Dell Vizioncore Installation & Configuration Guide

Cartridge For Guest Process Investigation
Installation and Configuration Guide
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Installation and Configuration Guide March 2009 Version
Table of Contents
Installing and Configuring the Cartridge for Guest Process Investigation....................................................5
Planning Your Cartridge for Guest Process Investigation Installation and Configuration ................................................ 6
Installing the Cartridge for Guest Process Investigation on vFoglight..................................................................... 6
Installing the Cartridge for Guest Process Investigation on vFoglight..................................................................... 7
Installing and Configuring WinRM ................................................................................................................................... 7
Downloading WinRM............................................................................................................................................... 8
WinRM Configuration . ...... ....... .............................................................................. ...... ....... ..................................... 8
Listening for Remote Connections .......................................................................................................................... 8
Installing the vFoglight Agent Manager (FglAM).............................................................................................................. 9
Configuring Root Certificates for FglAM......................................................................................................................... 10
Installing the Cartridge for Guest Process Investigation Cartridge................................................................................. 10
4 vFoglight Cartridge for Guest Process Investigation
Installation and Configuration Guide
+ 9 hidden pages