Guide—Installing on Windows with an Embedded MySQL Database
• Installation and Setup Guide—Installing on Windows with an External MySQL Database
• Installation and Setup Guide—Installing on Windows with an External Oracle Database
Command-Line Reference Guide (PDF and online help)
Web Component Guide (PDF and online help)
Web Component Tutorial (PDF and online help)
Web Component Reference (online help)

Cartridge Documentation Sets

When you deploy a cartridge, the documentation set for the cartridge is installed. The online help for the cartridge is integrated automatically with the core vFoglight help. When you open the help, the name of the cartridge is displayed in a top level entry within the table of contents.
Some cartridges include additional PDF guides, which may be one or more of the following: a Getting Started Guide, an Installation Guide, a User Guide, and a Reference Guide.

Feedback on the Documentation

We are interested in receiving feedback from you about our documentation. For example, did you notice any errors in the documentation? Were any features undocumented? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve the documentation? All comments are welcome. Please submit your feedback to the following email address:
Please do not submit Technical Support related issues to this email address.

Text Conventions

The following table summarizes how text styles are used in this guide:
Introduction to this Guide 11
Text Conventions
Convention Description
Interface Bold text is used for interface options that you select (such as
Files, components, and documents
Monospace text represents code, code objects, and command­line input. This includes:
• Java language source code and examples of file contents
• Classes, objects, methods, properties, constants, and events
• HTML documents, tags, and attributes Monospace-plus-italic text represents variable code or
command-line objects that are replaced by an actual value or parameter.
menu items) as well as keyboard commands. Italic text is used to highlight the following items:
• Pathnames, file names, and programs
• The names of other documents referenced in this guide
12 vFoglight
Web Component Guide

About Vizioncore Inc.

Vizioncore was formed in July 2002 as a consulting and software-development company with the mission to create easy-to-use software solutions that performed reliable and repeatable automation of datacenter functions specifically for the Citrix platform. A main corporate goal was to enable business partners to offer solutions that targeted real-world IT issues and provided the best possible installation and automation for their clients' systems.
Vizioncore's solutions have proved successful in organizations from small to mid-sized businesses to large enterprises, in a wide variety of vertical industries, including Financial Services, Government, Healthcare, Manufacturing, and High Tech. Vizioncore, Inc. can be found in offices around the globe and at
Introduction to this Guide 13
About Vizioncore Inc.

Contacting Dell

Note: If you do not have an active Internet connection, you can find contact information on your purchase invoice, packing slip, bill, or Dell product catalog.
Dell provides several online and telephone-based support and service options. Availability varies by country and product, and some services may not be available in your area. To contact Dell for sales, technical support, or customer service issues:
Verify your country or region in the Choose A Country/Region drop-down menu at the bottom of the page.
Click Contact Us on the left side of the page.Note: Toll-free numbers are for use within the country for which they are listed.
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0820 240 530 00 0820 240 530 49 0820 240 530 14 0820 240 530 17 0820 240 530 16 0820 240 530 17 0820 240 530 00
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02 481 92 88 02 481 92 95
02 713 15 65
02 481 91 00 02 481 91 99 02 481 91 00
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592 818 1308 toll-free: 800 858 2222 toll-free: 800 858 2557 toll-free: 800 858 2055 toll-free: 800 858 2628 toll-free: 800 858 2999 toll-free: 800 858 2955
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22537 2727 22537 2707 22537 2714 22537 2728 22537 2711
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Web Address Technical Support Gold Service Technical Support Switchboard Gold Service Switchboard Sales Fax
Web Address E-Mail Address Technical Support, Customer Service, Sales
toll-free: 999-119-877-655-3355
toll-free: 1800-999-119-877-655-3355
0207 533 555
0207 533 538
0207 533 533
0207 533 540
0207 533 530
0207 533 533
0207 533 530
0825 387 270
0825 832 833
0825 004 700
04 99 75 40 00
0825 004 700
0825 004 701
04 99 75 40 01
0825 004 719
0825 338 339
55 94 71 00
01 55 94 71 00
069 9792-7200
069 9792-7320 069 9792-7320 069 9792-7320 069 9792-7320 069 9792-7000
00800-44 14 95 18 00800-44 14 00 83
2108129810 2108129811 2108129800 2108129812
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E-Mail Address Technical Support, Customer Service, Sales
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00852-2969 3188 00852-2969 3191
00852-2969 3196 00852-3416 0906
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1850 543 543
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1850 333 200
1850 664 656
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204 4014
1850 200 982
204 0103
204 4444 0870 906 0010 0870 907 4499
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02 696 821 12
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02 577 821
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Web Address Support Home/Small Business Sales Corporate Sales Customer Service Fax
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toll-free: 080-200-3600
2194-6202 2194-6000
512 728-4093
512 728-3619 512 728-3883
512 728-4397
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26 25 77 81
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34 160 910 29 693 115
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Web Address Technical Support - Dell Precision, OptiPlex, and Latitude Technical Support - Dimension, Inspiron, and Electronics and Accessories Technical Support - PowerApp, PowerEdge, PowerConnect, and PowerVault Customer Service Transaction Sales Corporate Sales
Web Address E-mail Address Customer Technical Support Sales Customer Service Main
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Web Address Technical Support Relational Customer Service Home/Small Business Customer Service Switchboard Fax Switchboard
Web Address E-mail Address Technical Support, Customer Service, Sales
Web Address E-mail Address Technical Support, Customer Service, Sales
toll-free: 1800 880 193
toll-free: 1800 881 306
toll-free: 1800 881 386
toll-free: 1800 881 306 (option 6)
toll-free: 1800 888 202
toll-free: 1800 888 213
001-877-384-8979 or 001-877-269-3383
50-81-8800 or 01-800-888-3355
001-877-384-8979 or 001-877-269-3383
50-81-8800 or 01-800-888-3355
Toll-free: 1-866-278-6822
020 674 45 00 020 674 47 66 020 674 42 00 020 674 43 25 020 674 55 00 020 674 50 00 020 674 47 75 020 674 47 50 020 674 50 00 020 674 47 50
0800 441 567
671 16882 671 17575 231 62298 671 16800 671 16865
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0870 907 4000 01344 860 456
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Introducing the Web Component Framework

The Web Component Framework (WCF) is the software that enables you to build a browser interface and perform specific tasks such as monitoring data. By configuring these views, you can display data in a variety of tabular and graphical formats. The retrieved data can be filtered, sorted, and truncated. The full list of properties for each component is given in the view pages that are accessible from the Help menu on the browser interface. This document provides an introduction to these components and describes the underlying mechanisms that allow them to display data retrieved from vFoglight or other sources with the same data structure.
For a quick introduction to how dashboards are built and populated with sample views, try the Vizioncore View Component Tutorial, which is also accessible from the Help menu on the vFoglight browser interface.
This chapter provides information about dashboards and the components used to build them.
The WCF is not just a tool to build a plain Web page. With it you can build pages that update themselves, you can add drill down pages that depend on the context of the choice made on the parent page, and add a large number of useful components to the pages that you build. This manual describes the WCF and shows you how to understand and use it.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Services Management with vFoglight..........................................................................................28
Overview of the Web Component Framework.............................................................................29
The User Interface.......................................................................................................................30
28 vFoglight
Web Component Guide

Services Management with vFoglight

Enterprise services management applications typically gather gigabytes of monitoring data and then attempt to organize the data in a meaningful way. That’ s a lot of capability , and the volume of data being collected can be overwhelming. The views in the browser interface attempt to organize the data into meaningful summaries, with drilldown pages to increasingly specific information about a chosen component, such as a single host or a particular database instance.
The top-level screens, those you see when the browser interface is first launched, have been organized around the concept of services and have been designed to show a view that should be useful to a broad range of users—those with typical environments. In all likelihood your environment is not quite typical, and as you gain familiarity with the browser interface’s views you will imagine ways that they could be improved to better fit the way that you would like to organize and visualize your data.

The vFoglight Browser Interface’s Views

Vizioncore’s designers anticipated a user’s need to customize the browser interface, so they included the means to allow you to access the UI’s component framework and with it to create custom views. You can populate these views with other display components, such as charts and tables, and connect them to data sources. It is the same data that the vFoglight agents have been configured to collect, but now it is organized in a way that best fits a given business model and the information needs particular to that model.
The end result is a monitoring system that organizes data in a way that mirrors the business model. Real-time monitoring data is presented in a way that is easily viewed, and it fosters better control of the application's availability. This also helps with service level management. Because custom views show services in a cleaner way, a monitor can inform application and IT managers about end-user service levels, notify stakeholders when those service levels are violated, and assign problem resolution tasks to the appropriate domain experts. Custom views that focus on known trouble spots can help establish processes for quick recovery from system failure

Configuring the Default Views

vFoglight employs a configurable Web-based interface. By doing your own custom configurations, you apply your detailed knowledge of your system to augment or replace the out-of-the-box views vFoglight shows by default.
Introducing the Web Component Framework 29

Overview of the Web Component Framework

You can modify the existing components in the browser interface using the following operations:
• Create a custom dasboard easily by dragging existing views or data from the action panel to it. This is the simplest way of creating a new view.
You can add any view that is designated as a portlet, thus building up a custom page. The data tab on the action panel presents choices from which you can drag metric charts and position them on the page.
• In the action panel, you can adjust the width of the views place on a page by choosing the number of columns.
• Add dashboards to My Definitions. This requires more expertise, but it allows access to the framework, so you can define completely new views.
• Create a Report.
• Add Bookmarks.
Overview of the Web Component Framework
The Web Component Framework provides the underlying structure from which you can build the user interface for your application. A configuration framework makes it easy to deploy dashboards and their views into various application environments. The components it requires for operation are accessed through an interface so that the application that uses the Web Component Framework can provide these services from their own infrastructure without having to use arbitrary mechanisms that are not core to the Web Component Framework.
The Web Component Framework consists of a structure for hosting related views called view components, and container services that host data sources. It is a superset of the View Component collection that contains other control components, such as renderers. It is used to build thin client interfaces for products that are primarily (but not necessarily) in the systems management domain.
The Web Component Framework is written in Java and is capable of running in a web container such as To mcat. It can be used on contemporary Web browsers without requiring the use of a plug-in. It is portal-like, but is not a JSR-168 standard portal.
It supports multiple data sources. With it you can configure multiple data queries and display this data using views. Queries are the primary mechanism used to extract data from the W eb Component Framework data sources. A view can use more than one query (to extract data for display), and a query can use more than one data object.
30 vFoglight
Web Component Guide
Apart from creating applications using the Web Component Framework, there are several important considerations:
• The Dashboard interface (default views)
• Data interface (data representation, relationships in the system, ability to query data)
• Persistence interface (data storage)
• Permissions interface (ability to set rules and privileges).
See the vFoglight core documentation set for a discussion of these topics.

The User Interface

The vFoglight User Guide describes the overall appearance of the vFoglight user interface. This document describes the part of the interface used to define, view and edit elements of the Web Component Framework. Other top-level trim elements contain buttons supplied by the application. This manual concerns itself with the Definitions area that is accessed in the right navigation panel. The Definitions area allows you to examine and work with all the existing entities in the We b Co mponent Framework that is used to build all the views in the vFoglight user interface.
The figure shows that you access the Definitions area by choosing Definitions under Dashboards > Configuration in the left navigation panel.
Note The Design tab is available on any non-portal page to those whose role includes that of
dashboard designer. It shows a hierarchical list of all the views on the page. Selecting a particular view shows information about it in the lower pane, allowing you easy access to child views.
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