Dell DL1000 User Manual [in]

Dell DL1000 Appliance Release Notes
Messaggi di N.B., Attenzione e Avvertenza
N.B.: Un messaggio di N.B. indica informazioni importanti che contribuiscono a migliorare l'utilizzo del computer.
ATTENZIONE: Un messaggio di ATTENZIONE indica un danno potenziale all'hardware o la perdita di dati, e spiega come evitare il problema.
AVVERTENZA: Un messaggio di AVVERTENZA indica un rischio di danni materiali, lesioni personali o morte.
Copyright, 2009 – 2015 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and
intellectual property laws. Dell™ and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
2015 – 05
Rev. A02
1 Introduction...........................................................................................................4
About The Dell DL1000 Appliance....................................................................................................... 4
About AppAssure................................................................................................................................... 4
Other information you may need.........................................................................................................4
Registering your appliance on the license portal.................................................................................5
2 Known Issues And Limitations............................................................................7
Incorrect message displayed in AppAssure Appliance Configuration Wizard when
OpenManage Server Administrator service is disabled........................................................................7
Non-English language selected at Windows startup...........................................................................7
OpenManage Server Administrator Issues........................................................................................... 8
OpenManage Server Administrator fails to install properly.................................................................8
OpenManage Server Administrator fails to update status................................................................... 8
Recovery and Update Utility takes excessive time to complete......................................................... 8
Manually recovering a repository......................................................................................................... 9
Desktop shortcut for AppAssure not displayed for domain users.......................................................9
Core console shortcut is not updated with hostname change........................................................ 10
Unable to close message....................................................................................................................10
License key installation failure ........................................................................................................... 10
License key installation and AppAssure Appliance Configuration Wizard fails................................. 11
Incorrect message displayed for license configuration failure..........................................................11
Removal Of USB Drive Fails.................................................................................................................11
3 Getting help......................................................................................................... 13
Contacting Dell....................................................................................................................................13
Documentation feedback................................................................................................................... 13


This document describes important product information and restrictions for the Dell DL1000 Appliance.

About The Dell DL1000 Appliance

The DL1000 appliance is specifically designed for a range of environments. The short 15.5 inches depth, low power draw, acoustics and fresh air cooling make the DL1000 ideal for space-constrained office environments. The appliance is available in 1 TB, 2 TB, and 3 TB provisioned backup capacity (with an option for up to two standby virtual machines) the appliance uses AppAssure backup and recovery software.
Optimized for quick deployment and efficiency, the DL1000:
Helps reduce your backup window.
Creates snapshots as often as every 60 minutes.
Cloud archive connector simplifies moving archives to a cloud storage subscription (supported providers are Microsoft Azure, Amazon S3, OpenStack and RackSpace) allowing you to replace tape infrastructure.
Maintains up to two standby VMs to quickly restore critical servers (with proper edition).
Offers integrated, inline block-level deduplication and compression, combined with optimized backups for WAN replication.
Provides a wizard based configuration utility to automatically provision DL1000 storage and iDRAC Express for remote management.

About AppAssure

AppAssure is a unified and integrated backup and replication software that offers near-zero recovery time, verified recovery, and cross-platform virtual and physical server recovery.
For more information about important product features and restrictions for AppAssure software, see the AppAssure Release Notes at

Other information you may need

NOTE: For all Dell OpenManage documents, go to
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