MG.02.C4.02 - VLTp is a registered Danfoss trademark
ContentsVLTp Micro Drive FC 51
2-** Brakes70
3-** Reference/Ramps71
4-** Limits/Warnings72
5-** Digital In/Out73
6-** Analog In/Out74
7-** Controllers75
8-** Comm. and Options76
13-** Smart Logic77
14-** Special Functions78
15-** Drive Information79
16-** Data Readouts80
6. Troubleshooting
Alarm, Warning and Extended Status Word82
MG.02.C4.02 - VLTp is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLTp Micro Drive FC 511. Safety
1. Safety
1.1.1. High Voltage Warning
The voltage of the frequency converter is dangerous whenever it is connected to mains. Incorrect installation of the motor or frequency
converter may cause damage to the equipment, serious injury or death. Consequently, it is essential to comply with the instructions
in this manual as well as local and national rules and safety regulations.
1.1.2. Safety Instructions
•Make sure the frequency converter is properly connected to earth.
•Do not remove mains connections, motor connections or other power connections while the frequency converter is connected to power.
•Protect users against supply voltage.
•Protect the motor against overloading according to national and local regulations.
•The earth leakage current exceeds 3.5 mA.
•The [OFF] key is not a safety switch. It does not disconnect the frequency converter from mains.
1.1.3. Software Version and Approvals
Software Version
Programming Guide
VLT Micro Drive
FC 51 Series
This Programming Guide can be used for all VLT Micro Drive frequency drives with software version
The software version number can be read in
parameter 15-43.
1.1.4. General Warning
Touching the electrical parts may be fatal - even after the equipment has been disconnected from mains.
Also make sure that other voltage inputs have been disconnected (linkage of DC intermediate circuit).
Be aware that there may be high voltage on the DC link even when the LEDs are turned off.
Before touching any potentially live parts of the frequency converter, wait at least 4 minutes for all sizes.
Shorter time is allowed only if indicated on the nameplate for the specific unit.
MG.02.C4.02 - VLTp is a registered Danfoss trademark
1. SafetyVLTp Micro Drive FC 51
Leakage Current
The earth leakage current from the frequency converter exceeds 3.5 mA. According to IEC 61800-5-1 a reinforced Protective Earth
connection must be ensured by means of a min. 10mm² Cu or an addtional PE wire - with the same cable cross section as the Mains
wiring - must be terminated separately.
Residual Current Device
This product can cause a DC current in the protective conductor. Where a residual current device (RCD) is used for extra protection,
only an RCD of Type B (time delayed) shall be used on the supply side of this product. See also Danfoss Application Note on RCD, MN.
Protective earthing of the frequency converter and the use of RCDs must always follow national and local regulations.
Motor overload protection is possible by setting Parameter 1-90 Motor thermal protection to the value ETR trip. For the North American
market: ETR functions provide class 20 motor overload protection, in accordance with NEC.
Installation in high altitudes:
For altitudes above 2 km, please contact Danfoss regarding PELV.
1.1.5. IT Mains
IT Mains
Installation on isolated mains source, i.e. IT mains.
Max. supply voltage allowed when connected to mains: 440 V.
As an option, Danfoss offers line filters for improved harmonics performance.
1.1.6. Avoid unintended Start
While the frequency converter is connected to mains, the motor can be started/stopped using digital commands, bus commands, references or via the
Local Control Panel.
•Disconnect the frequency converter from mains whenever personal safety considerations make it necessary to avoid unintended start of any
•To avoid unintended start, always activate the [OFF] key before changing parameters.
1.1.7. Disposal Instruction
Equipment containing electrical components must not be disposed of together with domestic waste.
It must be separately collected with electrical and electronic waste according to local and currently valid leg-
1.1.8. Before Commencing Repair Work
1.Disconnect FC 51 from mains (and external DC supply, if present.)
2.Wait for 4 minutes for discharge of the DC-link.
3.Disconnect DC bus terminals and brake terminals (if present)
4.Remove motor cable
MG.02.C4.02 - VLTp is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLTp Micro Drive FC 512. Introduction
2. Introduction
2.1.1. FC Identification
Below is an example of the frequency converter nameplate sticker. This sticker is located on the top of each frequency converter and shows the ratings,
serial number, warnings catalog number, and other relevant data for each unit. See following tables for details, how to read the Type code string.
Illustration 2.1: This example shows the identification sticker.
2.1.2. Type Code
DescriptionPosPossible choice
Product group1-3Adjustable Frequency Converters
Series and product type4-6Micro Drive
Power size7-100.18 - 7.5 kW
Mains voltage11-12S2: Single phase 200 - 240 V AC
RFI filter16-17HX: No RFI filter
Brake18B: Brake chopper included
Display19X: No Local Control Panel
Coating PCB20C: Coated PCB
Mains option21X: No mains option
Adaptation A22X: No adaptation
Adaptation B23X: No adaptation
Software release24-27SXXX: Latest release - std. software
Table 2.1: Type code description
MG.02.C4.02 - VLTp is a registered Danfoss trademark
T 2: Three phase 200 - 240 V AC
T 4: Three phase 380 - 480 V AC
N: Numerical Local Control Panel (LCP)
P: Numerical Local Control Panel (LCP) with potentiometer
X. No coated PCB
2. IntroductionVLTp Micro Drive FC 51
2.1.3. Symbols
Symbols used in this Programming Guide.
Indicates something to be noted by the reader.
Indicates a general warning.
Indicates a high-voltage warning.
*Indicates default setting
2.1.4. Abbreviations and Standards
Abbreviations:Terms:SI-units:I-P units:
AWGAmerican wire gauge
Auto TuneAutomatic Motor Tuning
FCFrequency Converter
LCPLocal Control Panel
MCTMotion Control Tool
M-TYPEMotor Type Dependent
NmNewton Metresin-lbs
PELVProtective Extra Low Voltage
PressurePa = N/m²psi, psf, ft of water
RPMRevolutions Per Minute
SRSize Related
Table 2.2: Abbreviation and Standards table .
Current limit
EnergyJ = N·mft-lb, Btu
Nominal motor current
Nominal motor frequency
Nominal motor power
Nominal motor voltage
PowerWBtu/hr, hp
Rated Inverter Output Current
Torque limit
MG.02.C4.02 - VLTp is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLTp Micro Drive FC 513. Programming
3. Programming
3.1. How to Programme
3.1.1. Programming with MCT-10 Set-up Software
The frequency converter can be programmed from a PC via RS485 com-port by installing the MCT-10 Set-up Software.
This software can either be ordered using code number 130B1000 or downloaded from the Danfoss Web site:, Business Area: Motion
Please refer to manual MG.10.RX.YY.
3.1.2. Programming with the LCP 11 or LCP 12
The LCP is divided into four functional groups:
1.Numeric display.
2.Menu key.
3.Navigation keys.
4.Operation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).
Illustration 3.1: LCP 12 with potentiometer
The display:
A number of information can be read from the display.
Set-up number shows the active set-up and the edit set-up. If the same
set-up acts as both active and edit set-up, only that set-up number is
shown (factory setting).
When active and edit set-up differ, both numbers are shown in the display
(Setup 12). The number flashing, indicates the edit set-up.
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Illustration 3.2: LCP 11 without potentiometer
Illustration 3.3: Indicating Set-up
3. ProgrammingVLTp Micro Drive FC 51
The small digits to the left are the selected parameter number.
Illustration 3.4: Indicating selected par. no.
The large digits in the middle of the display show the value of the se-
lected parameter.
Illustration 3.5: Indicating value of selected par.
The right side of the display shows the unit of the selected parameter.
This can be either Hz, A, V, kW, HP, %, s or RPM.
Illustration 3.6: Indicating unit of selected par.
Motor direction is shown to the bottom left of the display - indicated
by a small arrow pointing either clockwise or counterclockwise.
Illustration 3.7: Indicating motor direction
Use the [MENU] key to select one of the following menus:
Status Menu:
The Status Menu is either in
Hand on Mode
Quick Menu:
Displays Quick Menu parameters and their settings. Parameters in the Quick Menu can be accessed and edited from here. Most applications can be run
by setting the parameters in the Quick Menus.
Main Menu:
Displays Main Menu parameters and their settings. All parameters can be accessed and edited here. A parameter overview is found later in this manual.
the local LCP reference is displayed.
Readout Mode
Hand on Mode
. In
Readout Mode
the value of the currently selected readout parameter is shown in the
Indicator lights:
•Green LED: The frequency converter is on.
•Yellow LED: Indicates a warning. Please see section
•Flashing red LED: Indicates an alarm. Please see section
MG.02.C4.02 - VLTp is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLTp Micro Drive FC 513. Programming
Navigation Keys:
[Back]: For moving to the previous step or layer in the navigation structure.
Arrows [
[OK]: For selecting a parameter and for accepting changes to parameter settings.
Operation Keys:
A yellow light above the operation keys indicates the active key.
[Hand on]: Starts the motor and enables control of the frequency converter via the LCP.
[Off/Reset]: The motor stops except in alarm mode. In that case the motor will be reset.
[Auto on]: The frequency converter is controlled either via control terminals or serial communication.
[Potentiometer] (LCP12): The potentiometer works in two ways depending on the mode in which the frequency converter is running.
] [Ⴍ]: For maneuvering between parameter groups, parameters and within parameters.
Auto Mode
Hand on Mode
the potentiometer acts as an extra programmable analog input.
the potentiometer controls local reference.
3.2. Status Menu
After power up the Status Menu is active. Use the [MENU] key to toggle
between Status, Quick Menu and Main Menu.
Arrows [Ⴃ] and [Ⴍ] toggles between the choices in each menu.
The display indicates the status mode with a small arrow above “Status”.
Illustration 3.8: Indicating Status mode
3.3. Quick Menu
The Quick Menu gives easy access to the most frequently used parameters.
1.To enter the Quick Menu, press [MENU] key until indicator in display is placed above
Use [Ⴃ] [Ⴍ] to select either QM1 or QM2, then press [OK].
3.Use [Ⴃ] [Ⴍ] to browse through the parameters in the Quick Menu.
4.Press [OK] to select a parameter.
5.Use [Ⴃ] [Ⴍ] to change the value of a parameter setting.
6.Press [OK] to accept the change.
7.To exit, press either [Back] twice to enter
, or press [Menu] once to enter
Illustration 3.9: Indicating Quick Menu mode
Quick Menu
Main Menu
MG.02.C4.02 - VLTp is a registered Danfoss trademark
3. ProgrammingVLTp Micro Drive FC 51
3.4. Main Menu
The Main Menu gives access to all parameters.
1.To enter the Main Menu, press [MENU] key until indicator in
display is placed above
2.Use [Ⴃ] [Ⴍ] to browse through the parameter groups.
3.Press [OK] to select a parameter group.
4.Use [Ⴃ] [Ⴍ] to browse through the parameters in the specific
5.Press [OK] to select the parameter.
Use [Ⴃ] [Ⴍ] to set/change the parameter value.
7.Press [OK] to accept the value.
8.To exit, press either [Back] twice to enter
[Menu] once to enter
Main Menu
Quick Menu
, or press
Illustration 3.10: Indicating Main Menu mode
MG.02.C4.02 - VLTp is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLTp Micro Drive FC 514. Parameter Descriptions
4. Parameter Descriptions
4.1. Parameter group 0: Operation/Display
0-03 Regional Settings
In order to meet the needs for different default settings in different parts of the world, par. 0-03,
, is implemented in the frequency converter. The selected setting influences the default setting of the
motor nominal frequency.
InternationalSets default of par. 1-23,
[0 ]
[1]USSets default of par. 1-23,
Motor Frequency
Motor Frequency
This parameter cannot be adjusted while motor runs.
0-04 Operating State at Power-up (Hand Mode)
This parameter controls whether or not the frequency converter should start running the motor when powering
up after a power down in Hand mode.
, to 50 Hz, shows par. 1-20 in kW.
, to 60 Hz, shows par. 1-20 in HP.
If LCP with potentiometer is mounted, reference is set according to actual potentiometer
[0]ResumeFrequency converter starts in same Hand or Off State as when powered off.
Local reference is stored and used after power-up.
Forced Stop, Ref=Old Frequency converter powers up in Off State meaning that motor is stopped after power up.
[2]Forced Stop, Ref=0Frequency converter powers up in Off State meaning that motor is stopped after power up.
Local reference is stored and used after power-up.
Local reference is set to 0. Thus motor will not start running before local reference has been increased.
4.1.1. 0-1* Set-up Handling
User defined parameters and miscellaneous external inputs (eg. bus, LCP, analog/digital inputs, feedback, etc.) controls the functionality of the frequency
A complete set of all parameters controlling the frequency converter is called a set-up. The frequency converter contains 2 set-ups,
Furthermore, a fixed set of factory settings can be copied into one or more set-ups.
Some of the advantages of having more than one set-up in the frequency converter are
•Run motor in one set-up (Active Set-up) while updating parameters in another set-up (Edit Set-up)
•Connect various motors (one at a time) to frequency converter. Motor data for various motors can be placed in different set-ups.
•Rapidly change settings of frequency converter and/or motor while motor is running (eg. ramp time or preset references) via bus or digital
Active Set-up
can be set as
Multi Set-up
where the active set-up is selected via input on a digital input terminal and/or via the bus control word.
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4. Parameter DescriptionsVLTp Micro Drive FC 51
Factory Set-up
0-10 Active Set-up
cannot be used as
Active Set-up
Active Set-up
Shifts between set-ups can only happen when
•the motor is coasted
•the set-ups between which the shift happens are linked to each other (see par. 0-12,
If changing between set-ups that are not linked, the change will not happen before motor is coasted.
controls the motor.
The motor is only considered stopped when it is coasted.
Linked Set-
[1 ]
[2]Set-up 2
[9]Multi Set-upSelect the active set-up via digital input and/or bus, see par. 5-1* choice [23].
Set-up 1
Set-up 1
Set-up 2
is active.
is active.
0-11 Edit Set-up
Edit Set-up
is for updating parameters in the frequency converter from either LCP or bus. It can be identical
or different from the
All set-ups can be edited during operation, independently of the active set-up.
[1 ]
[2]Set-up 2Update parameters in
[9]Active Set-upUpdate parameters in set-up selected as
Set-up 1Update parameters in
Active Set-up
Set-up 1
Set-up 2
Active Set-up
(see par. 0-10).
0-12 Link Set-ups
The link ensures synchronizing of the “not changeable during operation” parameter values enabling shift from
one set-up to another during operation.
If the set-ups are not linked, a change between them is not possible while the motor is running. Thus the set-
up change does not occur until the motor is coasted.
[0]Not linkedLeaves parameters unchanged in both set-ups and cannot be changed while motor runs.
LinkedCopy parameters “not changeable during operation” parameter values into presently selected
[1 ]
This parameter cannot be changed while motor runs.
Edit Set-up
4.1.2. 0-31 Custom Readout Min Scale
0-31 Custom Readout Min Scale
0.00 * [0.00 – 9999.00 ]
It is possible to create a customized readout related to the output frequency of the unit. The value entered in
par. 0-31 will be shown at 0 Hz. The readout can be shown in the LCP display when in Status Mode or it can be
read in par. 16-09
MG.02.C4.02 - VLTp is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLTp Micro Drive FC 514. Parameter Descriptions
4.1.3. 0-32 Custom Readout Max Scale
0-32 Custom Readout Max Scale
100.0* [0.00 – 9999.00]
4.1.4. 0-4* LCP Keypad
It is possible to create a customized readout related to the output frequency of the unit. The value entered in
par. 0-32 will be shown at the frequency programmed in par. 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit. The readout can be
shown in the LCP display when in Status Mode or it can be read in par. 16-09
The frequency converter can operate in the following three modes:
The frequency converter is locally operated and does not allow any remote control. By activating Hand a start signal is given.
The frequency converter stops with a normal stop ramp. When Off is chosen the frequency converter can only be started by pressing either Hand
or Auto on the LCP.
In Auto-mode the frequency converter can be remote controlled (bus/digital).
0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP
[0]DisabledHand-on key has no function.
[1 ]
EnabledHand-on key is functional.
0-41 [Off/Reset] Key on LCP
[0]Disable Off/ResetOff/reset key has no function.
[1 ]
[2]Enable Reset OnlyReset only. Stop (Off) function is disabled.
Enable Off/ResetStop signal and reset of any faults.
0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP
[0]DisabledAuto-on key has no function.
[1 ]
EnabledAuto-on key is functional.
4.1.5. 0-5* Copy/Save
0-50 LCP Copy
The detachable LCP of the frequency converter can be used for storing setups, and thus for transferring data
when moving parameter settings from one frequency converter to another.
LCP Copy
can only be activated from the LCP and ONLY when the motor is coasted.
[1]All to LCPCopy all setups from the frequency converter into the LCP.
[2]All from LCPCopy all setups from LCP to frequency converter.
[3]Size indep. from LCPCopy non motor size dependent data from LCP to frequency converter
0-51 Set-up Copy
Use this function to copy a set-up content into the
In order to be able to make a set-up copy ensure that
•the motor is coasted
•par. 0-10,
MG.02.C4.02 - VLTp is a registered Danfoss trademark
Active Set-up
, is set to either
Edit Set-up
Set-up 1
[1] or
Set-up 2
4. Parameter DescriptionsVLTp Micro Drive FC 51
The keyboard/parameter database are blocked while Set-up Copy is running.
[0 ]
[1]Copy from Set-up 1Copy from
[2]Copy from Set-up 2Copy from
[9]Copy from Factory Set-upCopy from Factory Settings to edit set-up chosen in par. 0-11,
No CopyCopy function is inactive
Set-up 1
to edit set-up chosen in par. 0-11,
Set-up 2
to edit set-up chosen in par. 0-11,
Edit Set-up
Edit Set-up
4.1.6. 0-6* Password
0-60 (Main) Menu Password
Use password for protection against unintended change of sensitive parameters, eg. motor parameters.
Password protected parameters can always be read, but cannot be edited without entering the password.
[0 - 999]
A password only has affect on the LCP - not on the bus communication.
Pressing buttons [MENU], [OK] and down will unlock the password. This will automatically enter the parameter editing screen in Quick
Menu or Main Menu.
Enter the password for access to Main Menu via the [Main Menu] key. Select the number that should allow for
changing other parameter values.
means there is no password.
Edit set-up
MG.02.C4.02 - VLTp is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLTp Micro Drive FC 514. Parameter Descriptions
4.2. Parameter Group 1: Load/Motor
1-00 Configuration Mode
Use this parameter for selecting the application control principle to be used when a Remote Reference is active.
Changing this parameter will reset parameters 3-00, 3-02 and 3-03 to their default values.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while motor runs.
[0 ]
[3]Process Closed LoopEnables process closed loop control. See par. group 7-3* for further information on PI-controller.
Speed Open LoopFor normal speed control (References).
When running in process closed loop, par. 4-10
Motor Speed Direction
must be set to
1-01 Motor Control Principle
[0]U/fIs used for parallel connected motors and/or special motor applications. The U/f settings are set in parameters
1-55 and 1-56.
When running U/f control slip- and load compensations are not included.
VVC+Normal running mode, including slip- and load compensations.
1-03 Torque Characteristics
With more torque characteristics it is possible to run low energy consuming, as well as high torque applications.