Delfield 537-CR User Manual

Self-Contained Refrigerated Curved Glass Display Cases
537- CR 37.2 5” lon g display case
549- CR 49.2 5” lon g display case
561- CR 61.2 5” lon g display case
573- CR 73.2 5” lon g display case
Project ___ ____________________ ___________
Item _________________ ___________________
Quantity _________________ _______________
CSI Sec tion 11400
Approved ____________ ___________________
Date ____ _____________________ ___________
500-CR: Self-Contained Refrigerated Curved Glass Display Cases
561- CR
Ex ter ior Bo dy: Fro nt of un it is pr ovid ed wi th cur ved
(2) t empe red gla ss pan es (ou ter pan e) 0.2 5” ( 0.64 c m), (in ner
pan e) 0.18 (0 .48 cm). Ea ch side of gl ass is trim med wit h b lack
pol yeth ylene e xtru sion fo rmed to ma tch the c urva ture of th e
gla ss f ront. Bas e of cab inet is 1 8-ga uge s tain less stee l ove r
14- gaug e ga lvani zed ste el bo ttom stru ctur e. Ex teri or to p of
dis play case is c onstr ucte d of 18-g auge stai nles s ste el. E xter ior
si des a re f inis hed w ith s tain less s teel . Un it is com plet ely
ins ulat ed w ith 1. 50” ( 3.8 cm) po lyure than e e nviro nmen tally
fri endl y, Kyo to Pr otoco l Com plia nt, N on OD P (Oz one D eple tion
Pot entia l), No n G WP (Gl obal War ming Pot enti al) in sulat ion.
Adj usta ble feet all ow fo r l eveli ng.
Doo rs: U nit is p rovid ed wit h t wo sel f-cl osin g, t herm opan e
rem ovab le f or c lean ing and are fea ture d wi th a h old op en
mec hani sm f or e asy load ing, and a l ock for nigh t st orag e.
Int erio r Ca bine t i s co nstr ucte d of 18- gaug e s tain less st eel
mir rors . Two be ige ep oxy co ated sh elve s ar e p rovid ed and
Standard Features
18-gauge interior top and bottom
• ABS plasti c beige inte rior wit h acryl ic mirror
• laminated t o each side Two ep oxy coat ed beige wi re shelv es with
• adjustable shelf supports Interior is lit with thre e fl uorescent lights (120V-
• 60C-1PH) w ith separated on/o ff switch Each side of the curved glass is trimmed with
• a polyethylene extr usion form ed to match the curvature of the glass Cabinet base is construc ted with an 18-ga uge
• stainless steel exter ior and a galvanized 14-gauge bottom Exterior top is 18-gauge stainle ss ste el and both
• exterior sides are finished in stainless s teel High densit y en vironmenta lly frien dly, Kyoto
• Protocol Compli ant, Non ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential), N on GWP (Global Warmin g Potential) polyurethane foam throughout u nit Adjustable feet to allow fie ld leveling
• Unit is supplied w ith self-closi ng easily re movable
• thermopane glass doors. The doors travel in a thermoplast ic extruded top and b ottom track with NSF food cleanouts in each bottom corner. Hold open mechanism is supplied fo r easy l oading and
(12 0v-6 0c-1 ph) f luor escen t li ghts, and two adjus t wi th sh elve s,
wit h se para te o n/of f sw itch .
Ref rige rati on: Th e cond ensi ng uni t and blo wer co il ev apora tor
sys tem ( HFC4 04A) 1 15v- 60c- 1ph, is ho used in ba se of unit. Unit
is de sign ed to mai ntain t empe ratur es of 36º - 4 0ºF with l ow
vel ocit y fan s. Di spla y is equip ped w ith a hot gas evapo rato r for
con dens atio n a nd is reg ulat ed by a pres sure co ntrol . Louve rs
are loc ated at fron t an d ba ck o f ba se f or a ir c ircu latio n. On/of f
swi tch f or ent ire sy stem is loc ated behi nd the louv er acc ess
pan el.
Ele ctr ical : 115 vol t, 60 Her tz, si ngle ph ase. Al l units m ust be
har d wi red in t he field .
Options & Accessories
a lock for night storage Main on/o ff switch One year parts and 90 day labor stan dard warranty Curve d ther mopane 1” thi ck gla ss is constructed of o ne .25” tempered outer pane, one .63” thick air sp acer and one .18” tempered inter ior pane Envi ronmen tally fri endly HFC- 404A refrigerant 60 cycle - single phase electrical syste m Low fan velo city to reduce foo d dehydration Unit i s equip ped wit h a hot gas evaporator for condensatio n off the coil and controll ed by a pressure control Front moun ted lo uvers for proper ventilation
Full h eight lami nate ends and base (customer side only) One-way mirrored doors Special decorative metal laminates Glass shelves
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
37.25 95cm
35.00 89cm
S/S Top
15.50 39cm
35.00 89cm
S/S Top
15.50 39cm
35.00" 89cm
S/S Top
15.50 39cm
35.00" 89cm
S/S Top
15.50 39cm
Access Panel
Light Switch
Main Power Switch Located Behind Louver
16.03" 41cm
1.50" 4cm
25.75 65cm
26.25 67cm
Radius Of Curved
Glass (15.75" O.D.)
35.00" 89cm
Air Out
Acess Hole For Elect. Connection
Interior Shelf Lengths
537-CR 33.00” (84cm) 549-CR 45.00” (114cm) 561-CR 57.00” (145cm) 573-CR 69.00” (175cm)
Plan View 537-CR
Plan View 549-CR
Plan View 561-CR
Plan View 573-CR
Clear Door Opening Dimensions
Model 537 -CR
14.00” X 23.50” (36cm X 60cm)
Model 549-CR
19.75” X 23.50” (50cm X 60cm)
Model 561-CR
26.65” X 23.50” (68cm X 60cm)
Model 573-CR
31.75” X 23.50” (81cm X 60cm)
NOTE: Airflow Must Be Maintained
To Insure Unit Performance And
Maintain Warranty.
Self-Contained Refrige rated Cur ved Glass Display Cases
Typical Front Elevation
All 500-CR Models
Typical End Elevation
All 500-CR Models
Perspective View
Model Type V/Hz/Ph Amps H.P.
Cabinet Load
Sys. Cap
Ship Weight
537-CR Refrigerated 115/60/1* 10.0 1/2 1730 2870 468lbs/213kg
549-CR Refrigerated 115/60/1* 10.0 1/2 2250 3335 697lbs/317kg
561-CR Refrigerated 115/60/1* 12.0 3/4 2770 4435 807lbs/367kg
573-CR Refrigerated 115/60/1* 12.0 3/4 3290 5185 922lbs/419kg
*All 500-CR models must be hardwired.
Deleld reserves the right to make changes to the design or specications without prior notice.
980 S. I sabella Rd. Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan 4885 8
Phone: 800 -733-8948 or 989 -773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0 619 m
Printed in the U.S.A. DS500CR 05/10