Concepts™ Serving Systems
Radial Heated Serving Counter
DCRU -H2 Radial h eated ser ving counter, fits two standard 12”x 20” pa ns
DCRU -H3 Radial h eated ser ving counter, fits three standard 12”x20” pans
DCRU -H4 Radial h eated ser ving counter, fits four standard 12”x20” pans
DCRU -H5 Radial h eated ser ving counter, fits five standard 12”x20” pans
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity _________________ _______________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ _____________________ ___________
Concepts™ Serving Systems: Radial Heated Serving Counter
Ex terio r bo dy i s con stru cted of 0 .75” Lu an r einfo rced fron t
and re ar pa nels wi th 22 g auge st ainl ess st eel sk in an d 1 ”
pol yeth ylene ho rizon tal rib sup port s. H oriz ontal br ace on r ear
is con struc ted of 18 gaug e ga lvan ized ste el. T he e xter ior ends
are unf inis hed.
Standard Features
Flush mou nt die stamped stainless steel
heated food well
1/2” stainless steel drains
Heavy duty stainless steel top
Reinforced stainle ss st eel f ront and rear
removable p anels
Heavy duty base support structure
Standard on 6” legs
Must be hard wired in field
11.87” x 19.87 ” single hot food wells are
manifo lded to gether to one ma in gate
Wet and dr y operation
Individua l infin ite tem perature contro ls
mounted be hind access door
One year parts and labor standard warrant y
dra in v alve loc ated beh ind the hing ed a cces s do or.
Leg s: B ases mou nted on 6.12 ” adj usta ble legs.
Options &
Granite, Hanstone and Solid Surface
top materials
Laminated base panels
Finished stainless steel or laminated
end panel s
Décor panels
Graphics packages
FlexiShield® foodshields
Signag e with overst ructures, li ghts
and heatlamps
Mechanical access doors
Casters (stand alon e units only)
Kickplates (units with legs only)
Adapter plates and bars
Tray slides
Omit drains
Fill faucet
220V/50 c ycle electrical system*
Inclu sion of t his optio n wi ll a lter
electrical specifi cations of the unit
Ex teri or to p is co nst ruct ed of 14 ga uge sta inl ess st eel .
Hor izon tal t op s uppor ts o n fr ont a nd re ar a re co nstr ucte d wit h
18 ga uge gal vani zed s teel . Top end sup port s ar e 12 gau ge
sta inle ss s teel .
Int erio r base bott om is co nstr ucte d of 16 ga uge g alvan ized
ste el. Ve rti cal b ase sup port bra ces ar e 14 g auge gal vani zed
ste el.
He ated fo od w arm ers ar e co nst ruc ted of di e-s tamp ed
sta inle ss steel . He ated foo d w armer s a re i nsul ated on bott om.
Eac h hea ted f ood w arme r i s ind ivid uall y equ ippe d wit h a
hea ted e leme nt rat ed at 1 000 w atts for 12 0 vol t or 20 8/23 0
vol t, 6 0 h ertz , si ngle ph ase serv ice and wir ed t o an ad justa ble
con trol switc h and indi cator ligh t in t he con trol pane l. Warm ers
are eq uipp ed with a 0. 5” s tainl ess ste el drai n plum bed to the
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m

DCRU-H2 Plan View
DCRU-H3 Plan View
Radial H eated Ser ving Counter
DCRU-H2 Elevation View
DCRU-H3 Elevation View
DCRU-H4 Plan View DCRU-H5 Plan View
DCRU-H4 Elevation View DCRU-H5 Elevation View
All Models Right Side View
Model Length Depth Height Watts
# of 12”x20”
Pans Held
V/Hz/Ph Amps Ship Weight
DCRU-H2 103.32” 36.00” 36.00” 2000 2 115/60/1 16.6 563lbs/255kg
DCRU-H3 103.32” 36.00” 36.00” 3000/4000 3 208230/60/1 15.0/16.0 604lbs/274kg
DCRU-H4 103.32” 36.00” 36.00” 4000/4800 4 208230/60/1 20.0/22.0 645lbs/293kg
DCRU-H5 103.32” 36.00” 36.00” 5000/6000 5 208230/60/1 24.0/27.0 685lbs/311kg
Concepts™ Serving Systems
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd.
Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981
Fax: 800-669-0 619
www.delfield.co m
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