Danfoss VLT 2000, VLT 2015, VLT 2030, VLT 2010, VLT 2020 Series Manual

MG.20.B6.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2000 Series
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
After installationAfter installation
After installationAfter installation
After installation
Facts about VLFacts about VL
Facts about VLFacts about VL
Facts about VL
MG.20.B6.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2000 Series
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
Installation has been written for personnel who will unpack the VLT frequency con­verter and carry out mechanical and electrical installation.
Installation makes it easy and safe for you to install the VLT frequency converter, just follow the instructions on the next pages.
After Installation has been written for personnel who are to set up the VLT frequency converter, when it is to be commissioned. The VLT has a number of factory settings. You can choose the settings to match your plant (application). The initial settings are described in chapter 1.
When you start your setting the mechanical and electrical installation has been done. If you want to check the electrical installation you can do that on the basis of the sur­vey of terminals.
To go on with the settings you must know the values of the different parameters. Typically it is the planning engineer or technician who determines the values on the basis of the information given in the section
Facts about VLT.
Facts about VLT is written for users of VLT frequency converters for large plants.
Facts about VLT you can read how to size a plant, how to select the right VLT on the basis of the technical data, how to carry out the electrical installation, the mechanical installation, etc.
It will also appear what standards the VLT frequency converter complies with and what safety measures you should take before you start.
Facts about VLT is your work of reference, so do keep it within reach.
When you read the manual please note the following symbols:
About this manual
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
General warning
Pay special attention here.
MG.20.B6.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2000 Series
Safety rules
Warning against improper start
1. The motor can be stopped using digital commands, bus commands, references or local stop, while the frequency converter is connected to the mains. If personal safety requires elimination of any possibility of unintended start,
these stops will not
be sufficient.
2. The motor can start during parameter operation. Therefore
always activate the “Stop/Reset” key
before changiing data.
A stopped motor can start if a fault occurs in the electronics of the frequency converter or after a temporary overload, mains fault or faulty motor connection.
For the North American market
CAUTION: It is the responsibility of the user or person installing the drive to provide proper grounding and branch circuit protection for incoming power and motor overload according to National Electrical Codes (NEC) and local codes.
The Electronic Thermal Relay (ETR) in UL listed VLTs provides class 20 motor overload protection in accordance with NEC in single motor applications, when parameter 315 is set to Trip [2] and parameter 107 is set to nominal motor (nameplate) current.
The frequency converter contains dangerous
voltages when connected to the mains. Improper connection of the motor or the frequency converter may cause equipment failure, serious injury or death.
Therefore follow the directions in this manual, as well as local and national safety rules.
Touching the electrical parts, even when the power supply has been switched off, can cause serious injury or death.
Wait at least 4 minutes after switching off before touching any electrical parts.
These rules concern your safety
1. When repairs are undertaken the power supply to
the frequency converter must be disconnected.
2. The
“Stop/Reset” key on the keyboard of the frequency converter does not disconnect the power supply and may therefore not be used as a safety switch.
3. The unit must be properly grounded, the user must be protected against supply voltage and the motor against overload according to national and local codes.
4. The leakage currents to ground are higher than 3 mA.
5. The factory setting does
not incorporate protection against motor overload. For this function parameter 315 is set to data value Trip [2] or data value Warning [1]. Note: This function is initialised at
1.16 x rated motor current and rated motor frequency (see page 63).
6. Do
not remove the motor and mains terminals, when the unit is connected to the mains. Ensure that the power supply has been switched off, before you remove the motor and mains terminals.
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VLT® 2000 Series
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
Chapter 1 Before you start ........................................... Page 6
Mechanical installation................................. Page 6
Electrical installation .................................... Page 6
EMC-correct installation .............................. Page 9
General.......................................................Page 9
Instructions for installation .......................... Page 9
For further information ............................... Page 11
Installation guide
VLT 2000 with built-in compact RFI filter ... Page 12
Technical data VLT 2000 with built-in compact RFI-filter ... Page 12
MG.20.B6.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2000 Series
Before you start
Read the safety rules on
page 4 before you start.
Mechanical installation
Item 1 Drilling template (enclosed in box)
For sizing and drilling of holes you can use the enclosed Drilling Template.
Ensure min. 100 mm (10 cm) free air space above and below the VLT frequency converter. This also applies when a module has been mounted. Make sure that the ambient temperature does not exceed 40°C.
Item 2 Side by side mounting
VLT frequency converters can be mounted side by side, without any space between them.
Item 3 Module
If you want to use a module (to be placed underneath) you must take the physical dimensions into account.
Electrical installation
Item 1 Prefuses
Choose the right prefuses:
Mains supply 1 x 220/230/240 V
3 x 208/220/230/240 V VLT 2010 Max. 10A VLT 2015 Max. 16 A VLT 2020 Max. 20 A VLT 2030 Max. 20 A VLT 2040 Max. 20 A VLT 2050 Max. 25 A
See Special conditions: Cut-in current
That I have done
That I have done
Mains supply 3 x 380-460 V
VLT 2020 Max. 16 A VLT 2025 Max. 16 A VLT 2030 Max. 16 A VLT 2040 Max. 16 A VLT 2050 Max. 16 A VLT 2060 Max. 20 A
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Electrical installation (continued)
Item 2 Extra protection
If you want extra protection, pay attention to the following:
As extra protection, error voltage relays or neutral grounding can be used. However, the installation must comply with local health and safety standards. An earth fault can introduce a direct current in the discharge current. Any ELCB relay used must comply with local regulations. The relays must be suitable to protect three-phase equipment with bridge rectifier and short discharge on power-up.
Item 3 Motor, mains and brake cables
To comply with the stated EMC emission specifications, screened motor cable must
not be used. However, a precondition is that an RFI filter module is installed to comply with the EMC emission specifications.
Observe the following max. cross sections for motor, mains and brake cables:
That I have done
Mains supply 1 x 220/230/240 V
3 x 208/220/230/240 V
VLT 2010 Max. 4 mm
VLT 2015 Max. 4 mm
VLT 2020 Max. 4 mm
VLT 2030 Max. 4 mm
VLT 2040 Max. 4 mm
VLT 2050 Max. 4 mm
Cable relief fitting 195H6129 Option
Mains supply 3 x 380-460 V
VLT 2020 Max. 4 mm
VLT 2025 Max. 4 mm
VLT 2030 Max. 4 mm
VLT 2040 Max. 4 mm
VLT 2050 Max. 4 mm
VLT 2060 Max. 4 mm
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VLT® 2000 Series
Electrical installation (continued)
Item 4 Control cables
The cables used for control cables must be screened to comply with the stated EMC emission specifications. Connect the screen from the control cables to terminal 61 (ground).
Observe the following max. cross sections for control cables:
That I have done
Mains supply 1 x 220/230/240 V
3 x 208/220/230/240 V
VLT 2010 Max. 1.5 mm
VLT 2015 Max. 1.5 mm
VLT 2020 Max. 1.5 mm
VLT 2030 Max. 1.5 mm
VLT 2040 Max. 1.5 mm
VLT 2050 Max. 1.5 mm
Mains supply 3 x 380-460 V
VLT 2020 Max. 1.5 mm
VLT 2025 Max. 1.5 mm
VLT 2030 Max. 1.5 mm
VLT 2040 Max. 1.5 mm
VLT 2050 Max. 1.5 mm
VLT 2060 Max. 1.5 mm
Cable relief fitting 195H6129
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EMC correct installation
A number of factors must be considered in order to achieve EMC correct installation of the VLT 2000 frequency converter.
The basic VLT 2000 units do not comply with any EMC emission specifications, since no EMC filter (RFI filter) is incorporated in the basic units. Therefore it is necessary to install an
RFI and motor filter module to comply with EMC emission specifications. VLT Series 2000 is available with built-in RFI filter that fulfils the EMC emission requirements. In addition to reducing the mains interference, the fil­ters also reduce the interference radiating from the unscreened motor cable. As far as the motor cable is concerned, only interference above 30 MHz is reduced (ref. EN 55011-1A).
To reduce the electromagnetic noise level from the to­tal system as far as possible (frequency converter and motor installation), it is important to make the motor and brake cables as short as possible. Cables having a sensitive noise level may not be led together with motor and brake cables.
How to install
Units with RFI and motor filter module: When the RFI and motor filter module is installed it is recommended to use
unscreened motor cable, since
this gives the lowest electromagnetic noise level.
Control cable: The control cable must be screened. The screen must be installed under the screen clamp on the screen termination bracket. Mounting with twisted screen ends (Pigtails) should be avoided, as this will destroy the screen effect at high frequencies. Normally, the screen should also be connected to the base of the controlling appliance (follow the instructions for use of the appliance in question). In connection with very long control cables and analogue signals, 50 Hz ripple loops may occur in rare cases, depending on the installation. This is because of interference coupling from the mains supply cables. In this connection it can be necessary to break the screen or possible insert a 100nF con­denser between screen and base.
Cable for serial communication: The cable for serial communication should be screened. The screen should be installed using a screen clamp on the VLT frequency converter (see the instruction for installation, page 10, point B ).
Motor cable: For the motor either screened or unscreened cable can be used. In connection with installation of the RFI and motor filter module it is recommended to use unscreened motor cable. With screened motor cable, the screen must be installed under the cable clamp on the cable relief fitting. Mounting with twisted screen ends (Pigtails) should be avoided as this will destroy the screen effect at high frequences. In principle the motor cable screen may not be interrupted and it may not be earth connected. If it is necessary to interrupt the screen to mount a motor starter or motor relays, the screen must continue with an impedance which is as low as possible. The EMC emission specifications are complied with by using up to 100 m of unscreened motor cable. If screened cable is used the demand for conducted noise (150 kHz - 30 MHz) cannot be observed.
Brake cable: Screened cable must be used for the brake resistor. The screen must be installed under the cable clamp on the cable relief fitting. (See page 10 point E ). Avoid using screen pigtails. Use brake cable lengths of up to 5 m.
Sensitive signal cables: Cables having a sensitive noise level may not be led together with motor and brake cables.
Equalising currents: Efforts should be made to avoid possible equalising currents that may occur when the control cable screen is connected to the base (earthed) at both ends. Equalising currents occur because of voltage differences between the VLT frequency converter base and the base of the controlling appliance. They can be avoided by making a tight fit with the cabinet base rear plate, thereby ensuring that any equalising currents will run via the base rear plates and their joints, not via the cable screens.
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VLT® 2000 Series
Three-phase mains connection
Single-phase mains connection
Between PC and VLT frequency converter
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VLT® 2000 Series
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VLT 2010-2030, 1/3 x 208-240 V and VLT 2020­2060* 3 x 380-460 V with RFI and motor filter module or LC and RFI filter module:
If VLT frequency converters are mounted on an electrically conductive, metal rear plate, good electrical connection between the VLT and the rear plate is to be ensured (use earth screw (item A in the drawing)).
If the VLT frequency converter is mounted on a non­conductive rear plate, it is to be ensured that there is good grounding to the earth screw (item A in the drawing).
For further information
When you have finished installing the VLT frequency converter, see the section
After installation for infor-
mation about how to operate the VLT frequency
converter. You will also get information about what parameters to choose to ensure optimum operation.
*) VLT 2060 Max. 415 V
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VLT® 2000 Series
Following this installation guide the VLT® 2000 units with built-in compact RFI filter comply with the EMC requirements according to EN 55011 group 1A.
Technical data
The technical data on this page only apply to VLT
2010, 0.37 kW, VLT® 2015, 0.55 kW and VLT
2020,0.75 kW.with built in compact RFI filter.
Cable type: Screened Max. length: 20 m Mains supply: 1 x 220-240 V
Installation guide
Clamp to secure cables and cable screen type 195H6129 is delivered with the above units.
Mains supply connection:Mains supply connection:
Mains supply connection:Mains supply connection:
Mains supply connection: Cable is secured in cable relief fitting. Earth wire is secured in the earth screw on the frequency converter.
Motor cable connection:Motor cable connection:
Motor cable connection:Motor cable connection:
Motor cable connection: Motor cable and screen is secured in cable relief fitting and the wires are connected in the motor plug.
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VLT® 2000 Series
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
After installation
Chapter 1 Quick Setup,
If you are familiar with a VLT ...................... Page 14
Quick Setup,
If you are not familiar with a VLT ................ Page 14
A simple connection example .................... Page 14
How to program ........................................ Page 15
Survey of terminals .................................... Page 16
Description of connection terminals............ Page 16
How to check connection of
control cables ............................................. Page 17
Prefuses .................................................... Page 17
Cables ....................................................... Page 17
Check grounding ....................................... Page 17
Commissioning and testing ....................... Page 18
Basic settings ............................................ Page 18
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VLT® 2000 Series
Quick Setup
If you are familiar with a VLT
If you know the VLT and how to move round in the menus and parameters, you can go directly to steps 1-9 overleaf to get started.
Quick Set
If you are not familiar with a VLT
If you have never operated a VLT frequency converter before, you can learn it on the basis of the instructions on page 15.
Connection example
A simple connection example
In the figure below you can see a simple connection example based on the Quick Setup programming overleaf.
After installation
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How to program
The Quick Setup shown is based on the assumption that you want your VLT to operate with the following setup:
1. External start/stop
2. Potentiometer connected for external speed control
3. Option to change rotation direction
4. Option to select a fixed speed (Jog)
If you use a brake module, you must program one parameter more, and two more if you
want local operation via the display keys. This will appear from the two tables at the bottom. To store the data press the “menu” key!
When you have connected your VLT, as described on the previous page, you must program a few parame­eters.
Perform steps 1-9 for Quick Setup.
After installation
Standard motor with constant torque load without brake module on the frequency converter
Step Parameter Designation Settings Display indication 1 000 Language Choose English ENGLISH 2 103 Motor power Read motor plate 3 104 Motor voltage Read motor plate 4 105 Motor frequency Read motor plate 5 201 Min. frequency Set wanted frequency 6 202 Max. frequency Set wanted frequency 7 215 Ramp up 1 Set wanted ramping time 8 216 Ramp down 1 Set wanted ramping time 9 Start This is done by supplying terminals 18 and 27
the frequency with 24 V DC from the frequency converter’s terminal 12 converter or by using an external 24 V DC voltage
If a brake module is mounted, make the following settings
Step Parameter Designation Settings Display indication 1 300 Brake function If a brake module is used, choose Applied APPLIED 2 Start This is done by supplying terminals 18 and 27
the frequency with 24 V DC from the frequency converter’s terminal 12, converter or by using an external 24 V DC voltage
If you want local operation and start, make the following settings
Step Parameter Designation Settings Display indication 1 003 Operation site Choose Local LOCAL 2 004 Local reference Record wanted output frequency by means
of the “+” and “” keys
MG.20.B6.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2000 Series
Survey of terminals
Below you will see a survey of all the terminals of a VLT frequency converter (3 x 380-460 V).
After installation
Description of connection terminals
Terminal 12: Internal voltage supply 24 V DC activates digital inputs such as Start/stop, Jog or Quick stop.
Terminal 18: Start/stop (Digital input) When 24 V DC is applied the motor starts
on condit-
ion that
digital input 27 (Quick stop) is connected
to 24 V DC.
you have made no local stop command
(“Stop/reset” key).
is > 0 Hz.
a reference signal has been given (see para. 402). Terminal 19: Reversing (Digital input)
When 24 V DC is applied to terminal 19, the motor starts reversing, either at once or after a stop com­mand. If you have chosen pulse start in para. 402 (terminal 18), the start reversing function of para. 403 is automatically a pulse-activated function.
Terminal 20: Digital common This terminal is the reference for all digital signals, including bus.
Terminal 27: Stop (Digital input) When you apply 0 V you can give different stop sig­nals. See also para. 404.
Terminal 29: Jogging (Digital input) This terminal allows you to activate a fixed preprogrammed speed. See para. 405.
Terminal 46: Output Using parameter 408 you can choose between different output signals. The output is an open collector output, and a pull-up resistor of min. 600 ohm must therefore be connected to terminal 12 (+24 V).
Terminal 50: Internal voltage supply With 10 V DC voltage you can set an analogue control signal using a 1 kohm potentiometer with ter­minal 55 as reference.
Terminal 53: Analogue control voltage Using parameter 412 you can choose between 0 ­+10 V DC or +10 - 0 V DC analogue voltage. The ter­minal is used together with terminals 50 and 55. The voltage value determines the output frequency and thus also the speed of the motor.
Terminal 55: Analogue common Is used together with terminals 50 and 53 or together with terminal 60.
Terminal 60: Analogue control current Using parameter 413 you can choose between four different input signals:
0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 20-0 mA or 20-4 mA.
The current value determines the output frequency. Terminal 61: Not used
Terminals 71-72: RS 232 port Connect the terminals to a PC, if you want to control the VLT frequency converter via PC software. Terminal 20 acts as digital common.
Terminals 81-82: Brake resistor By means of these terminals you can connect the brake resistor on units with brake function. Note the live voltage 550 V DC.
The control signals and the terminals for the brake module are described at the bottom of this page.
Mains Motor
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How to check connection of control cables
The VLT frequency converter must be connected so that it is possible to control it via the different signal inputs at the top of the enclosure.
Terminals 01-03: Relay output Max. 250 V, max. 2 A. Relay: Not activated Terminal 12: Supply to digital inputs 24 V DC, max. 140 mA Terminals 18-19: Digital inputs 0-24 V, Ri=2 kohm (max. 37 V for 10 sec.)
27-29 (min. on-time 80 ms.) Terminal 46: Digital output signal (open collector) Max. 24 V DC, max. 40 mA, min. 600 ohm Terminal 50: Supply to 1 kohm potentiometer 10 V DC, max. 12 mA Terminal 53 Analogue control voltage +0 - 10 V DC, Ri=10 kohm, +10 - 0 V Terminal 60: Analogue control current 0/4-20 mA, Ri=226 ohm, 20-0/4 mA Terminals 71/72: RS 232 standard bus 71 RXD, 72 TXD, 20 dig. ref. Terminals 81/82: Used in connection with brake resistor Terminal 20: Digital common Must be used as reference for all digital
Terminal 55: Analogue common Must be used as reference for all analogue
Prefuses must be installed in the mains supply to the frequency converter.
The cables to control signals and brake resistor must be screened. It is recommended to use unscreened motor cable.
Motor/mains cables (max. cable cross-section) Mains supply 1/ 3 x 208/220/230/240 V Mains supply 3 x 380-460 V 2010 2015 2020 2030 2040 2050 2020 2025 2030 2040 2050 2060* 4 mm2 for all VLT 2000 Series types 4 mm2 for all VLT 2000 Series types
Control cables (max. cable cross-section) Mains supply 1/ 3 x 208//220/230/240 V Mains supply 3 x 380-460 V 2010 2015 2020 2030 2040 2050 2020 2025 2030 2040 2050 2060*
1.5 mm2 for all VLT 2000 Series types 1.5 mm2 for all VLT 2000 Series types
How to check the grounding
The grounded line must be connected to terminal 94 (PE). If you use a thick cable this must be connected to the 6 mm large screw (terminal 95) in the bottom of the VLT frequency converter.
If you use screened cables, the screen must be con­nected to the screen termination bracket of the VLT frequency converter and brake resistor.
(Max. sizes)(Max. sizes)
(Max. sizes)(Max. sizes)
(Max. sizes) Mains supply 1/3 x 208/220/230/240 V Mains supply 3 x 380-460 V
2010 2015 2020 2030 2040 2050 2020 2025 2030 2040 2050 2060* 10 A 16 A 20 A 20 A 20 A 25 A 16 A 16 A 16 A 16 A 16 A 20 A
After installation
*) VLT 2060: Max. 415V
MG.20.B6.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2000 Series
c) Make a quick stop by means of disconnecting
between terminal 27 and terminal 12. Example of display indication:
During the simulation you can see that the VLT frequency converter reacts by watching the display indications.
If no external control has been
connected, you can choose to simulate the function of the VLT frequency converter locally via the keyboard. See description at the bottom of page 31.
5. Press the “Stop” key to stop the VLT frequency converter
before you connect the motor.
6. Test the whole system (repeat steps 4 and 5) with the motor connected to check the direction of rotation.
Commissioning and testing
When the VLT frequency converter has been connected to control signals, you may want to test the system. This following test is not suitable if you use the built-in PI controller.
1. Disconnect the motor from the VLT frequency converter.
2. Connect the VLT frequency converter to the mains.
3. Make the necessary settings such as min./max. frequency and connect the necessary control signals, possibly via PLC.
As a minimum you must set the parameters and connect the control signals as described in chapter 1, Quick Setup.
4. Make a simulation without motor: a) Give a start signal via a contact to terminal 18.
Example of display indication:
b) The speed (frequency) can be changed by
means of the potentiometer connected. Example of display indication:
After installation
00,0 Hz
23,7 Hz
30,0 Hz
Basic settings
The VLT frequency converter has been preset from the factory so that normally it will function after a few data values are recorded/changed. See Quick Setup on page 15.
The factory settings of the VLT frequency converter are listed on page
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VLT® 2000 Series
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
Chapter 1 How the VLT works ................................... Page 21
Chapter 2 ■ How to size your VLT ................................. Page 29
Product range, sizing, technical data
Chapter 3 ■ How to install your VLT .............................. Page 41
The connection terminals, dimensions, mechanical installation, electrical installation, and motor connection
Chapter 4 ■ How to operate your VLT ........................... Page 45
The control panel and the structure of the menus
Chapter 5 ■ The control possibilities of the VLT ............. Page 51
The menu groups and the various parameters
Chapter 6Chapter 6
Chapter 6Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Description of parameters ......................... Page 59
Chapter 7 ■ Display messages ..................................... Page 81
Status, alarm and warning and reset messages
Chapter 8 ■ Special conditions ..................................... Page 85
CE-labelling EMC, extreme operational conditions, electrical noise, air humidity, efficiency and du/dt measurements
Chapter 9 ■ Factory settings and service ...................... Page 97
Factory settings and fault location Form to note down the VLT parameter settings
Chapter 10 Subject index .......................................... Page 107
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Chapter 1 How the VLT is built up .............................. Page 22
The Danfoss VVC principle ........................ Page 23
Factory-programmed optimization............. Page 24
Control accuracy ....................................... Page 25
Protection against mains disturbance........ Page 25
Galvanic isolation....................................... Page 25
Advanced motor protection ....................... Page 25
Long motor cables .................................... Page 25
Functional diagrams .................................. Page 26
How the VLT works
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VLT® 2000 Series
Saved energy
Energy is saved when the motor runs at a speed which is continually matched to the momentary requirement. An example is a pump and ventilating plant, where a frequency converter can reduce energy consumption by the cube of the speed.
Improved process
Matching the speed to the production process has several advantages: an increase in production and a decrease in the consumption of materials and the scrapping rate.
Improved quality
The number of starts and stops is reduced. This avoids unnecessarily hard treatment of machine parts.
Less maintenance
The frequency converter requires no maintenance. In water supply plants there are no pressure surges which might damage the water pipes.
1. Mains supply
1 × 220/230/240 V AC, 50/60 Hz 3 × 208/220/230/240 V AC, 50/60 Hz 3 × 380/400/415/440/460 V AC, 50/60 Hz
2. Rectifier
Three-phase rectifier bridge rectifies AC to DC.
3. Intermediate circuit
DC voltage = 2 × supply voltage
4. Coils in the intermediate circuit (not all VLT 2000 units)
Smoothen DC voltage and limit mains supply interference (mains harmonics).
5. Capacitors in the intermediate circuit
Smoothen the voltage of the intermediate circuit (energy store).
6. Inverter
Converts DC voltage to variable a.c.voltage and variable frequency.
7. Motor coils (as module)
Advantages of motor coils:
You can use long motor cables.
Unlimited switching at the output of
the frequency converter (trip may occur).
8. Output
Variable a.c. voltage,10-100% of the supply voltage. Variable frequency: 0-120/0-500 Hz.
9. Control card
The integrated computer controls the inverter, which generates the pulse pattern by means of which DC voltage is converted to variable a.c. voltage and variable frequency.
How the VLT works
How the VLT is built up
A frequency converter is an electronic unit for infinite speed control of a.c. motors. The frequency converter controls the motor speed by converting the fixed volt­age and frequency of the supply mains, e.g. 400 V/ 50 Hz, to variable values. The frequency converter does this by rectifying a.c. voltage to DCvoltage and converting this to a.c. voltage with variable amplitude and frequency.
The variable voltage and frequency supplying the motor make infinite speed control of standard three-phase, asynchronous motors possible.Today the a.c. motor controlled by a frequency converter is a natural part of all automised plants. Apart from utitilizing the good fea­tures of the a.c. motor, the infinite speed control gives the user a multitude of additional advantages:
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The Danfoss VVC principle
VLT 2000 Series frequency converters use an inverter control system known as the Voltage Vector Control (VVC) developed by Danfoss. The VVC principle is superior to the traditional PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) principle used in most modern frequency converters in the following ways:
Full-rated motor voltage at rated motor frequency.
Near perfect resemblance to the sinusoidal
mains supply.
Extremely low switching losses, resulting in high converter efficiency.
The features are obtained through a special switching pattern: the switching intervals are very short, which means high switching frequency, and the six semiconductors of the inverter section are alternately
held inactive in pairs, throughout a 60° sine period. The current wave form of the motor current closely resembles that obtained on mains operation. The switching pause in 60° of the sine period also means that full-rated motor voltage can be obtained - and inverter switching losses are reduced by about one third.
The figures below show the switching pattern and maximum motor voltage according to the VVC principle and the traditional PWM principle respectively.
The full-rated motor voltage and the perfect current wave form mean that the Danfoss VLT 2000 Series allows full motor performance without any derating ­just like running the motor on the mains.
Motor voltage and simplified switching pattern according to the Danfoss VVC principle
Motor voltage and simplified switching pattern according to the traditional PWM principle
0 60 120 180 300 360240
0 60 120 180 300 360240
Switching pattern for phase U
Single phase voltage
Phase-phase voltage for motor
How the VLT works
MG.20.B6.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2000 Series
How the VLT works
Factory-programmed optimization
VLT Series 2000 has dynamic adaptation of the motor voltage and frequency. This ensures correct magnetisation of the motor, thus
providing optimum dynamics, accuracy or efficiency.
VLT has been designed for operation of the most common types of motors and loads. Once parameters 103,104, 105, 107 and 108 have been set according to the motor type plate, your motor operation will be optimum in most cases.
Individual adaptation of VLT and motor is done via parameters 109-112.
Start voltage increases the motor voltage at a given frequency. This increases the motor magnetization. The motor can yield a higher torque, but the disadvantage is that the motor losses are increased too. The result is a higher motor temperature. Excessive start voltage can cause a trip (cut-out).
Start compensation changes the motor voltage as a function of the load. The voltage will increase with higher motor current. Over-compensation will overheat the motor and give the risk of instability and can cause trip (cut-out). As the name indicates, the function is most effective at low motor speed.
U/f ratio This describes the pre-programmed U/f characteristics which indicate the relation between motor voltage (U) and frequency (f). The U/f ratio can be adjusted to ensure correct excitation of the motor, thereby helping to obtain optimal dynamism, accuracy or efficiency.
Slip compensation adds both frequency and voltage and compensates for the varying slip at varying load so that the motor speed is kept constant at varying load. Over-compensation may make the speed increase at increasing load. This means motor overload and risk of unstable motor operation.
Constant torque CT
Par. 104 = Rated motor voltage Par. 105 = Rated motor frequency Par. 107 = Rated motor current Par. 108 = Motor no-load current Par. 109 = Start voltage Par. 110 = Start compensation Par. 111 = U/f ratio Par. 112 = Slip compensation
MG.20.B6.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2000 Series
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How the VLT works
Control accuracy
Basically we distinguish between open loop and closed loop control.When the control is an open loop type the motor current acts as process feedback. The final result is therefore highly dependent on the characteristics of the motor. Note that large motors give a better result than small motors.
Open loop (depending on motor size) ±2.0 % 3-100 Hz (10-90% of max. torque) PI (closed loop) ±0.5% 1.2-100 Hz (-90 - +90% of max. torque)
A closed loop control incorporates a direct process feedback, which substantially improves the control accuracy. The stated maximum torque follows the power hyper­bola in the frequency range across the motor’s rated frequency.
Galvanic isolation
With the VLT 2000 Series safety isolation is standard, as the high-voltage parts of the power section are galvanically isolated from the low-voltage parts of the control section according to VDE 0160/0106 (PELV). Therefore PCs and the like will not be disturbed.
Advanced motor protection
The VLT 2000 Series has a built-in electronic thermal motor protection. The frequency converter calculates the motor temperature on the basis of voltage, current, frequency and time. The thermal motor protection is comparable with a thermal relay in the motor cables. Therefore it is superior to the traditional bi-metallic protection, where the altered cooling conditions due to the speed control are not taken into consideration.
Long motor cables
For the VLT 2000 Series motor coils in an IP 00 or IP 10 enclosure are available as modules. This makes it possible to install a long cable between motor and frequency converter. Motor coils are also included in the RFI and motor filter module in IP 20 enclosure. See page 34 for a speciffication of maximum cable length.
Programmable control inputs and signal outputs in 2 setups
The digital technique used in the VLT 2000 Series makes it possible to redefine the different control inputs and signal outputs and to program 2 different user defined setups. It is easy for the user to program the required functions on the keyboard of the VLT 2000 Series or via the RS 232 user interface.
Protection against mains disturbance
The VLT 2000 Series is protected against transients arising on the mains, e.g. when you switch in power factor phase-correction capacitors or when the supply is subject to lightning strikes. Adequate motor voltage and full torque can be main­tained down to 10% under-voltage on the supply mains.
MG.20.B6.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2000 Series
How the VLT works
Functional diagram VLT 2010-2030 single-phase/three-phase 208-240 V
MG.20.B6.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2000 Series
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Function diagram VLT 2040-2050, 3-phase 208-240 V
How the VLT works
MG.20.B6.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2000 Series
How the VLT works
Functional diagram VLT 2020-2060 three-phase 380-460 V
MG.20.B6.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2000 Series
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
Chapter 2 Selection of frequency converter ............... Page 30
Sizing ....................................................... Page 30
Product range ........................................... Page 31
Brake function ........................................... Page 33
Motor coils (module) .................................. Page 34
RFI and motor filter (module) ..................... Page
LC and RFI filter (module) .......................... Page 34
Dimensions ............................................... Page 35
Technical data ........................................... Page 38
How to size your VLT
MG.20.B6.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2000 Series
How to size your VLT
Selection of frequency converter
Usually the size of frequency converter is chosen on the basis of the shaft output, as this may be the only value known. However, if the data are known for both the application, the motor and the frequency converter, it is recommended to make a more accurate sizing.
The values must be based on the rated motor speed.
VLT 2000 only operates according to the CT (constant torque) characteristic
Sizing when you know the motor current
Exercise Conveyor plant with a 1.1 kW, 3 × 380 V motor. At continuous operation the motor current is 2.5 A ( 3 × 415 V).
Solution From the table on the next page you can see that a VLT type 2025 can yield 2.8 A at continuous opera­tion. The right solution is therefore VLT 2025.
Sizing on the basis of the apparent power S
[kVA] consumed by the motor
Exercise A motor must yield constant torque at continous operation. Usually the necessary values will appear from the motor plate or from the motor catalogue.
Solution From the table on the next page you can see that VLT type 2025 can yield 2.0 kVA (415 V) at continuous operation. The solution is therefore VLT type 2025.
Read values Motor current = 2.5 A (3 × 415 V)
U × I × √3
415 × 2.5 × √3
= 1.8 kVA
Sizing on the basis of the power requirement P
[kW] of the motor
Exercise A machine tool is driven by a 3 kW motor. The power requirement is indicated to be 2.4 kW. The motor efficiency η is 0.80, cos ϕ = 0.81 and the motor volt­age is 3 x 415 V. η and cos ϕ are measured at 3 kW output. We estimate η and cos ϕ to be approximately the same at 80 % load.
Solution From the table on the next page you can see that VLT type 2040 can yield 4.0 kVA (415 V) at continuous operation. The right solution is therefore VLT type 2040.
η × cos ϕ
2.4 kW
0.80 × 0.81
= 3.7 kVA
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