Dell Server, Server Administrator 7.2 Installation Manual

Server Administrator Version 7.2 Installation Guide
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.
: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
© 2012 Dell Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Trademarks used in this text: Dell™, the Dell logo, Dell Boomi™, Dell Precision™ , OptiPlex™ Latitude™, PowerEdge™, PowerVault™, PowerConnect™, OpenManage™, EqualLogic™, Compellent™, KACE™, FlexAddress™, Force10™ and Vostro™ are trademarks of Dell Inc. Intel®, Pentium®, Xeon®, Core® and Celeron® are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. AMD
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2013 - 01
Rev. A01
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings...................................................................................................2
What Is New In This Release...................................................................................................................................9
Software Availability..........................................................................................................................................9
Systems Management Software..............................................................................................................................9
Server Administrator Components On A Managed System.............................................................................10
Security Features....................................................................................................................................................12
Other Documents You Might Need.........................................................................................................................12
2 Preinstallation Setup................................................................................................................15
Prerequisite Checker..............................................................................................................................................15
Installation Requirements.......................................................................................................................................18
Supported Operating Systems And Web Browsers.........................................................................................18
Multilingual User Interface Support.................................................................................................................18
Viewing Localized Versions Of The Web-Based Interface..............................................................................18
System Requirements......................................................................................................................................18
Digital Certificates............................................................................................................................................20
Enabling Windows Installer Logging Service..................................................................................................20
Microsoft Active Directory...............................................................................................................................20
Configuring SNMP Agents......................................................................................................................................21
Secure Port Server And Security Setup.................................................................................................................21
Setting User And Server Preferences..............................................................................................................21
X.509 Certificate Management.........................................................................................................................23
Remote Enablement Requirements........................................................................................................................23
Installing WinRM..............................................................................................................................................24
Certificate Authority Signed Self-Signed Certificate.......................................................................................24
Dependent RPMs For Remote Enablement......................................................................................................26
Post-Installation Configuration For Remote Enablement.................................................................................27
Winbind Configuration For openwsman And sfcb For Red Hat Enterprise Linux Operating Systems....................28
Winbind Configuration For openwsman And sfcb For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Operating System.............29
Workaround For The Libssl Issue...........................................................................................................................29
3 Installing Managed System Software On Microsoft Windows Operating Systems .....31
Deployment Scenarios For Server Administrator...................................................................................................31
Installer Location..............................................................................................................................................32
Installing Server Administrator .......................................................................................................................32
System Recovery On Failed Installation.................................................................................................................38
Failed Updates..................................................................................................................................................38
Upgrading Managed System Software..................................................................................................................39
Upgrading Guidelines.......................................................................................................................................39
Uninstalling Managed System Software................................................................................................................41
Uninstalling Managed System Software Using The Provided Media..............................................................41
Uninstalling Managed System Software Features Using The Operating System............................................42
Unattended Uninstall Using The Product GUID...............................................................................................42
Unattended Uninstallation Of Managed System Software..............................................................................42
Installing Managed System Software On Supported Linux And VMware ESX
Software License Agreement.................................................................................................................................46
RPM For Individual Components............................................................................................................................46
OpenIPMI Device Driver.........................................................................................................................................50
Degradation Of Functionality When The Server Administrator Instrumentation Service Is Started...............50
Installing Managed System Software....................................................................................................................51
Prerequisites For Installing Managed System Software.................................................................................51
Installing Managed System Software Using The Provided Media..................................................................52
Server Administrator Custom Installation Utility..............................................................................................55
Managed System Software Installation Using Third Party Deployment Software..........................................57
Uninstalling Managed System Software................................................................................................................58
Uninstalling Managed System Software Using The Uninstall Script...............................................................58
Uninstalling Managed System Software Using The RPM Command...............................................................58
Installing Managed System Software On Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Core
And Microsoft Hyper-V Server
Running Prerequisite Checker In CLI Mode...........................................................................................................59
Installing Managed System Software In CLI Mode................................................................................................59
Uninstalling Systems Management Software........................................................................................................60
6 Installing Systems Management Software On VMware ESXi...........................................61
Using The vSphere CLI............................................................................................................................................61
Using The VMware vSphere Management Assistant (vMA).................................................................................62
Using The VMWare Update Manager (VUM).........................................................................................................62
Using The Power CLI..............................................................................................................................................63
Enabling Server Administrator Services On The Managed System.......................................................................64
Enabling CIM OEM Providers Using vSphere Client (For VMware ESXi4.0/ESXi 4.1)......................................64
Enabling CIM OEM Providers Using vSphere CLI (For VMware ESXi 4.0/ESXi 4.1).........................................64
Enabling CIM OEM Providers Using vMA (For VMware ESXi 4.0/ESXi 4.1).....................................................65
Uninstalling The Existing Systems Management VIB......................................................................................65
Configuring The SNMP Agent On Systems Running VMware ESXi.......................................................................65
Configuring The System To Send Traps To A Management Station Using The vSphere CLI..........................65
7 Installing Systems Management Software On Citrix XenServer .....................................67
During The installation Of XenServer.....................................................................................................................67
On A Running System.............................................................................................................................................67
XenServer Upgrade................................................................................................................................................68
Post Installation Tasks............................................................................................................................................68
8 Using Microsoft Active Directory...........................................................................................69
Active Directory Schema Extensions.....................................................................................................................69
Overview Of The Active Directory Schema Extensions...................................................................................69
Active Directory Object Overview....................................................................................................................69
Active Directory Objects In Multiple Domains.................................................................................................71
Setting Up Server Administrator Active Directory Objects In Multiple Domains............................................72
Configuring Active Directory To Access The Systems....................................................................................73
Configuring The Active Directory Product Name.............................................................................................74
Extending The Active Directory Schema................................................................................................................74
Using The Dell Schema Extender.....................................................................................................................75
Active Directory Users And Computers Snap-In.............................................................................................77
Installing The Extension To The Active Directory Users And Computers Snap-In..........................................77
Adding Users And Privileges To Active Directory...........................................................................................78
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I install Server Administrator with only the CLI features?.........................................................................81
What ports do systems management applications use?........................................................................................81
When I run virtual media on the DRAC controller over a Wide Area Network (WAN) with low bandwidth
and latency, launching Systems Management Install directly on the virtual media failed, what do I do?............81
Do I need to uninstall the Adaptec Fast Console application installed on the system before installing the
Server Administrator Storage Management Service?...........................................................................................81
Microsoft Windows................................................................................................................................................81
How do I fix a faulty installation of Server Administrator?...............................................................................81
What do I do when the creation of WinRM listener fails with the following error message?.........................82
What are the firewall-related configuration that needs to be done for WinRM?............................................82
When launching the Systems Management Install, an error message may display, stating a failure to
load a specific library, a denial of access, or an initialization error. An example of installation failure
during Systems Management Install is "failed to load OMIL32.DLL." What do I do?.......................................82
I get a misleading warning or error message during systems management installation................................82
I am getting the following error message while launching systems management Install:..............................82
Do I need to uninstall previous versions of Server Administrator before installing Citrix Metaframe?..........83
When I run systems management Install, I see unreadable characters on the Prerequisite check
information screen...........................................................................................................................................83
I have installed Server Administrator and Online Diagnostics in the same directory and Online
Diagnostics fails to work, what do I do?..........................................................................................................83
I have installed Server Administrator using remote Server Administrator deploy on Windows Server
2008, I do not see Server Administrator icon on the desktop?.........................................................................83
I see a warning message while uninstalling Server Administrator on Windows Server 2008 as the
installer tries to remove the shortcut?.............................................................................................................83
Where can I find the MSI log files? .................................................................................................................83
I downloaded the Server Administrator files for Windows from the Support website and copied it to
my own media. When I tried to launch the SysMgmt.msi file, it failed. What is wrong?.................................83
Does systems management Install support Windows Advertised installation?..............................................84
How do I check the disk space availability during custom installation?.........................................................84
What do I do when I see the current version is already installed message is displayed?..............................84
What is the best way to use the prerequisite checker information?...............................................................84
In the Prerequisite Checker screen, I get the following message. What can I do to resolve this problem?...84
Is the time shown during installation or uninstallation by Windows Installer Services accurate?.................85
Can I launch my installation without running the prerequisite checker? How do I do that?...........................85
How do I know what version of systems management software is installed on the system?.........................85
Do I need to reboot the system after upgrading systems management ?.......................................................85
Where can I see the Server Administrator features that are currently installed on my system?...................85
What are the names of all the systems management features under Windows?...........................................85
Red Hat Enterprise Linux or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server...................................................................................86
After installing Server Administrator, I cannot log in.......................................................................................86
I see the following message when I try to install Server Administrator on a guest Linux operating
I manually installed my Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 64-bit operating system and can see RPM
dependencies while installing Server Administrator. Where can I find these dependent RPM files?............86
I have performed a non-default install of the Linux operating system using the Linux operating system
media, I see missing RPM file dependencies while installing Server Administrator?.....................................86
Where can I find the source packages for Open Source RPMs?....................................................................87
What do I do when management station RAC utility installation fails due to missing RPM file?....................87
When using the rpm -e 'rpm -qa | grep srvadmin' command to remove systems management
software, some RPM utility versions may schedule an uninstallation in an incorrect order, which
results in users encountering misleading warning or error messages. What is the solution?.......................87
What do I do when I am asked to authenticate using the root user account?................................................87
Why am I getting a warning concerning the RPM package key during installation?......................................87
What are the names of all the Systems Management features under Red Hat Enterprise Linux or
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server?........................................................................................................................88
What do the directories under srvadmin/linux/custom/<operating system> contain?....................................88
What are the additional components that can be installed on a system that already has Server
Administrator installed?...................................................................................................................................92
What happens if I install the RPM package on an unsupported system or on an unsupported
operating system?............................................................................................................................................93
What daemons run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server operating systems
after Server Administrator is started?..............................................................................................................93
What kernel modules are loaded when Server Administrator is started?.......................................................94
Linux Installer Packages
This topic provides information on:
Installing Server Administrator on managed systems.
Installing and using the Remote Enablement feature.
Managing remote systems using Server Administrator Web Server.
Configuring the system before and during a deployment or upgrade.
: If you are installing management station and managed system software on the same system, install identical
software versions to avoid system conflicts.
What Is New In This Release
The release highlights of Server Administrator are:
Added support for granular install options on systems running Microsoft Windows. For more information, see
Installing Managed System Software On Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
Availability of Server Administrator on supported 64-bit Windows operating systems.
: On system prior to 12G running the Windows operating system, Server Administrator (64–bit) does not support information collection for DRAC5 using SNMP and does not display few of the DRAC5 information on Server Administrator GUI and CLI.
Added support for granular install options for the latest release of Server Administrator 7.2 on systems running Linux . For more information, see Linux Installer Packages.
Added functionality for custom installation. For more information, see Server Administrator Custom Installation
PowerEdge OEM Ready server models with Server Administrator 7.2 installed with generic Server Administrator branding. For more information on PowerEdge OEM Ready, see
A link to the complete overview of OpenManage products which provides more information on what is available in the Systems Management Tools and Documentation (SMTD) DVD, what is embedded in the server, and what can be downloaded from
Software Availability
The Server Administrator software can be installed from:
Support site — For more information, see
VMWare Update Manager (VUM) — For more information, see
Linux Repository using YUM, rug, or zypper — For more information, see Linux Repository.
Systems Management Software
Systems management software is a suite of applications that enables you to manage the systems with proactive monitoring, notification, and remote access.
Systems management software comprises of two DVDs:
Systems Management Tools and Documentation
Server Update Utility
: For more information on these DVDs, see
Management Station Software Installation Guide
Server Administrator Components On A Managed System
The setup program provides the following options:
Custom Setup
Typical Setup
The custom setup option enables you to select the software components you want to install. The Managed System
Software Components table lists the various managed system software components that you can install during a custom
Table 1. Managed System Software Components
Component What is installed Deployment Scenario Systems to install on
Server Administrator Web Server
Web-based Systems Management functionality that enables you to manage systems locally or remotely.
Install only if you want to remotely monitor the managed system. You need not have physical access to the managed system.
Any system. For example, laptop or desktops.
Server Instrumentation Server Administrator
Instrumentation Service
Install to use the system as the managed system. Installing Server Instrumentation and the Server Administrator Web Server installs Server Administrator. Use Server Administrator to monitor, configure, and manage the system.
: If you choose to install only Server Instrumentation, you must also install one of the Management Interfaces or the Server Administrator Web Server.
Supported systems. For a list of supported systems, see the
Systems Software
Support Matrix
Storage Management Server Administrator
Storage Management
Install to implement hardware RAID solutions and configure the storage components attached to the system. For more information on Storage Management, see the
Server Administrator Storage Management
Only those systems on which you have installed Server Instrumentation or the Management Interfaces.
Component What is installed Deployment Scenario Systems to install on
User’s Guide
in the docs
Command Line Interface (Management Interface)
Command Line Interface of Server Instrumentation
Install to provide local and remote system management solutions to manage Server and Storage instrumentation data using command line interfaces.
Supported systems. For a list of supported systems, see the
Systems Software
Support Matrix
WMI (Management Interface)
Windows Management Instrumentation Interface of Server Instrumentation
Install to provide local and remote system management solutions to manage Server data using WMI protocol.
Supported systems. For a list of supported systems, see the
Systems Software
Support Matrix
SNMP (Management Interface)
Simple Network Management Protocol Interface of Server Instrumentation
Install to provide local and remote system management solutions to manage Server and Storage instrumentation data using SNMP protocol.
Supported systems. For a list of supported systems, see the
Systems Software
Support Matrix
Remote Enablement (Management Interface)
Instrumentation Service and CIM Provider
Install to perform remote systems management tasks. Install Remote Enablement on one system and Server Administrator Web Server on another system. You can use the system with the Server Administrator to remotely monitor and manage the systems which have Remote Enablement installed.
Supported systems. For a list of supported systems, see the
Systems Software
Support Matrix
Operating System Logging (Management Interface)
Operating System Logging Install to allow local system
management specific events logging on the operating system for Server and Storage instrumentation. On systems running Microsoft Windows, use the Event Viewer to locally view the collected events.
Supported systems. For a list of supported systems, see the
Systems Software
Support Matrix
DRAC Command Line Tools Hardware application
programing interface and iDRAC 12G or iDRAC, DRAC 5, or DRAC 4 (depending on the type of the system)
Install to receive e-mail alerts for warnings or errors related to voltage, temperature, and fan speed. Remote Access Controller also logs event data and the most recent crash screen (available only on systems running Windows operating system) to help you
Only those systems on which you have installed Server Instrumentation or Management Interface.
Component What is installed Deployment Scenario Systems to install on
diagnose the probable cause of a system crash.
Intel SNMP Agent (NIC Interfaces)
Intel Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Agent
Install to enable Server Administrator to obtain information about Network Interface Cards (NICs).
Only on systems on which Server Instrumentation is installed and which are running on Windows operating system.
Broadcom SNMP Agent (NIC Interfaces)
Broadcom SNMP Agent Install to enable Server
Administrator to obtain information about NICs.
Only on systems on which Server Instrumentation is installed and which are running on Windows operating system.
Related Links:
Custom Installation
Security Features
Systems management software components provide these security features:
Authentication for users from operating system with different privilege levels, or by using the optional Microsoft Active Directory.
Support for Network Information Services (NIS), Winbind, Kerberos, and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) authentication protocols for Linux operating systems.
Role-based authority that allows specific privileges to be configured for each user.
: Applicable only for systems running Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, or
VMware ESX/ESXi.
User ID and password configuration through the web-based interface or the command line interface (CLI), in most cases.
SSL encryption (
Auto Negotiate and 128-bit or higher).
: Telnet does not support SSL encryption.
Session time-out configuration (in minutes) through the web-based interface.
Port configuration to allow systems management software to connect to a remote device through firewalls.
: For information about ports that the various systems management components use, see the User Guide for
that component.
For information about the Security Management, see the
Server Administrator User’s Guide
Other Documents You Might Need
In addition to this guide, for more information, access the following guides.
Lifecycle Controller 2 Version 1.00.00 User's Guide
provides information on using the Lifecycle Controller.
Management Console User’s Guide
provides information about installing, configuring, and using
Management Console.
Systems Build and Update Utility User’s Guide
provides information on using the Systems Build and Update
Systems Software Support Matrix
provides information about the various systems, the operating systems
supported by these systems, and the systems management components that can be installed on these systems.
Server Administrator User's Guide
describes the installation and use of Server Administrator.
Server Administrator SNMP Reference Guide
documents the SNMP management information base (MIB).
Server Administrator CIM Reference Guide
documents the Common Information Model (CIM) provider, which is an extension of the standard management object format (MOF) file. This guide explains the supported classes of management objects.
Server Administrator Messages Reference Guide
lists the messages that are displayed on the Server Administrator home page Alert log, or on the operating system’s event viewer. This guide explains the text, severity, and cause of each alert message that the Server Administrator displays.
Server Administrator Command Line Interface Guide
documents the complete command line interface for Server Administrator, including an explanation of CLI commands to view system status, access logs, create reports, configure various component parameters, and set critical thresholds.
Remote Access Controller 5 User’s Guide
provides complete information about installing and configuring a
DRAC 5 controller and using DRAC 5 to remotely access an inoperable system.
Integrated Remote Access Controller User's Guide
provides complete information about configuring and using an integrated Remote Access Controller to remotely manage and monitor the system and its shared resources through a network.
Update Packages User's Guide
provides information about obtaining and using the Update Packages for
Windows and Linux as part of the system update strategy.
Server Update Utility User's Guide
provides information on using the Server Update Utility.
Systems Management Tools and Documentation
DVD contains readme files for applications found on the
: If the product does not perform as expected or you do not understand a procedure described in this guide,
see Getting Help in the system’s Hardware Owner’s Manual.
Preinstallation Setup
Ensure that you perform the following before installing Server Administrator:
Read the installation instructions for the operating system.
Read the Installation Requirements to ensure that the system meets or exceeds the minimum requirements.
Read the applicable readme files and the
Systems Software Support Matrix
Close all applications running on the system before installing the Server Administrator applications. On Linux, ensure that all operating system RPM Package Manager (RPM) packages required by the Server
Administrator RPMs are installed. If the system had VMware ESX factory-installed, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, see the Dependent RPMs for Remote Enablement section for information on any RPMs that you need to manually install prior to installing managed system software. Typically, manual installation of RPMs is not required.
Prerequisite Checker
setup.exe (located at \SYSMGMT\srvadmin\windows
) starts the prerequisite checker program. The prerequisite checker program examines the prerequisites for software components without launching the actual installation. This program displays a status window that provides information about the system’s hardware and software that may affect the installation and operation of software features.
: To use supporting agents for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), install the operating system support for the SNMP standard before or after you install Server Administrator. For more information about installing SNMP, see the installation instructions for the operating system you are running on the system.
Run the prerequisite checker silently by executing runprereqchecks.exe /s from the SYSMGMT\srvadmin \windows\PreReqChecker directory on the
Systems Management Tools and Documentation
DVD. After running the prerequisite checker, a HTML file (omprereq.htm) is created in the %Temp% directory. This file contains the results of the prerequisite check. The Temp directory is located at X:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp. To find %TEMP%, go to a command line prompt and type echo %TEMP%.
The results are written under the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Dell Computer Corporation\OpenManage
\PreReqChecks\MN\ key for a managed system:
While running the prerequisite checker silently, the return code from
runprereqchecks.exe is the number associated with the highest severity condition for all the software products. The return code numbers are the same as those used in the registry. The following table details the return codes.
Table 2. Return Codes While Running the Prerequisite Checker Silently
Return Code Description
0 No condition, or conditions, is associated with the
1 An informational condition, or conditions, is associated
with the software. It does not prevent a software product from being installed.
Return Code Description
2 A warning condition, or conditions, is associated with the
software. It is recommended that you resolve the conditions causing the warning before proceeding with the installation of the software. To continue, select and install the software using the custom installation.
3 An error condition, or conditions, is associated with the
software. Resolve the conditions causing the error before proceeding with the installation of the software. If you do not resolve the issues, the software is not installed.
—1 A Microsoft Windows Script Host (WSH) error. The
prerequisite checker does not run.
—2 The operating system is not supported. The prerequisite
checker does not run.
—3 The user does not have
Administrator privileges. The
prerequisite checker does not run.
—4 Not an implemented return code.
—5 The prerequisite checker does not run. The user failed to
change the working directory to %TEMP%.
—6 The destination directory does not exist. The prerequisite
checker does not run.
—7 An internal error has occurred. The prerequisite checker
does not run.
—8 The software is already running. The prerequisite checker
does not run.
—9 The WSH is corrupted, is a wrong version, or is not
installed. The prerequisite checker does not run.
—10 An error has occurred with the scripting environment. The
prerequisite checker does not run.
: A negative return code (-1 through -10) indicates a failure in running the prerequisite checker tool. Probable causes for negative return codes include software policy restrictions, script restrictions, lack of folder permissions, and size constraints.
: If you encounter a return code of 2 or 3, it is recommended that you inspect the omprereq.htm file in the windows temporary folder %TEMP%
. To find %TEMP%, run echo %TEMP% .
Common causes for a return value of 2 from the prerequisite checker:
One of the storage controllers or drivers has outdated firmware or driver. See firmwaredriverversions_<lang>.html
(where <
> stands for language) or firmwaredriverversions.txt found in
the %TEMP%
folder. To find %TEMP%, run echo %TEMP%.
RAC component software version 4 is not selected for a default install unless the device is detected on the system. The prerequisite checker generates a warning message in this case.
Intel and Broadcom agents are selected for a default install only if the corresponding devices are detected on the system. If the corresponding devices are not found, prerequisite checker generates a warning message.
Domain Name System (DNS) or Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server running on the system can cause a warning condition for RAC software. See the relevant section in Server Administrator readme for more information.
Do not install managed system and management station RAC components on the same system. Install only the managed system RAC components, as they offer the required functionality.
Common causes for a return code of 3 (failure) from the prerequisite checker:
You are not logged in with built-in Administrator privileges.
The MSI package is corrupt or one of the required XML files is corrupt.
Error during copying from a DVD or network access problems while copying from a network share.
Prerequisite checker detects that another MSI package installation is currently running or that a reboot is pending: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\InProgress indicates another MSI package installation is in progress. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet \\Control\\Session Manager\\PendingFileRenameOperations indicates that a reboot is pending.
Running the 64-bit version of Windows Server 2008 Core, since certain components are disabled from being installed.
Ensure that any error or warning is corrected before you proceed to install systems management software components. Each software has an associated value set after running the prerequisite check. The following table provides the list of feature IDs for each software feature. The feature ID is a 2 to 5 character designation.
NOTE: The software feature IDs mentioned in the table are case-sensitive.
Table 3. Software Feature IDs for Managed Systems Software
Feature ID Description
ALL All features
BRCM Broadcom Network Interface Card (NIC) Agent
INTEL Intel NIC Agent
IWS Server Administrator Web Server
OMSS Server Administrator Storage Management Service
RAC4 DRAC Command Line Tools (RAC 4)
RAC5 DRAC Command Line Tools (RAC 5)
iDRAC ( for yx1x systems) Integrated DRAC Command Line Tools
iDRACG ( for yx2x systems) Integrated DRAC Command Line Tools
SI Server Instrumentation
RmtMgmt Remote Enablement
CLI Command Line Interface of Server Instrumentation
WMI Windows Management Instrumentation Interface of
Server Instrumentation
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol Interface of Server
OSLOG Operating System Logging
: To manage the server, select either Server Administrator Webserver or one of the Management Interfaces – CLI, WMI, SNMP or OSLOG along with Server Instrumentation (SI) or Server Administrator Storage Management Service (OMSS).
Installation Requirements
This section describes the general requirements of the Server Administrator and provides information on supported operating systems and web browsers.
: Prerequisites specific to an operating system are listed as part of the installation procedures.
Supported Operating Systems And Web Browsers
For information on supported operating systems and web browsers, see the
Systems Software Support Matrix
: Ensure that the web browser is configured to bypass the proxy server for local addresses.
Multilingual User Interface Support
The installer provides Multilingual User Interface (MUI) support available on the following operating systems:
Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
Windows Server 2008 (64-bit) R2
Windows Server 2008 (64-bit) R2 SP1
Windows Small Business Server 2011 (64-bit)
The MUI Pack are a set of language-specific resource files that you can add to the English version of a supported Windows operating system. The installer supports only six languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese.
NOTE: When the MUI Pack is set to non-Unicode languages like Simplified Chinese, set the system locale to Simplified Chinese. This enables display of the prerequisite checker messages. This is because any non-Unicode application runs only when the system locale (also called Language for non-Unicode Programs on XP) is set to match the application's language.
Viewing Localized Versions Of The Web-Based Interface
To view the localized versions of the web interface on Windows, in the Control Panel select Regional and Language Options
System Requirements
Install Server Administrator on each system to be managed. You can manage each system running Server Administrator locally or remotely through a supported web browser.
Managed System Requirements
One of the supported operating system and web browser.
Minimum 2 GB RAM.
Minimum 512 MB free hard drive space.
Administrator rights.
TCP/IP connection on the managed system and the remote system to facilitate remote system management.
One of the Supported Systems Management Protocol Standards.
Monitor with a minimum screen resolution of 800 x 600. The recommended screen resolution is at least 1024 x
The Server Administrator Remote Access Controller service requires remote access controller (RAC) installed on the managed system. See the relevant
Remote Access Controller User’s Guide
for complete software and
hardware requirements.
: The RAC software is installed as part of the Typical Setup installation option, provided the managed
system meets all of the RAC installation prerequisites.
The Server Administrator Storage Management Service requires Server Administrator installed on the managed system. See the
Server Administrator Storage Management User’s Guide
for complete software and
hardware requirements.
Microsoft Software Installer (MSI) version 3.1 or later.
NOTE: Systems Management software detects the MSI version on the system. If the version is lower than
3.1, the prerequisite checker prompts you to upgrade to MSI version 3.1. After upgrading the MSI to version 3.1, reboot the system to install other software applications such as Microsoft SQL Server.
Related Links:
Supported Systems Management Protocol Standards
Supported Systems Management Protocol Standards
Install a supported systems management protocol on the managed system before installing the management station or managed system software. On supported Windows and Linux operating systems, systems management software supports:
Common Information Model (CIM)/Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Install the SNMP package provided with the operating system. If SNMP is installed post OMSA installation, restart OMSA services.
: For information about installing a supported systems management protocol standard on the managed
system, see the operating system documentation.
The following table shows the availability of the systems management standards for each supported operating system.
Table 4. Availability of Systems Management Protocol by Operating Systems
Operating System SNMP CIM/WMI
Supported Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Available from the operating system installation media.
Always installed.
Supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating systems.
Install the SNMP package provided with the operating system.
Available. Install the CIM packages provided on the
Systems Management
Tools and Documentation
Supported SUSE Linux Enterprise Server operating systems.
Install the SNMP package provided with the operating system.
Available. Install the CIM packages provided on the
Systems Management Tools and Documentation
: It is recommended to install the SFCB, SFCC, OpenWSMAN, and CMPI-Devel packages from the operating
system media, if available.
Digital Certificates
All Server Administrator packages for Microsoft are digitally signed with a certificate that helps guarantee the integrity of the installation packages. If these packages are repackaged, edited, or manipulated in other ways, the digital signature is invalidated. This manipulation results in an unsupported installation package and the prerequisite checker does not allow you to install the software.
Enabling Windows Installer Logging Service
Windows includes a registry-activated logging service to help diagnose Windows Installer issues.
To enable this logging service during a silent install, open the registry editor and create the following path and keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer Reg_SZ: Logging Value: voicewarmup
The letters in the value field can be in any order. Each letter turns on a different logging mode. Each letter's actual function is as follows for MSI version 3.1:
- Verbose output
- Out-of-disk-space message
- Status message
- Initial UI parameter
- All error message
- Non-fatal warning
- Startup of action
- Action-specific record
- Out-of-memory or fatal exit information
- User request
- Terminal property
- Append to existing file
- Flush each line to the log
"*"- Wildcard, log all information except for the v option. To include the v option, specify "/l*v".
Once activated, the log files are generated in the %TEMP%
directory. Some log files generated in this directory are:
Managed System Installation
– SysMgmt.log
Management Station Installation
– MgmtSt.log
These log files are created by default if the prerequisite checker user interface (UI) is running.
Microsoft Active Directory
If you use Active Directory service software, you can configure it to control access to the network. The Active Directory database is modified to support remote management authentication and authorization. Server Administrator, Integrated
Remote Access Controller (iDRAC), Chassis Management Controller (CMC), and Remote Access Controllers (RAC), can interface with Active Directory. Using Active Directory, add and control users and privileges from a central database.
Related Links:
Using Microsoft Active Directory
Configuring SNMP Agents
The systems management software supports the SNMP systems management standard on all supported operating systems. The SNMP support may or may not be installed depending on the operating system and how the operating system was installed. An installed supported systems management protocol standard, such as SNMP, is required before installing the systems management software.
Configure the SNMP agent to change the community name, enable set operations, and send traps to a management station. To configure the SNMP agent for proper interaction with management applications, perform the procedures described in the
Server Administrator User’s Guide
Related Links:
Installation Requirements
Supported Systems Management Protocol Standards
Secure Port Server And Security Setup
This section contains the following topics:
Setting User and Server Preferences
x 509 Certificate Management
Setting User And Server Preferences
You can set user and secure port server preferences for Server Administrator from the Preferences web page. Click General Settings and click either the User tab or Web Server tab.
Setting User Preferences
To set up user preferences:
: Log in with administrator privileges to set or reset user or server preferences.
1. Click
Preferences on the global navigation bar.
2. Click
General Settings.
3. To add a preselected e-mail recipient, type the e-mail address of the designated service contact in the
Mail To:
field, and click Apply Changes.
NOTE: Clicking Email in any window sends an e-mail message with an attached HTML file of the window to the designated e-mail address.
4. To change the home page appearance, select an alternative value in the skin
or scheme fields and click Apply
Setting Secure Port Server Preferences
To set up secure port server preferences:
: Log in with administrator privileges to set or reset user or server preferences.
1. Click
Preferences on the global navigation bar.
2. Click
General Settings, and the Web Server tab.
3. Set options as necessary in the Server Preferences window:
Session Timeout Sets the time limit for a session to remain active. Select Enable to set a time-out if there is
no user interaction for a specified time in minutes. After a session time-out, the user must log in again to continue. Select
Disable to disable the Server Administrator session time-
out feature.
HTTPS Port Specifies the secure port for Server Administrator. The default secure port for Server
Administrator is 1311.
NOTE: Changing the port number to an invalid or in-use port number may prevent other applications or browsers from accessing Server Administrator on the managed system.
IP Address to Bind to
Specifies the IP address(es) for the managed system that Server Administrator binds to when starting a session. Select
All to bind to all IP addresses applicable for the system.
Select Specific to bind to a specific IP address.
NOTE: A user with administrator privileges cannot use Server Administrator when logged into the system remotely.
NOTE: Changing the IP Address to Bind to value to a value other than
All may prevent other applications or browsers from remotely accessing Server Administrator on the managed system.
Mail To: Allows to set the default mail address for e-mail(s) from OMSA GUI.
SMTP Server name and DNS Suffix for SMTP Server
Specifies the organization's Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and Domain Name Server (DNS) suffix. To enable Server Administrator to send e-mails, you must type the IP address and DNS suffix for the SMTP server for the organization in the appropriate fields.
NOTE: For security reasons, the organization may not allow e-mails to be sent through the SMTP server to outside accounts.
Command Log Size
Specifies the largest file size in MB for the command log file.
Support Link Specifies the web address for the business entity that provides support for the managed
Custom Delimiter Specifies the character used to separate the data fields in the files created using the
button. The ; character is the default delimiter. Other options are !, @, #, $, %, ^, *,
~, ?, :,|, and ,.
SSL Encryption Allows the Administrator or the Power User to set the encryption levels for sessions
between a web browser and the Server Administrator web server. Select Auto Negotiable for auto selections of encryption level based on web browser settings. Select 128–bit or higher for 128 bit or higher encryption levels.
NOTE: Change of encryption level requires restart of the Server Administrator web server.
Key Signing Algorithm (For Self Signed Certificate)
Displays the supported signing algorithms. Select an algorithm from the drop-down list.
NOTE: If you select either SHA 512 or SHA 256, ensure that your operating system/ browser supports this algorithm. If you select one of these options without the requisite operating system/browser support, Server Administrator displays a cannot display the webpageerror.
NOTE: This field is available only for Server Administrator auto-generated self-signed certificates. The drop-down list is grayed out if you import or generate new certificate into Server Administrator.
4. Click
Apply Changes.
X.509 Certificate Management
Web certificates are necessary to ensure that the identity and information exchanged with a remote system is not viewed or changed by others. To ensure system security, it is strongly recommended that you either generate a new X. 509 certificate, reuse an existing X.509 certificate, or import a root certificate or certificate chain from a Certificate Authority (CA). Authorized CAs include Verisign, Entrust, and Thawte.
: Log in with administrator privileges to perform certificate management.
You can manage X.509 certificates for Server Administrator from the
Preferences page. Click General Settings, select
the Web Server tab, and click X.509 Certificate.
Best Practices For X.509 Certificate Management
For the security of the system while using server administrator, ensure the following:
Unique host name
All systems that have Server Administrator installed should have unique host names.
Change 'localhost' to unique
For systems with host name set to localhost change the host name to a unique host name.
Remote Enablement Requirements
The Remote Enablement feature is currently supported on:
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Hyper-V
Hyper-V Server
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
SUSE Enterprise Linux
VMware ESXi and ESX
Citrix XenServer
To install the Remote Enablement feature, configure the following on the system:
Windows Remote Management (WinRM)
CA/Self-Signed Certificate
WinRM HTTPS Listener Port
Authorization for WinRM and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Servers
Installing WinRM
On Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, WinRM
2.0 is installed by default. On Windows Server 2008, WinRM 1.1 is installed by default.
Certificate Authority Signed Self-Signed Certificate
You need a certificate signed by a CA or a selfsigned certificate (generated using the SelfSSL tool) to install and configure the Remote Enablement feature on the system.
: It is recommended that you use a certificate signed by a CA.
Using A Certificate Signed By A CA
To use a certificate signed by a CA:
1. Request a valid CA signed certificate.
2. Create a HTTP listener with the CA signed certificate.
Requesting A Valid CA Signed Certificate
To request a valid CA signed certificate:
1. Click StartRun.
2. Type
mmc and click OK.
3. Click FileAdd/Remove Snap-in.
4. Select
Certificates, and then click Add.
5. In the
Certificates snap-in dialog box, select Computer account, and then click Next.
6. Select
Local Computer, and then click Finish.
7. Click
Close, and then click OK.
8. On the
Console window, expand Certificates (Local Computer) in the left navigation pane.
9. Right-click
Personal, select
All tasksRequest New Certificate.
10. Click
11. Select the appropriate certificate type, Mostly (Computer), and then click Enroll.
12. Click
Creating The HTTPS Listener With The Valid CA Signed Certificate
Run the installer and click the link on the prerequisite checker to create the HTTPS listener.
: The HTTP listener is enabled by default and listens at port 80.
Configuring User Authorization For WinRM And WMI Servers
To provide access rights to WinRM and WMI services, explicitly add users with the appropriate access levels.
: To configure user authorization - For WinRM and WMI Servers, you must login with administrator privileges.
- For Windows Server 2008 operating systems, you must login with built-in administrator privileges
: The administrator is configured by default.
To configure user authorization for WinRM servers:
1. Click StartRun.
2. Type winrm configsddl and click OK.
If you are using WinRM 2.0, type
winrm configsddl default.
3. Click
Add and add the required users or groups (local/domain) to the list.
4. Provide the appropriate permission(s) to the respective users and click OK
To configure user authorization for WMI servers:
1. Click StartRun.
2. Type
wmimgmt.msc, and then click OK.
Windows Management Infrastructure (WMI) screen is displayed.
3. Right-click the WMI Control (Local) node in the left pane, and then click Properties.
The WMI Control (Local) Properties
screen is displayed.
4. Click
Security and expand the Root node in the namespace tree.
5. Navigate to Root
6. Click
The Security screen is displayed.
7. Click Add to add the required users or groups (local/domain) to the list.
8. Provide the appropriate permission(s) to the respective users, and then click OK.
9. Click
10. Close the
Windows Management Infrastructure (WMI) screen.
Configuring The Windows Firewall For WinRM
To configure the Windows Firewall for WinRM:
1. Open
Control Panel.
2. Click
Windows Firewall.
3. Click
Exceptions tab.
4. Select
Windows Remote Management
check box. If you do not see the check box, click Add Program to add
Windows Remote Management.
Configuring The Envelope Size For WinRM
To configure the envelope size for WinRM:
: On WinRM version 2.0, enable the compatibility mode for WinRM version 2.0 to use port 443. WinRM version
2.0 uses port 5986 by default. To enable the compatibility mode, type the following command:
winrm s winrm/config/Service @{EnableCompatibilityHttpsListener="true"}
1. Open a command prompt.
2. Type winrm g winrm/config.
3. Check the value of the
attribute. If the value is less than 4608, type the following command:
winrm s winrm/config @{MaxEnvelopeSizekb="4608"}
4. Set the value of
MaxTimeoutms to 3 minutes:
winrm s winrm/config @{MaxTimeoutms ="180000"}
Dependent RPMs For Remote Enablement
If you choose to install the Remote Enablement feature, you have to install certain dependent RPMs and configure these RPMs before installing the feature. Install the following RPMs:
The dependent RPMs are available on the
Systems Management Tools and Documentation
DVD at srvadmin\linux
: On supported SLES 11 and above and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and preceding operating systems, it is
recommended that you install the RPMs from the operating system media, if available.
Installing Dependent RPMs
To install the dependent RPMs not available on the operating system media:
1. Make sure that Pegasus RPMs are uninstalled.
2. Check if the
openwsmand and sfcbd binaries are already installed using make-install. Check by running the
commands: openwsman or sfcbd or you can check the existence of the binaries in the /usr/local/sbin directory.
3. If the binaries are installed, uninstall these binaries.
4. Check for the required dependencies for the
openwsman and sfcbd RPMs listed in the following table.
Table 5. Required Dependencies
Packages Red Hat Enterprise Server SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
OpenSSL LibXML Pkgconfig CURL Chkconfig Initscript SBLIM-SFCC
LibOpenSSL LibXML Pkg-config libCURL aaa_base aaa_base SBLIM-SFCC
zlib CURL PAM OpenSSL Chkconfig Initscript
zlib LibCURL PAM LibOpenSSL aaa_base aaa_base
5. Install the dependent RPMs. You can install the RPMs:
– with a single command rpm -ivh rpm1 rpm2 rpm3 rpm4 … rpmN
– individually
: If you are installing RPMs individually, follow this sequence.
rpm -ivh sblim-sfcb-x.x.x.rpm rpm -ivh sblim-sfcc-x.x.x.rpm
: Install the libwsman and openwsman client RPMs simultaneously as they have cyclic
rpm -ivh libwsman1-x.x.x.rpm openwsman-client-x.x.x.rpm rpm -ivh openwsman-server-x.x.x.rpm
Post-Installation Configuration For Remote Enablement
This section details the steps to configure the dependent RPMs if you have installed the Remote Enablement feature.
The post-installation configuration script is available at /opt/dell/srvadmin/etc/ on the server file system.
After installing all the dependent RPMs and the Remote Enablement feature, execute the script.
Before executing the script, make sure that Systems Management is installed.
Execute the following command to configure
sfbc and openwsman as per the default configurations: ./
: To configure openwsman on the managed node to run on a different port, use the -p <
> option with This is optional and by default the openwsman is configured to run on port 443.
Related Links:
Installing Managed System Software on Supported Linux and VMware ESX
Creating Server Certificate For WSMAN
You can either create a new certificate for WSMAN or reuse an existing certificate.
Creating A New Certificate
You can create a new server certificate for WSMAN by executing the script located at /etc/ openwsman. This script is provided by the openwsman RPM. Follow the steps in the wizard to create the server certificate.
Reusing An Existing Certificate
If you have a self-signed or CA-signed certificate, you can use the same certificate for the openwsman server by updating the ssl_cert_file and ssl_key_file values, grouped under [server] tag, in /etc/openwsman/ openwsman.conf with the existing certificate values.
Configuring CRL For The openwsman Client
You need to configure the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) used by Server Administrator Web Server. To do this:
1. Mention a valid CRL file in
2. If left blank, the CRL check is ignored.
: CRL support is only present on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server version 11 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server version 5 update 5. For other operating systems, contact the operating system vendor to provide the required CURL library with CRL support.
Running sfcb And openwsman
sfcb and openwsman:
/etc/init.d/sfcb start
/etc/init.d/openwsmand start
: On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, replace sfcb with sblim-sfcb.
On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, for the sblim-sfcb and
openwsman to start automatically after a reboot you need to change the run-levels using the chkconfig utility. For example, if you want to run sblim-sfcb in run-levels 3 and 5, use the following command:
#chkconfig sblim-sfcb on --level 35
: For more information on chkconfig and its usage, see the operating system documentation.
The managed system is configured and is ready to be used by the Server Administrator Web Server.
Winbind Configuration For openwsman And sfcb For Red Hat Enterprise Linux Operating Systems
Follow the instructions mentioned below to configure openwsman and sfcb on 32-bit OMI installation. In case of a 64-bit installation, replace with .lib lib64
1. Back up these files:
– /etc/pam.d/openwsman
– /etc/pam.d/sfcb
– /etc/pam.d/system-auth
2. Replace the content of /etc/pam.d/openwsman and /etc/pam.d/sfcb with
auth required service=system-auth auth required /lib/security/ account required service=system-auth
3. Replace the content of
/etc/pam.d/system-auth with
%PAM-1.0 This file is auto-generated. User changes will be destroyed the next time authconfig is run. auth required /lib/security/$ISA/ auth sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/ likeauth nullok auth sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/ use_first_pass auth sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/ use_first_pass auth required /lib/security/$ISA/ account required /lib/security/$ISA/ broken_shadow account sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/ uid 100 quiet account [default=bad success=ok user_unknown= ignore] /lib/security/$ISA/ account [default=bad success=ok user_unknown= ignore] /lib/security/$ISA/ account required /lib/security/$ISA/ password requisite /lib/security/$ISA/ retry=3 password sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/ nullok use_authtok md5 shadow password sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/ use_authtok password sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/ use_authtok password required /lib/security/$ISA/ session required /lib/security/$ISA/ session required /lib/security/$ISA/ session optional /lib/security/$ISA/
Winbind Configuration For openwsman And sfcb For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Operating System
Follow the instructions mentioned below to configure openwsman and sfcb on 32-bit OMI installation. In case of a 64-bit installation, replace .lib with .
1. Back up the following files:
– /etc/pam.d/openwsman
– /etc/pam.d/sfcb
– /etc/pam.d/system-auth
– /etc/pam.d/common-account
2. Replace the content of
/etc/pam.d/openwsman/ and /etc/pam.d/sfcb with
%PAM-1.0 auth include common-auth auth required /lib/security/ account include common-account
3. Replace the content of
/etc/pam.d/common-auth with
auth required auth sufficient debug auth sufficient use_first_pass debug
4. Replace the content of /etc/pam.d/common-account
account sufficient account sufficient
Workaround For The Libssl Issue
If the required library needed by
openwsman is present on the system, the script tries to resolve the issue. However, if the library is not present, then the script reports the same. Check if the latest version of the libssl library is installed on the system and then create a soft link with
For example: On a 32-bit installation, if you have and in /usr/lib, then create soft link with the latest
ln -sf /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
On a 64-bit installation, if you have and in /usr/lib, then create soft link
with the latest
ln -sf /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
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