Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.0 Deployment Guide

Dell Networking W-
ClearPass Guest 6.0
Deployment Guide
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Certain Aruba products include Open Source software code developed by third parties, including software code subject to the GNU General Public License (GPL), GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), or other Open Source Licenses. Includes software from Litech Systems Design. The IF-MAP client library copyright 2011 Infoblox, Inc. All rights reserved. This product includes software developed by Lars Fenneberg, et al. The Open
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2 | Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
About this Guide 13
Audience 13 Conventions 13
Contacting Support 14
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest Overview 15
About Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 15 Visitor Access Scenarios 16 Reference Network Diagram 16 Key Interactions 17 AAA Framework 18 Key Features 19 Visitor Management Terminology 20 ClearPass Guest Deployment Process 21
Operational Concerns 21 Network Provisioning 21 Site Preparation Checklist 22
Security Policy Considerations 23 AirGroup Deployment Process 23 Documentation and User Assistance 24
Deployment Guide and Online Help 24
Context-Sensitive Help 24
Field Help 25
Quick Help 25
If You Need More Assistance 25 Use of Cookies 25
Guest Manager 27
Accessing Guest Manager 27 About Guest Management Processes 28
Sponsored Guest Access 28
Self Provisioned Guest Access 28 Using Standard Guest Management Features 29
Creating a Guest Account 29
Creating a Guest Account Receipt 30
Creating Multiple Guest Accounts 30
Creating Multiple Guest Account Receipts 31
Creating a Single Password for Multiple Accounts 32
Managing Guest Accounts 34
Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide | 3
Managing Multiple Guest Accounts 38
Importing Guest Accounts 40
Exporting Guest Account Information 43
About CSV and TSV Exports 43 About XML Exports 43
MAC Authentication in ClearPass Guest 44
MAC Address Formats 44
Managing Devices 44
Changing a Device’s Expiration Date 46 Disabling and Deleting Devices 47 Activating a Device 47 Editing a Device 47 Viewing Current Sessions for a Device 49 Viewing and Printing Device Details 49
MAC Creation Modes 49
Creating Devices Manually in ClearPass Guest 50 Creating Devices During Self-Registration - MAC Only 51 Creating Devices During Self-Registration - Paired Accounts 52
AirGroup Device Registration 53
Registering Groups of Devices or Services 53
Registering Personal Devices 55 Automatically Registering MAC Devices in ClearPass Policy Manager 56 Importing MAC Devices 57 Advanced MAC Features 57
2-Factor Authentication 57
MAC-Based Derivation of Role 57
User Detection on Landing Pages 58
Click-Through Login Pages 58
Active Sessions Management 59
Session States 60 RFC 3576 Dynamic Authorization 61 Filtering the List of Active Sessions 61 Disconnecting Multiple Active Sessions 62 Sending Multiple SMS Alerts 63 About SMS Guest Account Receipts 63
Onboard 65
Accessing Onboard 65 About ClearPass Onboard 65
Onboard Deployment Checklist 66 Onboard Feature List 67 Supported Platforms 68 Public Key Infrastructure for Onboard 68
Certificate Hierarchy 69
Certificate Configuration in a Cluster 70 Revoking Unique Device Credentials 70
4 | Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
Revoking Credentials to Prevent Network Access 70
Re-Provisioning a Device 71 Network Requirements for Onboard 71
Using Same SSID for Provisioning and Provisioned Networks 71
Using Different SSID for Provisioning and Provisioned Networks 71
Configuring Online Certificate Status Protocol 72
Configuring Certificate Revocation List (CRL) 72 Network Architecture for Onboard 72
Network Architecture for Onboard when Using ClearPass Guest 74 The ClearPass Onboard Process 75
Devices Supporting Over-the-Air Provisioning 75
Devices Supporting Onboard Provisioning 76
Managing Provisioned Applications 78 Configuring the User Interface for Device Provisioning 79
Customizing the Device Provisioning Web Login Page 79 Using the {nwa_mdps_config} Template Function 80
Configuring the Certificate Authority 81
Setting Up the Certificate Authority 81 Setting Up a Root Certificate Authority 82 Setting Up an Intermediate Certificate Authority 84 Obtaining a Certificate for the Certificate Authority 86 Using Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services 86 Installing a Certificate Authority’s Certificate 88 Renewing the Certificate Authority’s Certificate 90 Configuring Data Retention Policy for Certificates 90
Uploading Certificates for the Certificate Authority 91 Creating a Certificate 93
Specifying the Identity of the Certificate Subject 93 Issuing the Certificate Request 95
Managing Certificates 95
Searching for Certificates in the List 96 Working with Certificates in the List 97 Working with Certificate Signing Requests 99 Importing a Code-Signing Certificate 101 Importing a Trusted Certificate 103
Requesting a Certificate 104
Providing a Certificate Signing Request in Text Format 104 Providing a Certificate Signing Request File 105 Specifying Certificate Properties 106
Configuring Provisioning Settings 106
Configuring Basic Provisioning Settings 107
Configuring Certificate Properties for Device Provisioning 107
Configuring Revocation Checks and Authorization 109 Configuring Provisioning Settings for iOS and OS X 110
Configuring Instructions for iOS and OS X 111
Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide | 5
Configuring Reconnect Behavior for iOS and OS X 111 Configuring Provisioning Settings for Legacy OS X Devices 112 Configuring Provisioning Settings for Windows Devices 113 Configuring Provisioning Settings for Android Devices 114 Configuring Options for Legacy OS X, Windows, and Android Devices 116
Configuring Network Settings for Device Provisioning 117
Configuring Basic Network Access Settings 118 Configuring 802.1X Authentication Network Settings 120 Configuring Device Authentication Settings 121 Configuring Mutual Authentication Settings 122
Configuring Trust Settings Automatically 122
Configuring Trust Settings Manually 123 Configuring Windows-Specific Network Settings 124 Configuring Proxy Settings 125
Configuring an iOS Device VPN Connection 125 Configuring an iOS Device Email Account 127 Configuring an iOS Device Passcode Policy 129 Resetting Onboard Certificates and Configuration 130 Onboard Troubleshooting 131
Configuration 133
Accessing Configuration 133 Configuring ClearPass Guest Authentication 134 Content Manager 134
Uploading Content 135 Downloading Content 135 Additional Content Actions 136
Customizing Guest Manager 137
Default Settings for Account Creation 137 About Fields, Forms, and Views 141 Business Logic for Account Creation 141
Verification Properties 141
Basic User Properties 141
Visitor Account Activation Properties 142
Visitor Account Expiration Properties 142
Other Properties 143 Standard Forms and Views 143
Customizing Fields 145
Creating a Custom Field 145 Duplicating a Field 147 Editing a Field 147 Deleting a Field 147 Displaying Forms that Use a Field 147 Displaying Views that Use a Field 147
Customizing AirGroup Registration Forms 147
Configuring the Shared Locations and Shared Role Fields 147
6 | Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
Example: 149
Customizing Forms and Views 150
Editing Forms and Views 151 Duplicating Forms and Views 151 Editing Forms 152 Form Field Editor 152 Form Validation Properties 162 Examples of Form field Validation 163 Advanced Form Field Properties 165 Form Field Validation Processing Sequence 166 Editing Views 169 View Field Editor 169
Customizing Self-Provisioned Access 171
Self-Registration Sequence Diagram 171 Creating a Self-Registration Page 172 Editing Self-Registration Pages 173 Configuring Basic Properties for Self-Registration 174
Using a Parent Page 174
Paying for Access 175
Requiring Operator Credentials 175 Editing Registration Page Properties 176 Editing the Default Self-Registration Form Settings 177 Creating a Single Password for Multiple Accounts 177 Editing Guest Receipt Page Properties 178 Editing Receipt Actions 178
Enabling Sponsor Confirmation for Role Selection 179
Editing Download and Print Actions for Guest Receipt Delivery 181
Editing Email Delivery of Guest Receipts 181
Editing SMS Delivery of Guest Receipts 182 Enabling and Editing NAS Login Properties 183 Editing Login Page Properties 184 Self-Service Portal Properties 186 Resetting Passwords with the Self-Service Portal 187
Email Receipts and SMTP Services 189
About Email Receipts 189 Configuring Email Receipts 190 Email Receipt Options 190 About Customizing SMTP Email Receipt Fields 192
Customizing Print Templates 194
Creating New Print Templates 194 Print Template Wizard 196 Modifying Wizard-Generated Templates 196 Setting Print Template Permissions 197
Customize SMS Receipt 198
SMS Receipt Fields 199
Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide | 7
Configuring Access Code Logins 199
Customize Random Username and Passwords 199 Create the Print Template 199 Customize the Guest Accounts Form 201 Create the Access Code Guest Accounts 201
Hotspot Manager 203
Accessing Hotspot Manager 203 About Hotspot Management 203 Managing the Hotspot Sign-up Interface 204
Captive Portal Integration 205 Web Site Look-and-Feel 206 SMS Services 206
Managing Hotspot Plans 206
Editing or Creating a Hotspot Plan 207
Managing Transaction Processors 209
Creating a New Transaction Processor 209 Managing Existing Transaction Processors 210
Managing Customer Information 210 Managing Hotspot Invoices 210 Customizing the User Interface 211
Customizing Visitor Sign-Up Page One 212 Customizing Visitor Sign-Up Page Two 212 Customizing Visitor Sign-Up Page Three 215
Viewing the Hotspot User Interface 217
Administration 219
AirGroup Services 220
Configuring the AirGroup Services Plugin 220 Creating AirGroup Administrators 221 Creating AirGroup Operators 221 Authenticating AirGroup Users via LDAP 221
Data Retention 221 Import Configuration 222 Plugin Manager 223
Viewing Available Plugins 223 Configuring Plugins 224
Configuring the Kernel Plugin 225
Configuring the Dell W-ClearPass Skin Plugin 226
Configuring the SMS Services Plugin 227
SMS Services 228
Viewing SMS Gateways 228 Creating a New SMS Gateway 229 Editing an SMS Gateway 231 Sending an SMS 232 About SMS Credits 233
8 | Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
About SMS Guest Account Receipts 233 SMS Receipt Options 234 Working with the SMTP Carrier List 234
Support Services 236
Viewing the Application Log 237 Exporting the Application Log 238 Contacting Support 239 Viewing Documentation 239
Operator Logins 241
Accessing Operator Logins 241 About Operator Logins 241
Role-Based Access Control for Multiple Operator Profiles 242
Operator Profiles 242
Creating an Operator Profile 242
Configuring the User Interface 245
Customizing Forms and Views 245 Operator Profile Privileges 246 Managing Operator Profiles 247 Configuring AirGroup Operator Device Limit 247
Local Operator Authentication 247
Creating a New Operator 248
External Operator Authentication 248
Manage LDAP Operator Authentication Servers 249 Creating an LDAP Server 249 Advanced LDAP URL Syntax 251 Viewing the LDAP Server List 251 LDAP Operator Server Troubleshooting 252
Testing Connectivity 252
Testing Operator Login Authentication 252
Looking Up Sponsor Names 253
Troubleshooting Error Messages 253 LDAP Translation Rules 254 Custom LDAP Translation Processing 256
Operator Logins Configuration 257
Custom Login Message 258 Advanced Operator Login Options 259
Automatic Logout 259
Reference 261
Basic HTML Syntax 261
Standard HTML Styles 262
Smarty Template Syntax 264
Basic Template Syntax 264 Text Substitution 264 Template File Inclusion 264
Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide | 9
Comments 264 Variable Assignment 264 Conditional Text Blocks 264 Script Blocks 265 Repeated Text Blocks 265 Foreach Text Blocks 265 Modifiers 266 Predefined Template Functions 266
dump 266
nwa_commandlink 267
nwa_iconlink 267
nwa_icontext 268
nwa_quotejs 269
nwa_radius_query 269
ChangeToRole() 270
GetCallingStationCurrentSession() 270
GetCallingStationSessions() 270
GetCallingStationTime() 270
GetCallingStationTraffic() 271
GetCurrentSession() 271
GetIpAddressCurrentSession() 272
GetIpAddressSessions() 272
GetIpAddressTime() 272
GetIpAddressTraffic() 272
GetSessions() 273
GetSessionTimeRemaining() 273
GetTime() 273
GetTraffic() 274
GetUserActiveSessions() 274
GetUserActiveSessionCount() 274
GetUserCumulativeUsage() 274
GetUserCurrentSession() 274
GetUserFirstLoginTime() 274
GetUserSessions() 275
GetUserTraffic() 275 Advanced Developer Reference 275
nwa_assign 275
nwa_bling 275
nwa_makeid 276
nwa_nav 276
nwa_plugin 277
nwa_privilege 278
nwa_replace 278
nwa_text 278
nwa_userpref 279
10 | DellNetworking W-ClearPass Guest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
nwa_youtube 279
Date/Time Format Syntax 279
nwadateformat Modifier 279 nwatimeformat Modifier 280 Date/Time Format String Reference 281
Programmer’s Reference 282
NwaAlnumPassword 282 NwaBoolFormat 282 NwaByteFormat 283 NwaByteFormatBase10 283 NwaComplexPassword 283 NwaCsvCache 283 NwaDigitsPassword($len) 283 NwaDynamicLoad 283 NwaGeneratePictureString 283 NwaGenerateRandomPasswordMix 284 NwaLettersDigitsPassword 284 NwaLettersPassword 284 NwaMoneyFormat 284 NwaParseCsv 284 NwaParseXml 285 NwaPasswordByComplexity 285 NwaSmsIsValidPhoneNumber 286 NwaStrongPassword 286 NwaVLookup 286 NwaWordsPassword 287
Field, Form, and View Reference 287
GuestManager Standard Fields 287 Hotspot Standard Fields 294 SMS Services Standard Fields 295 SMTP Services Standard Fields 296 Format Picture String Symbols 297 Form Field Validation Functions 298 Form Field Conversion Functions 301 Form Field Display Formatting Functions 301 View Display Expression Technical Reference 303
LDAP Standard Attributes for User Class 304 Regular Expressions 305
Glossary 307 Index 311
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12 | DellNetworking W-ClearPass Guest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
Chapter 1
About this Guide
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest provides a simple and personalized user interface through which operational staff can quickly and securely manager visitor network access.
This deployment guide is intended for system administrators and people who are installing and configuring Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest as their visitor management solution. It describes the installation and configuration process.
The following conventions are used throughout this guide to emphasize important concepts:
Table 1:
Typographical Conventions
Type Style Description
System items
{Item A | Item B}
This style is used to emphasize important terms and to mark the titles of books.
This fixed-width font depicts the following:
l Sample screen output l System prompts l Filenames, software devices, and specific commands when mentioned in the text
In the command examples, this bold font depicts text that you must type exactly as shown.
In the command examples, italicized text within angle brackets represents items that you should replace with information appropriate to your specific situation. For example:
# send <text message>
In this example, you would type “send” at the system prompt exactly as shown, followed by the text of the message you wish to send. Do not type the angle brackets.
Command examples enclosed in brackets are optional. Do not type the brackets.
In the command examples, items within curled braces and separated by a vertical bar represent the available choices. Enter only one choice. Do not type the braces or bars.
Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide About thisGuide | 13
The following informational icons are used throughout this guide:
NOTE: Indicates helpful suggestions, pertinent information, and important things to remember.
CAUTION: Indicates a risk of damage to your hardware or loss of data.
WARNING: Indicates a risk of personal injury or death.
Contacting Support
Web Site Support
Main Website
Support Website
Documentation Website
14 | Contacting Support Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
Chapter 2
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest Overview
This chapter explains the terms, concepts, processes, and equipment involved in managing visitor access to a network, and helps you understand how Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest can be successfully integrated into your network infrastructure. It is intended for network architects, IT administrators, and security consultants who are planning to deploy visitor access, or who are in the early stages of deploying a visitor access solution.
This chapter includes the following sections:
l "About Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest" on page 15
l "Visitor Access Scenarios " on page 16
l "Reference Network Diagram " on page 16
l "Key Interactions" on page 17
l "AAA Framework" on page 18
l "Key Features" on page 19
l "Visitor Management Terminology" on page 20
l "ClearPass Guest Deployment Process " on page 21
l "AirGroup Deployment Process " on page 23
l "Documentation and User Assistance " on page 24
l "Use of Cookies " on page 25
About Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest provides a simple and personalized user interface through which operational staff can quickly and securely manage visitor network access. It gives your non-technical staff controlled access to a dedicated visitor management user database. Through a customizable Web portal, your staff can easily create an account, reset a password, or set an expiry time for visitors. Access permissions to ClearPass Guest functions are controlled through an operator profile that can be integrated with an LDAP server or Active Directory login.
Visitors can be registered at reception and provisioned with an individual guest account that defines their visitor profile and the duration of their visit. The visitor can be given a printed customized receipt with account details, or the receipt can be delivered wirelessly using the integrated SMS services. Companies are also able to pre-generate custom scratch cards, each with a defined network access time, which can then be handed out in a corporate environment or sold in public access scenarios.
You can use the customization features to define settings that allow your visitors to self-provision their own guest accounts. Visitors register through a branded and customized Web portal, ensuring a streamlined and professional experience. Surveys can also be presented during the self-registration process and the data stored for later analysis and reporting, providing additional insight to your visitors and their network usage.
Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest Overview | 15
ClearPass Guest integrates with all leading wireless and NAC solutions through a flexible definition point, ClearPass Policy Manager. This ensures that IT administrators have a standard integration with the network security framework, but gives operational staff the user interface they require.
Visitor Access Scenarios
The following figure shows a high-level representation of a typical visitor access scenario.
Figure 1: Visitor access using ClearPass Guest
In this scenario, visitors are using their own mobile devices to access a corporate wireless network. Because access to the network is restricted, visitors must first obtain a username and password. A guest account may be provisioned by a corporate operator such as a receptionist, who can then give the visitor a print receipt that shows their username and password for the network.
When visitors use self-registration, as might be the case for a network offering public access, the process is broadly similar but does not require a corporate operator to create the guest account. The username and password for a self­provisioned guest account may be delivered directly to the visitor’s Web browser, or sent via SMS or email.
Reference Network Diagram
The following figure shows the network connections and protocols used by ClearPass Guest.
16 | Visitor AccessScenarios Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
Figure 2: Reference network diagram for visitor access
The network administrator, operators, and visitors may use different network interfaces to access the visitor management features. The exact topology of the network and the connections made to it will depend on the type of network access offered to visitors and the geographical layout of the access points.
Key Interactions
The following figure shows the key interactions between ClearPass Guest and the people and other components involved in providing guest access.
Figure 3: Interactions involved in guest access
Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide Key Interactions | 17
ClearPass Guest is part of your network’s core infrastructure and manages guest access to the network.
NAS devices, such as wireless access points and wired switches on the edge of the network, use the RADIUS protocol to ask ClearPass Policy Manager to authenticate the username and password provided by a guest logging in to the network. If authentication is successful, the guest is then authorized to access the network.
Roles are assigned to a guest as part of the context ClearPass Policy Manager uses to apply its policies. RADIUS attributes that define a role’s access permissions are contained within Policy Manager’s Enforcement Profile. Additional features such as role mapping for ClearPass Guest can be performed in ClearPass Policy Manager.
The network usage of authorized guests is monitored by the NAS and reported in summary form to ClearPass Policy Manager using RADIUS accounting, which allows administrators to generate network reports in ClearPass Insight.
AAA Framework
ClearPass Guest is built on the industry standard AAA framework, which consists of authentication, authorization, and accounting components.
The following figure shows how the different components of this framework are employed in a guest access scenario.
Figure 4: Sequence diagram for network access using AAA
In the standard AAA framework, network access is provided to a user according to the following process:
l The user connects to the network by associating with a local access point [1].
18 | AAA Framework Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
l A landing page is displayed to the user [2] which allows them to log in to the NAS [3], [4] using the login name
and password of their guest account.
l The NAS authenticates the user with the RADIUS protocol [5].
l ClearPass Policy Manager determines whether the user is authorized, and, if so, returns vendor-specific attributes
[6] that are used to configure the NAS based on the user’s role and other policies [7].
l If the user’s access is granted, the NAS permits the guest access to the network based on the settings provided by
the ClearPass Policy Manager server.
l The NAS reports details about the user’s session to the ClearPass Policy Manager server using RADIUS
accounting messages [8].
l After the user’s session times out [9], the NAS will return the user to an unauthorized state and finalize the
details of the user’s session with an accounting update [10].
Key Features
Refer to the table below for a list of key features and a cross-reference to the relevant section of this deployment guide.
Table 2:
List of Key features
Feature Refer to…
Visitor Access
Web server providing content delivery for guests
Guest self-registration
Visitor Management
Create and manage visitor accounts, individually or in groups
Manage active RADIUS sessions using RFC 3576 dynamic authorization support
Import and export visitor accounts
Create guest self-registration forms
"Content Manager " on page 134
"Customizing Self-Provisioned Access " on page 171
"Using Standard Guest Management Features" on page 29
"Active Sessions Management " on page 59
"Importing Guest Accounts " on page 40
"Creating a Self-Registration Page " on page 172
Configure a self-service portal for guests
Local printer, SMS or email delivery of account receipts
Visitor Account Features
Independent activation time, expiration time, and maximum usage time
Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide Key Features | 19
"Self-Service Portal Properties" on page 186
"Editing Guest Receipt Page Properties" on page 178
"Business Logic for Account
Feature Refer to…
Creation" on page 141
Define unlimited custom fields
Username up to 64 characters
Customization Features
Create new fields and forms for visitor management
Use built-in data validation to implement visitor survey forms
Create print templates for visitor account receipts
Administrat ive Management Features
Operators defined and authenticated locally
Operators authenticated via LDAP
Role based access control for operators
"Customizing Fields " on page 145
"GuestManager Standard Fields" on page 287
"Customizing Forms and Views
" on page 150
"Form Validation Properties" on page 162
"Editing Guest Receipt Page Properties" on page 178
"Local Operator Authentication" on page 247
"External Operator Authentication" on page 248
"Operator Profiles " on page 242
Plugin-based application features, automatically updated by ClearPass Policy Manager
User Interface Features
Context-sensitive help with searchable online documentation
"Plugin Manager " on page 223
"Documentation and User Assistance " on page 24
Visitor Management Terminology
The following table describes the common terms used in ClearPass Guest and this guide.
Table 3:
Common Terms
Term Explanation
Accounting Process of recording summary information about network access by users and devices.
Authentication Verification of a user’s credentials; typically a username and password.
Authorization Controls the type of access that an authenticated user is permitted to have.
Captive Portal
Implemented by a Network Access Server to restrict network access to authorized users only.
20 | Visitor Management Terminology Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
Term Explanation
Field In a user interface or database, a single item of information about a user account.
Form In a user interface, a collection of editable fields displayed to an operator.
Device that provides network access to users, such as a wireless access point, network
Network Access Server
switch, or dial-in terminal server. When a user connects to the NAS device, a RADIUS access request is generated by the NAS.
Operator Profile
Operator/Operator Login User of ClearPass Guest to create guest accounts or perform system configuration.
Print Template Formatted template used to generate guest account receipts.
Sponsor Operator
User Database Database listing the guest accounts in ClearPass Guest.
Visitor/Guest Someone who is permitted to access the Internet through your Network Access Server.
Visitor Account
Web Login/NAS Login Login page displayed to a guest user.
Characteristics assigned to a class of operators, such as the permissions granted to those operators.
Type of access being granted to visitors. You can define multiple roles. Such roles could include employee, guest, team member, or press.
In a user interface, a table displaying data, such as visitor account information, to operators.
Settings for a visitor stored in the user database, including username, password and other fields.
ClearPass Guest Deployment Process
As part of your preparations for deploying a visitor management solution, you should consider the following areas:
l Management decisions about security policy
l Decisions about the day-to-day operation of visitor management
l Technical decisions related to network provisioning
Operational Concerns
When deploying a visitor management solution, you should consider these operational concerns:
l Who is going to be responsible for managing guest accounts? What privileges will the guest account manager
have? Will this person only create guest accounts or will this person also be permitted access to reports?
l Do you want guests to be able to self-provision their own network access? What settings should be applied to
self-provisioned visitor accounts?
l How will operator logins be provisioned? Should operators be authenticated against an LDAP server?
l Who will manage reporting of guest access? What are the reports of interest? Are any custom reports needed?
Network Provisioning
Deploying ClearPass Guest requires provisioning the following:
Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide ClearPass Guest Deployment Process | 21
l Physical location – rack space, power and cooling requirements; or deployment using virtualization
l Network connectivity – VLAN selection, IP address, and hostname
l Security infrastructure – SSL certificate
Site Preparation Checklist
The following is a checklist of the items that should be considered when setting up ClearPass Guest.
Table 4:
Site Preparation Checklist
Security Policy
Operational Concerns
Policy Decision
Segregated guest accounts?
Type of network access?
Time of day access?
Bandwidth allocation to guests?
Prioritization of traffic?
Different guest roles?
IP address ranges for operators?
Enforce access via HTTPS?
Who will manage guest accounts?
Guest account self provisioning?
What privileges will the guest managers have?
Who will be responsible for printing reports?
Network Management Policy
Password format for guest accounts?
Shared secret format?
Operator provisioning?
Network Provisioning
Physical location?
Network connectivity?
Security infrastructure?
22 | Site Preparation Checklist Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
Security Policy Considerations
To ensure that your network remains secure, decisions have to be made regarding guest access:
l Do you wish to segregate guest access? Do you want a different VLAN, or different physical network
infrastructure to be used by your guests?
l What resources are you going to make available to guests (for example, type of network access; permitted times
of day; bandwidth allocation)?
l Will guest access be separated into different roles? If so, what roles are needed?
l How will you prioritize traffic on the network to differentiate quality of service for guest accounts and non-guest
l What will be the password format for guest accounts? Will you be changing this format on a regular basis?
l What requirements will you place on the shared secret, between NAS and the RADIUS server to ensure network
security is not compromised?
l What IP address ranges will operators be using to access the server?
l Should HTTPS be required in order to access the visitor management server?
AirGroup Deployment Process
AirGroup allows users to register their personal mobile devices on the local network and define a group of friends or associates who are allowed to share them. You use ClearPass Guest to define AirGroup administrators and operators. AirGroup administrators can then use ClearPass Guest to register and manage an organization’s shared devices and configure access according to username, role, or location. AirGroup operators (end users) can use ClearPass Guest to register their personal devices and define the group who can share them.
Table 5 summarizes the steps for configuring AirGroup functionality in ClearPass Guest. Details for these steps are
provided in the relevant sections of this Guide. This table does not include the configuration steps performed in ClearPass Policy Manager or the W-Series controller. For complete AirGroup deployment information, refer to the AirGroup Deployment Guide and the ClearPass Policy Manager documentation.
Table 5:
Summary of AirGroup Configuration Steps in ClearPass Guest
Step Section in this Guide
Create AirGroup administrators "Creating a New Operator" on page 248
Create AirGroup operators "Creating a New Operator" on page 248
Configure an operator’s device limit "Configuring AirGroup Operator Device Limit " on page 247
To authenticate AirGroup users via LDAP:
l Define the LDAP server l Define appropriate translation rules
AirGroup administrator: Register devices or groups of devices
AirGroup operator: Register personal devices "AirGroup Device Registration " on page 53
(Optional) Configure device registration form with drop­down lists for existing locations and roles
"External Operator Authentication" on page 248 "LDAP Translation Rules " on page 254
"AirGroup Device Registration " on page 53
"Customizing AirGroup Registration Forms " on page 147
Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide Security Policy Considerations | 23
Documentation and User Assistance
This section describes the variety of user assistance available for ClearPass Guest.
Deployment Guide and Online Help
This Deployment Guide provides complete information for all ClearPass Guest features. The following quick links may be useful in getting started.
Table 6:
Quick Links
For information about... Refer to...
What visitor management is and how it works
Using the guest management features
Role-based access control for operators "Operator Profiles " on page 242
Setting up LDAP authentication for operators "External Operator Authentication" on page 248
Guest self-provisioning features "Self Provisioned Guest Access" on page 28
Dynamic authorization extensions "RFC 3576 Dynamic Authorization" on page 61
SMS receipts for guest accounts "SMS Services " on page 228
Email receipts for guest accounts "Email Receipts and SMTP Services" on page 189
Network administration of the appliance "Administration " on page 219
"About Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest" on page 15
"Using Standard Guest Management Features" on page 29
Context-Sensitive Help
For more detailed information about the area of the application you are using, click the context-sensitive Help link displayed at the top right of the page. This opens a new browser tab showing the relevant section of this deployment guide.
The deployment guide may be searched using the Search box in the top right corner.
Type in keywords related to your search and click the Search button to display a list of matches. The most relevant matches will be displayed first. Words may be excluded from the search by typing a minus sign directly before the word to exclude (for example-exclude). Exact phrase matches may also be searched for by enclosing the phrase in double quotes (for example, “word phrase”).
24 | Documentation and User Assistance
Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
Field Help
The ClearPass Guest user interface has field help built into every form. The field help provides a short summary of the purpose of the field at the point you need it most. In many cases this is sufficient to use the application without further assistance or training.
Quick Help
In list views, click the Quick Help tab located at the top left of the list to display additional information about the list you are viewing and the actions that are available within the list.
On some forms and views, the Quick Help icon may also be used to provide additional detail about a field.
If You Need More Assistance
If you encounter a problem using ClearPass Guest, your first step should be to consult the appropriate section in this Deployment Guide.
If you cannot find an answer here, the next step is to contact your reseller. The reseller can usually provide you with the answer or obtain a solution to your problem.
If you still need information, you can refer to the Contact Support command available under Support Services in the user interface, or see "Contacting Support" on page 14.
Use of Cookies
Cookies are small text files that are placed on a user’s computer by Web sites the user visits. They are widely used in order to make Web sites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of a site. Session cookies are temporary cookies that last only for the duration of one user session.
When a user registers or logs in via a W-Series captive portal, Dell uses session cookies solely to remember between clicks who a guest or operator is. Dell uses this information in a way that does not identify any user-specific information, and does not make any attempt to find out the identities of those using its W-Series ClearPass products. Dell does not associate any data gathered by the cookie with any personally identifiable information (PII) from any source. Dell uses session cookies only during the user’s active session and does not store any permanent cookies on a user’s computer. Session cookies are deleted when the user closes his/her Web browser.
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26 | Use of Cookies Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
Chapter 3
Guest Manager
The ability to easily create and manage guest accounts is the primary function of Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest. The Guest Manager module provides complete control over the user account creation process.
Guest Manager features for managing guest accounts let you:
l Create single or multiple guest accounts and receipts
l List guest accounts and edit individual or multiple accounts
l View and manage active sessions
l Import new accounts from a text file
l Export a list of accounts
l View MAC devices
l Create new MAC devices
Many features can also be customized. For information on customizing Guest Manager settings, forms and views, guest self-registration, and print templates, see "Configuration " on page 133.
Accessing Guest Manager
To access Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest’s guest management features, click the Guest link in the left navigation.
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About Guest Management Processes
There are two major ways to manage guest access – either by your operators provisioning guest accounts, or by the guests self-provisioning their own accounts. Both of these processes are described in the next sections.
Sponsored Guest Access
The following figure shows the process of sponsored guest access.
Figure 5: Sponsored guest access with guest created by operator
The operator creates the guest accounts and generates a receipt for the account.
The guest logs on to the Network Access Server (NAS) using the credentials provided on her receipt. The NAS authenticates and authorizes the guest’s login in ClearPass Guest. Once authorized, the guest is able to access the network.
Self Provisioned Guest Access
Self-provisioned access is similar to sponsored guest access, but there is no need for an operator to create the account or to print the receipt. The following figure shows the process of self-provisioned guest access.
Figure 6: Guest access when guest is self-provisioned
The guest logs on to the Network Access Server (NAS), which captures the guest and redirects them to a captive portal login page. From the login page, guests without an account can browse to the guest self-registration page, where the guest creates a new account. At the conclusion of the registration process, the guest is automatically redirected to the NAS to log in.
The guest can print or download a receipt, or have the receipt information delivered by SMS or email.
28 | About Guest Management Processes Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
The NAS performs authentication and authorization for the guest in ClearPass Guest. Once authorized, the guest is then able to access the network.
See"Customizing Self-Provisioned Access " on page 171 for details on creating and managing self-registration pages.
Using Standard Guest Management Features
This section describes:
l How to create a single guest account and a guest account receipt
l How to create multiple guest accounts and multiple guest account receipts
l How to create a single password for multiple accounts
l How to list and edit single and multiple guest accounts
To customize guest self-registration, please see Configuration on page 133.
Creating a Guest Account
To create a new account, go to Guest > Create Account, or click the Create New Guest Account command link on the Guest Manager page. The New Visitor Account form opens.
NOTE: The New Visitor Account form (create_user) may be customized by adding new fields, or modifying or removing the existing fields. See"Customizing Self-Provisioned Access " on page 171 for details about the customization process. The default settings for this form are described below.
To complete the form, first enter the visitor’s details into the Sponsor’s Name, Visitor Name, Company Name and Email Address fields. The visitor’s email address will become their username to log into the network.
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You can specify the account activation and expiration times. The visitor account cannot be used before the activation time, or after the expiration time.
The Account Role specifies what type of account the visitor should have.
A random password is created for each visitor account. This is displayed on this form, but will also be available on the guest account receipt.
You must mark the Terms of Use check box in order to create the visitor account.
Click the Create Account button after completing the form.
Creating a Guest Account Receipt
After you click the Create Account button on the New Visitor Account form, the details for that account are displayed.
To print a receipt for the visitor, select an appropriate template from the Open print window using template… list. A new Web browser window will open and the browser’s Print dialog box will be displayed.
Click the Send SMS receipt link to send a guest account receipt via text message. Use the SMS Receipt form to enter the mobile telephone number to which the receipt should be sent.
Sending SMS receipts requires the SMS Services plugin. If the administrator has enabled automatic SMS, and the visitor’s phone number was typed into the New Visitor Account form, an SMS message will be sent automatically. A message is displayed on the account receipt page after an SMS message has been sent.
Click the Send email receipt link to send an email copy of the guest account receipt. Use the Email Receipt form to enter the email address to which the receipt should be sent. You can also specify the subject line for the email message. If the administrator has enabled automatic email for guest account receipts, and the visitor’s email address was typed into the New Visitor Account form, an email receipt will be sent automatically. A message is displayed on the account receipt page after an email has been sent.
Creating Multiple Guest Accounts
The Create Guest Accounts form is used to create a group of visitor accounts.
To create multiple accounts, go to Guest > Create Multiple, or click the Create Multiple Guest Accounts command link on the Guest Manager page. The Create Guest Accounts form opens.
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Dell Networking W-ClearPassGuest 6.0 | Deployment Guide
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