Dell iDRAC8 with Lifecycle Controller Version Manual

Integrated Dell Remote
Access Controller 8
(iDRAC8) and iDRAC7
with Lifecycle
Controller for Dell
PowerEdge Servers
Release Notes
Release Notes
Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC)
iDRAC is a systems management hardware and software solution that provides remote management capabilities, crashed system recovery, and power control funct i ons for Dell PowerEdge sy s t ems.
Lifecycle Controller (LC-GUI)
An out-of-band mechanism for configuring the platform, applying firmware updates, saving or restoring a system backup, or deploying an operating system, either by using a GUI or a remote scripting language. Lifecycle Controller GUI provides advance d embedded systems management and is delivered as part of Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8). The GUI enables remote systems management in a one-to-one method and is accessible by pressing F10 during system boot.
Lifecycle Controller Remote Services (LC-RS)
LC-RS provides advanced embedded systems management and is delivered as part of iDRAC8 and iDRAC7. LC-RS enables remote systems management in a one-to-many method. Remote Services uses WS-Management (WS-MAN) protocol based Web services interface to remotely provision and manage the servers.
iDRAC Lifecycle Controller
Release Date
June 2016
Previous Version
RECOMMENDED: Dell recommends applying this update during your next scheduled update cycle. The update contains feature enhancements or changes that will help keep your system software current and compatible with other system modules (firmware, BIOS, drivers, and software).
Platform(s) Affected
iDRAC8 and LC is supported on the following systems:
PowerEdge R830
What is Supported?
License Requirements
Software licensing has replaced hardware licensing. For more information, see the Integrated Dell Remote
Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8) and iDRAC 7 v2.30.30.30 User 's Guide, available at
Many features in Lifecycle Controller are licensed. You must install the appropriate license to use these
features. For more information, see the Introduction section in the Dell Lifecycle Controller GUI v2.30.30.30
User’s Guide, available at

Supported Managed Server Operating Systems for iDRAC7 and iDRAC8

The following operating systems are supported by iDRAC7 and iDRAC8:
Windows Server 2012 Foundation Edition Windows Server 2012 Essentials Edition
Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition
Windows Server 2012 Datacenter Edition
Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation Edition
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials Edition
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition
Windows Server 2012 for Embedded Systems (Base and R2 SP1)
WinPE 3.0 32 bit
WinPE 4.0 32 bit WinPE 4.0 64 bit
WinPE 5.0 64 bit
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4
VMware vSphere 5.5 U3
VMware vSphere 6.0 U2

Supported Web Browsers for iDRAC7 and iDRAC8

Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 Microsoft Internet Explorer 10
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Safari version 7.1 Safari version 8.0
Mozilla Firefox version 42
Mozilla Firefox version 43
Google Chrome version 46
Google Chrome version 47
: Microsoft Windows Edge is not a supported web browser.

What’s New

Support for Dell PowerEdge R830 system.

iDRAC – Fixes

iDRAC - Important Notes
Lifecycle Controller features such as Auto Discovery and vFlash are now licensed. Install the correct licenses for Lifecycle Controller Remote Services to work properly.
Only if there is one or more network interface cards (NDC or LOM) present on the managed system,
Network Devices
For the virtual console and virtual media to function properly, iDRAC8 web URL must be added to the Local
Intranet site list and the security level for the Local Intranet zone must be set to Medium-Low. In addition, if Virtual Console and Virtual Media are configured to use Java plug-in, disable the in Internet Explorer. If this is not possible, then in iDRAC8, configure Virtual Console to use the ActiveX plug-in.
If the instant messenger is launched in the Virtual Console viewer with ActiveX native plug-in and another
application is started (example Notepad, WordPad, and so on) without minimizing the Virtual Console, the instant messenger box also pops-up on other applications. This does not happen with Java plug-in.
When a system is in POST, it is not possible to attach a vFlash partition as the first boot device. Virtual Console Viewer from iDRAC8 Web interface terminates when the managed system is restarted.
A pop-up message is not displayed to confirm if test emails are successfully sent or not.
For iDRAC8 Enterprise, when the Virtual Console is disabled and Virtual Media is disabled and/or detached, the console port (default: 5900) remains open. For iDRAC8 Express (no Virtual Console or Virtual Media) the console port is open.
If auto-negotiation is enabled while setting iDRAC8 network, 1 Gbps is not supported and you cannot
manually select it. A USB device mounted through Virtual Media in floppy emulation mode for a Linux operating system shows
as a removable volume.
During system power operations, if the video mode changes, the message "Out of range" may appear for a short while on the Virtual Console.
When using the Virtual Console in native console mode with
Internet Explorer versions 8 and 9, if an F1/F2 prompt is encountered, pressing F1 displays the Virtual Console online help pop-up in addition to continuing with the system boot.
When any of the storage enclosure components are removed, the corresponding details are not displayed.
Only the name and status attributes are displayed. When certain RAID operations are requested using WS-MAN on non-RAID cards such as, the Dell SAS
6Gbs HBA or the Internal Tape Adapter, the operation succeeds, however the job fails with the error message "Unable to locate device in current configuration".
If the iDRAC8 network is configured to use a shared LOM and the spanning tree is enabled on the LOM port,
WS-MAN and remote service commands may time-out in the following scenarios:
- At system reboot
- When CSIOR is running
- While entering SSM The connectivity lost is variable. In typical cases, it is approximately:
- 40 seconds at system reboot and varies per NIC or link speed
- 20 seconds when CSIOR is running
- 40-60 seconds while entering SSM
The reason is that when spanning tree is enabled, the switc h does not al l o w the link to re-establish the connection after a reset until it completes checking for network loops. Server reboots reset the NIC and disconnects the link.
: This does not occur while using dedicated NIC because server reboots do not affect the dedicated NIC.
When logging in to iDRAC8 web interface using Internet Explorer 9 and IPv6 address, the connection may
not succeed. To resolve this, make sure that in
On PowerEdge systems with cabled power supply units installed (that is, PSUs which do not provide PMBus support), power values may still be displayed in the iDRAC8 web and LCD interfaces. Due to lack of PMBus support in the PSUs, the power values displayed on the GUI pages, including the
Front Panel
appears under
LAN Settings
page, may not be correct.
, the
Use automatic configuration script
Internet Explorer
section in the iDRAC web interface.
Enhanced Security Mode
Pass all keystrokes to server
Internet Options
option is cleared.
disabled in
Due to the independent nature of the alert processes (e-mail, SMTP, remote syslog), when changing the licenses that affect alert features (example, email alerts for Express or remote syslog for Enterprise) there is no guarantee of the timing of the features being activated or deactivated when the license changes.
In the iDRAC web interface, when the
minutes for the inventory data to be collected. After the data collection is complete, refresh the page to display the inventory data.
Make sure to synchronize the iDRAC time with the management station’s time to avoid certificate related
issues. If the time is not synchronized, issues such as server certificate expiration may be seen. If this occurs, re-synchronize iDRAC time with the management station’s time and reboot iDRAC.
On a system running Linux, after launching the Virtual Console, if you click a menu item and it remains open,
the Ctrl + Alt + L keystroke sent from iDRAC to the host system does not lock the host system. The behavior is same as using a local keyboard.
The default time zone value is US Central Time. To make sure Single Sign-On (SSO) and Directory Service
TFA (smart card) continue to work properly, the iDRAC time zone must match the time zone where iDRAC is located, assuming Active Directory server's time zone is already configured to match the Active Directory's location. For example, if Active Directory server is located at US Eastern time zone and iDRAC is located at US Pacific time zone, Active Directory server has to be configured as US Eastern time zone (this is Active Directory server configuration and is normally configured), and iDRAC must be configured as US Pacific time zone. For more information to configure the time zone, see the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8) and iDRAC7 v2.30.30.30 User's Guide.
If the management station is using MAC operating system, it takes more time to launch the Virtual Console
due to the following DNS search issue:
The help page for the Export and Import of Server Profile feature does not provide the correct share name.
See the Web Services Interface Guide available at Dell TechCenter for the correct share name.
Remote Sys Log settings take effect only if you do the following:
- Enable remote syslog feature
- Specify the server address and port number
- Enable
When creating a Virtual Media image from a folder, the output image file size is at least 512 MB.
To launch Virtual Console using Java plug-in, only JavaWebStart versions 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7 from Sun (Oracle) is supported. Any other versions or any other installations are not supported.
On a server running RHEL operating system, performing the following steps can create an eth*.bak interface
(where * is the interface number). This is visible in the Network Manger interface. This interface can be safely ignored.
Any change in VNC server settings disconnects the active VNC session.
USB NIC is supported on RHEL 6.5 32-bit and RHEL 6.5 64-bit operating systems. On any Linux operating system, for https://idrac.local to work, the avahi, nss-mdns, and dependent packages must be installed.
CIFS supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses but NFS supports only IPv4 address.
During POST, if the system displays cable detect message: "CBL0001: Backplane 0 power cable
disconnected", you must check all the backplane cables as this message is not limited to Backplane 0 only.
Do not reboot the host while RAID rebuild is in-progress. If the host is reset, IDSDM is also reset.
On certain iDRAC versions, creating vFlash partition and downloading DUP images may take a little longer than usual due to updated open source packages.
After updating the firmware, ensure that you clear the browser cache before accessing the iDRAC web interface.
Remote SysLog
After the operating system (RHEL) is running, enable OS to iDRAC Pass-through channel through the iDRAC web interface.
Disable OS to iDRAC Pass-through.
Reboot or power cycle the server, and then re-enable OS to iDRAC Pass-through.
System Inventory
option on the
page is accessed for the first time, it takes up to two
iDRAC - Know n Issue s
Issue 1:
In Chinese locale on Windows operating system, while launching the Virtual Console using Java plug-in, occasionally you may see a Java compilation error.
1. Open the Java control panel.
2. Go to General -> Network Settings.
3. Select Direct Connection and click OK.
Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 2:
If the management station is using Linux operating system with the Pass all keystrokes to server option enabled, you cannot resize the Virtual Console viewer window by dragging the corners or frame. This is a limitation of X-Windows.
Do any of the following:
Disable the Pass all keystrokes to server option.
With Pass all keystrokes to server option enabled, open any menu in the Virtual Console viewer window title
bar, and then re-size the window.
Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 3:
Relevant error message is not displayed when you apply the Minimum Fan Speed in PWM (% of Max) with custom or blank value.
Resolution Enter the value in the range displayed next to the Custom field. Versions/Systems Affected
All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 4:
Relevant error message is not displayed when OS to iDRAC pass-through is disabled or changed to LOM state even if iDRAC Service Module is installed in the host OS.
None. Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 5:
Cannot set VNC password with quotes.
Do not use double quotes fo r t he VNC pa s sword. Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 6:
In some scenarios, typically for state change events occurring within a span of few seconds, the sequence of events reported in the Lifecycle Log (or corresponding SNMP traps) for storage devices may not exactly match the sequence in which they occurred.
Check the current state or attribute of the storage device using any of the iDRAC8 interfaces (example, iDRAC8 web interface, RACADM, and so on).
Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8 and out-of-band enabled PERC storage controllers.
Issue 7:
When enclosures connected in the redundant path are re-wired (connections are switched) to result in a non-redundant path, the reported connected port value of the enclosures may not be accurate.
Power cycle the server. Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8 and out-of-band enabled PERC storage controllers.
Issue 8:
When a storage enclosure is disconnected or accidentally removed, the corresponding status of its components (that is, EMM, PSU, fan, and temperature sensors) is reported as critical.
If the storage enclosure is disconnected accidentally, reconnect it to get back to normal state. If it is intentional, perform iDRAC8 reboot or server power cycle to remove the enclosure entries from the consoles.
Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8 and out-of-band enabled PERC storage controllers.
Issue 9:
After performing storage operations on PERC throu gh Option-ROM (CTRL-R) or before a system reset (warm boot), the corresponding events are not recorded in Lifecycle log. SNMP traps are generated and the corresponding inventory changes are not reflected in the iDRAC8 web interface or RACADM.
To update the storage inventory, perform a server power cycle (cold boot). Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8 and out-of-band enabled PERC storage controllers.
Issue 10:
For storage configuration operations (example, virtual disk creation, assign hot spare, forei gn c o nfiguration operatio ns, and so on) that are executed real-time (that is, not requiring a server reboot), the corresponding job status may be displayed as failed even though the operation was successful.
View the Lifecycle Controller Logs to check whether there are any relevant messages indicating the success of the individual configuration operations. Alternatively, view the refreshed inventory of the storage subsystem using any of the iDRAC8 interfaces and verify if the applied configuration has taken effect. Do not combine multiple configuration operations within the same real-time job instead perform each configuration as a separate job.
Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8 and out-of-band enabled PERC storage controllers.
Issue 11:
In some scenarios, typically when a PCIe SSD is removed from a server slot and a different PCIe SSD is inserted quickly (that is, within 5-10 seconds) into the same slot, the server fan speeds may not get optimally configured to accommodate the thermal profile or tier of the inserted PCIe SSD.
Power cycle the server.
Versions/Systems Affected
All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8 and PCIe SSDs.
Issue 12:
When using CIFS mount using host IPv6 address to perform firmware update, the update job may be unsuccessful. A typical CIFS IPv6 address of the form 2620:14c:804:23a0:a410:8014:8dab:5e4c as part of update xml mail because the mount command does not connect to the share drive.
On system with the CIFS share:
1. Start the Registry Editor (regedt32.exe).
2. Locate the following key in the Windows registry:
3. Add the following entries to the registry key
- DWORD key DisableStrictNameChecking
- Add with value 1 (decimal) to enable file sharing.
4. Reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.
Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 13:
iDRAC8 user interfaces (example, iDRAC8 web interface, RACADM and so on) does not display the newer storage enclosure or backplane fi r mware version when the firmware is updated through the operating system using DUP.
To update the storage inventory, perform a server power cycle (cold boot) or reset the iDRAC.
Versions/Systems Affected
All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8 and out-of-band enabled PERC storage controllers.
Issue 14:
Power Cap (in Watts, BTU/hr, %) is not accepting values preceding with zero (0).
Resolution Do not precede a zero (0) while entering value for Power Cap in the Power Configuration page. Versions/Systems Affected
All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 15:
In the Network Interfaces page > Host OS Network Interfaces section, the link to the Network Devices page is not available for embedded LOM.
Resolution In the Network Devices page, see the FQDD detail that does not have the link. Version/Systems Affected
All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 16:
Description The Print option in iDRAC web page does not work if you are using Internet Explorer for iDR AC web interface. Resolution Use the Print option from the browser or use other supported browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, or MAC Safari. Version/Systems Affected
All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 17:
Relevant status is not shown when a corrupt SD card is inserted. Currently, the status is displayed as Absent. Resolution Make sure a valid SD card is inserted.
Version/Systems Affected
All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 18:
When you log in to the iDRAC web interface using Internet Explorer 8.x and prior versions, content in few pages is not displayed properly and a few UI controls may not work.
This is a known issue with Internet Explorer.
Internet Explorer 8.x and prior versions, are not supported browsers with iDRAC8. Ensure that you use Internet Explorer 9 and later versions.
Version/Systems Affected
All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 19:
The firmware images for all components are deleted from the firmware partition on Lifecycle Controller, when the partition reaches 90% of space limit. After the firmware images are deleted, the rollback option
for all the components is listed as NULL, across all interfaces such as WS-MAN, RACADM, GUI and the following log message is logged in the Lifecycle log:
"RED032: Reached maximum size limit allowed for storing firmware images. Deleted all rollback firmware images."
Resolution None Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 20:
If the PERC controllers have global hot spare assigned and a virtual disk is deleted, the physical disk configured as global hot spare is not reported as hot spare through the iDRAC interface. However, the physical disk continues to function as a global hot spare.
Resolution Reset DRAC or power cycle the host system. Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8 and out-of-band enabled PERC storage controllers.
Issue 21:
In the Safari browser, if the iDRAC web session times out; clicking the Virtual Console and logging out of the GUI page does not work.
Resolution Instead of Virtual Console menu, choose other options like logout or other menu options, or use GUI refresh or
Browser refresh option to logout. Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 22:
After updating the firmware on an enclosure connected to a 12Gbps SAS Controller, the updated firmware version is not displayed in the inventory or through any of the interfaces (iDRAC GUI, RACADM) until the server is powered off and then powered back on.
Resolution Power the server off then power it on. The updated firmware ve rs i o n is displayed. Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 23:
Updating multiple iDRAC DUP using the web interface is not successful when the total size of the DUPs exceeds 300 MB.
Resolution Make sure the total size is less than 300 MB and then perform an update. Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 24:
Repository update operations through iDRAC with reserved characters in user name and password may not be successful at the DUP download stage, even when they are properly percent encoded by the user. This does not affect other update methods.
Resolution Use a user name and password without reserved characters and then perform an update. Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 25:
On the Dell 13 restore the UEFI Diagnostic utility, the UEFI Diagnostic is restored successfully. How eve r, the iDRAC web interface may not show the restored Diagnostic version in the System Inventory page.
Resolution Reset iDRAC. Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
generation PowerEdge servers, after replacing the motherboard, if you use the Easy Restore feature to
Issue 26:
On the Dell 13 virtual disks on the target system.
Resolution On Clone or Replace modes of Configuration XML export, the virtual disk creation operation is set to CreateAuto by
default. Change the operation to Create and specify the physical disks to be used by FQDD to resolve this issue. Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
generation PowerEdge servers, a clone export of a system with 64 virtual disks does not recreate the
Issue 27:
(Virtual) Keyboard stopped working on iDRAC Virtual Console, but the mouse movements continues to work. Resolution Exit and restart Virtual Console. If the Virtual Media was in use, ensure that it is activated (Connect and Map media). Versions/Systems Affected All Dell PowerEdge systems with iDRAC8.
Issue 28:
Infrequently, iDRAC logs the following message to the Lifecycle Controller log:
PWR2262 "The Intel Management Engine has reported an internal system error."
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