Narrow Drop-In Individually Controlled Electric Food Wells
N874 6N Two food wells without d rains
N876 8N Three food wells without drains
N874 6ND Two food wells with drains
N876 8ND Three food wells with dra ins
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity ________________ ________________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ ____________________ ____________
N8700N: Narrow Drop-In Individually Controlled Electric Food Wells
Model N8746N
(Pa ns by others)
Top sh all be on e-p iece 18 -gau ge sta inles s s teel, wi th 0 .63”
ove rhan g arou nd per imet er and die st ampe d 19.8 7” x 11.8 7”
(50 .5cm x 30cm ) op enin gs w ith depr essed ed ges. Form ed w ell
bel ow eac h op enin g sh all be 6. 25” (1 6cm) de ep. Eac h we ll
sha ll h ave an i ndiv idual in finit e co ntro l an d 10 00 wa tt h eati ng
ele ment at tache d t o b ottom of wel l. Exte rior hou sing sh all be
20- gaug e ga lvani zed s teel . Uni t sha ll b e ins ulat ed on side s an d
bet ween wel ls w ith 1.00 ” ( 2.5cm ) fi berg lass ; bo ttom shal l ha ve
1.0 0” (2 .5cm) bl anket in sulat ion.
Uni t s hall hav e al l i ndiv idua l co ntrol s w ired to a c ontr ol p anel
for mou nting in cou nter or at a re mote loca tion ; 4’ ( 1.2 m )
len gth of wir ing and con duit are pro vided . Un it sha ll h ave
a thre e-w ire ele ctri cal jun ctio n bo x to all ow ha rd-w irin g at
ins tall atio n.
Mod els wi th dra ins are manif olde d toget her st anda rd to on e
mai n ga te v alve .
Standard Features
Top is constructed of 18-gauge stainle ss steel
Flush mounted die stamped drawn 12” x 20”
individual 20-gauge wells
Wells to be depressed slightly into the top to
hold in condensation
Standard 1/2” stainless steel drain(s)
Non-marring press fit top gasket is supplied
Must be hard wired in the field
Wet and dr y operation
11.87” x 19.87” indivi dual hot food wells
Models with drains are manifolded together
standard to one m ain gate valve
Unit shall be insulated on all sides with 1” of
fiberglass and bottom to have 2” of fiberfrax
blanket i nsulation
Individ ual infi nite tem perature control s
standard wired to one m ain con trol pa nel
with 4’ of conduit and wire. Fiel d install control
panel at location
Galvanized exterior body
One year parts and 90 day labor standard
Options &
Adapter plates and bars
Single- or do uble-ser vice flip-up
Telescoping covers
220 volt, 50 cycle electrical system*
Inclusion of this option w ill alter
electrical specifications of the unit
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m

Narrow Drop-I n Indiv idually Controlled Elec tric Food Wells
A-1.27" (3cm)
2 Pan Units
3 Pan Units
Typical Plan View
Typical Elevation View Typical End View
Optional Drain Location
Plan View
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Dimension ACounter Cutout
Dimensions (DxL)
116 cm
172 cm
116 cm
172 cm
15” X 44.61”
38cm X 113cm
15.” X 66.48”
38cm X 169cm
15” X 44.61”
38cm X 113cm
15.” X 66.48”
38cm X 169cm
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m
Panel Cutout
4.62” X 10.31”
12cm x 26cm
4.62” x 14.50”
12cm x 37cm
4.62” X 10.31”
12cm x 26cm
4.62” x 14.50”
12cm x 37cm
# Of Food
V/Hz/Ph Amps Ship Weight
2 120/60/1 17.0 100lbs/46kg
3 208-230/60/1 16.0 130lbs/59kg
2 120/60/1 17.0 100lbs/46kg
3 208-230/60/1 16.0 130lbs/59kg
Printed in the U.S.A.