User Manual
PLUS+1® Compliant
SDT_Pred_Temp Function Block

User Manual
PLUS+1® Compliant SDT_Pred_Temp Function Block
Revision history Table of revisions
Date Changed Rev
March 2021 Initial release 0101
2 | © Danfoss | March 2021 AQ331582944890en-000101

User Manual
PLUS+1® Compliant SDT_Pred_Temp Function Block
SDT_Pred_Temp Function Block
How the SDT_Pred_Temp Function Block Works.................................................................................................................4
Outputs................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Diagnostic Signals............................................................................................................................................................................6
Function Block Connections.........................................................................................................................................................6
Using Namespaces...........................................................................................................................................................................7
Change Namespace Value.......................................................................................................................................................7
Include Advanced Checkpoint with Namespace in Compiled Application...........................................................8
Status and Fault Logic.....................................................................................................................................................................8
Status Logic...................................................................................................................................................................................8
Fault Logic..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Legacy MC Controller—Input Configuration.........................................................................................................................9
Configure the MFIn.....................................................................................................................................................................9
Configure the AnIn..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
SC and Non-Legacy MC Controller—Input Configuration..............................................................................................10
Configure the MFIn..................................................................................................................................................................10
Configure the DigAn................................................................................................................................................................11
Customizable Service Screens...................................................................................................................................................11
Pre-Made Service Screen for SDT_Pred_Temp Function Block............................................................................... 12
Danfoss | March 2021 AQ331582944890en-000101 | 3

User Manual
PLUS+1® Compliant SDT_Pred_Temp Function Block
SDT_Pred_Temp Function Block
The SDT_Pred_Temp function block is intended to be used with the Danfoss Speed, Direction, and
Temperature sensor.
The function block contains additional logic to predict the temperature faster than the standard
SDT_Temp_Snsr function block.
Route the Temp on the page to the sub-BUS containing their respective hardware signals.
Input data types must exactly match the indicated type for a successful compile.
How the SDT_Pred_Temp Function Block Works
The following diagram illustrates, in a simplified way, how the SDT_Pred_Temp function block works.
1. Validate that temperature signal is in range.
2. Reduce signal noise by filtering the temperature signal. See the SignalFltrTm parameter in the
Parameters topic for more information.
3. Calculate the temperature value.
4. Pass the temperature through a median filter.
5. Determine the rate of change of the temperature signal, sampled every 1000 ms.
4 | © Danfoss | March 2021 AQ331582944890en-000101

User Manual
PLUS+1® Compliant SDT_Pred_Temp Function Block
SDT_Pred_Temp Function Block
6. Apply an offset determined by the rate of change, to the temperature value.
7. Smooth the step jump from step 5 and 6 by applying filtering. See the PredictFltrTm parameter in
the Parameters topic for more information.
8. Present the temperature to the application.
Inputs to the SDT_Pred_Temp function block are described.
Item Type Range Description [Unit]
Para BUS —— Adjust configuration values, or replace them with signals routed from the application through the
Para BUS.
Temp BUS —— Route from the signal bus of the input pin that accepts the temperature signal.
Volt/Voltage U16 0-2318 The measured voltage of the temperature signal. Used for temperature and fault detection.
Config BUS —— Contains input pin configuration values. Set by the function block to properly configure the input
MCXXX-0XX: PinConfig, PinConfig0, PinConfig1.
MC/SCXXX-1XX: Bias, Range, InputMode.
Use parameters to set the SDT_Pred_Temp function block's operating characteristics.
Item Type Range Description [Unit]
FaultDetTm U16 0-65535 Defines the time that an input must be outside the valid range before a fault is declared.
SignalFltrTm U16 0-65535 Signal Filter Time. Applies light filtering to the input signal, before prediction methods are
applied. The time constant of the exponential filter. If less than Loop_Tm, then Loop_Tm is used
for T1.
PredictFltrTm U16 0-65535 Prediction Filter Time. Applies filtering to the final temperature signal. The time constant of the
exponential filter. If less than Loop_Tm then Loop_Tm is used for T1.
EnPrediction BOOL T/F This signal allows for the prediction logic to be enabled or disabled.
T: Prediction is enabled.
F: Prediction is disabled, only signal filtering is applied.
Tolerance U16 0-800 If the difference between the predicted temperature and final filtered prediction is greater than
Tolerance, the prediction filter is set to the unfiltered prediction value.
If equal to zero, this option is disabled.
[0.1 Deg C]
Outputs of the SDT_Pred_Temp function block are described.
Item Type Range Description [Unit]
Diag BUS —— This BUS provides the diagnostic values for troubleshooting. Also all inputs, parameters, and
output signals are contained inside of the BUS.
Status U16 0x0000, 0x8008 Bitwise code where multiple items can be reported at a time.
0x0000: Status OK.
0x8008: At least one parameter is out of range.
Danfoss | March 2021 AQ331582944890en-000101 | 5