The PowerScan®7000 2D imager marks a new performance level for
handheld area imagers. They deliver aggressive read rates and depths of
field on 1D, stacked linear, and matrix codes. This aggressiveness applies
even in challenging reading environments where low lighting conditions
and poor quality might make it difficult to read bar codes. You can rest
assured your investment will continue to supply years of use by reading
any bar codes you require, now or in the future.
Designed for today’s demanding commercial and industrial environments, the scanner offers superior image quality, speed, durability, and
the ability to read poor quality bar codes. The unit is comfortable to
hold, easy to use, rugged, and excellent for the most demanding applications.
About This Manual
This Product Reference Guide (PRG) provides programming instructions for the imager, plus product specifications and dimensions. For
installation, maintenance, troubleshooting and warranty information,
see the Quick Reference Guide (QRG). Copies of other publications for
this product are downloadable free of charge from the website listed on
the back cover of this manual.
The imager is factory programmed for the most common terminal and
communications settings. If you need to change these settings, programming is accomplished by scanning the bar codes in this guide.
An asterisk (*) next to an option indicates the default setting.
Product Reference Guide1-1
Getting Started
Manual Conventions
The symbols listed below are used in this manual to notify the reader of
key issues or procedures that must be observed when using the imager:
Notes contain information necessary for properly diagnosing, repairing and operating the
The CAUTION symbol advises you of actions
that could damage equipment or property.
Resetting the Standard Product
If you aren’t sure what programming options are in your imager, or
you’ve changed some options and want the factory settings restored, scan
the Standard Product Default Settings bar code below.
Standard Product Default Settings
The chart
settings for each of the menu commands (indicated by an asterisk (*) on
the following programming pages.
1-2PowerScan® 7000 2D
Menu Commands, starting on page 10-6 lists the factory default
LED and Beeper Indications
LED and Beeper Indications
The imager is equipped with a beeper (speaker) and two indicator LEDs;
one green and one yellow. These indicators “beep” or flash when certain
actions take place:
Some LED and Beeper indications are user-configurable for volume, pitch, quantity, duration,
enable/disable, etc. Those listed in the following
table assume the feature is enabled. See the
ConditionGreen LEDBeeper
Powe ring On
UKBW/RS-232 Models
(using UKBW interface)
Powe ring On
UKBW/RS-232 Models
(using RS-232 interface)
Powe ring On
All Other Models
Good Read
Error Indication
Product Reference Guide (PRG) for detailed programming information.
2 normal flashes and 2 fast flashes
(+ 1 normal flash with Smart cable)
2 normal flashes and 1 long flash
Bright Green FlashOne Beep
1 - 9 Bright Green Flash(es)
Green FlashSpecial Beep
One Beep
One Beep
1 - 9 Beep(s)
ConditionYellow LEDBeeper
Ready to Operate
a. Good Read indications are synchronous. That is, if Good Read beeps
are set via programming to five (for example), the Good Read LED will
also flash five times.
Yellow LED on steady until trigger is pulledNone
Product Reference Guide1-3
Getting Started
Plug and Play
Plug and Play bar codes provide instant imager set up for commonly
used interfaces.
After you scan one of the codes, power cycle
the host terminal to have the interface in effect.
Connecting the imager with an RS-232
Serial Port
These instructions are for use with the RS-232
cable. This includes both Power Off the Terminal (P.O.T.) and external power.
1. Turn off power to the terminal/computer.
2. Connect the appropriate interface cable to the imager.
For the imager to work properly, you must have
the correct cable for your type of terminal/computer.
Cable Connector
Retainer Boss
1-4PowerScan® 7000 2D
For 220-230 VAC
adapters, the
cord must be
facing down as
shown in the
illustration. If
installed upwards,
it will pose an
undue strain on the
socket outlet.
Plug and Play
3. Plug the serial connector into the serial port on your computer.
Tighten the two screws to secure the connector to the port.
4. If the terminal does not support Power Off the Terminal (P.O.T.)
connections plug the power supply into the host connector and the
AC outlet.
5. Once the imager has been fully connected, power up the computer.
All communication parameters between the imager and terminal must
match for correct data transfer through the serial port using RS-232 protocol. Scanning the RS-232 interface bar code, programs the imager for
an RS-232 interface at 115,200 baud, parity–none, 8 data bits, 1 stop
bit, and adds a suffix of a CR LF.
RS-232 Interface
Connecting the imager with USB
This interface applies to USB compatible models only.
An imager can be connected to the USB port of a computer.
1. Connect the appropriate interface cable to the imager and to the
Cable Connector
Retainer Boss
Product Reference Guide1-5
Getting Started
2. The imager beeps.
3. Verify imager operation by scanning the part number bar code
from the back cover of this manual.
The following USB “Plug and Play” codes are
supported on specific models. Refer to the
Product Reference Guide to determine if this
interface applies to your unit.
For additional USB programming and technical information, visit the
website listed on the back cover of this manual.
IBM SurePos
Scan one of the following “Plug and Play” codes to program the imager
for IBM SurePos (USB Hand Held imager) or IBM SurePos (USB
Tabletop imager).
After scanning one of these codes, you must
power cycle the cash register
IBM SurePos
(USB Hand Held imager) Interface
IBM SurePos
(USB Tabletop imager) Interface
1-6PowerScan® 7000 2D
Plug and Play
Each bar code above also programs the following suffixes for each symbology:
Code 3900 0A 0B
Interleaved 2 of 500 0D 0B
Code 12800 18 0B
The following USB “Plug and Play” codes (USB
Keyboard - PC, USB Keyboard - Mac, and USB
HID) are supported on specific imager models.
Check your model type to determine if this inter-
face applies to your unit.
USB PC Keyboard or USB Macintosh Keyboard
Scan one of the following codes to program the imager for USB PC Keyboard or USB Macintosh Keyboard. Scanning these codes adds a CR
and selects the terminal ID (USB PC Keyboard - 124, USB Macintosh
Keyboard - 125).
USB Keyboard (PC)
USB Keyboard (Mac)
Product Reference Guide1-7
Getting Started
Scan the following code to program the imager for USB HID bar code
imagers. Scanning this code changes the terminal ID to 131.
USB HID Bar Code imager
USB COM Port Emulation
Scan the following code to program the imager to emulate a regular RS-
232-based COM port. If you are using a Microsoft
Windows® PC,
you will need to download a driver from the website listed on the back
cover of this manual. The driver will use the next available COM port
number. Apple
Macintosh computers recognize the imager as a USB
CDC class device and automatically use a class driver. Scanning the code
below changes the terminal ID to 130.
USB COM Port Emulation
No extra configuration (e.g., baud rate) is necessary.
CTS/RTS Emulation
* Off
1-8PowerScan® 7000 2D
Plug and Play
* Off
Reference the Product Reference Guide (PRG) for
more information about keyboard support.
Connecting the imager in Universal Keyboard Wedge mode
The Universal Keyboard Wedge (UKBW) model allows an RS-232
transmission or Keyboard Wedge mode according to the type of cable
connected. Contact Datalogic or your dealer for cable and/or power supply part numbers.
1. Turn off power to the terminal/computer.
2. Connect the keyboard wedge interface cable to the imager.
For the imager to work properly, you must have
the correct cable for your type of terminal/computer.
Product Reference Guide1-9
Getting Started
3. Connect one end of the Y cable to the keyboard cable and the
other to the keyboard port on the host/computer.
Cable Connector
Retainer Boss
4. Scan the following bar code to program the imager for the UKBW
Universal Keyboard Wedge (UKBW) Interface
1-10PowerScan® 7000 2D
Chapter 2
Terminal Interfaces
Use this section to configure interface features
for imager models using RS-232 and USB interfaces.
For Imager models using UKBW interfaces, do
not use this section but refer to the UKBW Connectivity Guide available for download from the
website listed on the back over of this manual.
In most cases and mainly in Concurrent Aiming
mode an external power supply is required.
Terminal ID
If your interface is not a standard PC AT, refer to Supported Terminals on
page 2-2
minal ID bar code below, then scan the numeric bar code(s) on the Pro-
gramming Chart on page B-5
your terminal ID. Scan
, and locate the Terminal ID number for your PC. Scan the Ter -
of this manual to program the Imager for
Save to save your selection.
Product Reference Guide2-1
Terminal Interfaces
For example, an IBM AT terminal has a Terminal ID of 003. You would
scan the
page B-5
the digits (before scanning Save), scan the
on page B-4
Terminal ID bar code, then 0, 0, 3 from the Programming Chart on
of this manual, then Save. If you make an error while scanning
Discard code marked Discard
, scan the Terminal ID bar code, scan the digits, and the Save
code again.
Terminal ID
After scanning one of these codes, you must
power cycle your computer.
Supported Terminals
TerminalModel(s)Terminal ID
IBM SurePOS USB Hand Held Imager
IBM SurePOSUSB Tabletop Imager
RS-232 True
RS-232 TTL000
Serial Wedge050
USB COM Port Emulation
USB PC Keyboard
USB Mac Keyboard
a. Applies to USB models only. It is best to use the Plug and Play bar
codes located in the Quick Reference Guide, to program these interfaces, rather than scanning the terminal ID listed in this table.
b. Default for RS-232 models
2-2PowerScan® 7000 2D
Keyboard Country
Keyboard Country
Scan the appropriate country code below to program the keyboard for
your country. As a general rule, the following characters are supported,
but need special care for countries other than the United States:
@ | $ # { } [ ] = / ‘ \ < > ~
* United States
Canada (French)
Finland (Sweden)
Israel (Hebrew)
Product Reference Guide2-3
Terminal Interfaces
Keyboard Country (continued)
Latin America
Netherlands (Dutch)
Switzerland (German)
2-4PowerScan® 7000 2D
Keyboard Style
Keyboard Country (continued)
Tu r k e y F
Tur k e y Q
Keyboard Style
This programs keyboard styles, such as Caps Lock and Shift Lock.
Default = Regular.
Regular is used when you normally have the Caps Lock key off.
* Regular
Caps Lock is used when you normally have the Caps Lock key on.
Caps Lock
Shift Lock is used when you normally have the Shift Lock key on (not
common to U.S. keyboards).
Shift Lock
Product Reference Guide2-5
Terminal Interfaces
Automatic Caps Lock is used if you change the Caps Lock key on and off.
The software tracks and reflects if you have Caps Lock on or off (AT and
PS/2 only). This selection can only be used with systems that have an
LED which notes the Caps Lock status.
Automatic Caps Lock
Autocaps via NumLock bar code should be scanned in countries (e.g.,
Germany, France) where the Caps Lock key cannot be used to toggle
Caps Lock. The NumLock option works similarly to the regular Auotcaps, but uses the NumLock key to retrieve the current state of the Caps
Autocaps via NumLock
Emulate External Keyboard should be scanned if you do not have an
external keyboard (IBM AT or equivalent).
Emulate External Keyboard
After scanning the Emulate External Keyboard
bar code, you must power cycle your computer.
2-6PowerScan® 7000 2D
Keyboard Modifiers
Keyboard Modifiers
This modifies special keyboard features, such as CTRL+ ASCII codes
and Turbo Mode.
Control + ASCII Mode On
The Imager sends key combinations for ASCII control characters for values 00-1F. Refer to
CTRL+ ASCII Values. Default = Off
Control + ASCII Mode On
Turbo Mode— The imager sends characters to a terminal faster. If
the terminal drops characters, do not use Turbo Mode. Default = Off
Keyboard Function Relationships on page 9-1 for
* Control + ASCII Mode Off
Turbo Mode On
* Turbo Mode Off
Numeric Keypad Mode— Sends numeric characters as if entered
from a numeric keypad. Default = Off
Numeric Keypad Mode On
* Numeric Keypad Mode Off
Product Reference Guide2-7
Terminal Interfaces
RS-232 Modifiers
RS-232 Baud Rate
Baud Rate sends the data from the imager to the terminal at the specified
rate. The host terminal must be set for the same baud rate as the imager.
Default = 115,200.
2-8PowerScan® 7000 2D
RS-232 Modifiers
RS-232 Word Length: Data Bits, Stop Bits,
and Parity
Data Bits sets the word length at 7 or 8 bits of data per character. If an
application requires only ASCII Hex characters 0 through 7F decimal
(text, digits, and punctuation), select 7 data bits. For applications which
require use of the full ASCII set, select 8 data bits per character. Default
= 8.
Stop Bits sets the stop bits at 1 or 2. Default = 1.
Parity provides a means of checking character bit patterns for validity.
Default = None.
7 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Even
7 Data, 1 Stop, Parity None
7 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Odd
7 Data, 2 Stop, Parity Even
7 Data, 2 Stop Parity None
7 Data, 2 Stop, Parity Odd
8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Even
* 8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity None
8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Odd
Product Reference Guide2-9
Terminal Interfaces
RS-232 Receiver Time-Out
The unit stays awake to receive data until the RS-232 Receiver TimeOut expires. A manual or serial trigger resets the time-out. When an
RS-232 receiver is sleeping, a character may be sent to wake up the
receiver and reset the time-out. A transaction on the CTS line will also
wake up the receiver. The receiver takes 300 milliseconds to completely
come up. Change the RS-232 receiver time-out by scanning the bar
code below, then scanning digits from the
of this manual, then scanning Save. The range is 0 to 300 seconds.
Default = 0 seconds (no time-out - always on).
RS-232 Receiver Time-Out
Programming Chart on page B-
2-10PowerScan® 7000 2D
RS-232 Modifiers
RS-232 Handshaking
RS-232 handshaking is a set of rules concerning the exchange of data
between serially communicating devices.
If using RTS/CTS handshaking, the imager issues an active RTS signal
to the receiving device. The imager waits to send its data until it detects
an active CTS signal from the receiving device. The imager then sends
its data while checking the CTS signal before the transmission of each
data character. If an inactive CTS signal is detected at any time, the
imager halts transmission until it detects another active CTS signal.
When the imager has finished transmitting data, it issues an inactive
RTS signal to the receiving device. Default = RTS/CTS Off, XON/XOFF Off, and ACK/NAK Off.
Product Reference Guide2-11
Terminal Interfaces
2-12PowerScan® 7000 2D
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