Danfoss VLT 5000 Profibus, VLT 5000 FLUX, VLT 6000 HVAC, VLT 8000 AQUA, VLT 5000 FLUX Profibus Operating Instructions Manual

Drives Solutions
Operating Instructions
Profibus DP V1
VLT® 5000 / 5000 FLUX / 6000 HVAC / 8000 AQUAVLT
VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
....................................................................................................... 3
About this manual ................................................................................................. 3
Assumptions ......................................................................................................... 4
Background knowledge ........................................................................................ 4
Profibus DP ........................................................................................................... 5
Baudrate ................................................................................................................ 5
Profibus DP V1 ...................................................................................................... 5
The PROFIBUS option card ....................................................................... 6
Master-controlled frequency converters ................................................................. 6
Bus topology ......................................................................................................... 7
Features of DP (Distributed Periphery) .................................................................... 7
Rapid Cyclical transmission with PPO using DP ..................................................... 7
Profibus DP V1 ...................................................................................................... 8
Principle of data exchange by Profibus DP V0/DP V1 ............................................ 8
Cable lengths and number of nodes ....................................................................... 9
Physical connection ............................................................................................... 11
Protective measures for EMC ................................................................................ 11
Cable connection FCM 300 ................................................................................... 11
Connection of the cable screening ........................................................................ 11
Earthing .................................................................................................................. 11
Bus connection ..................................................................................................... 11
Diagram bus connection ........................................................................................ 12
The PROFIBUS option card .................................................................................... 12
LEDs ..................................................................................................................... 13
Address switches .................................................................................................. 14
Frequency converter response time behaviour ....................................................... 16
Time behaviour during system update ................................................................... 16
PPO description .............................................................................................. 17
Communication connections ................................................................................. 17
PPO description (Overview) .................................................................................... 17
PCA interface .................................................................................................... 18
PCA processing .................................................................................................... 18
Parameter description ........................................................................................... 19
Spontaneous messages ............................................................................. 21
Spontaneous messages ........................................................................................ 21
SYNC and FREEZE ........................................................................................ 22
SYNC and FREEZE ............................................................................................... 22
SYNC/UNSYNC ..................................................................................................... 22
FREEZE/UNFREEZE .............................................................................................. 22
Control word/Status word .......................................................................... 23
Control word/Status word ...................................................................................... 23
Control word according to profidriveprofile ............................................................ 23
Status word according to profidriveprofile .............................................................. 25
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
Control word according to fc standard .................................................................. 27
Status word according to fc standard .................................................................... 28
Bus reference value ...................................................................................... 29
Bus reference value ............................................................................................... 29
Examples ............................................................................................................ 30
Example 1: PCV Channel ...................................................................................... 30
Example 2: Process data from the frequency converter ......................................... 31
Example 3: Array treatment ................................................................................... 32
GSD file ................................................................................................................ 34
DP V1 Identifications .............................................................................................. 34
Parameters ......................................................................................................... 35
VLT frequency converter parameters ..................................................................... 35
Parameter access .................................................................................................. 42
Read/Write on VLT frequency converters ................................................................ 42
Warning and alarm messages .................................................................. 43
Warnings and alarm messages .............................................................................. 43
Spontaneous messages ........................................................................................ 43
Additional display readings .................................................................................... 43
Warning word, extended Status word and Alarm word ........................................... 44
Station address ...................................................................................................... 46
Extended Diagnosis ............................................................................................... 47
Parameter list .................................................................................................... 48
Appendix ............................................................................................................. 58
Glossar ................................................................................................................. 58
Abbreviations used ................................................................................................ 59
MG.90.G1.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
opyrights, Limitation of Liability and Revision Rights This publication contains information proprietary to Danfoss A/S. By accepting and using this manual the user agrees that the information contained herein will be used solely for operating equipment of Danfoss A/S or equipment from other vendors provided that such equipment is intended for communication with Danfoss equipment over a PROFIBUS serial communication link. This publication is protected under the Copyright laws of Denmark and most other countries.
Danfoss A/S does not warrant that a software program produced according to the guidelines provided in this manual will function properly in every physical, hardware or software environment.
Although Danfoss A/S has tested and reviewed the documentation within this manual, Danfoss A/S makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this documentation, including its quality, performance, or fitness for a particular purpose.
In no event shall Danfoss A/S be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use, or the inability to use information contained in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In particular, Danfoss A/S is not responsible for any costs including but not limited to t hose incurred as a result of lost profits or revenue, loss or damage of equipment, loss of computer programs, loss of data, the costs to substitute these, or any claims by third parties.
Danfoss A/S reserves the right to revi
se this publication at any time and to make changes in its contents without prior notice or any obligation to notify previous users of such revisions or changes.
NB!: Note regarding Profibus FMS
If you want to run FMS you have to
purchase as follows: For VLT 5000: 175Z3722 (uncoated) 175Z3723 (coated)
For VLT 6000 HVAC: 175Z4207 (uncoated) 175Z4208 (coated)
It is NOT possible to run FMS from a VLT 5000 FLUX or a VLT 8000 AQUA. This manual does not deal with Profibus FMS, only with Profibus DP. However, in the event thatthecommunicationistobebuiltupthrough Profibus FMS, you should request the description MG.10.E3.yy "Profibus Product Manual" which also contains a description of the Profibus FMS functions of the Profibus option card.
About this manual
This manual is intended as both an instruction manual and a reference guide. Itonlybroaches the basics of the PROFIBUS DP protocol, and only when it is necessary toprovideasufficientunderstandingofthePROFIDRIVE implementation of the PROFIBUS profile for frequency converters (version 2, PNO) and of the PROFIBUS option card for the series VLT 5000/VLT 5000 Flux/VLT 6000 HVAC/VLT 8000 AQUA by DANFOSS.
Unit Software version FCD 300 Ver. 1.30 FCM 300 ­VLT 2800 Ver. 2.64 VLT 5000 Ver. 3.62 VLT6000HVAC Ver. 2.41 VLT8000AQUA Ver. 1.12
The above table shows from which software versions Profibus DP V1 is supported. The software version can be read-out in parameter 624 Software versions.
This manual gives detailed information of the DP V0 features supported, sufficient for most programming and maintenance activities. The DP V1 however is briefly described. For programming purposes the Profibus DP V1 Design Guide order number MG.90.EX.YY (X is the version number, and YY the language code) might be necessary.
It is suggested that readers who are not completely familiar with PROFIBUS DP or the profile for frequency converters review the relevant literature on these subjects.
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
Even if you are an experienced PROFIBUS programmer, we suggest that you read this manual in its entirety before you start programming, since important information can be found in all chapters.
The section Quick start deals with the quick start of the communication parameters for the DP communication.
The chapter TheProfibusoptioncardcontains details regarding the PROFIBUS option card and the establishment of the physical connection.
Please refer to section Timing for information regarding the time behaviour.
The chapter PPO description presents an overview of the PPOs (informative data telegrams).
The PCA interface as a parameter interface in the PPO is explained in chapter PCA interface.
Section Parameters and data type structures contains the description of the parameter and data structure.
Chapter Spontaneous messages contains a description of spontaneous messages.
The response to the "Sync" and "Freeze" commands is explained in chapter SYNC and FREEZE.
The Control word and Status word as essential elements of the PPOs for the operational Control, as well as the bus reference value are explained in chapter Bus reference value.
Chapter Examples contains examples for the use of the PPOs. It is recommended that readers review the examples for a better understanding of the PPOs.
Chapter Parameters contains the frequency converter parameters specific to the Profibus. Warning and alarm messages and display readings specific to the Profibus are described in chapter Warning and alarm messages.
A parameter listing as an overview of all VLT 5000/VLT 5000 Flux/VLT 6000 HVAC/VLT 8000 AQUA parameters can be found in chapter Parameter list.
In chapter Appendix you will find the abbreviations used in this manual. The manual concludes with a short glossary and a detailed index for quick navigation.
If you are interested in learning more about the PROFIBUS protocol in general, we recommend that you consult the relevant, very comprehensive literature for this purpose.
The manual assumes that you are using a DANFOSS PROFIBUS DP option card, together with a DANFOSS VLT frequency converter, that you are using a PLC or a PC with a serial interface as master which supports all communication services for PROFIBUS, and that all requirements are met and all limitations are observed which arise from the PROFIBUS standard, the PROFIBUS profile of frequency converters, and the company-specific implementation of PROFIDRIVE, or those of the frequency converter drives.
The Profibus DP V1 is an extension of the former Profibus DP V0 funcionality.
Background knowledge
The DANFOSS PROFIBUS option card is designed for the communication with all masters that comply with the PROFIBUS DP V0 and DP V1 standard. Thus, the assumption is made that you are familiar with the PC or PLC to be used as a master on your system. Any questions regarding the hardware or software of other suppliers are beyond the scope of this manual and outside the responsibility of DANFOSS.
In the event of questions concerning the configuration of the master-to-master communication or the configuration with a slave not manufactured by DANFOSS, you should refer to the information in the respective manuals.
MG.90.G1.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
Quick start
Details regarding the programming of t he usual frequency converter parameters may be gathered from the manual for the VLT 5000/VLT 5000 FLUX/VLT 6000 HVAC/VLT 8000 AQUA series.
The communication is established by setting the parameters indicated below.
Details regarding the adjustment of the master are provided by the master manual and by those chapters in this manual that deal with the particulars of the PROFIBUS interface.
The required GSD file is available on the Inter net at http://www.danfoss.com/drives
Profibus DP
arameter 904 The desired informative data telegram (PPO) is setup in master configuration. The actual PPO type can be read out in P904. The master sends the PPO type in a configuration telegram in the Profibus DP start phase.
arameter 918 This sets the address of the frequency converter station – one specific address per frequency converter. For further information, please refer to the section Station address in this manual.
arameter 502 -508 By setting the parameters 502-508 you will be able to select have to control over the bus.
arameter 512 AllowsthechoiceofControlword/Statuswordtype
. For further information, please refer to the section Control word/Status word this manual.
In order to activate a change of parameter 918 the power of the frequency converter must be cycled.
The FCM 300, FCD 300 and VLT 2800 adjust automatically to the Baudrate configurated from the master.
When configuring the PPO types, a distinction is made between module consistency and word consistency:
Module consistency means that a specific portion of the PPO is defined as a connected module. The parameter interface (PCV, length of 8 bytes) of the PPO always has module consistency.
Word consistency means that a specific portion of the PPO is divided into individual data sectors of word length (16 bits).
The process data of the PPO may have either module consistency or word consistency, as desired.
Some PLCs, such as Siemens S7, require special functions to call modules that are longer than 4 bytes (in the case of Siemens: "SFC", see master manual). This means that the PCV interfaces of the PPOs can only be called through the SFC functions in the case of Siemens (S7).
Profibus DP V1
A detailed description of the DV V1 features supported can be found in the "Profibus DP V1 Design Guide" order number MG.90.EX.YY.
Further specifications might be helpful:
- Technical Guide "PROFIBUS -DP Extensions to EN 50170 (DPV1)" V2.0, April 1998, Order no. 2.082
- Draft PROFIBUS Profile PROFIDRIVE Profile Drive Technology V3.0 September 2000, Order no. 3.172
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
Master-controlled frequency converters
The PROFIBUS Fieldbus was designed to give you unprecedented flexibility and command over your controlled system. The PROFIBUS will perform as an integrated part of your frequency converter, giving you access to all parameters relevant to your application. The f requency converter will always act as a slave, and together with a master it can exchange a multitude of information and commands. Control signals such as speed reference, start / stop of motor, reverse operation, etc. are transmitted from the master in the form of a telegramme. The frequency converter acknowledges receipt by transmitting status signals, such as running, on reference, motor stopped and so on to the master. The frequency converter may also transmit fault indications, alarms and warnings to the master, such as Overcurrent or Phaseloss.
The PROFIBUS communicates in accordance with the PROFIBUS field bus standard, EN 50170, part 3. It can thus exchange data with all masters that meet this standard; however, this does not mean that all services available in the PROFIDRIVE profile standard are supported. The PROFIBUS profile for frequency converters (version 2 and partly version 3, PNO) is a part of PROFIBUS which supports only those services that concern applications with speed control.
ommunication partners In a control system the frequency converter will always act as a slave, and as such it m
ay communicate with a single master or multiple masters depending on the nature of the application. A master may be a PLC or a PC that is equip
ped with a PROFIBUS communication card.
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
The PROFIBUS option
Bus topology
ingle master operation with DP V0
- Single master
- PLC communicates with telegrams of constant length
- Fits to time critical requirements
Cyclical transmission (PLC )
1. Setpoint transmission
2. Actual value feedback
3. New set points computed
4. New set point transmission
5. Parameter Read - using PCV channel
6. Parameter Write - using PCV channel
7. Read parameter description - using PCV channel
Features of DP (Distributed Periphery)
- Is used by several PLC manufacturers for remote peripheral I/O communication.
- Supports cyclical communication.
- SRD (Send Receive Data) service gives fast cyclical exchange of process data between master and slaves.
- Freeze and synchronize function is supported.
- Fixed data structure.
- Fixed telegramme size.
- Occupies I/O memory space in PLC proportional to the number of slaves employed, which may
limit the number of participants. Additional data require additional I/O memory space.
DP should be used when fast cyclical process control is needed. Such a concept would typicall
y call for single master operation with a limited number of slave stations. A high number of slaves will increase the system response time.
This could also be the case where control loops are closed over the bus. As a very fast alternativeitisofcoursepossibletoclosethe control loop outside the bus.
Rapid Cyclical transmission with PPO using DP Control of the drives during norma l operation is often very time critical, but it involves very few data, such as control commands and speed reference. DP is optimized for fast cyclical communication.
ameter up-/downloads can be achieved by using the PCV part of the so-called Parameter ­Process data Objects - PPO types 1, 2 or 5, see drawing in paragraph PPO description.
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
Profibus DP V1
The Profibus DP extension DP V1 offers additional to the cyclical data communication an acyclical communication. This feature can be used by a DP master type 1 (e.g. PLC), as well as a DP master type 2 (e.g. PC tool).
Features of a Master type 1 connection
- Cyclical data exchange (DP V0).
- Acyclical read/write on parameters. The acyclical connection is fixed, and can not
be changed during operation.
Features of a Master type 2 connection:
- Initiate / Abort acyclical connection.
- Acyclical read/write on parameters. The acyclical connection can dynamically be
established (Initiate) or removed (Abort) even when a master class 1 is active on the network.
The DP V1 acyclical connection can be used for general parameter access as an alternative to the PCV parameter channel.
In a DP cycle the MC 1 will first update the cyclical process data for all slaves in the system. After that the MC 1 has the possibility of sending one acyclical message to one slave. If a MC 2 is connected, the MC 1 will handle over the Token to MC 2 who now is aloud to send one acy clical message to one slave. After that, the token is handled back to the MC 1, and a new DP cycle is started.
MC1: Master Class 1
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
The PROFIBUS option
Cable lengths and number of nodes
The maximum cable length of a segment depends on the transmission speed. The total cable length includes stub lines, if applicable. A stub line is the connection from the main bus cable to each node if a "T" connection exists instead of a direct connection of the main bus cable to the nodes; cf. the stub line length. The following table s hows the maximum permitted cable lengths and the maximum number of nodes or frequency converters with 1, 2, 3 or 4 bus segments.
Please note that a repeater switched between two segments represents a node in both segments. The number of frequency converters is based on
a system with only one master. In the case of multiple masters, the number of frequency converters must be reduced accordingly.
The total stub line l ength of a segment is limited as follows:
Stub line length Transmission speed Max. stub line length
per segment [m]
9.6-93.75 kBaud 96
187.5 kBaud 75 500 kBaud 30
1.5 MBaud 10 3-12 MBaud none
Maximum total bus cable length Transmission speed 1 segment:
32 nodes (31 frequency converters) [m]
2segments: 64 nodes (1 repeater, 61 frequency converters) [m]
3segments: 96 nodes (2 repeater, 91 frequency converters) [m]
4segments: 128nodes(3repeater, 121 frequency converters) [m]
9.6-187.5 kBaud 1000 2000 3000 4000 500 kBaud 400 800 1200 1600
1.5 MBaud 200 400 600 800 3-12 MBaud 100 200 300 400
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
The indicated lengths in the tables are valid on the condition that bus cables with the following properties are used:
- Impedance: 135 to 165 Ohm at a measuring frequency of 3 to 20 MHz
- Resistance: < 110 Ohm/km
- Capacity: < 30 pF/m
- Damping: max. 9 dB across the entire cable length
- Cross-section: max. 0.34 mm pursuant to AWG 22
- Wire type: twisted pair, 1 x 2 or 2 x 2 or 1 x4conductors
- Shielding copper-braided or braided and foil laminated
It is recommended to use the same cable type throughout the entire network in order to avoid mismatches of the impedance.
The figures in the following description indicate the maximum permitted number of stations in each segment. These figures do n
ot refer to the station addresses, since each station in the network must have an unambiguous address.
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
The PROFIBUS option
Physical connection
The PROFIBUS option card will be connected to the bus line (data line) at terminals 62 and 63. Data line "B" (TxD/RxD-P) will be connected to terminal 62 and data line "A" (TxD/RxD-N) to terminal 63. A master with a voltaically insulated bus driver and overvoltage protection (e.g. Z diode) is recommended.
Protective measures for EMC
It is recommended to carry out the following protective measures for EMC in order to ensure a trouble-free operation of the PROFIBUS network. Additional notes concerning the subject of EMC can be found in the project manual for the VLT 5000 series (MG.50.Cx.yy) and in the manual for the Profibus master.
The applicable national and local regulations, for example with respect to protective earthing, must be observed.
Cable connection FCM 300
The PROFIBUS communication cable must be kept away from motor and brake resistor cables to avoid coupling of high frequency noise from one cable to the other. Normally a distance of 200 mm is sufficient, but it is generally recommended to keep the greatest possible distance between the cables, especially where cables are running in parallel over long dista
If the PROFIBUS cable has to cross a motor and braking resistance cable, it should occur at a 90° angle.
Connection of the cable screening
The shielding of the PROFIBUS cable always needs tobeofalarge-area,low-impedancetypeonboth sides. As a matter of principle, the screen should be put up with a large area and low impedance at all PROFIBUS stations. It is very important to have an earthconnectionwithlowimpedanceevenathigh frequencies. This can be achieved by connecting the shield surface to earth, for example with the help of a cable bow or a conductive cable connector.
The frequency converter is equipped with various terminals and supports in order to provide a flawless shielding of the PROFIBUS ca
ble. The shield
connection is shown in the following diagram.
It is important to connect all stations linked to the PROFIBUS network to the same earth potential. The earthing must have a low high-frequency impedance. This can be achieved by connecting a protective housing surface which is as large as possible to earth, for example by mounting the frequency converter to a conductive rear wall.
Especially in the case of large distances between the stations of a PROFIBUS network, the additional use of potential equalization cables to connect the individual stations to the same earth potential may be necessary.
Bus connection
62 = RxD/TxD-P red cable 63 = RxD/TxD-N green cable
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
Diagram bus connection
It is important to terminate the bus line correctly. Mismatches of the impedance may lead to reflections in the line and cause incorrect transmissions.
- The PROFIBUS option card is equipped with a suitable termination which can be activated by theswitches1and2attheswitchblockS1 directly to the right above the terminal block MK 1B. The bus termination is active when the switch is in the "ON" position.
e switches must never be set in opposite directions. Both switches must be set to ON or OFF.
- Most masters and repeaters are equipped with their own termination.
- If an internal termination circuit in the form of three resistors is connected to the bus line, a 5 V direct voltage must be used. Attention: please make sure that it is voltaically separated from the power supply cable.
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
The PROFIBUS option
The PROFIBUS option card LEDs
There are four LEDs on the PROFIBUS option card: LD1 and LD4: Flickering (very rapid blinking),
when data are being exchanged through the option card. Comment: with each "flicker" of the LEDs, the frequency converter is sending a telegram.
LD2 and LD3: Shining, when the option card
is initialized and ready for the data exchange, or when data are already being exchanged. Blinking, when the function for the automatic baud rate determination attempts to determine the current baud rate. Note: a faulty connection of the data line may also cause blinking of the LEDs. (see "Physical connection").
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
Address switches
The station address can be set in parameter 918 or through a hardware switch (S2, 1-4 and S3, 5-7 on the PROFIBUS option card).
The setting of an address through parameter 918 is only possible when the address switches are set to > 125.
Each slave must have an unambiguous address. The address is the binary value set for the switches, cf. the table below. The modification of the address switches occurs during the next turn-on procedure. See also section Station Address.
Switches 1-7 (switch 8 is not used)
00000000 11000000 20100000 31100000 40010000 51010000 60110000 71110000 80001000
91001000 100101000 111101000 120011000 131011000 140111000 151111000 160000100 171000100 180100100 191100100 200010100 211010100 220110100 231110100 240001100 251001100 260101100 271101100 280011100 291011100 300111100 311111100 320000010 331000010
Switches 1-7 (switch 8 is not used)
Address switch position (1= ON, 0=OFF)
340100010 351100010 360010010 371010010 380110010 391110010 400001010 411001010 420101010 431101010 440011010 451011010 460111010 471111010 480000110 491000110 500100110 511100110 520010110 531010110 540110110 551110110 560001110 571001110 580101110 591101110 600011110 611011110 620111110 631111110 640000001 651000001 660100001 671100001 680010001 691010001 700110001 711110001 720001001 731001001 740101001 751101001 760011001 771011001 780111001 791111001 800000101 811000101 820100101 831100101 840010101 851010101 860110101
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
The PROFIBUS option
Switches 1-7 (switch 8 is not used)
871110101 880001101 891001101 900101101 911101101 920011101 931011101 940111101 951111101 960000011 971000011 980100011 991100011
1000010011 1011010011 1020110011 1031110011 1040001011 1051001011 1060101011 1071101011 1080011011 1091011011 1100111011 1111111011 1120000111 1131000111 1140100111 1151100111 1160010111 1171010111 1180110111 1191110111 1200001111 1211001111 1220101111 1231101111 1240011111 1251011111 1260111111 1271111111
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
Frequency converter response time behaviour
The period for the update through the PROFIBUS connection can be subdivided into two portions:
1. The communication period, i.e. the time required to transmit data from the master to the slave (frequency converter with PROFIBUS option), and
2. the internal update period, i.e. the time required to transmit data between the frequency converter control card and t he PROFIBUS option card.
The communication period (t
) depends on the respective transmission speed (baud rate) and the type of master being used. The shortest achievable communication period is approximately 30 msec per slave with the frequency converter PROFIBUS option when DP communication with a data quantity of 4 bytes (PPO type 3) at 12 Mbaud is used. The communication period increases with more data or lower transmission speeds.
The internal update period (t
) depends on the respective data as there are different channels for the transmission of data, with time-critical data, such as the Control word, being given the highest priority. The internal update time for the respective data types is listed below.
Data Update time,
Control word/main reference value (Part of PPO)
Status word/respective output frequency (Part of PPO)
Parameter Read (PCD 1-8) 2 msec. Parameter Write (PCD 1-2) 40 msec. Parameter Write (PCD 3-4) 80 msec. Parameter Write (PCD 5-8) 160 msec. Parameter Read (PCV) 20 msec. Parameter Write (PCV) 20 msec. Acyclical data (read, write) 20 msec.
Time behaviour during system update
Thesystemupdateperiodisthetimerequired to update all slaves of the network when cyclical communication is used.
The update time of a single slave is composed of both the communication period (depending on the baud rate) and the station delay (TSDR) in the slave, and of the delay in the master associated with the station.
The station delay (TSDR) is the delay time from the moment when a station receives the last bit of a telegram to the moment when it sends the first bit of the next telegram. The station delay is defined by two parameters: the minimum station delay (TSDR
and the maximum station delay (TSDR
Current station delay for the PROFIBUS option:
-DP:11bittimes Current master station delay:
- This information must be provided by the manufacturer of the respective PROFIBUS master.
- DP master with 1.5 MBaud and PPO type 3 (4 byte data); the assumption here is for 50 bit times as master TSDR.
Time [msec] Action 0 Master starts data transmission
Last bit received in slave Slave station delay Slave starts data transmission Last bit received in master Master station delay (50 bit times » 0.033) Master ready for data transmission to next slave
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
Communication connections
Communication pursuant to PROFIBUS DP , i.e. EN50170 part 3, is supported.
Accordingly, a master must be used that supports PROFIBUS DP.
PPO description (Overview)
A feature of the PROFIBUS profile for frequency converters is a communications object designated as "PPO", i.e. "parameter process data object".
All cyclical informative data are transmitted via PPOs. Thus, PPOs form the framework for the data traffic. One of the PPOs described in the following must be used in the case of DP communication.
The actual PPO type can be readout in parameter 904. A PPO may consist of a parameter portion and
a process data portion. The parameter portion may be used for reading and/or updating of parameters (successively).
The process data portion consists of a fixed part (4 bytes) and a parameterizable part (8 or 16 bytes). The Control word and speed reference value are transmitted to the frequency converter in the fixed portion, whereas the Status word and current output frequency are transmitted by the frequency converter. In the parameterizable portion, the user selects which parameters are to be transmitted to the frequency converter (parameter
915) and which are to be transmitted by the frequency converter (parameter 916).
PO, Parameter Process Data Object
PDC: Process Data PCV: Parameter-Characteristics-Value PCA: Parameter-Characteristics (Bytes 1, 2)
PCA handling see section Examples IND: Subindex (Byte 3)m (Byte 4 is not used) PVA: Parameter value (Bytes 5 to 8) CTW: Control
word STW: Status
See section Examples
MRV: Main reference value MAV: Main actual value (Actual output
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VLT® 5000/ 5000 FLUX/ 6000 HVAC/ 8000 AQUA PROFIBUS
PCA processing
The master controls and monitors frequency converter parameters through the PCA portion of the PPOs type 1, 2 and 5 and requests a response from the frequency converter (slave). In addition to the parameter processing, the frequency converter can also transmit a spontaneous message.
Requests and responses involve an acknowledgement exchange (a so-called handshake) which cannot be worked off in stack operation. This means that the master, when sending a read/write request, must wait for the response before sending a new request. A request or response is limited to a maximum of 4 bytes, i.e. no text strings can be transmitted.
PCA - Parameter description
15 14 13 12 11 109876543210
RC: Request/Response
(Sector: 0-15)
SPM: Toggle bit for spontaneous
PNU: Parameter Number (Sector: 1-990)
Request and response In the RC portion of the PCA word the requests of the mastertotheslavearetriggered.TheothertwoPCV fields IND and PVA must be evaluated as well.
The PVA po
rtion transmits parameter values in word size with the bytes 7 and 8; double words require the bytes 5-8, i.e. 32 bits.
If the request or response contains array elements, thearraysubindexwillbeinIND(byte3). In the event of a parameter description, IND contains the record subindex.
RC content
Request Function
0Norequest 1 Request parameter value 2 Change parameter value (word) 3 Change parameter value (double word) 4 Request description element 5 Change description element 6 Request parameter value (array) 7 Change parameter value (array word) 8 Change parameter value (array double
9 Request number of array elements
10-15 Not assigned
0Noresponse 1 Transmit parameter value (word) 2 Transmit parameter value (double
word) 3 Transmit description element 4 Transmit parameter value (array word) 5 Transmit parameter value (array double
6 Transmit number of array elements 7 Request not executable (with error
number, see below) 8 No operating authority for PCV
interface 9 Spontaneous message (word)
10 Spontaneous message (double word) 11 Spontaneous message (array word) 12 Spontaneous message (array double
13-15 Not assigned
If a request from the master is not executed by the slave, the RC word in the PPO-Read has the value 7. The errornumber is in bytes 7 and 8 of the PVAelement.
Error no. Meaning
0 1 Parameter value not changeable 2 Upperorlowervaluepassed 3Faultysubindex 4Noarray 5 Wrong data type 6 Setting not permitted (resettable only) 7 Description element not changeable 8 NoPPO-WriteforIR 9 Description data not available
10 Access group 11 No parameter operating authority 12 Keyword missing 13 Text not readable in cyclical traffic 14 Name not readable in cyclical traffic 15 Text array not available 16 PPO-Write missing 17 Request temporarily unexecutable 18 Other error 19 Data not readable in cyclical traffic
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