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Alert Cause and Recovery Action . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
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. . . . . . . . . 27
This document is intended for system administrators who use the
Dell™ Server PRO Management Pack (Dell PRO Pack) to monitor
Dell systems and take remedial action when an inefficient system
is identified.
The Dell PRO Pack integrates with the following:
•Microsoft® System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) 2007 SP1
•SCOM 2007 R2
•System Center Essentials (SCE) 2007 version1
•System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) 2008
•SCVMM 2008 R2
This integration enables you to proactively manage virtual environments and
ensure high availability of your Dell systems.
To implement PRO Pack, see "Getting Started with Dell PRO Pack".
CAUTION: Due to the possibility of data corruption and/ or data loss, it is
recommended that the procedures in this document should be performed only by
personnel with knowledge and experience of using the Microsoft Windows
operating system and Systems Center Operations Manager 2007/ System Center
Essentials 2007.
NOTE: The Readme file, DellPROMP2.0_Readme.txt contains the latest information
about the software and management station requirements, as well as information
about known issues. It is posted on the Systems Management documentation page
on the Dell Support website at The readme file is also
packaged in the self-extracting executable Dell_ PROPack_2.0.0_A00.exe.
What’s New in this Release?
This release of PRO Pack supports the following:
•SCOM 2007 R2
•SCVMM 2008 R2
•Virtual machine live migration with no downtime
•Feature to Override Dell PRO Pack default recovery actions
•Additional Dell OpenManage™ alerts
•Change in the names of recovery actions from "Maintenance mode" and
"VM Migration" in PRO Pack 1.0 to "Restrict", and "Restrict and Migrate"
•Improvements on the resolutions of some old alerts
For more information on the alerts and their resolutions, see "Alert Cause and
Recovery Action."
SCOM 2007/SCE 2007 uses PRO-enabled Management Pack to collect and
store information on Dell hardware along with a description of their health
status. Dell PRO Pack works with SCOM/SCE (henceforth, referred to as
Operations Manager) and SCVMM 2008 to manage Dell physical devices and
their hosted virtual machines using this available health information. Dell PRO
Pack recommends remedial actions when monitored objects transition to an
unhealthy state (for example, virtual disk failure or predictive drive error),
by leveraging the monitoring and alerting capabilities of Operations Manager
and remediation capabilities of SCVMM.
Related Terms
A managed system
Administrator, which is monitored and managed using Operations
Manager and SCVMM. It can be managed locally or remotely using
supported tools.
A management station
based Dell System that has the Operations Manager and SCVMM
installed to manage virtual workloads.
is a Dell system running Dell™ OpenManage™ System
managing station
can be a Microsoft Windows -
What is a PRO Tip?
PRO (Performance and Resource Optimization) Tip is a feature that enables
monitoring of your virtualized infrastructure and alerting when there is an
opportunity to optimize the usage of these resources. A PRO Tip window
contains the description of the event that produced the PRO Tip and the
suggested remedial action. This feature allows you to perform a load-balance
of virtual machines between physical hosts when specific threshold values are
reached. Alternatively, you can migrate virtual machines when a hardware
failure is detected.
The PRO Tip window in the SCVMM Administrator console enables you to
view active PRO Tips for the host groups. The Operations Manager console
displays the corresponding alerts as well, to ensure a consistent monitoring
You can implement the recommended action mentioned in the PRO Tip
manually. You can also configure PRO tip to implement the recommended
action automatically.
Feature Highlights
Dell PRO Pack:
•Performs PRO-management of Dell PowerEdge™ systems running
Microsoft Hyper-V™ platforms, by continually monitoring the health of
your physical and virtual infrastructure.
•Works with Operations Manager and SCVMM to detect events such as
loss of power supply redundancy, higher temperature than threshold
values, system storage battery error, virtual disk failure, and so on. For more
information on events supported by Dell PRO Pack, see "Alert Cause and
Recovery Action".
•Generates PRO Tip when the monitored hardware moves to an unhealthy
•Minimizes downtime by implementing the remedial action provided on
PRO Tips. The two remedial actions are:
temporarily unavailable for placement of new virtual machines until
the maintenance tasks have been completed.
In this mode, it is recommended that the server should be
Managed System 1Managed System 2
Management StationManagement Station
Dell PowerEdge
Hyper-V Hypervisor
Management Agents
Dell PowerEdge
Hyper-V Hypervisor
Dell PowerEdge
SCE 2007 SP1/
SCOM 2007 SP1/R2
Dell PowerEdge
SCVMM 2008/R2
PRO Pack
Management Agents
Restrict and migrate:
In this mode, in order to prevent loss of service
from the virtual workloads, it is recommended that all running virtual
machines be migrated from the server to another healthy server
Understanding PRO Tip Management
To help you understand how Dell PRO Pack works, this section explains a
typical setup and the sequence of events involved.
Figure 1-1. Interaction of Components
In the figure, a group of PowerEdge systems are the managed systems. Two
PowerEdge systems act as management stations hosting the Operations
Manager and SCVMM. Dell OpenManage Server Administrator generates
alerts with corresponding severity when there is a transition to an unhealthy
state and the same alerts are monitored by Dell PRO Pack for PRO.
Dell PRO Pack contains a mapping between Server Administrator alerts and
the associated remedial action.
The following table describes the sequence of events that occur in generating
and handling of a typical PRO Tip.
Table 1-1. Sequence of events with description
Sequence NumberEvent
1Operations Manager agents on the host enable to
detect the warning, error, or failure alerts that are
logged by Dell OpenManage Server Administrator.
2Alert is sent to Operations Manager.
3Operations Manager console displays active PRO
specific alerts.
4Operations Manager notifies the alert and the
associated PRO Tip ID to SCVMM.
5SCVMM displays a corresponding entry in the
PRO Tip window with remedial action.
6Implement the PRO Tip to enable recovery action on
the managed system that is, either placing the
managed system in the restricted mode, or restrict and
migrate virtual machines from the managed system.
7SCVMM notifies Operations Manager about the
successful completion of the recovery action.
8The SCVMM console displays the status of the PRO
Tip as "Resolved" after it is successfully implemented.
9PRO Tip disappears from SCVMM PRO tip window.
10PRO Active alert disappears from SCOM.
For more information on the types of events and the associated remedial
actions, see "Alert Cause and Recovery Action".
Supported Operating Systems
For the detailed Operating Systems support matrix, see the Dell PRO Pack
readme file, DellPROMP2.0_Readme.txt. You
the self-extra
posted on the Systems Management documentation page on the
Dell Support website at
cting executable -
Dell_ PROPack_2.0.0_A00.exe.
can find the readme packaged in
It is also
Other Documents You May Need
Besides this guide, you can find the following guides on the Systems
Management and Systems documentation pages on the Dell Support website
Dell OpenManage Server Administrator CIM Reference Guide
documents the Common Information Model (CIM) provider, an extension
of the standard management object format (MOF) file. The CIM provider
MOF documents supported classes of management objects.
Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Messages Reference Guide
the messages that are displayed in your Server Administrator home page
Alert log or on your operating system’s event viewer. This guide explains
the text, severity, and cause of each service alert message that Server
Administrator issues.
Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Command Line Interface
User's Guide
Administrator, including an explanation of the command line interface
(CLI) commands to view system status, access logs, create reports,
configure various component parameters, and set critical thresholds.
documents the complete command line interface for Server
The Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD contains
a readme file for Server Administrator and additional readme files for
other systems management software applications found on the DVD.
For documentation on virtualization solutions, see the Dell Support website at
Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Storage Management User's Guide
is a comprehensive reference guide for configuring and managing local and
remote storage attached to a system. This document is also available in
HTML and PDF formats on the
Documentation DVD
online help.
and from the Storage Management console as
Systems Management Tools and
Obtaining Technical Assistance
If at any time you do not understand a procedure described in this guide, or
if your product does not perform as expected, different types of help are
available. For more information see "Getting Help" in your system’s
Installation and Troubleshooting Guide or the Hardware Owner’s Manual.
Additionally, Dell Enterprise Training and Certification is available;
see for more information. This service might not
be offered in all locations.
Getting Started with Dell PRO Pack
Minimum Requirements
To implement the Dell™ PRO Pack, you must ensure that the following
minimum execution environment exists:
•Management Station:
SP1/R2 or System Center Essentials (SCE) 2007 installed on
supported hardware and operating system
•System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) 2008/R2
installed on supported hardware and operating system
•Integration of SCOM and SCVMM
•Managed System:
•Microsoft Hyper-V™ hosts on any Dell PowerEdge™ systems ranging
from x9xx to xx1x (both inclusive)
•Dell OpenManage™ Server Administrator (including the Server
Administrator Storage Management Service.)
•It is recommended that you install the latest version of Dell
•Minimum supported version of OMSA is 5.3
•Live Migration:
•SCVMM R2 with Windows Server 2008 R2 or Microsoft Hyper-V
Server 2008 R2
•OpenManage 6.2
You can download the latest version of OMSA from the Dell Support
website at
System Center Operations Management (SCOM) 2007
OpenManage Server Administrator(OMSA) 6.2
NOTE: For the list of supported operating systems for Operations Manager and
SCVMM, see the Microsoft website at
Getting Started with Dell PRO Pack13
Installing SCOM/SCE and SCVMM Agents
When you use the setup to monitor your infrastructure, SCOM/SCE
(Operations Manager) and SCVMM agents installed on the managed hosts
enable data transfer between the managed system and management stations.
Agents of both SCVMM and Operations Manager are installed manually or
automatically during the discovery process on all Hyper-V hosts.
Integrating Operations Manager with SCVMM
For the setup to support Dell PRO Pack, Operations Manager must be integrated
with SCVMM. For detailed description of the steps, see the Microsoft TechNet
For SCOM & VMM 2008 Integration, see
For SCE & VMM 2008 Integration, see
For SCOM & VMM R2 Integration, see
Importing Dell PRO Pack
Dell PRO Pack version 2.0 is provided in a sealed format as a .mp file. To
import Dell PRO Pack:
Download the
website to a removable media or a local repository.
Extract the contents of the file to a suitable folder on your system.