Danfoss Visual Chiller User guide

User Guide
Visual Chiller
for small units ready to be customized
Software Version 1.07
C ontents
User Interface ...............................................................................3
Main screen, Keyboard, Status, Alarm, Login, Start, Parameters,
Parameters ...................................................................................8
SetUp: ...........................................................................................8
Buzzer and relay ..........................................................................9
Serial setting ................................................................................9
Password ......................................................................................9
Unit Configuration .....................................................................10
Parameter: H06, H40, HEA ...................................................................10
Temperature Control .................................................................11
Parameter: rEG, rET, Sc1, rC1, SH1, rH1, SdC, SdH, rin, SOE, SOO 11
Maximum number of compressor starts per hour: .................13
Parameter: CT0, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7 ...................13
Inverter compressor ..................................................................14
Parameter: IV0, IV1, IV2, IV4, IV5 ........................................................14
Pump for the internal coil: ........................................................15
Parameter: P01, P02, AFr ......................................................................15
Valve in the liquid line ...............................................................16
Parameter: Pd1, Pd2, Pd3, Pd4............................................................16
Reversing cycle valve (4-way valve): ........................................17
Parameter: rE1 ..........................................................................................17
Compressor’s status ...............................................................................17
Defrost: .......................................................................................18
Parameter: d01, d02, d09, d10, d13, d14, d15, d16, d20, d21 18
Stepper motor valve setting for SuperHeat control: ..............19
Parameter: EEN, bAt, v10, EV0, EV1, EV2, EV3, EV4, EV5, EV6,
EV7, EV8, EV9 ........................................................................................... 19
SuperHeat control:: ...................................................................20
Parameter: SH0, N22, N10, N09, N19, N04, N20, N05, N11, N18,
N32, N17, N15, N21, o30 ...................................................................... 20
External coil ...............................................................................22
Parameter: F01, F02, FCS, FCD, FCi, FCd, FHS, FHD, FHi, FHd, .22
Stepless regulation of the fan: .................................................23
Parameter: F11, F12, F13 .....................................................................23
Heaters: ......................................................................................24
Parameter: HE1, HE2, HE3, HE4, HE5 ................................................24
ICE alarm: ...................................................................................25
Parameter: AIT, AID, AIA ........................................................................25
High pressure alarm: .................................................................26
Parameter: HPE, HPS, HPD ...................................................................26
Pressure alarms from analogue input:.....................................27
Parameter: Alr, AL1, LPC, ALE, LPS, LPD ..........................................27
Compressor high temperature alarms: ...................................28
Parameter: HT0, HT1, HT2 ....................................................................28
How to log data into SD card: ...................................................28
Parameter: SDL ........................................................................................28
Status variables: ........................................................................32
Software status: ....................................................................................... 32
Status: V01,…,V08, …, V11, …,V20, V22, V24, V26, V28, V29,V31, V34, …, V37,…, V40,V43, V44,V53, …,V57, V59, …, V61, V65,
V67, V68, V72, V75, V81,…, V83, V85 C01,…, C04 ........................ 32
Preparatory, see MCX Shape user guide: DKRCC.PS.RJ0.E3.02 MCXDesign manual: DKRCC.PS.RI0.Y3.02
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User Interface

Main screen, Keyboard, Status, Alarm, Login, Start, Parameters, I/O display, I/O Config, Service, Language, About
The user interface has been developed for LCD displays.
Note: playing with MCXShape, it is very easy to customize the structure and the visibility of the menu: so the following indication cannot match with all the compiled software
Main screen

Regulation set point

: Scroll UP, increase a value
: 3s when in main screen: toggle ON/OFF
: Scroll down, decrease a value
: 3s when in main screen: toggle Heat/Cool mode
: exit and save,
: when in main screen: access the active alarm list
: 3s when in Alarm screen: manual reset
The LEFT and RIGHT keys, if present, allow you to move the cursor to the desired option
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Menu Screen: Status
Menu: Alarm Each alarm is described through an alarm description (for LCD display only), an alarm code and
the time since its activation in the format hours:minutes:seconds (seconds for LCD display only). Note: You can also access alarm visualization by pressing the ESC key from the main screen.
The alarm is only reset if the alarm has ended and it will return you to the main screen. Note: Alarms can also be reset by pressing ESC for 3 seconds on the alarm screens
Menu: Login Parameters and Menu are organized into 4 access levels. Levels from 1 to 3 are linked to a password.
Elements cannot be accessed when they are on a higher level than the entry level. The level of each parameter and menu is defined with MCXShape
Level 0 is accessible without password
Levels 1-3 are linked to a password (Check parameters L01, L02 and L03)
Level 4 is not linked to a password, which can be used to make a menu or parameters never accessible.
You can log in from the menu:
if the password provided is not correct you remain on the login screen. Otherwise you return to the main menu.
Menu: Start
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Menu: Parameter This menu contains all the parameters.
The meanings of the parameters are explained in the last part of this manual
Menu: I/O Display Display input and output values
You have access to three screens showing all the input and output values; each screen shows a group of 8 I/Os. Use UP and DOWN keys to scroll. The second and third screens are used with MCX15 and MCX20 only. The example below shows the first screen.
Menu: I/O Config From the menu I/0 Config it is possible to change the position of all the inputs and outputs used
in the software
Note: “CAL”is the offset to add of the reading, the other items are the ones available in the MCXShape
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Menu: Service
Software info:
Note: This menu is shown for few seconds just after the power on
Device info:
RtC Setup:
Menu: Language
Hour Counters:
Note: Entering the “Reset Hour Counter” menu will set to zero both the compressors’ hour counters
Reset Data Log:
The Log data is available only for MCXxxxV; about how define the variable to log check parameter
SDL_ Enable SD Card Log
Note: Entering these menus will delete the Data log or the Events log in the SD card memory
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Menu: About This menu is shown for some seconds after the power is turned on
Note: it can be customized from the tab “User Interface” in MCXDesign part
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Parameter: y01, y03, y07,Cid

How to switch ON-OFF and change the application mode from the parameters.
y01- System ON/OFF O=OFF
Together with the digital input ON_On/Off the parameter y01 defines whether the machine is in the ON or OFF state The parameter y01 can be also changed from the menu/Start, by Modbus or CANBUS and from the start screen by holding the up-arrow key. Below the logic that manages the ON-OFF status, the ON status is always delayed by 3 seconds from the power ON
y03- System heat/cool O=Cool
Together with the digital input DHC_Heat/Cool, the parameter y03 defines whether the machine is in Cool or Heat mode: The digital input DHC_Heat/Cool is without predefined meaning, each time that it’ s switched, the parameter y03 is automatically changed.
Note: It works for H40<> 0
y07- Restore default parameters
Cid – Serial address (CAN) It defines the ID in the CANBUS communication
0=No means no action 1=Yes means that the default parameters (the ones used in the MCXShape) are loaded
Note: after the restore parameters process, the parameter y07 will be reset to zero
Note: the baud rate and the settings of the CANBUS communication are tuned through the bios menu or through the MYK
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Buzzer and relay

Parameter: BUZ, Adl, AOF

How to set it up.
BUZ- Buzzer activation time number
Adl- Alarm relay activation delay
AOF- Alarm relay active if unit in off
It is in minutes. It defines the maximum time that the buzzer can work; BUZ=15 means that there is no limit to the active time of buzzer
It is in seconds. It defines the delay of the alarm relay when there is an alarm
It defines whether the alarm relay works in OFF state of the chiller

Serial setting

Parameter: Cid, Ser, bAU, COM

How to configure the communication port.
SEr – Serial address (Modbus) Defines the ID in the Modbus communication
bAU – Serial baud rate
COM – Serial settings (Modbus)
Defines the baud rate in the Modbus communication
0 means Reserved: do not use 1 means 1200 bits/sec 2 means 4200 bits/sec 3 means 4800 bits/sec 4 means 9600 bits/sec 5 means 14400 bits/sec 6 means 19200 bits/sec 5 means 28800 bits/sec 8 means 38400 bits/sec 9 means 57600 bits/sec 8 means 115200 bits/sec
Defines the serial settings of the Modbus communication
0 means 8N1 1 means 8E2 2 means 8N2


Parameter: L01, L02, L03

How to change the password
L01, L02, L03-
Level x password
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Typing the parameter L0x, in the login screen, you will be able to see all the parameters and menu with level <= of X; The level of access is highlighted in the yellow square;
Unit Configuration

Parameter: H06, H40, HEA

General setting of the fridge circuit
Digital input: C11, C21 Digital output: C11, C21, HC1, HEA Analogue output: CI1
H06 – Number of compressors
per circuit
H40 – Heat pump type 0=No means that the software doesn’t perform the heating mode
HEA – Enable Heater 0=No means that the heater is not used
It defines the number of compressors in the circuit;
Note: the software manages only one circuit
1=GAS means that the software performs the heating mode, the internal coil acts as evaporator in cooling mode and condenser in heating mode 1=H2O means that the software performs the heating mode, the coils keep the same function in both heating and cooling mode
Note: one digital output “HC1_Reverse Valve C1” is reserved for controlling the reverse flow valve
1=Heat the heater is managed by parameters HE1 end HE2 2=Defrost the heater works only during defrost and is managed by parameters HE3 end HE4 3=Both the heater works like HEA=1 and HEA=2
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Temperature Control

Parameter: rEG, rET, Sc1, rC1, SH1, rH1, SdC, SdH, Rin, SOE, SOO

Digital input: SE2 Analogue input: Tin, TOE, SOV
rEG – Analogue input for
temperature regulation
rET – Regulation Type It defines the relation between the temperature gap and the power request to the circuits.
SC1- Cooling temperature
set point
rC1- Cooling temperature differential.
SH1- heating temperature set point
rH1- Heating temperature differential.
Rin- Ti
SdC- Offset for set point in
SdH- Offset for set point in heating
0= Tin : reference sensor is Tin_Tin Evaporator 1= TOUT : reference sensor is TOE_Tout Evaporator
0=P : Power request to the circuits increases proportionally with the regulation error, it is 100% when
the regulation error (the gap between set point and the reference sensor ) is equal to rC1 (rH1)
1=PI : the power request is the sum of P regulation (rET=0) more a component (Integral part) that
increases time by time in relation to the regulation error; the speed of the Integral part depends on the parameter Rin. In the PI regulation the balance is reached only when the regulation sensor gets to the set point.
It defines the set point in cooling mode
See parameter rET
It defines the set point in heating mode
See parameter rET
It is the integral time of the PI regulation, the bigger the value of Rin slower is the action of the Integral part. See parameter rET
In economy status and cooling mode the regulation set point is shift of SdC.
Note: the digital input SE2_Second set point defines if use comfort set point (SC1 or SH1) or the economy set point (SC1+SdC or SH1-SdH);
In economy status and heating mode the regulation set point is shift of SdH.
Note: the digital input SE2_Second set point defines whether the comfort set point (SC1 or SH1) or the economy set point (SC1+SdC or SH1-SdH) is used;
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