The DX Storage Cluster Services Node (CSN) is an integrated services node that centralizes
installation and configuration of both the network services required to run a DX Storage cluster and
the software used to interface with it.
1.2. Components
The DX Storage CSN infrastructure is made up of the following components:
1. A collection of required network services configured to support a DX Storage cluster, including
DHCP, PXE network boot, TFTP, syslog, NTP and several others
2. An integrated PXE network boot and configuration server for DX Storage nodes booted onto the
DX Storage CSN's internal network
3. Several SNMP MIBs with operational and status information for all nodes in the associated DX
Storage cluster as well as the DX Content Router Publisher and Replicator services
4. Integrated installation and configuration of DX Content Router and the SCSP Proxy
5. An administrative web console that provides easy configuration of common settings and
parameters as well as access to useful utilities like updating DX Storage software versions and
backup and restore of configuration files
This document is intended for people in the following roles.
1. Storage system administrators
2. Network administrators
3. Technical architects
Throughout this document, the storage system administrator and network administrator roles will
be referred to as the administrator. DX Storage CSN administrators are normally responsible for
installation and configuration, license management, monitoring storage system health, software
upgrades, backup/recovery, and capacity management.
1.3.2. Scope
This document covers the steps needed to install and configure the DX Storage CSN. The reader is
expected to have a background in RHEL system administration, TCP/IP networking, and monitoring
via SNMP.
DX Storage CSN has been developed and tested with 64-bit RHEL 5.5; other RHEL versions or
Linux distributions are not currently supported. Subsequent installation instructions will assume a
pre-installed RHEL Linux environment with either internet connectivity or an alternately configured
RHEL yum repository for use in installing required 3rd party packages.
2.1.2. Network
The CSN requires access to both the external network as well as a dedicated internal network.
The internal private network ensures the DX Storage cluster traffic is protected from unauthorized
access and also that the external network is isolated from both the PXE network boot server
(including DHCP) and cluster multicast traffic. Allocation of the address space in the internal network
is broken down as follows, depending on the network size selected during initial configuration (small
or large):
Network SizeCSN3rd PartyDHCPDX Storage
small (/24)x.y.z.0-16x.y.z.17-32x.y.z.33-48x.y.z.49-254
large (/16)x.y.0.0-254x.y.1.0-254x.y.2.0-254x.y.3.0-
The CSN range provides IPs for the various services on the Primary and Secondary CSNs. The
3rd Party range is provided for 3rd party applications that need to run on the internal network to
interface with the DX Storage cluster. The DHCP range provides an initial IP to DX Storage nodes
during their initial boot until permanent addresses can be assigned to each DX Storage process by
the CSN. Other applications using the CSN's DHCP server on the internal network will reduce the
number of DX Storage that can be booted at the same time. The Netboot range is used to provide
the permanent IPs for all DX Storage processes.
From a network configuration standpoint, the CSN will automatically allocate half of the detected
NICs to the internal network and half of detected NICs to the external network. All NICs allocated
to a network are bonded into a bond interface using Linux mode 6, or balance-alb, bonding. In
configurations where there is both an onboard NIC card as well as an add-on card and the hardware
supports detection of the difference between the two, the internal/external network allocation will
be disbursed across both cards for redundancy. The CSN NIC assignments may not match the
physical NIC ports.
Network switch configuration is outside the scope of the CSN software. Switches must
be properly configured by an experienced system administrator to ensure correct
connectivity and bonding mode support. In particular, administrators must be careful to
not connect the configured internal network ports to the external network.
2.2. Primary vs. Secondary
With two CSNs on an internal network, there must be one CSN designated as the primary. The
primary CSN is responsible for responding to DHCP requests for the internal network and also
listening for all communication on the well-known IP addresses for the internal and external network.
When a secondary CSN joins the internal network, it registers with the primary CSN via a privileged
SSH channel using the primary root password entered during the initial configuration process. This
allows the primary to sync needed information to the secondary, specifically the Primary's Backup
Manifest UUID. The secondary CSN provides redundancy for all services on the primary CSN in the
event of a disaster and also provides scalability for incoming SCSP requests to the SCSP Proxy.
2.3. Installation Steps
The CSN distribution is available as a collection of RPM packages that are installed with a shell
script. The packages and their dependencies must be installed as the 'root' user from an attached
monitor and keyboard with at least one NIC connected to the external network using the following
steps. Please reference the Upgrade section for additional steps required for upgrading the
1. Copy the distributed zip file to your Cluster Services Node and unzip it into the directory of your
choice. The following example command would unzip the version of the software which was
previously copied to the /tmp/csninstall directory:
$ sudo su # cd /tmp/csninstall
# unzip
The full zip name may include additional descriptive labeling related to versions or
distribution channel depending on how the CSN software release is delivered.
2. Install the CSN by running the self-extracting script from the directory location where the shell
script was unzipped. For instance, continuing the example above from the /tmp/csninstall
# cd caringo-csn-2.0.0
# ./
This command will initiate installation of the CSN and its dependent packages. When the
installation is complete, the following prompt will display:
Would you like to proceed with CSN network configuration? (yes/no):
Answer 'yes' to proceed with configuring the CSN. If you answer 'no', you may return to the
configuration screen at a later time by running the command: /opt/caringo/csn/bin/firstcsnboot.
If you run the configuration at a later time, it must still be from an attached monitor and keyboard.
2.3.1. Primary CSN Configuration
After installing the CSN, you will automatically be prompted to enter some minimal configuration
data to configure the server on the overall network. Network settings are central to all CSN
services and should be planned with care in advance by an administrator knowledgeable about the
environment. The initial configuration process is only required once after the initial installation. Any
necessary subsequent updates to the initial configuration parameters can be made from the CSN
Several prompts will suggest a default value in brackets that can be accepted by simply pressing
Is this the Primary CSN (yes/no)? [yes]:: This prompt allows specification of whether
or not the CSN is a primary or secondary CSN. The default value is yes. Administrators should
take care to ensure that only a single primary CSN is configured on the internal network to prevent
conflicts with both DHCP and DX Storage netboot configuration. The primary server must be
configured prior to configuration of a secondary. DHCP is not started on the secondary CSN.
Half of the NIC ports on this system will be bonded and assigned to the
external network. The following questions configure the external network:
Enter the CSN IP address []:
This parameter requires entry of an external IP address for the CSN node. The entered address
must be in a valid w.x.y.z format and must not already be in use on the network.
Enter the cluster IP address. This IP address will remain with the Primary
CSN in the event of a CSN failover []: This parameter requires entry of an external IP
address for the CSN cluster address. This well-known address remains with the primary CSN in the
event of a failover, meaning the cluster can always be reached at this address. The entered address
must be in a valid w.x.y.z format and must not already be in use on the network.
Enter the subnet mask []: This parameter requires entry of the subnet
mask for the external network that corresponds with the entered IP address. The default is
Enter the gateway IP address []: This parameter requires entry of the gateway
associated with the entered IP address for the external interface.
Half of the NIC ports on this system will be bonded and assigned to the
internal network. The following questions configure the internal network:
Enter the network address, e.g. (small network),, (large network) []:
This parameter allows specification of the network interface that should be used for the internal
network. Enter an interface in the format of to use a small interface that will support
128 DX Storage nodes. Enter an interface in the format of or to use a larger
network that will support much larger DX Storage clusters. The entered interface will be divided
between the CSN(s) and privileged applications on the internal network and the DX Storage nodes.
The initial configuration process automatically creates multiple alias IP addresses on the internal
network for use by various system services and reserves similar IP addresses for a Secondary
Enter a list of IP addresses (separated by spaces) for external name
servers []: This parameter allows specification of one or more DNS servers
for the external interface. Entries must be separated by spaces. Publicly available name servers
have been defaulted.
Enter a list of IP addresses or server names (separated by a space) for
external time servers []: This
parameter allows specification of one or more NTP servers for the external interface. The defaults
are public NTP servers.
Enter a unique storage cluster name. This name cannot be changed once
assigned. A fully qualified domain name is recommended []: This parameter
is used to populate the name of the storage cluster on the admin console as well as in stream
metadata for all streams written to the local cluster. The CSN also uses this name to detect all the
nodes participating in the cluster. For all of these purposes, the name must be unique. An IANA fully
qualified domain name is recommended.
Are these values correct (yes/no)? This last step allows you to review the values entered
for all prompts before submitting them. Answering yes will allow the initial configuration process to
proceed with network and service configuration, resulting in a fully functional CSN. Answering no to
the final initial configuration prompt will restart the initial configuration script at the first prompt, with
the previously entered values populated.
At the completion of a successful initial configuration, the CSN will immediately reboot the server
to initialize all services. When the node comes back up all network services will be configured
and available including SNMP, syslog, DHCP, DNS, NTP, and firewall. Additionally, the CSN
Console will be available, the SCSP Proxy will be configured and started and the DX Content Router
Publisher will be configured and started.
2.3.2. Secondary CSN Configuration
Once a Primary CSN has been configured on the network, a Secondary CSN may also be
configured. The Secondary only requires entry of a single unique external IP address and
identification of the internal interface that is already defined on the Primary. The Secondary will then
pull much of its network configuration data from the Primary. To facilitate this, a one-time use of the
Primary's root password is required as follows:
Additional information about the network will be obtained from the
primary CSN
Please enter the primary csn root password []:
Please re-enter the primary csn root password []:
Taken from the confirmation at the end of the initial configuration script, the Secondary configuration
parameters are simply:
Primary: no
External CSN IP address:
Internal network interface:
Are these values correct (yes/no)?
Subsequent to rebooting after configuration and prior to booting any storage cluster nodes, an
aggregate license file comprised of any capacity keys included with your hardware or sent by your
hardware manufacturer must be entered and published via the administrative CSN Console. The
console allows web-based configuration of all CSN services after the initial network configuration.
Please reference subsequent chapters for a full overview of console capabilities.
To access the console initially for license publication, enter the following address:http://
<CSNExternalIP>:8090 . You will be required to authenticate prior to being granted access. The
username for the console is 'admin' and the default password is 'dell'. Once authenticated, click on
the Licensing link under the Content Storage tab to access the licensing interface.
After installation, a license shell is defaulted into the licensing interface. If published as is, this
license will provide 0 TB of capacity for storing content. To correctly publish a license the following
high-level steps are required:
1. Enter License Contact and Storage Information
2. Enter capacity keys one at a time
3. After all keys have been entered, publish the license
The license information is displayed once the license is published as part of the license details
popup on the DX Storage admin console. To add or update this information, click the 'Edit' button
under the License Contact and Storage Information section of the interface and enter the desired
company name, address and cluster description information. Only the company name is required
but populating the address and description fields is recommended to assist with easily distinguishing
licenses from multiple locations. When all the desired information has been entered, click the
'Update' button to save the changes. Entering License Keys
The license interface supports entry of two different types of license keys: hardware keys and
capacity keys. Hardware keys are used to determine the validity of the host hardware for each
storage node at boot. Unauthorized hardware will log a critical error followed by a forced shutdown.
Hardware keys are updated infrequently and, in most installs, pre-populated so additional entry is
not required. Once entered hardware keys cannot be deleted. Administrators who receive hardware
validation errors for storage nodes that are believed to be authorized should contact their support
Capacity keys are more commonly entered than hardware keys. Printed capacity keys are delivered
in conjunction with a hardware shipment. The capacity increment for an individual capacity key
usually corresponds to the capacity of an individual storage node. Each key represents a preallocated amount of license space from 3TB to 480 TB. The sum of all entered capacity keys
determines the total amount of available licensed capacity for the cluster as a whole. The total
capacity for all keys is displayed at the bottom of the license key grid for easy validation.
Both types of license keys are represented by an encoded string broken down into 6 groups of 5
characters each, separated by dashes (XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX). To enter
a new key, click the 'Add License Key' button on the main licensing page and enter the capacity
key exactly as printed. When complete, click the 'Add' button to submit the key. Invalid or mistyped
keys will result in an error on the screen. To proceed, either correct the key entry or click 'Cancel'