Danfoss VLT No Flow Feature Fact sheet

Fact Sheet
VLT® No Flow Feature
The VLT® AQUA Drive provides a new No Flow detection feature for pump systems. This feature is useful for detecting conditions where a pump is producing no flow – a condition that can cause pump damage if not detected and corrected.
No ow based on motor power and frequency
No Flow Detection is based on the measurement of power at specific motor speeds. The drive monitors actual power and motor frequency and compares it to the calculated no-flow power at specific speeds. If the power
measured at a specific frequency is greater than the no-flow power calculated by the drive, the pump is producing flow. If the power measured is less than the no-flow power calcu­lated by the drive, a warning or alarm is generated to notify the operator of the condition.
The perfect solution for
Intelligent control
Water and wastewater system
Remote status reporting
To determine the no-flow power level throughout the speed range, the drive generates a power vs. frequency curve that represents the no-flow condition. This curve is generated by the drive from two data points. These power/ frequency points can be entered into the drive automatically or manually.
Manual or Auto Set Up are available
The Auto Set Up automatically steps the user through the commissioning process, storing the data measured. When the automatic set-up is selected
the output frequencies used are 50% and 85% of maximum. Manual set-up can be used when a different pair of frequencies is desired.
Programming is quick and easy
The drive software makes program­ming the No Flow feature quick and easy by choosing Pump Functions and then No Flow Function under the Quick Menu.
Feature Benet
Eliminates an external differential pressure switch or flow meter
Eliminates wiring for external sensors Reduce installation and maintenance cost
A warning or alarm can alert operator of the problem
Programming is quick and easy with pre-programmed software
Reduce installation and maintenance cost
Provides proper operation of equipment and increases occupant comfort
Saves time and increases reliablity
Programming No Flow detection
Programming for No Flow detection is simplified with a number of para-
Par.# Description
1-00 Configuration mode Open loop VLT® AQUA Drive must be set in Open Loop for Auto Set-up.
22-20 Low Power Auto Set-up Disable Enable Close the outlet valve for the pump before starting Auto Set-up.
The following parameters are accessed through the Main Menu and will be stored after pressing the [OK] key to save the results after the auto-tuning:
22-33 Low Speed
22-34 Low Speed Power [kW] When Low Power Auto Set-up is used, the output power
22-37 High Speed
22-38 High Speed Power [kW ] When Low Power Auto Set-up is used, the output power
1-00 Configuration mode Open loop Closed loop Return the VLT® AQUA Drive to Closed Loop operation if required.
Factory setting
meters that are pre-programmed into the drive. Prior to programming this feature, commission the drive by using
Recommended setting
Select Enable and follow the instruction on the LCP. After Auto Set-up is complete, open the pump outlet valve.
When Low Power Auto Set-up is used, 50% of the drive’s maximum frequency will be stored here. This can be manually edited, if desired.
measured under no flow conditions at 50% speed will be stored here. This can be manually edited, if desired.
When Low Power Auto Set-up is used, 85% of the drive’s maximum frequency will be stored here. This can be manually edited, if desired.
measured under no flow conditions at 85% speed will be stored here. This can be manually edited, if desired.
the parameters in the Quick Menu. Then perform the following steps for programming No Flow detection:
These parameters are used after Auto Set-up and the No Flow feature is operating:
22 - 30 No Flow Power When the drive is running, this parameter will show the power
22 - 31 Power Correction Factor 100% 110% This parameter is used to raise or lower the no flow power curve
The following parameters determine the action that the drive will take if a no flow condition is detected:
22-21 Low Power
22-23 No Flow Function Off Sleep Mode/Warning/Alarm Select action
22-24 No Flow Delay 10 sec. Set the time delay before the drive will perform the No Flow Function.
The following parameters give an indication to a SCADA system if a no flow condition is detected:
5-40 Function Relay [190] No Flow
Digital Output [190] No Flow
The following are used if No Flow is reported via serial communications:
Protocol Alarm Word Warning Word
Profibus/Profinet Parameter 1691 bit 5=1 Parameter 1693 bit 5=1
DeviceNet/Ethernet IP Class 116, Instance 1, Attribute 193, bit 5=1 Class 116, Instance 1, Attribute 193, bit 5=1
Modbus RTU/TCP Register 16910 Bit 5=1 Register 16930 Bit 5=1
Disable Enable To activate no flow based on power
level that will be interpreted as producing no flow at the current motor speed.
to the percentage entered here. Values above 100% help ensure the drive reliably detects no flow.
Generally set longer than the decel ramp time.
Program one of the relays to selection [190], No Flow. The selected relay will be activated when No Flow occurs.
A digital output can be used to indicate a no flow condition. Use the parameter that sets the function of the desired digital output.
Danfoss Drives, Ulsnaes 1, DK-6300 Graasten, Denmark, Tel. +45 74 88 22 22, Fax +45 74 65 25 80, www.vlt-drives.danfoss.com, E-mail: info@danfoss.com
DEDD.PFF.400.A2.02 © Copyright Danfoss Drives | 2015.10