Dell Smart Plug-in Version 4.0 for HP
Operations Manager 9.0 for Microsoft
Release Notes

Release Type and Definition
Dell Smart Plug-in (SPI) for HP Operations Manager (HPOM) enables the datacenter
customers to monitor the Dell devices (servers, chassis, remote access controllers, storage,
and network switches) in an environment managed by HP Operations Manager console. Dell
Smart Plug-in for HP Operations Manager also supports console launch of Dell devices and
other Dell tools to perform further troubleshooting and configuration or management
4.0 Rev. A00
Release Date:
March 2014
Previous Version:
OPTIONAL: Dell recommends the customer to review specifics about the software update to
determine if it applies to your system. The update contains changes that impact certain
configurations, or provides new features that may/may not apply to your environment.
Platforms Affected
Dell PowerEdge Servers (9G-12G):
1900, 1950, 1955, 2900, 2950, 2970, 6950, M520, M605, M610, M610x, M710, M710HD, M805,
M820, M905, M910, M915, M920, R200, R210, R210 II, R320, R410, R510, R515, R520, R610,
R620, R710, R715, R720, R720xd, R415, R420, R805, R810, R815, R820, R905, R910, T100, T105,
T110, T110 II, T310, T320, T410, T420, T610, T620, T710, R920, M620, M420, FC620, FC420,
and FM120
Dell PowerVault NX Storage Arrays (9G-12G):
NX200, NX300, NX3000, NX3100, NX400, NX3200, and NX3300
Dell Chassis:

PowerEdge VRTX (VRTX CMC), PowerEdge M1000e (CMC), PowerEdge FX2 (FX2 CMC), and
PowerEdge 1955 Chassis (DRAC/MC)
Dell EqualLogic PS-Series Storage Arrays:
PS5000, PS5500, PS4000, PS6000, PS6010, PS4100, PS6100, PS6500, PS6510 PS4110, PS6110,
PSM4110, and PS6210
Dell PowerVault MD Storage Arrays:
MD3000, MD3000i, MD3200, MD3200i, MD3220, MD3220i, MD3600i, MD3600f, MD3620i,
MD3620f, MD3260, MD3260i, MD3660i, MD3660f, MD3060e, MD3400, MD3420, MD3800i,
MD3820i, MD3800f, MD3820f, MD3460, MD3860i, and MD3860f
Dell Compellent Storage Arrays:
Series 40 and SC8000
Dell Network Switches:
S25, S50, S55, S60, S4810, S4820T, S5000, and S6000
8024, 8132, 8164, 8024F, 8132F, and 8164F
What is supported?
For the list of supported hardware, software, operating systems, web browsers and license
requirements, see "Dell Smart Plug-in Version 4.0 for HP Operations Manager 9.0 for
Microsoft Windows User’s Guide".
What’s new
Dell Smart Plug-in v4.0 for HP Operations Manager 9.0 for Microsoft Windows supports the
following new features:
* Monitoring of the following Dell devices:
- Dell PowerEdge VRTX Chassis
- Dell PowerVault NX and Compellent Storage Arrays
- Dell M-Series, S-Series, Z-Series, and 8000/8100 Series Network Switches
* Support for the following one-to-one Dell device specific console launches