Reduced Height Raised Rail Self-Contained Prep Table
F18R C52 52” red uced h eig ht rai sed ra il self-conta ine d prep table
F18R C60 60” red uced h eig ht rai sed ra il self-conta ine d prep table
F18R C68 68” red uced h eig ht rai sed ra il self-conta ine d prep table
F18R C82 82” red uced h eig ht rai sed ra il self-conta ine d prep table
F18R C91 91” red uced h eig ht rai sed ra il self-conta ine d prep table
F18R C99 99” red uced h eig ht rai sed ra il self-conta ine d prep table
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity _________________ _______________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ _____________________ ___________
F18RC: Reduced Height Raised Rail Self-Contained Prep Table
(Show n will optional s tain less s teel f inis hed end.)
F18R C60
Ex teri or t op is o ne- pie ce, 16- gau ge s tai nles s st eel, wi th
int egra l 2.1 2” (5. 4cm) hig h sq uare nos ing on fro nt. Top has
a me chan ical ly coo led r efri gerat ed ra ised ra il at re ar wi th
ope ning s to acco mmod ate 1/6 siz e pa ns. P ans and ada pter
bar s a re p rovi ded by othe rs. Pans are rec esse d 2 ” ( 5.1c m). Rai l
int erio r is 22-g auge s tainl ess st eel. Ra ised r ail ope ning s h ave
18- gaug e s tainl ess stee l re mova ble lids . Un it is e quip ped with
sep arat e exp ansi on v alve and on/ off swi tch for ref rige rate d
col d pan . Tempe ratu re in top openi ng t o mai ntai n 33° F (1° C) t o
41° F ( 5°C ) w ith pan s r ecess ed 2” ( 5.1c m) at 86° amb ient roo m
tem pera ture, mee ting NSF 7 re quir ement s.
Ex terio r Bac k a nd Bo ttom a re 24- gaug e gal vaniz ed ste el.
Ex terio r en ds are finis hed with 18- gau ge g alvan ized ste el.
Standard Features
16 gauge stainless steel top
High densit y environmentally
friendly, Kyoto Protocol Compliant,
Non ODP (Ozone Depletion
Potential), Non GWP (Global
Warming Potential) polyurethane
foam insulation throughout unit
Snap-in dart style vinyl magnetic
Recessed black plastic handle held
in with a positive lock system
14 gauge leg rails that run the
entire length of the unit
6.12” adjustable full stainless steel
legs and bullet feet
8’ cord and plug
36” standard work height
Environmentally friendly HFC-404A
One year parts and 90 day labor
standard warranty
uni t in stal led.
Doo r(s) hav e a 2 2-ga uge s tain less stee l ex teri or fr ont, with
the rmof orme d AB S pla stic int erio r li ner, b lack rec essed han dle
and sn ap i n m agne tic gask et which is ea sily rep lacea ble. Ea ch
int erio r d oor se ctio n ha s ( 1) rem ovabl e e poxy co ated wi re
she lf.
Ref rige rati on S yste m us es HFC- 404A ref rige rant. Cab inet ha s
a bl ower c oil as semb ly wit h exp ansi on val ve loc ated b ehin d
doo r mu llio n. B ase is equi pped with in depen dent ly c ontr olled
the rmos tat, sol enoi d va lve and conde nsat e ev apor ator. On/o ff
swi tch for uni t is lo cated on pan el above lo uver. Ref rige ratio n
sys tem in t he base wil l ma intai n 3 6°F (2°C ) to 40° F (4 °C).
Options &
Stainless steel end
Stainless steel back
Laminate facing (full front)
Laminate end
Laminate back
Cutting board (Sanalite or
Tray rack
Drawers, (2 or 3 high) 19”, 27” or
32” drawers in lieu of one door
Cold pan drain
220V/50 cycle
Bas e Inte rior has 22 -gau ge stai nles s stee l back a nd bot tom.
Bas e i nteri or end s an d do or fra mes are th ermof orme d AB S
pl asti c. Ba se is in sula ted w ith 1 .5” ( 3.8 cm) hi gh de nsi ty
foa med i n pl ace e nvir onm enta lly fr ien dly, Kyo to P roto col
Com plia nt, N on OD P (Oz one Dep letio n Pot enti al), Non G WP
(Gl obal W armi ng Pot enti al) p olyur etha ne. E nd of base has a
mac hine com par tment , s tand ard on ri ght, wit h c onde nsing
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
Leg s: U nit is mou nte d on 6 .13 ” (1 5.6c m) h igh a djus tab le
sta inle ss s teel leg s.
Ele ctr ical conn ecti ons are 115 volt , 60 Her tz, sin gle pha se.
Uni t is wi red with 8’ (2 .4m) cor d an d pl ug.
www.delfield.co m