16.10.00 (64-bit)
Release Notes

Release Type and Definition
This release notes provides information for Dell OpenManage Server Update Utility for Dell’s 12th and 13th
generation of PowerEdge servers.
The Dell OpenManage Server Update Utility has four ISOs : for Dell’s 12th and 13th generation of
PowerEdge servers for 64-bit operating systems (Microsoft Windows and Linux separate) and for
platforms from Dell’s 10th generation of PowerEdge servers till Dell’s 13th generation of PowerEdge
servers for 32-bit operating systems (Microsoft Windows and Linux separate).
This file also contains updated information for your "Dell OpenManage Server Update Utility User's Guide"
and any other technical documentation that is included with Server Update Utility (SUU).
See the Dell Support website located at "dell.com/openmanagemanuals" for more information and to
download the latest version of SUU.
Note: For information on Dell Update Packages (DUP), see the DUP Release notes files present on the
Release Date:
October, 2016
Previous Version
RECOMMENDED: It is recommended to apply this update during your next scheduled update cycle. The
update contains feature enhancements or changes that will help keep the system software current and
compatible with other system modules (firmware, BIOS, drivers, and application).
It is recommended that you review the update procedure to determine if it applies to your system. The
update contains changes that may impact only certain configurations, or provides new features that
may/may not apply to your environment.
What’s New
Support for Microsoft Windows Server 2016
SUU supports the platform: PowerEdge Server R830.

NOTE: SUU 64 – bit support is available for all 64 – bit operating systems on Dell’s 12th generation and
13th generation of PowerEdge servers (only for BIOS and Firmware updates).
NOTE: SUU support is available for Dell OpenManage Server Administrator 8.1 on Dell’s 10th generation
of PowerEdge servers and later generations.
What is Supported
Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows Server 2016
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows Server 2012, Essentials, Enterprise, Datacenter and Foundation x64 editions
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation, Standard, Enterprise, and Datacenter and Web
x64 editions with SP1
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Foundation, Standard, Enterprise, and Datacenter and Web x86
and x64 editions with SP2
Virtualization Operating Systems
Microsoft Hyper-V R2 Server
Linux Operating Systems
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 x64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 x64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 update 8 x64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 update 2 x64
Virtualization Operating Systems:
Citrix XenServer v6.5
See the "Dell Systems Software Support Matrix" for the latest list of supported Dell PowerEdge systems
and operating systems. The Dell Systems Software Support Matrix' is available at
SUU 16.10.00 supports the following Web browsers:
Internet Explorer 11.0, 10.0 and 9.0
Mozilla Firefox 12.0, 11.0 and 10.0
Platform(s) Affected
SUU 16.10.00 supports the following PowerEdge systems running the supported Linux and Windows
operating systems:
R530XD, R930, R830, R330, R230, T130, T330, C6320, DSS1500, DSS1510, DSS2500
SUU supports the following Dell VRTX systems running the supported Linux and Windows operating
M520, M620, M820, M630, M830