Danfoss VFH2-WG, VFH2-WH Installation guide [zh]

Installation Guide / 安装指南
Butterfly valves VFH2-WG/VFH2-WH 蝶阀VFH2-WG/VFH2-WH
Installation Demand/安装要求
Not recommendedNot recommended for DN35 - 600
不允许推荐安装方向 推荐安装方向 DN350-600 不推荐
© Danfoss | 2021.05
AN337051556487zh-010202 | 1
The valve is no leakage in both direction in shut off position. When installing, leave the butterfly valve partly open. Make sure there is enough distance between pipeline flanges to place the valve. Don’t add sealing gaskets between the flange and the valve.
Insert bolts into flange and tighten opposing nuts sequentially. Make sure that valve is aligned with the flange.
Fully open the valve. Make sure that the disc is centered and there is no jam between the valve and the disc.
Pipeline flange standard should be consistent with the butterfly valve flange standard. Make sure that the pipeline flange has enough surface for sealing. It is necessary to ensure that the butterfly valve plate does not collide with the inner diameter of the pipe during the opening process.
Avoid oil and impurity in the pipeline.
The butterfly valve must not be installed at the corner of the pipeline.
Don’t use the valve as a tool to increase the space between the pipeline flanges.
The installation and commissioning of the valve actuator are completed in the factory. Commissioning and dismounting should not be done on site.
阀门为双向密封结构。安装阀门时,蝶板应处于接近全关的位置。确定 管道法兰间有足够的距离将阀门插入法兰中间。蝶阀安装时无须再加密 封垫,蝶阀端面自带软密封面 。
将螺栓穿入法兰盘,用手或扳手对称轮流预紧螺栓,以法兰盘端面凸台 或外圆及阀体外圆为相互参照物,确认阀门是否与法兰盘对中。
谨慎地,轻轻地将阀门开启到全开位置,检查阀板是否对中,检查阀板 与法兰内孔有无磕碰现象。
管道对夹法兰标准需与蝶阀法兰标准相符,管道法兰端面与蝶阀软密封 端面需保证足够的接触面积用于密封,需保证蝶板在开启过程中与管路 法兰内径无磕碰。
2 | © Danfoss | DHS-SRMT/SI | 2021.05