Datalogic Scanning QD 2300 User Manual

QD 2300 Bar Code Scanner
Product Reference Guide
Datalogic Scanning, Inc.
959 Terry Street Eugene, Oregon 97402 Telephone: (541) 683-5700 Fax: (541) 345-7140
An Unpublished Work - All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this documentation or the procedures described therein may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission of Datalogic Scanning, Inc. or its subsidiaries or affiliates ("Datalogic" or “Datalogic Scanning”). Owners of Datalogic products are hereby granted a non-exclusive, revocable license to reproduce and transmit this documentation for the purchaser's own internal business purposes. Purchaser shall not remove or alter any proprietary notices, including copyright notices, contained in this documentation and shall ensure that all notices appear on any reproductions of the documen­tation.
Should future revisions of this manual be published, you can acquire printed versions by contacting your Datalogic rep­resentative. Electronic versions may either be downloadable from the Datalogic website ( or provided on appropriate media. If you visit our website and would like to make comments or suggestions about this or other Datalogic publications, please let us know via the "Contact Datalogic" page.
Datalogic has taken reasonable measures to provide information in this manual that is complete and accurate, how­ever, Datalogic reserves the right to change any specification at any time without prior notice.
Datalogic is a registered trademark of Datalogic S.p.A. in many countries and the Datalogic logo is a trademark of Dat­alogic S.p.A. All other brand and product names referred to herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction.............................................................................................................. 1
About this Guide .................................................................................................................... 1
Manual Overview ................................................................................................................... 1
Manual Conventions ............................................................................................................... 2
References ............................................................................................................................ 3
Technical Support .................................................................................................................. 3
Datalogic Website Support ................................................................................................. 3
Reseller Technical Support ................................................................................................. 3
Telephone Technical Support .............................................................................................. 3
Chapter 2. Getting Started ......................................................................................................... 5
About the Scanner ................................................................................................................. 5
Unpacking ............................................................................................................................. 5
Setting Up the Scanner ........................................................................................................... 6
Installing the Interface Cable ............................................................................................. 6
Removing the Interface Cable ............................................................................................ 7
Connecting Power (if required) ........................................................................................... 7
Configuring the Scanner .................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3. Operation.................................................................................................................. 9
Nomenclature ........................................................................................................................ 9
LED and Beeper Indications ....................................................................................................10
Scan Mode ...........................................................................................................................11
Scanning .............................................................................................................................12
Aiming .................................................................................................................................12
Depth of Field .......................................................................................................................14
Maintenance .........................................................................................................................14
Chapter 4. Problem Isolation ................................................................................................... 15
Problem Isolation ..................................................................................................................15
Chapter 5. General Features..................................................................................................... 19
User Preferences ...................................................................................................................19
Scanning Sequence Examples .................................................................................................19
Errors While Scanning ...........................................................................................................19
User General Feature Defaults ................................................................................................20
Default Parameters ...............................................................................................................21
Restore Defaults ..............................................................................................................21
Beeper Tone .........................................................................................................................22
Beeper Volume .....................................................................................................................22
Power Mode .........................................................................................................................23
Scan Mode ...........................................................................................................................23
Stand Mode Timeout Period ..............................................................................................24
Scan Line Width ....................................................................................................................25
Laser On Time ......................................................................................................................25
Beep After Good Read ...........................................................................................................26
Transmit Label ID .................................................................................................................26
Prefix/Suffix Values ...............................................................................................................27
Global Prefix/Suffix ...............................................................................................................28
FN1 Substitution Values .........................................................................................................30
Transmit “No Read” Message ..................................................................................................30
Product Reference Guide
Chapter 6. RS-232 ................................................................................................................... 31
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 31
Connecting an RS-232 Interface ............................................................................................. 32
RS-232 Parameter Defaults .................................................................................................... 33
RS-232 Host Parameters ....................................................................................................... 33
RS-232 Host Types ......................................................................................................... 36
Baud Rate ......................................................................................................................37
Parity ............................................................................................................................ 38
Stop Bit Select ................................................................................................................39
Data Bits (ASCII Format) ................................................................................................. 39
Check Receive Errors ....................................................................................................... 40
Hardware Handshaking .................................................................................................... 41
Software Handshaking ..................................................................................................... 43
Host Serial Response Time-out ......................................................................................... 45
RTS Line State ................................................................................................................ 46
Beep on <BEL> .............................................................................................................. 46
Intercharacter Delay ........................................................................................................ 47
Nixdorf Beep/LED Options ................................................................................................ 48
Ignore Unknown Characters ............................................................................................. 48
ASCII Character Set for RS-232 .............................................................................................. 49
Chapter 7. Keyboard Wedge Interface ..................................................................................... 55
Connecting a Keyboard Wedge Interface .................................................................................. 55
Keyboard Wedge Parameter Defaults ...................................................................................... 56
Keyboard Wedge Host Parameters .......................................................................................... 57
Keyboard Wedge Host Types ............................................................................................ 57
Keyboard Wedge Country Types (Country Codes) ................................................................ 58
Ignore Unknown Characters ............................................................................................. 59
Keystroke Delay ............................................................................................................. 60
Intra-Keystroke Delay ..................................................................................................... 60
Alternate Numeric Keypad Emulation ................................................................................. 61
Caps Lock On ................................................................................................................. 61
Caps Lock Override ......................................................................................................... 62
Convert Wedge Data ....................................................................................................... 62
Function Key Mapping ...................................................................................................... 63
FN1 Substitution ............................................................................................................. 63
Send Make and Break ...................................................................................................... 63
Keyboard Maps ............................................................................................................... 64
ASCII Character Set for Keyboard Wedge ................................................................................ 64
Chapter 8. USB Interface ......................................................................................................... 75
Connecting a USB Interface ................................................................................................... 75
USB Parameter Defaults ........................................................................................................ 76
USB Host Parameters ............................................................................................................77
USB Device Type ............................................................................................................ 77
USB Country Keyboard Types (Country Codes) ................................................................... 78
USB Keystroke Delay ....................................................................................................... 80
USB CAPS Lock Override .................................................................................................. 80
USB Ignore Unknown Characters ....................................................................................... 81
Emulate Keypad .............................................................................................................. 81
USB Keyboard FN 1 Substitution ....................................................................................... 82
Function Key Mapping ...................................................................................................... 82
Simulated Caps Lock ....................................................................................................... 83
Convert Case .................................................................................................................. 83
ASCII Character Set for USB .................................................................................................. 84
Chapter 9. Symbologies ........................................................................................................... 95
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 95
Scanning Sequence Examples ................................................................................................ 95
ii QuickScan® L
Errors While Scanning ...........................................................................................................95
Symbology Parameter Defaults ...............................................................................................96
UPC/EAN ..............................................................................................................................99
Enable/Disable UPC-A/UPC-E ............................................................................................99
Enable/Disable UPC-E1 ...................................................................................................100
Enable/Disable EAN-13/EAN-8 ......................................................................................... 101
Enable/Disable Bookland EAN .......................................................................................... 101
Decode UPC/EAN/JAN Supplementals ............................................................................... 102
UPC/EAN/JAN Supplemental Redundancy .......................................................................... 104
Transmit UPC-A Check Digit ............................................................................................ 104
Transmit UPC-E Check Digit ............................................................................................ 105
Transmit UPC-E1 Check Digit ..........................................................................................105
UPC-A Preamble ............................................................................................................ 106
UPC-E Preamble ............................................................................................................ 107
UPC-E1 Preamble ..........................................................................................................108
Convert UPC-E to UPC-A .................................................................................................109
Convert UPC-E1 to UPC-A ...............................................................................................109
EAN-8/JAN-8 Extend ...................................................................................................... 110
UCC Coupon Extended Code ............................................................................................ 110
Code 128 ........................................................................................................................... 111
Enable/Disable Code 128 ................................................................................................ 111
Enable/Disable UCC/EAN-128 .......................................................................................... 111
Enable/Disable ISBT 128 ................................................................................................ 112
Code 39 ............................................................................................................................. 112
Enable/Disable Code 39 .................................................................................................. 112
Enable/Disable Trioptic Code 39 ......................................................................................113
Convert Code 39 to Code 32 ...........................................................................................113
Code 32 Prefix ..............................................................................................................114
Set Lengths for Code 39 ................................................................................................. 114
Code 39 Check Digit Verification ...................................................................................... 116
Transmit Code 39 Check Digit .........................................................................................116
Code 39 Full ASCII Conversion ........................................................................................ 117
Code 39 Buffering (Scan & Store) .................................................................................... 118
Code 93 ............................................................................................................................. 120
Enable/Disable Code 93 .................................................................................................. 120
Set Lengths for Code 93 ................................................................................................. 121
Code 11 ............................................................................................................................. 122
Set Lengths for Code 11 ................................................................................................. 123
Code 11 Check Digit Verification ...................................................................................... 125
Transmit Code 11 Check Digits ........................................................................................ 126
Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) .......................................................................................................126
Enable/Disable Interleaved 2 of 5 .................................................................................... 126
Set Lengths for Interleaved 2 of 5 ....................................................................................127
I 2 of 5 Check Digit Verification ....................................................................................... 129
Transmit I 2 of 5 Check Digit ..........................................................................................129
Convert I 2 of 5 to EAN-13 .............................................................................................130
Discrete 2 of 5 (DTF) ........................................................................................................... 130
Enable/Disable Discrete 2 of 5 .........................................................................................130
Set Lengths for Discrete 2 of 5 ........................................................................................131
Chinese 2 of 5 ....................................................................................................................132
Enable/Disable Chinese 2 of 5 ......................................................................................... 132
Codabar (NW - 7) ..............................................................................................................
Enable/Disable Codabar .................................................................................................. 133
Set Lengths for Codabar ................................................................................................. 133
CLSI Editing ..................................................................................................................135
NOTIS Editing ............................................................................................................... 136
MSI ...................................................................................................................................136
Enable/Disable MSI ........................................................................................................ 136
Set Lengths for MSI .......................................................................................................137
MSI Check Digits ........................................................................................................... 138
Product Reference Guide
Transmit MSI Check Digit(s) ........................................................................................... 139
MSI Check Digit Algorithm .............................................................................................. 139
GS1 DataBar (RSS) ............................................................................................................ 140
Convert DataBar to UPC/EAN .......................................................................................... 141
Symbology - Specific Security Levels ..................................................................................... 142
Redundancy Level ......................................................................................................... 142
Security Level ............................................................................................................... 144
Symbology - Intercharacter Gap ........................................................................................... 146
Appendix A. Technical Specifications ..................................................................................... 147
Standard Cable Pinouts ....................................................................................................... 149
Appendix B. Standard Defaults .............................................................................................. 151
Appendix C. Programming Reference..................................................................................... 157
Datalogic Label ID Identifiers ............................................................................................... 157
AIM Label ID Identifiers .......................................................................................................157
Appendix D. Sample Bar Codes .............................................................................................. 161
UPC/EAN ........................................................................................................................... 161
UPC-A, 100% ............................................................................................................... 161
EAN-13, 100% ............................................................................................................. 161
Code 128 .......................................................................................................................... 161
Code 39 ............................................................................................................................ 162
Code 93 ............................................................................................................................ 162
Code 11 ............................................................................................................................ 162
Interleaved 2 of 5 ............................................................................................................... 162
Discrete 2 of 5 (DTF) ..........................................................................................................163
Chinese 2 of 5 .................................................................................................................... 163
Codabar ............................................................................................................................ 163
MSI .................................................................................................................................. 163
DataBar (RSS) ................................................................................................................... 164
DataBar Omnidirectional ................................................................................................ 164
Appendix E. Keypad ............................................................................................................... 165
Cancel .............................................................................................................................. 166
Appendix F. ASCII Character Sets.......................................................................................... 167
Appendix G. RS-232 Host Commands..................................................................................... 179
Index ..................................................................................................................... 181
iv QuickScan® L
About this Guide
This manual presents advanced user information which includes connection, program­ming, maintenance, technical specifications, and other useful references. For additional user information, see the Quick Reference Guide (QRG). Copies of other publications for this product are downloadable free of charge from the website listed on the back cover of this manual. On leaving the factory, units are generally programmed for the most common terminal and communications settings. If you need to change these settings, custom program­ming can be accomplished by scanning the bar codes in this guide.
Manual Overview
Chapter 1, Introduction provides a product overview, unpacking instructions, and cable
connection information.
Chapter 2, Getting Started presents information about unpacking and setting up the
Chapter 3, Operation describes parts of the scanner, beeper and LED definitions, and
how to use the scanner in Trigger Single and Stand modes.
Chapter 4, Problem Isolation outlines troubleshooting procedures addressing various
Chapter 5, General Features includes programming bar codes for selecting common
features for the scanner and general use bar codes to customize how the data is transmit­ted to the host device.
Chapter 6, RS-232 supplies information about setting up the scanner for RS-232 oper-
Chapter 7, Keyboard Wedge Interface discusses how to set up the scanner for Keyboard
Wedge operation.
Chapter 8, USB Interface explains how to set up the scanner for USB operation. Chapter 9, Symbologies defines options for all symbologies and provides the program-
ming bar codes necessary for configuring these features.
Appendix A, Technical Specifications lists physical and performance characteristics, as
well as environmental and regulatory specifications. It also provides standard cable pin­outs.
Appendix B, Standard Defaults references common factory default settings for scanner
features and options.
Chapter 1
Product Reference Guide 1
Appendix C, Programming Reference is a listing of AIM code identifiers, ASCII char-
acter conversions and keyboard maps.
Appendix D, Sample Bar Codes offers sample bar codes of several common symbolo-
Appendix E, Keypad includes numeric bar codes to be scanned for certain parameter set-
Appendix F, ASCII Character Sets provides ASCII character value tables. Appendix G, RS-232 Host Commands lists host commands the scanner will respond to
when in RS-232 interface mode.
Manual Conventions
The following conventions are used in this document:
Italics are used to highlight the following:
Chapters and sections in this and related documents
Dialog box, window and screen names
Drop-down list and list box names.
Bold text is used to highlight the following:
Key names on a keypad.
Bullets (•) indicate:
Action items
Lists of alternatives
Lists of required steps that are not necessarily sequential
Sequential lists (e.g., those that describe step-by-step procedures) appear as numbered lists. Throughout the programming bar code menus, asterisks (*) are used to denote default parameter settings.
* Indicates
*Baud Rate 9600
2 QuickScan® L
The symbols listed below are used in this manual to notify the reader of key issues or procedures that must be observed when using the scanner:
Current versions of the Product Reference Guide (PRG), Quick Reference Guide (QRG), and any other manuals and instruction sheets for this product can be download­ed from the website listed on the back cover of this manual. Alternatively, printed copies or product support CDs can be purchased through your Datalogic reseller.
Notes contain information necessary for properly diagnosing, repair­ing and operating the scanner.
The CAUTION symbol advises you of actions that could damage equipment or property.
Technical Support
Datalogic Website Support
The Datalogic website ( is the complete source for technical support and information for Datalogic products. The site offers product support, prod­uct registration, warranty information, product manuals, product tech notes, software updates, demos, and instructions for returning products for repair.
Reseller Technical Support
An excellent source for technical assistance and information is an authorized Datalogic reseller. A reseller is acquainted with specific types of businesses, application software, and computer systems and can provide individualized assistance.
Telephone Technical Support
If you do not have internet or email access, you may contact Datalogic technical support at (541) 349-8283 or check the back cover of your manual for more contact information.
Product Reference Guide 3
4 QuickScan® L
About the Scanner
The scanner combines excellent scanning performance and advanced ergonomics to provide the best value in a lightweight laser scanner. Whether used in Trigger Single or Stand mode, the scanner ensures comfort and ease of use for extended periods of time.
This scanner supports the following interfaces:
Keyboard Wedge connection to a host. The host interprets scanned data as keystrokes. This interface supports the following international keyboards (for Windows® environ­ment): North America, German, French, French Canadian, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, UK English, Portuguese-Brazilian, and Japanese.
Chapter 2
Getting Started
This scanner does not support PDF417 bar codes and its variants.
Verify that the scanner and any accessories are what were ordered and that they are undamaged. If any damage occurred in transit, contact Technical Support on page 3.
KEEP THE PACKAGING. Should the unit ever require service, it should be returned in its original shipping container.
Standard RS-232 connection to a host. Scan bar code menus to set up proper communi­cation of the scanner with the host.
The scanner uses TTL RS-232 signal levels, which will interface with most system architectures.
USB connection to a host. The scanner autodetects a USB host and defaults to the HID keyboard interface type. Select other USB interface types by scanning programming bar code menus.This interface supports the following international keyboards (for Win­dows® environment): North America, German, French, French Canadian, Spanish, Ital­ian, Swedish, UK English, Portuguese-Brazilian, and Japanese.
Product Reference Guide 5
Getting Started
Setting Up the Scanner
Installing the Interface Cable
To connect the interface cable:
1. Insert the interface cable’s modular connector clip into the cable interface port on the bot-
tom of the scanner handle. (See Figure 1).
2. Gently tug the cable to ensure the connector is properly secured.
3. Connect the other end of the interface cable to the host. (See the specific host chapter for information on host connections.)
Figure 1. Connecting the Interface Cable
To Host
Bottom of Scanner
Cable Strain Relief
Interface Cable Port
Cable Clip (Latch)
Specific cables are required for connection to different hosts. The connectors illustrated in each host chapter are examples only. Actual connectors may vary from those illustrated, but the steps to connect the scanner remain the same.
6 QuickScan® L
Removing the Interface Cable
To remove the Interface Cable:
1. Unlatch the installed cable modular connector by depressing the connector clip with the
end of a paper clip as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Releasing the Cable Latch
Insert a paperclip
into this hole to
release the
cable latch
Setting Up the Scanner
Strain Relief
2. Carefully slide out the cable.
3. Follow the steps in the previous section, Installing the Interface Cable, to connect a
new cable.
Connecting Power (if required)
If the host does not provide power to the scanner, an external power connection to the scanner is required. To connect power:
1. Connect the interface cable to the bottom of the scanner, as previously described in the
section, Installing the Interface Cable.
2. Connect the other end of the interface cable to the host (refer to the host manual to locate
the correct port).
3. Plug the power supply into the power jack on the interface cable. Plug the other end of the
power supply into an AC outlet.
Configuring the Scanner
To configure the scanner, use the bar codes included in this manual.
See Chapter 5, General Features and Chapter 9, Symbologies for information about programming the scanner using bar code menus. Also see each host-specific chapter to set up a connection to a specific host type.
Product Reference Guide 7
Getting Started
8 QuickScan® L
This chapter provides beeper and LED definitions, techniques involved in scanning bar codes, general instructions and tips about scanning, and decode zone diagrams.
Nomenclature for physical features on the scanner is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Nomenclature
Chapter 3
Scan Window
Product Reference Guide 9
LED and Beeper Indications
The scanner’s beeper sounds and its two-color LED illuminates to indicate various functions or errors on the scanner. The tables below list these indications. One exception to the behaviors listed in the tables is that the scanner’s functions are programmable, and may or may not be turned on. For example, certain indications, such as the power-up beep can be disabled using programming bar code labels.
Table 1. Beeper Functions
Beeper Sequence Indication
Standard Use
Low/medium/high beeps Power up.
Short high beeps A bar code label was decoded (if decode beeper is enabled).
A transmission error was detected in a scanned bar code. The data is
4 long low beeps
ignored. This occurs if a unit is not properly configured. Check option setting.
5 low beeps Conversion or format error.
Low/high/low beeps
High/high/high/low beeps RS-232 receive error.
Parameter Menu Scanning
Short high beeps Correct entry scanned or correct menu sequence performed.
Low/high beeps
High/low beeps Keyboard parameter selected. Enter value using bar code keypad.
High/low/high/low beeps Successful program exit with change in the parameter setting.
Low/high/low/high beeps
Code 39 Buffering
High/low beeps New Code 39 data was entered into the buffer.
3 Beeps - long high beeps Code 39 buffer is full.
Low/high/low beeps
Advanced Data Formatting (ADF) transmit error. (For information about
ADF programming, refer to
Input error, incorrect bar code or “Cancel” scanned, wrong entry, incor­rect bar code programming sequence; remain in Programming Mode.
Out of host parameter storage space. Scan
page 21
The Code 39 buffer was erased or there was an attempt to clear or transmit an empty buffer.
Technical Support.)
Default Parameters on
Low/high beeps A successful transmission of buffered data.
Host Specific
USB Only
10 QuickScan® L
Table 1. Beeper Functions
Beeper Sequence Indication
Scan Mode
4 short high beeps
Scanner gives a power-up beep after scanning a USB Device Type.
This power-up beep occurs more than once.
RS-232 Only
1 short high beep A <BEL> character is received and Beep on <BEL> is enabled.
Table 2. LED Indications
LED Sequence Indication
Green A bar code was successfully decoded.
Red A data transmission error or scanner malfunction occurred.
Scanner has not completed initialization. Wait several seconds and scan again.
Communication with the bus must be established before the scanner can operate at the highest power level.
The USB bus may put the scanner in a state where power to the scanner is cycled on and off more than once. This is normal and usually happens when the host cold boots.
No power is applied to the scanner, or the scanner is on and ready to scan.
Scan Mode
The scanner can be configured to be active in one of two Scan Modes:
Trigger Single Mode —
Stand Mode —
To toggle between these modes, see Scan Mode on page 23.
the trigger button must be pressed to scan a bar code.
the scanner continuously reads regardless of whether the trigger is pressed
When the scanner is not used for an extended period of time in Stand Mode, it enters Sleep Mode. To wake the scanner, press the trigger button.
Product Reference Guide 11
To scan a bar code:
1. Install and program the scanner (See “Setting Up the Scanner” on page 6.). For assistance, contact Technical Support.
2. Ensure all connections are secure. (See the host chapter for the scanner.)
3. Aim the scanner at the bar code.
4. If the scanner is in Trigger Single Mode, press the trigger button. (In Stand Mode, no trig­ger button press is required. The scanner laser is in constant ON mode.)
Figure 4. Scanning With/Without the Trigger
Trigger Single Mode
Push Trigger to initiate scan.
5. Upon successful decode, the scanner beeps and the LED flashes green. (For more informa­tion about beeper and LED definitions, see Ta bl e 1 and Tab le 2 .)
The width of the scan line is dependent upon the current setting for the programmable feature, Scan Line Width. “Full” (the default set­ting) or “Medium” scan line widths are available.
For a typical, full-sized UPC label, the scanner should be held between 1” and 7” from the bar code. Ensure that the scan line crosses the entire bar code as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Correct and Incorrect Aiming
Stand Mode
Trigger push not required.
The scan line is smaller when the scanner is closer to the bar code and grows when the scanner is drawn away from the bar code. For best results, hold the scanner closer to bar codes with very small bars or elements (mil size) and pull the scanner further away from labels having larger bars or elements (mil size).
12 QuickScan® L
Do not hold the scanner perpendicular to the bar code when scanning. Laser light reflecting directly back into the scanner from the bar code can result in specular reflection, which can in turn cause difficulties with decoding. Tilt the scanner to avoid the dead zone (indicated by an ‘X’ in Figure 6) up to 65 degrees upwards or downwards.
Figure 6. Aiming to Avoid the Dead Zone
Product Reference Guide 13
Depth of Field
Figure 7 shows the zone in which bar codes are read by the scanner.
Figure 7. Depth of Field Chart
NOTE: Typical performance at 73° F (23°C) on
high quality bar codes in normal room light.
0.4" 5.5"
0.1" 7.8"
5 mil
7.5 mil
10 mil
100% UPC
13 mil
20 mil
in. cm
* Minimum distance determined by bar code length and scan angle
25.40 38.1
Periodic cleaning of the scan window is the only maintenance required. A dirty window may affect scanning ability.
Do not allow any abrasive material to touch the scanner.
Remove any dirt particles with a soft, lint-free cloth lightly dampened with water.
Gently wipe the window using a lens tissue moistened with ammonia/water.
Do not spray water or other cleaning liquids directly onto the scanner or window.
If the scan window becomes scratched, broken or contaminated with heavy dust, replace with a new window, which is available as an orderable accessory.
14 QuickScan® L
This chapter provides troubleshooting information, technical specifications, and signal descrip­tions (pinouts).
Problem Isolation
Ta bl e 3 provides problem/remedy information for use in troubleshooting scanner functions.
Table 3. Troubleshooting
Problem Possible Causes Possible Solutions
Chapter 4
Problem Isolation
Beeper Indications (Also see
Scanner emits frequent beeps. (USB host interface only.)
Scanner emits low/high/low beeps.
Scanner emits low/high beeps.
Scanner emits low/high/low beeps.
Scanner emits low/high/low/high beeps.
Scanner emits high/low beeps. The scanner is buffering Code 39 data. Normal.
Scanner emits high/high/high/low beeps.
LED and Beeper Indications on page 10)
The USB bus may put the scanner in a state where power to the scanner is cycled on and off more than once.
ADF transmit error. Refer to the Advanced Data Formatting Pro-
Invalid ADF rule is detected.
Input error, incorrect bar code or Cancel bar code was scanned.
The Code 39 buffer was erased or there was an attempt to clear or transmit an empty buffer.
Out of host parameter storage space.
Out of memory for ADF rules.
RS-232 receive error.
This is normal and usually happens when the host cold boots.
grammer’s Guide for information about ADF programming.
Scan the correct numeric bar codes within range for the parameter programmed.
Normal when scanning the Code 39 Buffer­ing Clear Buffer bar code or upon attempt to transmit an empty Code 39 buffer.
Default Parameters on page 21.
Reduce the number of ADF rules or the number of steps in the ADF rules.
Normal during host reset. Otherwise, set the scanner's RS-232 parity to match the host setting.
Scanner emits four long low beeps.
Scanner emits four short high beeps (USB only).
A transmission error was detected in a scanned bar code. The data is ignored.
Scanner has not completed initialization. Wait several seconds and scan again.
This occurs if a unit is not properly config­ured. Verify programmed options.
Product Reference Guide 15
Problem Isolation
Problem Possible Causes Possible Solutions
Scanner emits a short low/high/low/high beep sequence while it is being pro­grammed.
Decoding Bar Codes
Scanner emits laser light, but does not decode the bar code.
Scanner decodes bar code, but does not transmit the data to the host.
Out of ADF parameter storage space.
Scanner is not programmed for the cor­rect bar code type.
Bar code is unreadable.
Distance between scanner and bar code is incorrect.
The scan line is not crossing every bar and space of the bar code.
Scanner is not programmed for the cor­rect host type.
Interface cable is loose.
Erase all rules and re-program with shorter rules.
Program the scanner to read that type of bar
code. See
Scan other samples of the same bar code type to determine if the bar code is defaced.
Move the scanner closer to or further from the bar code. See
Move the bar code until the scan line is within the acceptable aiming pattern. See
Chapter 9, Symbologies.
Depth of Field on page
Figure 5.
Scan the appropriate host type program­ming bar code. See the chapter correspond­ing to the host type.
Check for loose cable connection and re­connect cable.
Scanner emits five long low beeps after a bar code is decoded.
Conversion or format error was detected.
The scanner’s conversion parameters are not properly configured.
Conversion or format error was detected.
An ADF rule was set up with characters that can't be sent for the host selected.
Conversion or format error was detected.
A bar code was scanned with characters that can't be sent for that host.
Ensure the scanner’s conversion parame­ters are properly configured.
Change the ADF rule, or change to a host that can support the ADF rule.
Change the bar code, or change to a host that can support the bar code.
16 QuickScan® L
Host Error
Problem Isolation
Problem Possible Causes Possible Solutions
Ensure the proper host is selected.
Scan the appropriate host type program­ming bar code.
For RS-232, set the scanner's communica­tion parameters to match the host's settings.
Host displays scanned data incorrectly.
Tri gg er
Nothing happens when the trigger but­ton is pressed.
Scanner is not programmed to work with the host.
No power to the scanner.
Interface/power cables are loose.
Incorrect host interface cable is used.
For a USB HID keyboard or Keyboard Wedge configuration, program the system for the correct keyboard type and language, and turn off the CAPS LOCK key.
Program the proper editing options (e.g., ADF, UPC-E to UPC-A Conversion).
Check the scanner’s host type parameters or editing options.
Verify that system power is sufficient. If the scanner requires a power supply, reconnect using an approved power supply.
Check for loose cable connections and re­connect cables.
Verify that the correct host interface cable is used. If not, connect the correct host inter­face cable.
If the problem persists after performing these checks, contact your
distributor or
Technical Support.
Product Reference Guide 17
Problem Isolation
18 QuickScan® L
User Preferences
User preferences for the general features listed in this chapter can be selected using the programming bar codes that accompany each feature description. To set feature values, scan a single programming bar code or a short bar code sequence as instructed for each feature. The settings are stored in non-volatile memory and are preserved even when the scanner is powered down. Typically, a scanner ships with the settings shown in User General Feature Defaults
on page 20 (also see Appendix B, Standard Defaults for all host defaults). If the de-
fault values suit requirements, programming may not be necessary. If not using a USB cable, select a host type (see each host chapter for specific host infor­mation) after the power-up beeps sound. This is only necessary upon the first power-up when connecting to a new host. To return all features to their default values, reference the topic, Return to Factory De­faults. Throughout the programming bar code menus, default values are indicated with asterisks (*).
Chapter 5
General Features
* Indicates Default
*High Frequency
Scanning Sequence Examples
In most cases, scanning one bar code sets the parameter value. For example, to set the beeper tone to high, scan the High Frequency (beeper tone) bar code on page 19. The scanner issues a fast warble beep and the LED turns green, signifying a successful param­eter entry. Other parameters, such as Serial Response Time-Out or Data Transmission Formats, re­quire the scanning of a sequence of bar codes. See these parameter descriptions for this procedure.
Errors While Scanning
Unless otherwise specified, when an error is made during a scanning sequence, just re­scan the correct feature bar code(s).
Product Reference Guide 19
General Features
User General Feature Defaults
Table 4 lists the factory defaults for the general features described in this chapter, plus
provides a place for you to log any special requirements or user-preferred settings at your installation. To change any option, scan the appropriate programming bar code(s) pro­vided in this chapter.
See Appendix B, Standard Defaults for a listing of all programmable features.
Table 4. General Feature Defaults
General Feature
Beeper Tone Medium 22
Beeper Volume High 22
Power Mode Continuous On 23
Scanning Mode Trigger Single 23
Scan Line Width Full Width 25
Laser On Time 3.0 Sec 25
Beep After Good Decode Enable 26
Transmit Label ID Character None 26
Prefix Value 7013 <CR><LF> 27
Suffix Value 7013 <CR><LF> 27
Scan Data Transmission Format Data as is 26
FN1 Substitution Values Set 30
Transmit “No Read” Message Disable 30
Standard Factory
Page Number Record Your Setting
20 QuickScan® L
Default Parameters
The scanner can be reset using one of two default settings: factory defaults or custom de­faults. Scan the appropriate bar code(s) below to reset the scanner to its default settings and/or set the scanner’s current settings as the custom default.
Default Parameters
Set Factory Defaults —
custom default values and return the scanner to factory default values. (For factory de­fault values, see Appendix B, Standard Defaults.)
Write to Custom Defaults —
unique default values for all parameters. After changing all parameters to the desired de­fault values, scan the Write to Custom Defaults bar code below to configure custom de­faults.
Restore Defaults
Resets all default parameters as follows:
If custom default values were configured (see Write to Custom Defaults above), the cus-
tom default values are set for all parameters each time the Restore Defaults bar code below is scanned.
If no custom default values were configured, the factory default values are set for all
parameters each time the Restore Defaults bar code below is scanned. (For factory default values, see
Scan the Set Factory Defaults bar code below to eliminate all
Custom default parameters can be configured to set
Appendix B, Standard Defaults.)
Set Factory Defaults
Write to Custom Defaults
*Restore Defaults
Product Reference Guide 21
General Features
Beeper Tone
To select a decode beep frequency (tone), scan the Low Frequency, Medium Frequency, or High Frequency bar code.
Low Frequency
*Medium Frequency
(Optimum Settings)
High Frequency
Beeper Volume
To select a beeper volume, scan the Low Volume, Medium Volume, or High Volume bar code.
Medium Volume
Low Volume
*High Volume
22 QuickScan® L
Power Mode
This parameter determines whether or not power remains on after a decode attempt. When in reduced power mode, the scanner enters low power consumption mode after each decode. When in continuous power mode, power remains on after each decode.
*Continuous On
Scan Mode
This parameter determines whether the scanner is in Trigger Single Mode or Stand Mode. In Trigger Single Mode, the scanner trigger button must be pressed to decode each scanned bar code. In Stand Mode, the scanner laser is in constant ON state and no trigger button press is required to scan a bar code.
Power Mode
Reduced Power Mode
Depending upon which mode the scanner currently is in, scan the “Toggle Scan Mode” to switch from Trigger Single to Stand Mode, or from Stand Mode to Trigger Single Mode. The standard default setting for this feature is Trigger Single Mode.
While in the Stand Mode of operation, if the scanner has not been used for several min­utes it will shift to low power operation, signalled by a narrowing of the scanning beam. When in low power mode, the scanner will respond to a barcode and come back to nor­mal Stand Mode operation upon seeing/reading the label.
If the scanner has been idle for an extended configurable period1, it will timeout, then enter sleep mode with the scanning beam turned off. To wake the scanner from sleep mode, press the trigger button.
*Toggle Scan Mode
1. See the following topic Stand Mode Timeout Period.
Product Reference Guide 23
General Features
Stand Mode Timeout Period
The Timeout Period for the transition from low power to sleep mode can be set to one of the following durations:
•1 Hour
•5 Hours (default)
Infinite Timeout — With this setting, there is no timeout, thus the scanner will never go into sleep mode or beam shut-off but will remain in low power mode until a label is read.
Stand Mode Timeout Period = 1 Hour
Stand Mode Timeout Period = Infinite Timeout
*Stand Mode Timeout Period = 5 Hours
24 QuickScan® L
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