Dell 2335dn User Manual

Lab Test Report
Dell 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer
33 PPM Printer Copier Scanner Fax
Reliability .........................................................Excellent
Multitasking ...................................................Very Good
Administrative Utilities ...................................Very Good
Feedback to Workstations ................................ Excellent
Ease of Network Setup................................... Very Good
Print Drivers ................................................... Very Good
Applications Compatibility ................................Excellent
Scan Functions ......................................................Good
Print/Copy Quality ......................................... Good/Good
Print/Copy Productivity .......................... Very Good/Good
Ease of Use .................................................... Very Good
Feature Set .................................................... Very Good
Security Features ............................................Not Rated
Environmental Features ..................................Not Rated
Toner Yield ..................................................... Very Good
Geared toward small workgroups, the Dell 2335dn Multifunction La­ser Printer proved to be a very good overall performer during its lab evaluation. The A4 laser desktop device, which has a rated speed of 33 ppm and offers network print and scan, copy and PC and walk­up fax functionality all as standard, demonstrated flawless reliability throughout its 17,500-impression durability test. Easy to set up and use, the 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer is also productive, as evidenced by its above average job stream productivity using the PCL driver, as well as the fastest first-print times for several files, compared to competitors. The company has dramatically improved feedback to workstations from the previous version of Status Moni­tor Console by providing more detailed information in the utility and the types of alerts that users can configure. Additionally, the unit has very good multitasking capabilities and offers automatic duplexing as standard and an above average tested toner yield that exceeded the rated yield. Based on these findings, BLI highly recommends the 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer for small workgroups with monthly volumes of up to 5,000 impressions.
Test duration:
Two months, including a 17,500-impression durability test.
Maximum monthly duty cycle:
35,000 impressions.
Manufacturer’s recommended monthly volume:
500 to 5,000 impressions.
BLI’s recommended monthly volume for optimum performance: Up to 5,000 impressions.
More information on the Dell 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer is available through bliQ (
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Lab Test Report
Dell 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer
Highly reliable—awless durability performance
Above average job stream productivity using the PCL driver; above average productivity when printing multiple
sets in simplex mode; fastest rst-print times for Word document and PowerPoint and JPEG les
Highest standard memory capacity; standard automatic duplexing
Above average tested toner yield, which exceeded the rated yield; toner-save mode in the drivers
PCL 5e/6 and true Adobe PostScript 3 drivers
Scan-to-USB functionality
Improved Status Monitor Console provides more detailed information in the utility and types of alerts that users
can congure
Users can program multiple copy jobs while a print or copy job is in progress
Highly automated driver installation routine
Straightforward procedures for adjusting drawers, loading paper and removing misfeeds; simple and clean process
for replacing the print cartridge
Below average halftone range in copy mode
Among the lowest job stream productivity using the Adobe PostScript driver
, and represent positive, negative and neutral attributes, respectively.
 
Reliability EXCELLENT
The 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer is certified highly reliable by BLI, completing
a 17,500-impression durability test without experiencing any misfeeds or requiring any service.
© 2009 Buyers Laboratory Inc. WARNING: This material is copyrighted by Buyers Laboratory Inc. and is the sole property of Buyers Labora tory. Duplication of this proprietary report or excerpts from this report, in any manner, whether printed
© 2009 Buyers Laboratory Inc. WARNING: This material is copyrighted by Buyers Laboratory Inc. and is the sole property of Buyers Labora tory. Duplication of this proprietary report or excerpts from this report, in any manner, whether printed
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 
Lab Test Report
Multitasking VERY GOOD
Dell 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer
Users can program copy jobs up to memory capacity while printing or copying.
Common to devices in this class, the 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer lacks an
interrupt key.
Administrative Utilities VERY GOOD
Dell OpenManage Printer Manager allows administrators to remotely manage mul-
tiple Dell and compatible devices on the network via a Web browser. Though the fleet management utility provides great detail about Dell devices, its capabilities in terms of compatibles is more limited than with other competitive tools. OpenManage Printer Manager is available as a download on the company’s Web site.
The embedded Web page, Dell Web Printer Configuration Tool, lets administrators
configure the unit remotely on the network and monitor paper status—“Okay” or “Add Paper”—and remaining toner, as indicated in a percent gauge.
Embedded Web Page—Printer Status Tab (U.S. model pictured)
Status Monitor Console (SMC) displays information for devices that have bi-direc-
tional support enabled. Administrators and users can proactively check SMC for status, names of the print jobs, toner supply level, guidance for reordering toner and the user’s manual for troubleshooting details.
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© 2009 Buyers Laboratory Inc. WARNING: This material is copyrighted by Buyers Laboratory Inc. and is the sole property of Buyers Labora tory. Duplication of this proprietary report or excerpts from this report, in any manner, whether printed
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Lab Test Report
Feedback to Workstations EXCELLENT
Dell 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer
SMC is installed simultaneously with the driver and allows for pop-up messages
or icon alerts that notify users of errors and warnings, to be configured. When a job is sent, the utility pops up so that users can see paper status—“Okay” or “Add Paper”—and remaining toner, as indicated in a percent gauge. Users can enable the pop-ups to appear during printing or disable the functionality altogether. The utility can also be proactively accessed.
Status Monitor Console—Printing Status (U.S. model pictured)
Pop-ups for print job completion aren’t available, but this is common for devices in
this class.
Administrators can set up e-mail alerts so that key operators receive messages when
consumables are depleted or an error has occurred.
Audible alerts are available and can be configured to beep when a job is complete or
an error has occurred, among others.
Dell Quick Launch Utility, which is loaded during installation and available on the
desktop, includes shortcut keys to access SMC, Dell Tool Box, Updater Utility and a troubleshooting guide.
Tool Box provides users with access to information such as reports and menu, net-
work and tray settings. Printer Maintenance and Diagnosis tabs are also available. However, when using the Tool Box, users can’t open SMC for devices connected to the same port.
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© 2009 Buyers Laboratory Inc. WARNING: This material is copyrighted by Buyers Laboratory Inc. and is the sole property of Buyers Labora tory. Duplication of this proprietary report or excerpts from this report, in any manner, whether printed
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Lab Test Report
Ease of Network Setup VERY GOOD
Dell 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer
Physical setup is simple as the 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer ships fully assem-
bled save for stacking it on top of the optional paper drawers, but note that Dell recommends at least two people lift the unit out of the box and place it in the desired location due to weight concerns. Users then remove the packing tape and open the side cover to access the pre-loaded print cartridges.
The CD launches upon insertion in the drive, and the automated installation routine
will have users up and running in a matter of minutes. It takes six clicks to install the PCL and Adobe PostScript drivers, as well as included software, using the default routine; the port is automatically created, and the IP address is assigned using DHCP. Furthermore, the drivers automatically detect configured accessories.
Dell provides a utility whereby administrators can remotely install the drivers on
workstations for uniform operation across the organization.
 
The CD contains the PCL, Adobe PostScript and scan drivers, a supplies manage-
ment system, Quick Launch Utility, printer settings utility, Dell ScanManager and network/PC fax software, as well as a user’s manual in PDF format so that it can be printed.
OpenManage Printer Manager can be downloaded from the company’s Web site.
Print Drivers VERY GOOD
The 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer ships with PCL 5e/6 and Adobe PostScript
3 drivers for various Windows and Mac operating systems, as well as environments that run Linux or UNIX. The drivers, which were tested on a Windows XP platform, were well laid out and easy to use.
PCL 6 Print Driver— Paper/Output Tab (U.S. model pictured)
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© 2009 Buyers Laboratory Inc. WARNING: This material is copyrighted by Buyers Laboratory Inc. and is the sole property of Buyers Labora tory. Duplication of this proprietary report or excerpts from this report, in any manner, whether printed
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Adobe PostScript 3 Print Driver— Paper/Output Tab (U.S. model pictured)
Lab Test Report
The PCL driver is graphical and provides most of the selections for a typical job on
Dell 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer
the main screen. So too is the Adobe PostScript driver, which is atypical of this vari­ety in that it’s usually text-based. Still, the fact they’re virtually identical helps boost ease of use in those environments that frequently switch between them.
The drivers, which have a good overall feature set compared to A4 laser/LED mono-
chrome printers in this speed range and class, both include booklet and N-up—1 to 16—printing. The PCL driver also has overlays, quantity selection up to 999, reduc­tion and enlargement from 25 to 400 percent and the abilities to save settings for frequently used jobs and add watermarks, while the Adobe PostScript driver has quantity selection up to 9,999 and reduction and enlargement from 1 to 1,000 per­cent.
Although there’s a collate selection in the Adobe PostScript driver, it didn’t function
in testing; collate must be selected from the print screen within the application for output to be collated. This isn’t uncommon, as most are written to allow the applica­tion settings to override the driver’s.
 
File size increased from one set printed using a 10-page document when producing
multiple collated sets with collate selected from the print screen within the applica­tion, but the number of pages sent to the unit didn’t increase, both of which are typi­cal of devices in this class.
Applications Compatibility EXCELLENT
No problems were experienced with any of the test files used in the applications
compatibility tests. Units are tested for compatibility on Windows XP platforms with Microsoft Word 2000, PowerPoint 2000 and Excel 2000, as well as Adobe Page­Maker 7.0, Photoshop 6.0 and Acrobat 6.0, using 25 application test files that con­tain text, graphics, halftone images, tables, etc., enabling BLI technicians to evaluate memory usage, file processing, font rendering and greyscale capability.
Scan Functions GOOD
The 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer offers colour and monochrome scanning of
documents to e-mail or network folder via FTP, in JPEG, PDF and TIFF formats at 75, 150, 200, 300 or 600 dpi.
— The unit was awkward to use for scanning of documents to e-mail. Destinations
must be programmed at the control panel via the alphanumeric keypad. This can be very time consuming as users must press each numeric key multiple times to enter the desired letter.
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© 2009 Buyers Laboratory Inc. WARNING: This material is copyrighted by Buyers Laboratory Inc. and is the sole property of Buyers Labora tory. Duplication of this proprietary report or excerpts from this report, in any manner, whether printed
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 
Lab Test Report
Dell 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer
Administrators can enter e-mail addresses and e-mail groups within the Address
Book tab of the embedded Web page, which allows users to retrieve the address at the control panel.
Users can scan a document to a USB memory key via a port on the front of the unit.
Standard PaperPort 11 software provides users with advanced scanning and docu-
ment management features such as scan to PDF, Word, Excel, Word Pad, Photoshop and FTP, as well as OCR capability.
Dell ScanCenter lets users quickly scan documents over the network into applica-
tions such as e-mail and photo and text editors.
Print/Copy Quality GOOD/GOOD
 
Image quality in print mode was good overall. Text was rated Good, with above aver-
age darkness and average sharpness and smoothness of curves and serifs, while characters displayed some breakup. Line art was also good overall, as fine lines didn’t always remain distinct, consistency of line thickness was average, circles showed some breakup and diagonal lines exhibited an average amount of stair-stepping. Half­tone pattern and range were both rated Good; greyscale was clearly visible from the 2 to 97 percent dot-fill levels with distinct transitions between most levels, while cover­age within levels displayed some graininess and minimal banding. Solids were good overall due to above average darkness and average consistency of coverage.
Image quality in copy mode was good overall. Text was rated Good, with average
darkness, sharpness and smoothness of curves and serifs, while characters showed some breakup. Line art was also good overall, as fine lines didn’t always remain distinct, consistency of line thickness was average, circles exhibited some breakup and diagonal lines displayed an average amount of stair-stepping. Halftone pattern and range were rated Good and Fair, respectively; greyscale was clearly visible from the 29 percent—15 being the minimum coverage area on the original—to 91 per­cent dot-fill levels with distinct transitions between few levels, while coverage within levels showed some graininess and minimal banding. Solids were good overall due to above average darkness and average consistency of coverage.
Print/Copy Productivity VERY GOOD/GOOD
The 2335dn Multifunction Laser Printer’s productivity using the PCL driver to print
BLI’s job stream, which replicates typical traffic in a multi-user environment, is above average compared to A4 laser/LED monochrome multifunction printers in this class tested to date; in fact, its actual tested running speed is the fastest.
However, its productivity using the Adobe PostScript driver in this test is among the
lowest. BLI technicians attribute this to the unit pausing between jobs in the test suite.
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© 2009 Buyers Laboratory Inc. WARNING: This material is copyrighted by Buyers Laboratory Inc. and is the sole property of Buyers Labora tory. Duplication of this proprietary report or excerpts from this report, in any manner, whether printed
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