Delfield N8746N User Manual

Narrow Drop-In Individually Controlled Electric Food Wells
N874 6N Two food wells without d rains
N876 8N Three food wells without drains
N874 6ND Two food wells with drains
N876 8ND Three food wells with dra ins
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity _________________ _______________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ _____________________ ___________
N8700N: Narrow Drop-In Individually Controlled Electric Food Wells
Model N8746N
(Pa ns by others)
Top sh all be on e-p iece 18 -gau ge sta inles s s teel, wi th 0 .63”
ove rhan g arou nd per imet er and die st ampe d 19.8 7” x 11.8 7”
(50 .5cm x 30cm ) op enin gs w ith depr essed ed ges. Form ed w ell
sha ll h ave an i ndiv idual inf init e co ntrol and 10 00 wa tt h eati ng
ele ment at tache d t o b ottom of wel l. Exte rior hou sing sh all be
20- gaug e ga lvani zed s teel . Uni t sha ll b e ins ulat ed on side s an d
bet ween wel ls w ith 1.00 ” ( 2.5cm ) fi berg lass ; bo ttom shal l ha ve
1.0 0” (2 .5cm) bl anket in sulat ion.
Uni t s hall hav e al l i ndiv idua l co ntrol s w ired to a c ontr ol p anel
for mou nting in cou nter or at a re mote loca tion ; 4’ ( 1.2 m )
len gth of wir ing and con duit are pro vided . Un it sha ll h ave
a thre e-w ire ele ctri cal jun ctio n bo x to all ow ha rd-w irin g at
ins tall atio n.
Mod els wi th dra ins are manif olde d toget her st anda rd to on e
mai n ga te v alve .
Standard Features
Top is constructed of 18-gauge stainless steel
• Flush mounted die stamped drawn 12” x 20”
• individual 20-gauge wells Wells to be depressed slightly into the top to
• hold in condensation Standard 1/2” stainless steel drain(s)
• Non-marring press fit top gasket is supplied
• standard Must be hard wired in the field
• Wet and dr y operation
11.87” x 19.87” indivi dual hot food wells
• Models with drains are manifolded together
• standard to one main gate valve Unit shall be insulated on all sides with 1” of
• fiberglass and bottom to have 2” of fiberfrax blanket i nsulation Individ ual infi nite tem perature control s
• standard wired to one m ain con trol pa nel with 4’ of conduit and wire. Fiel d install control panel at location Galvanized exterior body
• One year parts and 90 day labor standard
• warranty
Options & Accessories
Adapter plates and bars
• Single- or do uble-ser vice flip-up
• sneezeguards Telescoping covers
• 220 volt, 50 cycle electrical system*
• Inclusion of this option w ill alter
electrical specifications of the unit
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
Narrow Drop-I n Indiv idually Controlled Elec tric Food Wells
6.25" 16cm
9.12" 23cm
A-1.27" (3cm)
11.87" 30cm
2 Pan Units
3 Pan Units
Typical Plan View
Typical Elevation View Typical End View
Optional Drain Location
14.60" 37cm
15.87" 40cm
Plan View
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Dimension ACounter Cutout
Dimensions (DxL)
116 cm
172 cm
116 cm
172 cm
15” X 44.61”
38cm X 113cm
15.” X 66.48”
38cm X 169cm
15” X 44.61”
38cm X 113cm
15.” X 66.48”
38cm X 169cm
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
Panel Cutout
4.62” X 10.31” 12cm x 26cm
4.62” x 14.50” 12cm x 37cm
4.62” X 10.31” 12cm x 26cm
4.62” x 14.50” 12cm x 37cm
# Of Food
V/Hz/Ph Amps Ship Weight
2 120/60/1 17.0 100lbs/46kg
3 208-230/60/1 16.0 130lbs/59kg
2 120/60/1 17.0 100lbs/46kg
3 208-230/60/1 16.0 130lbs/59kg
Printed in the U.S.A. DSN8700N 08/10