Dell DL4300 User Manual

Dell DL4300 Appliance User's Guide
Notes, cautions, and warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
Copyright © 2016 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and
intellectual property laws. Dell™ and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
2015 - 12
Rev. A01
1 Introduction to Dell DL4300 Appliance......................................................... 10
Core technologies...............................................................................................................................10
Live Recovery................................................................................................................................. 11
Verified Recovery........................................................................................................................... 11
Universal Recovery.........................................................................................................................11
True Global Deduplication.............................................................................................................11
True Scale architecture........................................................................................................................11
Deployment architecture.................................................................................................................... 12
Smart Agent................................................................................................................................... 14
DL4300 Core................................................................................................................................. 14
Snapshot process.......................................................................................................................... 14
Replication of disaster recovery site or service provider............................................................. 15
Product features ................................................................................................................................. 15
Repository...................................................................................................................................... 16
True Global Deduplication ........................................................................................................... 16
Encryption...................................................................................................................................... 17
Replication..................................................................................................................................... 18
Recovery-as-a-Service (RaaS).......................................................................................................19
Retention and archiving................................................................................................................ 19
Virtualization and cloud................................................................................................................ 20
Alerts and event management......................................................................................................20
License portal................................................................................................................................ 20
Web console..................................................................................................................................20
Service management APIs.............................................................................................................21
2 Working with the DL4300 Core.......................................................................22
Accessing the DL4300 Core Console................................................................................................22
Updating trusted sites in Internet Explorer...................................................................................22
Configuring browsers to remotely access the Core Console.....................................................22
Roadmap for configuring the Core ...................................................................................................23
Managing licenses ..............................................................................................................................24
Changing a license key ................................................................................................................ 24
Contacting the license portal server ........................................................................................... 24
Changing the AppAssure language manually.................................................................................... 25
Changing the OS language during installation.................................................................................. 25
Managing Core settings .....................................................................................................................26
Changing the Core display name ................................................................................................26
Adjusting the nightly job time ......................................................................................................26
Modifying the transfer queue settings .........................................................................................26
Adjusting the client time-out settings ......................................................................................... 27
Configuring deduplication cache settings .................................................................................. 27
Modifying engine settings ............................................................................................................28
Modifying database connection settings .................................................................................... 29
About repositories ..............................................................................................................................29
Roadmap for managing a repository ................................................................................................ 30
Creating a repository ................................................................................................................... 30
Viewing repository details.............................................................................................................33
Modifying repository settings .......................................................................................................33
Expanding an existing repository..................................................................................................34
Adding a storage location to an existing repository ................................................................... 34
Checking a repository ..................................................................................................................36
Deleting a repository ....................................................................................................................36
Remounting volumes....................................................................................................................36
Recovering a repository................................................................................................................ 37
Managing security ..............................................................................................................................38
Adding an encryption key ............................................................................................................ 38
Editing an encryption key ............................................................................................................ 39
Changing an encryption key passphrase .................................................................................... 39
Importing an encryption key ....................................................................................................... 39
Exporting an encryption key ........................................................................................................40
Removing an encryption key .......................................................................................................40
Managing cloud accounts .................................................................................................................40
Adding a cloud account................................................................................................................40
Editing a cloud account................................................................................................................42
Configuring cloud account settings.............................................................................................42
Understanding replication ................................................................................................................. 43
About protecting workstations and servers ................................................................................ 43
About replication ..........................................................................................................................43
About seeding .............................................................................................................................. 44
About failover and failback .......................................................................................................... 45
About replication and encrypted recovery points ...................................................................... 45
About retention policies for replication ...................................................................................... 46
Performance considerations for replicated data transfer .......................................................... 46
Roadmap for performing replication .................................................................................................47
Replicating to a self-managed core............................................................................................. 47
Replicating to a core managed by a third party........................................................................... 51
Monitoring replication ..................................................................................................................53
Managing replication settings ......................................................................................................55
Removing replication ......................................................................................................................... 55
Removing a protected machine from replication on the source Core...................................... 55
Removing a protected machine on the target Core................................................................... 56
Removing a target Core from replication.................................................................................... 56
Removing a source Core from replication...................................................................................56
Recovering replicated data .......................................................................................................... 56
Roadmap for failover and failback .....................................................................................................57
Setting up an environment for failover ........................................................................................57
Performing failover on the target Core ....................................................................................... 57
Performing failback ...................................................................................................................... 58
Managing events ................................................................................................................................ 59
Configuring notification groups .................................................................................................. 59
Configuring an email server and email notification template .................................................... 61
Configuring repetition reduction .................................................................................................62
Configuring event retention ........................................................................................................ 62
Managing recovery .............................................................................................................................62
About system information ................................................................................................................. 63
Viewing system information ........................................................................................................ 63
Downloading installers ...................................................................................................................... 63
About the agent installer ....................................................................................................................63
Downloading and installing the agent installer ...........................................................................63
About the local mount utility .............................................................................................................64
Downloading and installing the local mount utility ....................................................................64
Adding a core to the local mount utility ......................................................................................65
Mounting a recovery point by using the local mount utility ...................................................... 66
Dismounting a recovery point by using the local mount utility .................................................66
About the local mount utility tray menu ..................................................................................... 67
Using Core and agent options......................................................................................................67
Managing retention policies ..............................................................................................................68
Archiving to a cloud............................................................................................................................68
About archiving ..................................................................................................................................68
Creating an archive ...................................................................................................................... 68
Setting a scheduled archive .........................................................................................................69
Pausing or resuming scheduled archive ..................................................................................... 70
Editing a scheduled archive ..........................................................................................................71
Checking an archive .....................................................................................................................72
Importing an archive .................................................................................................................... 72
Managing SQL attachability ............................................................................................................... 73
Configuring SQL attachability settings ........................................................................................ 73
Configuring nightly SQL attachability checks and log truncation ............................................. 74
Managing exchange database mountability checks and log truncation ......................................... 74
Configuring exchange database mountability and log truncation ............................................ 74
Forcing a mountability check .......................................................................................................75
Forcing checksum checks ............................................................................................................75
Forcing log truncation ..................................................................................................................75
Recovery point status indicators ..................................................................................................76
3 Managing Your Appliance.................................................................................78
Monitoring the status of the Appliance..............................................................................................78
Provisioning storage............................................................................................................................78
Provisioning selected storage.......................................................................................................79
Deleting space allocation for a virtual disk........................................................................................80
Resolving failed tasks..........................................................................................................................80
Upgrading your Appliance..................................................................................................................80
Repairing your Appliance.................................................................................................................... 81
4 Protecting workstations and servers..............................................................82
About protecting workstations and servers ......................................................................................82
Configuring machine settings ........................................................................................................... 82
Viewing and modifying configuration settings ........................................................................... 82
Viewing system information for a machine ................................................................................ 83
Configuring notification groups for system events .................................................................... 83
Editing notification groups for system events .............................................................................85
Customizing retention policy settings .........................................................................................87
Viewing license information ........................................................................................................ 89
Modifying protection schedules ..................................................................................................89
Modifying transfer settings .......................................................................................................... 90
Restarting a service ...................................................................................................................... 92
Viewing machine logs ..................................................................................................................93
Protecting a machine .........................................................................................................................93
Deploying the agent software when protecting an agent.......................................................... 95
Creating custom schedules for volumes .................................................................................... 96
Modifying exchange server settings ............................................................................................96
Modifying SQL server settings ......................................................................................................97
Deploying an agent (push install) ...................................................................................................... 97
Replicating a new agent .................................................................................................................... 98
Managing machines ...........................................................................................................................99
Removing a machine ................................................................................................................... 99
Replicating agent data on a machine ..........................................................................................99
Setting replication priority for an agent .................................................................................... 100
Canceling operations on a machine ......................................................................................... 100
Viewing machine status and other details .................................................................................101
Managing multiple machines .......................................................................................................... 102
Deploying to multiple machines ................................................................................................102
Monitoring the deployment of multiple machines ...................................................................106
Protecting multiple machines ....................................................................................................106
Monitoring the protection of multiple machines ..................................................................... 108
Managing snapshots and recovery points ...................................................................................... 108
Viewing recovery points ............................................................................................................ 109
Viewing a specific recovery point...............................................................................................109
Mounting a recovery point for a Windows machine .................................................................110
Dismounting select recovery points............................................................................................111
Dismounting all recovery points..................................................................................................111
Mounting a recovery point volume on a Linux machine ...........................................................111
Removing recovery points ..........................................................................................................112
Deleting an orphaned recovery point chain...............................................................................112
Forcing a snapshot ......................................................................................................................113
Pausing and resuming protection ..............................................................................................113
Restoring data ...................................................................................................................................114
About exporting protected data from Windows machines to virtual machines.......................115
Exporting backup information from your Microsoft Windows machine to a virtual
machine .......................................................................................................................................117
Exporting Windows data using ESXi export ............................................................................... 117
Exporting Windows data using VMware workstation export ....................................................119
Exporting Windows data using Hyper-V export ........................................................................ 121
Exporting Microsoft Windows data using Oracle VirtualBox export ........................................124
Virtual Machine Management.....................................................................................................126
Performing a rollback .................................................................................................................130
Performing a rollback for a Linux machine by using the command line.................................. 131
About bare metal restore for Windows machines .......................................................................... 132
Prerequisites for performing a bare metal restore for a Windows machine ............................132
Roadmap for performing a bare metal restore for a Windows machine .......................................133
Creating a bootable CD ISO image............................................................................................ 133
Loading a boot CD...................................................................................................................... 135
Launching a restore from the Core ...........................................................................................136
Mapping volumes ....................................................................................................................... 136
Viewing the recovery progress ...................................................................................................137
Starting the restored target server ............................................................................................. 137
Repairing startup problems.........................................................................................................137
Performing a bare metal restore for a Linux machine ....................................................................138
Installing the screen utility.......................................................................................................... 139
Creating bootable partitions on a Linux machine......................................................................139
Viewing events and alerts ................................................................................................................ 140
5 Protecting server clusters............................................................................... 141
About server cluster protection ....................................................................................................... 141
Supported applications and cluster types ..................................................................................141
Protecting a cluster ..........................................................................................................................142
Protecting nodes in a cluster ...........................................................................................................143
Process of modifying cluster node settings ....................................................................................144
Roadmap for configuring cluster settings .......................................................................................144
Modifying cluster settings .......................................................................................................... 145
Configuring cluster event notifications .....................................................................................145
Modifying the cluster retention policy ...................................................................................... 146
Modifying cluster protection schedules .................................................................................... 147
Modifying cluster transfer settings .............................................................................................147
Converting a protected cluster node to an agent ..........................................................................148
Viewing server cluster information ................................................................................................. 148
Viewing cluster system information ..........................................................................................148
Viewing summary information .................................................................................................. 149
Working with cluster recovery points ............................................................................................. 149
Managing snapshots for a cluster ....................................................................................................149
Forcing a snapshot for a cluster ................................................................................................ 150
Pausing and resuming cluster snapshots ..................................................................................150
Dismounting local recovery points ................................................................................................. 150
Performing a rollback for clusters and cluster nodes ..................................................................... 151
Performing a rollback for CCR (Exchange) and DAG clusters .................................................. 151
Performing a rollback for SCC (Exchange, SQL) clusters...........................................................151
Replicating cluster data .................................................................................................................... 151
Removing a cluster from protection ................................................................................................151
Removing cluster nodes from protection .......................................................................................152
Removing all nodes in a cluster from protection ......................................................................152
Viewing a cluster or node report .....................................................................................................153
6 Reporting........................................................................................................... 154
About reports ....................................................................................................................................154
About the reports toolbar ................................................................................................................ 154
About compliance reports ...............................................................................................................154
About errors reports .........................................................................................................................155
About the Core Summary Report ....................................................................................................155
Repositories summary ................................................................................................................155
Agents summary .........................................................................................................................156
Generating a report for a Core or agent ......................................................................................... 156
About the Central Management Console Core reports ................................................................. 157
Generating a report from the Central Management Console ........................................................157
7 Completing a full recovery of the DL4300 Appliance............................... 158
Creating a RAID 1 partition for the operating system......................................................................158
Installing the operating system.........................................................................................................159
Running the recovery and update utility..........................................................................................159
8 Changing the host name manually............................................................... 161
Stopping the Core service.................................................................................................................161
Deleting server certificates................................................................................................................161
Deleting Core server and registry keys.............................................................................................161
Launching the Core with the new host name................................................................................. 162
Changing the display name ............................................................................................................. 162
Updating trusted sites in Internet Explorer...................................................................................... 162
9 Appendix A— scripting.................................................................................... 163
About powershell scripting ..............................................................................................................163
Powershell scripting prerequisites .............................................................................................163
Testing scripts .............................................................................................................................163
Input parameters ..............................................................................................................................164
VolumeNameCollection (namespace Replay.Common.Contracts.Metadata.Storage) ..........168
Pretransferscript.ps1 ...................................................................................................................169
Posttransferscript.ps1 .................................................................................................................169
Preexportscript.ps1 .....................................................................................................................170
Postexportscript.ps1 ....................................................................................................................171
Prenightlyjobscript.ps1 ................................................................................................................171
Sample scripts ...................................................................................................................................175
10 Getting help.....................................................................................................176
Finding documentation and software updates................................................................................176
Contacting Dell..................................................................................................................................176

Introduction to Dell DL4300 Appliance

This chapter provides an introduction and overview of DL4300. It describes the features, functionality, and architecture, and consists of the following topics:
Core technologies
True Scale architecture
Deployment architecture
Product features
Your appliance sets a new standard for unified data protection by combining backup, replication, and recovery in a single solution that is engineered to be the fastest and most reliable backup for protecting virtual machines (VM), physical machines, and cloud environments.
Your appliance is capable of handling up to petabytes of data with built-in global deduplication, compression, encryption, and replication to any private or public cloud infrastructure. Server applications and data can be recovered in minutes for data retention (DR) and compliance.
Your appliance supports multi-hypervisor environments on VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V private and public clouds.
Your appliance combines the following technologies:
Live Recovery
Verified Recovery
Universal Recovery
True Global Deduplication
These technologies are engineered with secure integration for cloud disaster recovery and deliver fast and reliable recovery. With its scalable object store, your appliance is uniquely capable of handling up to petabytes of data very rapidly with built-in global deduplication, compression, encryption, and replication to any private or public cloud infrastructure.
AppAssure addresses the complexity and inefficiency of legacy tools through its core technology and support of multi-hypervisor environments including those running on VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V, which comprise both private and public clouds. AppAssure offers these technological advances while dramatically reducing IT management and storage costs.

Core technologies

Details about the core technologies of AppAssure are described in the following topics.

Live Recovery

Live Recovery is instant recovery technology for VMs or servers. It gives you near-continuous access to data volumes on virtual or physical servers. You can recover an entire volume with near-zero RTO and an RPO of minutes.
The backup and replication technology records concurrent snapshots of multiple VMs or servers, providing near instantaneous data and system protection. You can resume the use of the server directly from the backup file without waiting for a full restore to production storage. Users remain productive and IT departments reduce recovery windows to meet today's increasingly stringent Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) service-level agreements.

Verified Recovery

Verified Recovery enables you to perform automated recovery testing and verification of backups. It includes, but is not limited to, file systems:- Microsoft Exchange 2007, 2010, and 2013, and different versions of Microsoft SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012 and 2014. Verified Recovery provides recoverability of applications and backups in virtual and physical environments. It features a comprehensive integrity checking algorithm based on 256-bit SHA keys that check the correctness of each disk block in the backup during archiving, replication, and data seeding operations. This ensures that data corruption is identified early and prevents corrupted data blocks from being maintained or transferred during the backup process.

Universal Recovery

Universal Recovery technology gives you unlimited machine restoration flexibility. You can restore your backups from physical systems to virtual machines, virtual machines to virtual machines, virtual machines to physical systems, or physical systems to physical systems, and carry out bare metal restores to dissimilar hardware. For example, P2V, V2V, V2P, P2P, P2C, V2C, C2P, and C2V.
Universal Recovery technology also accelerates cross-platform moves among virtual machines. For example, moving from VMware to Hyper-V or Hyper-V to VMware. It builds in application-level, item­level, and object-level recovery (individual files, folders, e-mail, calendar items, databases, and applications). With AppAssure, you can recover or export physical to cloud, or virtual to cloud.

True Global Deduplication

Your appliance provides true global deduplication that reduces your physical disk drive capacity requirements by offering space reduction ratios exceeding 50:1, while still meeting the data storage requirements. AppAssure True Scale inline block-level compression and deduplication with line speed performance, along with built-in integrity checking, prevents data corruption from affecting the quality of the backup and archiving processes.

True Scale architecture

Your appliance is built on AppAssure True Scale architecture. It leverages dynamic, multi-core pipeline architecture that is optimized to consistently deliver solid performance for your enterprise environments. True Scale is designed from the ground up to linearly scale and efficiently store and manage big data, and deliver RTOs and RPOs of minutes without compromising performance. It comprises of a purpose-built
object and a volume manager with integrated global deduplication, compression, encryption, replication, and retention. The following diagram describes the AppAssure True Scale architecture.
Figure 1. AppAssure True Scale architecture
The AppAssure Volume Manager and Scalable Object Store serve as the foundation of the AppAssure True Scale architecture. The scalable object store stores block-level snapshots that are captured from virtual and physical servers. The volume manager manages the numerous object stores by providing a common repository or just-in-time storage for only what is needed. The Object Store concurrently supports everything with asynchronous I/O that delivers high throughput with minimal latency and maximizes system utilization. The repository resides on different storage technologies such as Storage Area Network (SAN), Direct Attached Storage (DAS), or Network Attached Storage (NAS).
The role of the AppAssure Volume Manager is similar to the role of the volume manager in an operating system. It takes various storage devices which can be of different sizes and types and combines them into logical volumes, using striped or sequential allocation policies. The object store saves, retrieves, maintains, and then replicates objects that are derived from application-aware snapshots. The volume manager delivers scalable I/O performance in tandem with global data deduplication, encryption, and retention management.

Deployment architecture

Your appliance is a scalable backup and recovery product that is flexibly deployed within the enterprise or as a service delivered by a managed service provider. The type of deployment depends on the size and requirements of the customer. Preparing to deploy your appliance involves planning the network storage topology, core hardware and disaster recovery infrastructure, and security.
The deployment architecture consists of local and remote components. The remote components may be optional for those environments that do not require leveraging a disaster recovery site or a managed service provider for off-site recovery. A basic local deployment consists of a backup server called the Core and one or more protected machines. The off-site component is enabled using replication that provides full recovery capabilities in the DR site. The Core uses base images and incremental snapshots to compile recovery points of protected machines.
Additionally, your appliance is application-aware because it can detect the presence of Microsoft Exchange and SQL and their respective databases and log files, and then automatically group these
volumes with dependency for comprehensive protection and effective recovery. This ensures that you never have incomplete backups when you are performing recoveries. Backups are performed by using application-aware block-level snapshots. Your appliance can also perform log truncation of the protected Microsoft Exchange and SQL servers.
The following diagram depicts a simple deployment. In this diagram, AppAsure agent software is installed on machines such as a file server, email server, database server, or virtual machines and connect to and are protected by a single Core, which also consists of the central repository. The License Portal manages license subscriptions, groups and users for the protected machines and cores in your environment. The License Portal allows users to log in, activate accounts, download software, and deploy protected machines and cores per your license for your environment.
Figure 2. Basic deployment architecture
You can also deploy multiple Cores as shown in the following diagram. A central console manages multiple cores.
Figure 3. Multi—Core deployment architecture

Smart Agent

Smart Agent tracks the changed blocks on the disk volume and then snaps an image of the changed blocks at a predefined interval of protection. The incremental forever block-level snapshots approach prevents repeated copying of the same data from the protected machine to the Core. The Smart Agent is installed on the machines that is protected by the Core.
The Smart Agent is application-aware and is dormant when not in use, with near zero (0) percent CPU utilization and less than 20 MB of memory overhead. When the Smart Agent is active, it uses up to 2 to 4 percent processor utilization and less than 150 MB memory, which includes transferring the snapshots to the Core.
The Smart Agent is application-aware and it detects the type of application that is installed and also the location of the data. It automatically groups data volumes with dependency, such as databases, and then logs them together for effective protection and rapid recovery. After the AppAssure Agent software is configured, it uses smart technology to keep track of changed blocks on the protected disk volumes. When the snapshot is ready, it is rapidly transferred to the Core using intelligent multi-threaded, socket­based connections. To preserve CPU bandwidth and memory on the protected machines, the smart agent does not encrypt or deduplicate the data at the source and protected machines are paired with a Core for protection.

DL4300 Core

The Core is the central component of the deployment architecture. The Core stores and manages all of the machine backups and provides core services for backup, recovery, and retention; replication, archival, and management. The Core is a self-contained network-addressable computer that runs a 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows operating system. Your appliance performs target-based inline compression, encryption, and deduplication of the data received from the protected machine. The Core then stores the snapshot backups in repositories such as, Storage Area Network (SAN) or Direct Attached Storage (DAS).
The repository can also reside on internal storage within the Core. The Core is managed by accessing the following URL from a Web browser: https://CORENAME:8006/apprecovery/admin. Internally, all core services are accessible through REST APIs. The Core services can be accessed from within the core or directly over the Internet from any application that can send an HTTP/HTTPS request and receive an HTTP/HTTPS response. All API operations are performed over SSL and mutually authenticated using X. 509 v3 certificates.
Cores are paired with other cores for replication.

Snapshot process

A snapshot is when a base image is transferred from a protected machine to the Core. This is the only time a full copy of the machine is transported across the network under normal operation, followed by incremental snapshots. AppAssure Agent software for Windows uses Microsoft Volume Shadow copy Service (VSS) to freeze and quiesce application data to disk to capture a file-system-consistent and an application-consistent backup. When a snapshot is created, the VSS, and the writer on the target server prevent content from being written to the disk. When the writing of content to disk is halted, all disk I/O operations are queued and resume only after the snapshot is complete, while the operations already in flight are completed and all open files are closed. The process of creating a shadow copy does not significantly impact the performance of the production system.
AppAssure uses Microsoft VSS because it has built-in support for all Windows internal technologies such as NTFS, Registry, Active Directory, to flush data to disk before the snapshot. Additionally, other enterprise applications, such as Microsoft Exchange and SQL, use VSS Writer plug-ins to get notified when a snapshot is being prepared and when they have to flush their used database pages to disk to bring the database to a consistent transactional state. It is important to note that VSS is used to quiesce system and application data to disk; it is not used to create the snapshot. The captured data is immediately transferred and stored on the Core. Using VSS for backup does not render the application server in backup mode for an extended period of time because the time taken to create the snapshot is seconds and not hours. Another benefit of using VSS for backups is that it lets the AppAsssure Agent software to take a snapshot of large quantities of data at one time because the snapshot works at the volume level.

Replication of disaster recovery site or service provider

The replication process requires a paired source-target relationship between two cores. The source core copies the recovery points of the protected machines and then asynchronously and continuously transmits them to a target core at a remote disaster recovery site. The off-site location can be a company-owned data center (self-managed core) or a third-party managed service provider’s (MSP’s) location, or cloud environment. When replicating to a MSP, you can use built-in workflows that let you request connections and receive automatic feedback notifications. For the initial transfer of data, you can perform data seeding using external media, which is useful for large sets of data or sites with slow links.
In the case of a severe outage, your appliance supports failover and failback in replicated environments. In case of a comprehensive outage, the target core in the secondary site can recover instances from replicated protected machines and immediately commence protection on the failed-over machines. After the primary site is restored, the replicated core can fail-back data from the recovered instances back to protected machines at the primary site.


Recovery can be performed in the local site or the replicated remote site. After the deployment is in steady state with local protection and optional replication, the Core allows you to perform recovery using Verified Recovery, Universal Recovery, or Live Recovery.

Product features

You can manage protection and recovery of critical data using the following features and functionality:
True Global Deduplication (Features)
Recovery-as-a-Service (RaaS)
Retention and archiving
Virtualization And Cloud
Alerts and Event Management
License portal
Web console
Service Management APIs


The repository uses Deduplication Volume Manager (DVM) to implement a volume manager that provides support for multiple volumes, each of which could reside on different storage technologies such as Storage Area Network (SAN), Direct Attached Storage (DAS), Network Attached Storage (NAS), or cloud storage. Each volume consists of a scalable object store with deduplication. The scalable object store behaves as a records-based file system, where the unit of storage allocation is a fixed-sized data block called a record. This architecture allows you to configure block-sized support for compression and deduplication. Rollup operations are reduced to metadata operations from disk intensive operations because the rollup no longer moves data but only moves the records.
The DVM can combine a set of object stores into a volume and they can be expanded by creating additional file systems. The object store files are pre-allocated and can be added on demand as storage requirements change. It is possible to create up to 255 independent repositories on a single Core and to further increase the size of a repository by adding new file extents. An extended repository may contain up to 4,096 extents that span across different storage technologies. The maximum size of a repository is 32 exabytes. Multiple repositories can exist on a single core.

True Global Deduplication

True global deduplication is an effective method of reducing backup storage needs by eliminating redundant or duplicate data. Deduplication is effective because only one unique instance of the data across multiple backups is stored in the repository. The redundant data is stored, but not physically; it is simply replaced with a pointer to the one unique data instance in the repository.
Conventional backup applications have been performing repetitive full backups every week, but your appliance performs incremental block-level backups of the machine. The incremental-forever approach in tandem with data deduplication helps to drastically reduce the total quantity of data committed to the disk.
The typical disk layout of a server consists of the operating system, application, and data. In most environments, the administrators often use a common flavor of the server and desktop operating system across multiple systems for effective deployment and management. When backup is performed at the block level across multiple machines at the same time, it provides a more granular view of what is in the backup and what is not, irrespective of the source. This data includes the operating system, the applications, and the application data across the environment.
Figure 4. Diagram of deduplication
Your appliance performs target-based inline data deduplication, where the snapshot data is transmitted to the Core before it is deduplicated. Inline data deduplication simply means the data is deduplicated before it is committed to disk. This is different from at-source or post-process deduplication, where the data is deduplicated at the source before it is transmitted to the target for storage, and in post-process the data is sent raw to the target where it is analyzed and deduplicated after the data has been committed to disk. At-source deduplication consumes precious system resources on the machine whereas the post­process data deduplication approach needs all the requisite data on disk (a greater initial capacity overhead) before commencing the deduplication process. On the other hand, inline data deduplication does not require additional disk capacity and CPU cycles on the source or on the Core for the deduplication process. Lastly, conventional backup applications perform repetitive full backups every week, while your appliance performs incremental block-level backups of the machines forever. This incremental- forever approach in tandem with data deduplication helps to drastically reduce the total quantity of data committed to the disk with a reduction ratio of as much as 50:1.


Your appliance provides integrated encryption to protect backups and data-at-rest from unauthorized access and use, ensuring data privacy. Only a user with the encryption key can access and decrypt the data. There is no limit to the number of encryption keys that can be created and stored on a system. DVM uses AES 256-bit encryption in the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode with 256-bit keys. Encryption is performed inline on snapshot data, at line speeds without impacting performance. This is because DVM implementation is multi-threaded and uses hardware acceleration specific to the processor on which it is deployed.
Encryption is multi-tenant ready. Deduplication has been specifically limited to records that have been encrypted with the same key; two identical records that have been encrypted with different keys will not be deduplicated against each other. This design ensures that deduplication cannot be used to leak data between different encryption domains. This is a benefit for managed service providers, as replicated backups for multiple tenants (customers) can be stored on a single core without any tenant being able to see or access other tenant’s data. Each active tenant encryption key creates an encryption domain within the repository where only the owner of the keys can see, access, or use the data. In a multi-tenant scenario, data is partitioned and deduplicated within the encryption domains.
In replication scenarios, your appliance uses SSL 3.0 to secure the connections between the two cores in a replication topology to prevent eavesdropping and tampering.


Replication is the process of copying recovery points from an AppAssure core and transmitting them to another AppAssure core in a separate location for the purpose of disaster recovery. The process requires a paired source-target relationship between two or more cores.
The source core copies the recovery points of selected protected machines, and then asynchronously and continually transmits the incremental snapshot data to the target core at a remote disaster recovery site. You can configure outbound replication to a company-owned data center or remote disaster recovery site (that is, a self-managed target core). Or, you can configure outbound replication to a third­party managed service provider (MSP) or the cloud that hosts off-site backup and disaster recovery services. When replicating to a third-party target core, you can use built-in work flows that let you request connections and receive automatic feedback notifications.
Replication is managed on a per-protected-machine basis. Any machine (or all machines) protected or replicated on a source core can be configured to replicate to a target core.
Figure 5. Basic replication architecture
Replication is self-optimizing with a unique Read-Match-Write (RMW) algorithm that is tightly coupled with deduplication. With RMW replication, the source and target replication service matches keys before transferring data and then replicates only the compressed, encrypted, deduplicated data across the WAN, resulting in a 10x reduction in bandwidth requirements.
Replication begins with seeding. Seeding is the initial transfer of deduplicated base images and incremental snapshots of the protected machines. The data can add up to hundreds or thousands of gigabytes. Initial replication can be seeded to the target core using external media. This is useful for large sets of data or sites with slow links. The data in the seeding archive is compressed, encrypted and deduplicated. If the total size of the archive is larger than the space available on the external media, the archive can span across multiple devices. During the seeding process, the incremental recovery points
replicate to the target site. After data has been transferred to the target core, the newly replicated incremental recovery points automatically synchronize.

Recovery-as-a-Service (RaaS)

Managed service providers (MSPs) can fully leverage the appliance as a platform for delivering recovery as a service (RaaS). RaaS facilitates complete recovery-in-the-cloud by replicating customers' physical and virtual servers along with their data to the service provider's cloud as virtual machines to support recovery testing or actual recovery operations. Customers wanting to perform recovery-in-the-cloud can configure replication on their protected machines on the local cores to an AppAssure service provider. In the event of a disaster, the MSPs can instantly spin-up virtual machines for the customer.
MSPs can deploy multi-tenant AppAssure RaaS infrastructure that can host multiple and discrete organizations or business units (the tenants) that ordinarily do not share security or data on a single server or a group of servers. The data of each tenant is isolated and secure from other tenants and the service provider.

Retention and archiving

In your appliance, backup and retention policies are flexible and, therefore, easily configurable. The ability to tailor retention polices to the needs of an organization not only helps to meet compliance requirements, but does so without compromising on RTO.
Retention policies enforce the periods of time in which backups are stored on short-term (fast and expensive) media. Sometimes certain business and technical requirements mandate extended retention of these backups, but use of fast storage is cost prohibitive. Therefore, this requirement creates a need for long-term (slow and cheap) storage. Businesses often use long-term storage for archiving both compliance and non-compliance data. The archive feature supports extended retentions for compliance and non-compliance data, it can also be used for seeding replication data to a target core.
Figure 6. Custom retention policy
In your appliance, retention policies can be customized to specify the length of time a backup recovery point is maintained. As the age of the recovery points approaches the end of their retention period, the recovery points age out and are removed from the retention pool. Typically, this process becomes inefficient and eventually fails as the amount of data and the period of retention start grows rapidly. Your
appliance solves the big data problem by managing the retention of large amounts of data with complex retention policies and performing rollup operations for aging data using efficient metadata operations.
Backups can be performed with an interval of a few minutes. As these backups age over days, months, and years, retention policies manage the aging and deletion of old backups. A simple waterfall method defines the aging process. The levels within the waterfall are defined in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. The retention policy is enforced by the nightly rollup process.
For long-term archiving, your appliance provides the ability to create an archive of the source or target core on any removable media. The archive is internally optimized and all data in the archive is compressed, encrypted, and deduplicated. If the total size of the archive is larger than the space available on the removable media, the archive spans across multiple devices based on the available space on the media. The archive also can be locked with a passphrase. Recovery from an archive does not require a new core; any core can ingest the archive and recover data if the administrator has the passphrase and the encryption keys.

Virtualization and cloud

The Core is cloud-ready, which allows you to leverage the compute capacity of the cloud for recovery.
Your appliance can export any protected or replicated machine to a virtual machine, such as licensed versions of VMware or Hyper-V. You can perform a one-time virtual export, or you can establish a virtual standby VM by establishing a continuous virtual export. With continuous exports, the virtual machine is incrementally updated after every snapshot. The incremental updates are very fast and provide standby clones that are ready to be powered up with a click of a button. The supported virtual machine export types are VMware Workstation/Server on a folder; direct export to a vSphere/VMware ESX(i) host; export to Oracle VirtualBox; and export to Microsoft Hyper-V Server on Windows Server 2008 (x64), 2008 R2, 2012 (x64), and 2012 R2 (including support for Hyper-V generation 2 VMs)
Additionally, you can now archive your repository data to the cloud using Microsoft Azure, Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud Block Storage, or other OpenStack-based cloud services.

Alerts and event management

In addition to HTTP REST API, your appliance also includes an extensive set of features for event logging and notification using e-mail, Syslog, or Windows Event Log. email notifications can be used to alert users or groups of the health or status of different events in response to an alert. The Syslog and Windows Event Log methods are used for centralized logging to a repository in multi-operating system environment. In Windows-only environments, only the Windows Event Log is used.

License portal

The License Portal provides easy-to-use tools for managing license entitlements. You can download, activate, view, and manage license keys and create a company profile to track your license assets. Additionally, the portal enables service providers and re-sellers to track and manage their customer licenses.

Web console

Your appliance features a new web-based central console that manages distributed cores from one central location. MSPs and enterprise customers with multiple distributed cores can deploy the central console to get a unified view for central management. The central console provides the ability to
organize the managed cores in hierarchical organizational units. These organizational units can represent business units, locations, or customers for MSPs with role-based access. The central console can also run reports across managed cores.

Service management APIs

Your appliance comes bundled with a service management API and provides programmatic access to all of the functionality available through the Central Management Console. The service management API is a REST API. All the API operations are performed over SSL and are mutually authenticated using X.509 v3 certificates. The management service can be accessed from within the environment or directly over the Internet from any application that can send and receive an HTTPS request and response. This approach facilitates easy integration with any web application such as relationship management methodology (RMM) tools or billing systems. Also included is an SDK client for PowerShell scripting.

Working with the DL4300 Core

Accessing the DL4300 Core Console

To access the Core Console:
1. Update trusted sites in your browser. See Updating Trusted Sites In Internet Explorer.
2. Configure your browsers to remotely access the Core Console. See Configuring Browsers To
Remotely Access The Core Console.
3. Perform one of the following to access the Core Console:
Log on locally to your DL4300 core server, and then double-click the Core Console icon.
Type one of the following URLs in your web browser:

Updating trusted sites in Internet Explorer

To update trusted sites in Microsoft Internet Explorer:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. If the File, Edit View, and other menus are not displayed, press <F10>.
3. Click the Tools menu, and select Internet Options.
4. In the Internet Options window, click the Security tab.
5. Click Trusted Sites and then click Sites.
6. In Add this website to the zone, enter https://[Display Name], using the new name you provided for
the Display Name.
7. Click Add.
8. In Add this website to the zone, enter about:blank.
9. Click Add.
10. Click Close and then OK.

Configuring browsers to remotely access the Core Console

To access the Core Console from a remote machine, you need to modify your browser settings.
NOTE: To modify the browser settings, log in to the system as an administrator.
NOTE: Google Chrome uses Microsoft Internet Explorer settings, change Chrome browser settings using Internet Explorer.
NOTE: Ensure that the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration is turned on when you access the Core Web Console either locally or remotely. To turn on the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration:
1. Open Server Manager.
2. Select Local Server IE Enhanced Security Configuration displayed on the right. Ensure that it is
Configuring browser settings in Internet Explorer and Chrome
To modify browser settings in Internet Explorer and Chrome:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. From the Tools menu, select Internet Options, Security tab.
3. Click Trusted Sites and then click Sites.
4. Deselect the option Require server verification (https:) for all sites in the zone, and then add
http://<hostname or IP Address of the Appliance server hosting the AppAssure Core> to Trusted Sites.
5. Click Close, select Trusted Sites, and then click Custom Level.
6. Scroll to Miscellaneous Display Mixed Content and select Enable.
7. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to User Authentication Logon, and then select Automatic
logon with current user name and password.
8. Click OK, and then select the Advanced tab.
9. Scroll to Multimedia and select Play animations in webpages.
10. Scroll to Security, check Enable Integrated Windows Authentication, and then click OK.
Configuring Mozilla Firefox browser settings
NOTE: To modify Mozilla Firefox browser settings in the latest versions of Firefox, disable protection. Right-click the Site Identify button (located to the left of the URL), go to Options and click on
To modify Mozilla Firefox browser settings:
1. In the Firefox address bar, type about:config, and then click I’ll be careful, I promise if prompted.
2. Search for the term ntlm.
The search should return at least three results.
3. Double-click network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris and enter the following setting as
appropriate for your machine:
For local machines, enter the host name.
For remote machines, enter the host name or IP address separated by a comma of the appliance
4. Restart Firefox.
Disable protection for now.
system hosting the AppAssure Core; for example, IPAddress, host name.

Roadmap for configuring the Core

Configuration includes tasks such as creating and configuring the repository for storing backup snapshots, defining encryption keys for securing protected data, and setting up alerts and notifications. After you complete the configuration of the Core, you can then protect agents and perform recovery.
Configuring the Core involves understanding certain concepts and performing the following initial operations:
Create a repository
Configure encryption keys
Configure event notification
Configure retention policy
Configure SQL attachability
NOTE: If you are using this Appliance, it is recommended that you use the Appliance tab to configure the Core. For more information about configuring the Core after initial installation, see the Dell DL4300 Appliance Deployment Guide at

Managing licenses

You can manage licenses directly from the Core Console. From the console, you can change the license key and contact the license server. You can also access the License Portal from the Licensing page in the Core console.
The Licensing page includes the following information:
License type
License status
License constraints
Number of machines protected
Status of last response from the licensing server
Time of last contact with the licensing server
Next scheduled attempt of contact with the licensing server

Changing a license key

To change a license key:
1. Navigate to the Core Console.
2. Select ConfigurationLicensing.
The Licensing page appears.
3. From the License Details section, click Change License.
The Change License dialog box appears.
4. In the Change License dialog box, enter the new license key and then click Continue.

Contacting the license portal server

The Core Console frequently contacts the portal server to remain current with any changes made in the license portal. Typically, communication with the portal server occurs automatically at designated intervals; however, you can initiate communication on demand.
To contact the portal server:
1. Navigate to the Core Console.
2. Click Configuration Licensing.
3. From the License Server option, click Contact Now.

Changing the AppAssure language manually

AppAssure allows you to change the language that you had selected while running AppAssure Appliance Configuration Wizard to any of the supported languages. To change the AppAssure language to the desired language:
1. Launch the registry Editor using regdit command.
2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE AppRecovery Core Localization.
3. Open Lcid.
4. Select decimal.
5. Enter the required language value in the Value data box, the supported language values are:
a. English: 1033 b. Brazilian Portuguese: 1046 c. Spanish: 1034 d. French: 1036 e. German: 1031 f. Simplified Chinese: 2052 g. Japanese: 1041 h. Korean: 1042
6. Right-click and restart the services in the given order:
a. Windows Management Instrumentation b. SRM Web Service c. AppAssure Core
7. Clear the browser cache.
8. Close the browser and restart the core console from the desktop icon.

Changing the OS language during installation

On a running Windows installation, you can use the control panel to select language packs and configure additional international settings. To change OS language:
NOTE: It is recommended that the OS language and the AppAssure language be set to the same language. otherwise, some messages may be displayed in mixed languages.
NOTE: It is recommended to change the OS language before changing the AppAssure language.
1. On the Start page, type language, and make sure that the search scope is set to Settings.
2. In the Results panel, select Language.
3. In the Change your language preferences pane, select Add a language.
4. Browse or search for the language that you want to install.
For example, select Catalan, and then select Add. Catalan is now added as one of your languages.
5. In the Change your language preferences pane, select Options next to the language that you added.
6. If a language pack is available for your language, select Download and install language pack.
7. When the language pack is installed, the language is displayed as available to use for the Windows
display language.
8. To make this language your display language, move it to the top of your language list.
9. Log out and log in again to Windows for the change to take effect.

Managing Core settings

The Core settings are used to define various settings for configuration and performance. Most settings are configured for optimal use, but you can change the following settings as necessary:
Nightly Jobs
Transfer Queue
Client Timeout Settings
Deduplication Cache Configuration
Database Connection Settings

Changing the Core display name

NOTE: It is recommended that you select a permanent display name during the initial configuration of your Appliance. If you change it later, you must perform several steps manually to ensure that the new host name takes effect and the appliance functions properly. For more information, see
Changing The Host Name Manually.
To change the Core display name:
1. Navigate to the Core Console.
2. Click ConfigurationSettings
3. In the General pane, click Change.
The General Settings dialog box appears.
4. In the Display Name text box, enter a new display name for the Core.
This is the name that will display in the Core Console. You can enter up to 64 characters.
5. In the Web Server Port text box, enter a port number for the web server. The default is 8006.
6. In the Service Port, enter a port number for the service. The default is 8006.
7. Click OK.

Adjusting the nightly job time

To adjust the nightly job time:
1. Navigate to the Core Console.
2. Click Configuration Settings.
3. In the Nightly Jobs area, click Change.
The Nightly Jobs dialog box appears.
4. In the Nightly Jobs Time text box, enter a new time to perform the nightly jobs.
5. Click OK.

Modifying the transfer queue settings

Transfer queue settings are core-level settings that establish the maximum number of concurrent transfers and the maximum number of retries for transferring data.
To modify the transfer queue settings:
1. Navigate to the Core Console.
2. Click Configuration Settings.
3. In the Transfer Queue pane, click Change.
The Transfer Queue dialog box appears.
4. In the Maximum Concurrent Transfers text box, enter a value to update the number of concurrent
transfers. Set a number from 1 to 60. The smaller the number, the lesser the load is on network and other
system resources. As the capacity that is processed increases, so does the load on the system.
5. In the Maximum Retries text box, enter a value to update the maximum number of retries.
6. Click OK.

Adjusting the client time-out settings

To adjust the client time-out settings:
1. Navigate to the Core Console.
2. Click ConfigurationSettings.
3. In the Client Timeout Settings Configuration area, click Change.
The Client Timeout Settings dialog box appears.
4. In the Connection Timeout text box, enter the number of minutes and seconds before a connection
time-out occurs.
5. In the Connection UI Timeout text box, enter the number of minutes and seconds before a
connection UI time out occurs.
6. In the Read/Write Timeout text box, enter the number of minutes and seconds that you want to
lapse before a time-out occurs during a read/write event.
7. In the Read/Write UI Timeout text box, enter the number of minutes and seconds that will to lapse
before a read/write UI time out occurs.
8. Click OK.

Configuring deduplication cache settings

To configure deduplication cache settings:
1. Navigate to the Core Console.
2. Click ConfigurationSettings
3. In the Deduplication Cache Configuration area, click Change.
The Deduplication Cache Configuration dialog box appears.
4. In the Primary Cache Location text box, enter an updated value to change the primary cache
5. In the Secondary Cache Location text box, enter an updated value to change the secondary cache
6. In the Metadata Cache Location text box, enter an updated value to change the metadata cache
7. In the Dedupe Cache Size text box, enter a value corresponding to the amount of space you want to
allocate for the deduplication cache. From the unit size drop-down field, select either GB (gigabytes) or TB (terabytes), to specify the unit
of measurement for the value in the Dedupe Cache Size text box.
8. Click OK.
NOTE: You must restart the Core service for the changes to take effect.

Modifying engine settings

To modify the engine settings:
1. Navigate to the Core Console.
2. Click ConfigurationSettings
3. In the Replay Engine Configuration pane, click Change.
The Replay Engine Configuration dialog box appears.
4. Enter the configuration information described as follows:
Text Box Description
IP address
Preferable Port Enter a port number or accept the default setting (8007 is the default port).
Port in use Represents the port that is in use for the Replay Engine configuration.
Allow port auto­assigning
Admin Group Enter a new name for the administration group. The default name is BUILTIN
Minimum Async I/O Length
Receive Buffer Size
Send Buffer Size Enter an outbound buffer size or accept the default setting. The default setting
Read Timeout Enter a read timeout value or choose the default setting. The default setting is
Write Timeout Enter a write timeout value or choose the default setting. The default setting is
To use the preferred IP address from your TCP/IP, click Automatically Determined
To manually enter an IP address, click Use a specific address.
The port is used to specify the communication channel for the engine.
Click for allow for automatic TCP port assignment.
Enter a value or choose the default setting. It describes the minimum asynchronous input/output length. The default setting is 65536.
Enter an inbound buffer size or accept the default setting. The default setting is
is 8192.
No Delay It is recommended that you leave this check box unchecked as doing
otherwise will impact network efficiency. If you determine that you need to modify this setting, contact Dell Support for guidance.
5. Click OK.

Modifying database connection settings

To modify database connection settings:
1. Navigate to the Core Console.
2. Click ConfigurationSettings
3. In the Database Connection Settings area, choose one of the following:
Click Apply Default.
Click Change.
The Database Connection Settings dialog box appears.
4. Enter the settings for modifying the database connection described as follows:
Text Box Description
Host Name Enter a host name for the database connection.
Port Enter a port number for the database connection.
User Name (optional)
Password (optional)
Retain event and job history for, days
Max connection pool size
Min connection pool size
5. Click Test Connection to verify your settings.
6. Click Save.
Enter a user name for accessing and managing the database connection settings. It is used to specify the log in credentials for accessing the database connection.
Enter a password for accessing and managing the database connection settings.
Enter the number of days to retain the event and job history for the database connection.
Sets the maximum number of database connections cached to allow dynamic reuse. Default setting is 100.
Sets the minimum number of database connections cached to allow dynamic reuse. Default setting is 0.

About repositories

A repository stores the snapshots that are captured from your protected workstations and servers. The repository can reside on different storage technologies such as Storage Area Network (SAN), Direct Attached Storage (DAS), or Network Attached Storage (NAS).
When you create a repository, the Core preallocates the storage space required for the data and metadata in the specified location. You can create up to 255 independent repositories on a single core that span across different storage technologies. In addition, you can further increase the size of a repository by adding new file extents or specifications. An extended repository can contain up to 4096 extents that span across different storage technologies.
Key repository concepts and considerations include:
The repository is based on the AppAssure Scalable Object File System.
All data stored within a repository is globally deduplicated.
The Scalable Object File System can deliver scalable I/O performance in tandem with global data deduplication, encryption, and retention management.
NOTE: DL4300 repositories are stored on primary storage devices. Archival storage devices such as Data Domain are not supported due to performance limitations. Similarly, repositories must not be stored on NAS filers that tier to the cloud as these devices tend to have performance limitations when used as primary storage.

Roadmap for managing a repository

The roadmap for managing a repository covers tasks such as creating, configuring, and viewing a repository, and includes the following topics:
Accessing The Core Console
Creating A Repository
Viewing Repository Details
Modifying Repository Settings
Adding A Storage Location To An Existing Repository
Checking A Repository
Deleting A Repository
Recovering A Repository
NOTE: It is recommended that you use the Appliance tab to configure repositories.
Before you begin using your appliance, you must set up one or more repositories on the core server. A repository stores your protected data. More specifically, it stores the snapshots that are captured from the protected servers in your environment.
When you configure a repository, you can perform various tasks such as specifying where to locate the data storage on the Core server, how many locations can be added to each repository, the name of the repository, how many current operations the repositories support.
When you create a repository, the Core preallocates the space required for storing data and metadata in the specified location. You can create up to 255 independent repositories on a single core. To further increase the size of a single repository, you can add new storage locations or volumes.
You can add or modify repositories in the Core Console.

Creating a repository

NOTE: If you are using this appliance as a SAN, it is recommended that you use the Appliance tab to create repositories, see Provisioning selected storage.
Perform the following to manually create a repository:
1. Navigate to the Core Console.
2. Click ConfigurationRepositories.
3. Click Add new.
The Add New Repository dialog box appears.
4. Enter the information as described in the following table.
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