Dell PowerVault 136T LTO-SDLT User Manual

Selected Indicators and Controls
Veuillez vous référer au CD-ROM du Guide de l'utilisateur de la Bibliothèque PV -136T pour obtenir une version de ce Guide de démarrage rapide en anglais, allemand, espagnol, japonais, coréens ou chinois simplifié.
Beziehen Sie sich auf die Handbuch-CD-Rom der PV-136T Bibliothek, um dieses Schnellstart -Handbuch auf französisch, deutsch, spanisch, japanisch, koreanisch oder in vereinfachtem chinesisch zu lesen.
Favor de consultar el CD-ROM de la Guía del Usuario de la Biblioteca PV-136T para ver esta Guía de Rápido Inicio en francés, alemán, español, japonés, coreano, o chino simplificado.
Dell PowerVault
LCD Display: The LCD display on the Operator Panel is divided into four discrete areas: leftmost, upper center, rightmost, and lower center.
Operator Panel
* * * * *
136T Library
Quick Start Guide
Leftmost: This area of the display provides constant status about the Mailbox.
Upper center: This area of the display provides informational, status, and attention messages.
Rightmost: This area of the display provides constant status about the drives.
Lower center: This area of the display is comprised of 6 lines of 20 characters per line and provides text and graphics to communicate interactive dialogs, special messages, alerts, and library configurations.
Refer to the Operation section of the PowerVault 136T Library User’s Guide for complete descriptions of special symbols and messages that can be displayed on the Operator Panel.
Please visit for the latest OS drivers and patches for the PowerVault 136T Library.
Follow the steps in this guide to quickly get started using your PowerVault 136T Library
Please refer to the PV-136T Library User's Guide CD-ROM to view this Quick Start Guide in French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, or Simplified Chinese.
Part Number 2E741
62-2227-01 Rev B
Prior to performing the steps below, it is assumed that the proper SCSI adapter is installed with all of the appropriate drivers.
Connect AC line cord to PowerVault 136T Library, then
Press main power switch on rear panel to ON position.
to AC outlet.
If your PowerVault 136T Library does not have factory installed drive(s), loosen thumbscrews on empty drive bay filler plate(s) and pull plate(s) from chassis.
Beginning with the bottom slot, install drive module(s) in empty
Install SCSI cables between the bottom drive and the library, and between the host HBA and library. If the Dell PowerVault 136T Fibre Channel Bridge is being used, refer to the Dell PowerVault 136T Fibre Channel Bridge User’s Guide for cabling instructions.
Remove key from rear panel of PowerVault 136T Library. Unlock and open front door.PowerVault 136T Library
Press power switch on front panel to power up your
PowerVault 136T Library.
drive bay(s).
Tighten thumbscrews on drive module(s).
Filler Plate
Library LVD SCSI Connectors
Drive Module
Remove interior packing or securing material from the library to allow the picker movement.
Install magazines.tape cartridges into
Close and lock front door.
to Host SCSI HBA
Optional Secondary
Power Supply
Power Switch
Captive thumbscrews
Connect the drive modules by inserting one end of a jumper
cable into the top SCSI connector of the bottom drive, and the other end into the bottom SCSI connector of the top drive.
Install SCSI terminator on last device of SCSI chain.
Fibre Channel
Management Unit
Library SCSI
to Drive
Power Supply
Main Power
AC input module and power cord
Power up your Host computer and verify SCSI communication
with all devices on bus.
Your PowerVault 136T Library is now ready to perform a backup or restore operation via your Host Computer and backup software.
Drive SCSI
Jumper Cable