User Manual
S45 ETL Control
Purpose of this Manual...................................................................................................................................................................5
Before You Start................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Literature References.................................................................................................................................................................5
General Electronic Torque Control Information
PLUS+1 Compliance........................................................................................................................................................................6
Electric Torque Limiting Control Principle.............................................................................................................................. 6
LS Signal Line Orifice..................................................................................................................................................................7
Electronic Torque Limiting Control Characteristic............................................................................................................... 7
System Considerations when Implementing ETL
Electronic Torque Limiting and Load Sense Signals............................................................................................................9
Electronic Torque Limiting and Margin Erosion....................................................................................................................9
General Angle Sensor Information
PLUS+1 Compliance......................................................................................................................................................................10
Angle Sensor Principle................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Angle Sensor Characteristics..................................................................................................................................................... 10
J & F-Frame (45-90cc) Angle Sensor Identification Convention:.............................................................................11
E-Frame (100-147cc) Angle Sensor Identification Convention:...............................................................................12
Angle Sensor Electrical Specifications....................................................................................................................................14
Sensor Connector and MC012 Microcontroller Pin Assignments................................................................................ 14
Angle sensor DTM04-4P connector pin assignments................................................................................................. 14
Pre-compiled MC012 Pin Assignments............................................................................................................................ 14
Potentiometers, Pressure Transducers, and the PumpTorqCalc Function Block....................................................15
General PLUS+1 ETL Service Tool Information
System Overview............................................................................................................................................................................18
Torque Limit Setpoint...................................................................................................................................................................18
Torque Limit Setpoint Parameters..................................................................................................................................... 18
ETL Service Tool Setup
Angle Sensor Calibration.............................................................................................................................................................19
Angle Sensor Calibration Parameters................................................................................................................................20
Establish the Minimum Pump Displacement.................................................................................................................20
Establish the Maximum Pump Displacement with Engine Off................................................................................21
Establish the Maximum Pump Displacement with Engine Running.....................................................................21
Pump Setup......................................................................................................................................................................................22
Pump Setup Parameters........................................................................................................................................................ 23
Define Pump Displacement..................................................................................................................................................23
RPM Input Setup.............................................................................................................................................................................24
RPM Input Parameters............................................................................................................................................................ 24
Perform RPM Input Setup......................................................................................................................................................24
Torque Potentiometer Calibration.......................................................................................................................................... 25
Torque Potentiometer Calibration Parameters............................................................................................................. 25
Calibrate Torque Potentiometer.........................................................................................................................................25
Pressure Sensor Setup..................................................................................................................................................................26
Pressure Sensor Setup Parameters.....................................................................................................................................26
Select Pressure Sensor Setup............................................................................................................................................... 26
Torque Limit Profile Setup..........................................................................................................................................................27
Torque Limit Profile Setup Parameters.............................................................................................................................28
Establish Torque Limit Profile with Torque Curve........................................................................................................ 28
Establish Torque Limit Profile without Torque Curve................................................................................................. 28
Adjust Torque Setpoints........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Considerations for Establishing the Torque Limit Profile.......................................................................................... 29
Additional Setup
Boost Mode...................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Boost Mode Parameters.........................................................................................................................................................30
CAN Torque Setpoint Setup.......................................................................................................................................................30
Command Filter Setup.................................................................................................................................................................31
Danfoss | March 2015 L1519202 | BC00000345en-000101 | 3

User Manual
S45 ETL Control
Purpose of this Manual
Before You Start
This manual is intended to be a reference for customers using Danfoss S45 Open Circuit Axial Piston
Electronic Torque Limiting (ETL) pumps in conjunction with the keyed ETL MC012 and PLUS+1® Guide
Subsystem Application Block. The setup and operation of the PLUS+1® ETL software will be illustrated
with S45 ETL pumps by utilizing the ETL PLUS+1® service screens.
Users setting up an ETL system with both PLUS+1® software and S45 Open Circuit ETL pumps should have
a working knowledge of basic hydraulic systems, principles, and PLUS+1® Service Tools.
Users should also have access to PLUS+1® and S45 technical literature.
Literature References
Useful technical information on pump displacements, controls specifications, software, and operating
condition requirements can be found in the following literature.
Literature references
Literature type Literature title Literature number
Technical Information Series 45 Axial Piston Open Circuit
Service Manual Series 45 Frame J Open Circuit 520L0607
Series 45 Frame F Open Circuit 11005158
Series 45 Frame E Open Circuit 520L0606
Parts Manuals Series 45 Frame J 520L0585
Series 45 Frame F 11007197
Series 45 Frame E 520L0584
Repair Instructions Series 45 Frame J Open Circuit 520L0610
Series 45 Frame F Open Circuit 520L0821
Series 45 Frame E Open Circuit 520L0609
User Guide PLUS+1® Service Tool User Manual
Data Sheet PLUS+1® Controllers MC012-110 and
Product Electrical Installation MBS1250 Heavy Duty Pressure
(Also found under Help on toolbar)
Danfoss | March 2015 L1519202 | BC00000345en-000101 | 5

(ETL Signal
User Manual
S45 ETL Control
General Electronic Torque Control Information
PLUS+1 Compliance
All Series 45 Electric controls have met and passed the Danfoss PLUS+1 compliance standard testing, and
as such, this Series 45 control is PLUS+1 compliant. PLUS+1 compliance blocks are available on the
Danfoss website, within the PLUS+1 Guide section.
Electric Torque Limiting Control Principle
The Electronic Torque Limiting control consists of a normally closed proportional relief valve (PRV)
integrated into a Pressure Compensated/Load Sensing control. This control operates as a PC/LS control,
with the additional ability to limit load sense pressure using the integrated PRV by varying the current to
the solenoid. When combined with an angle sensor, this control allows for a PC/LS control with electronic
torque limiting.
J-frame pump with integrated ETL control
Pump torque consumption is a function of pump outlet pressure, pump displacement, and pump
mechanical efficiency. When pump mechanical efficiency is considered constant, the pump torque can
be limited when pump displacement is known and pump pressure is controlled. As pump displacement
increases, the pump outlet pressure can be limited using the PRV to result in a constant torque limit.
6 | © Danfoss | March 2015 L1519202 | BC00000345en-000101

0 50 100 150 200
Pump Displacement (cc)
Electronic Torque Limiting
Speed 1
Speed 2
Speed 3
User Manual
S45 ETL Control
General Electronic Torque Control Information
Pump outlet pressure is equal to the load sense pressure, which is limited with the PRV, plus the margin
pressure setting of the pump.
LS Signal Line Orifice
S45 Electronic Torque Limiting Controls require the use of an LS signal line orifice. The LS signal line
orifice is used to enhance system stability, as well as allow the limiting of torque throughout the full
range of pump pressure and flow. The standard 0.8 mm orifice is best suited for use in a wide variety of
applications. Please contact your Danfoss representative for further information on the availability of
additional LS signal line orifice sizes.
Electronic Torque Limiting Control Characteristic
The Electronic Torque Limiting control allows users to limit pump torque consumption electronically by
combining a pressure limiting PRV and angle sensor. This torque limit can be changed with varying
engine speeds (as shown in the Electronic Torque Limiting graph below), allowing the use of full engine
torque at all engine speeds and increasing machine productivity. A microcontroller is required to store
engine torque vs speed, receive the pump angle sensor signal, and then calculate and output the pump
outlet pressure limit. The basic torque limiting control logic for a single engine speed is shown below.
Danfoss offers a PLUS+1 subsystem application block for the Electronic Torque Limiting control option in
combination with keyed MC012-112 microcontroller hardware. The part number for the keyed
MC012-112 microcontroller is 11157484. Refer to graph Figure 1 for pressure vs. current information.
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User Manual
S45 ETL Control
System Considerations when Implementing ETL
When setting up an ETL system to function properly, you must account for LS signal line orificing and
margin erosion.
Electronic Torque Limiting and Load Sense Signals
Danfoss PVG valves, as well as many competitor valves, are manufactured with LS signal line orifices
installed in the pump inlet (PVP) module. These orifices enhance system stability by dampening the
highest load pressure signal before it is relayed to the open circuit pump. They also help limit the amount
of flow over the load sense relief valve inside the PVP.
It is important to ensure that when using these LS line orifices the highest resolved load sense pressure is
communicated to the pump or loss of some flow sharing functionality may occur. If you experience
symptoms of loss of flow sharing, some troubleshooting steps may include removing the LS line orifice in
the valve stack, or ensuring that the LS pressure rails are connected to each other when using two or
more different valve stacks. In this way, the highest load from the system is communicated to the pump.
Electronic Torque Limiting and Margin Erosion
A potential flow sharing problem may arise when several functions are actuated at the same time and
require a high flow demand from the pump. This problem may include a loss of movement in the highest
pressure function when many functions are actuated at the same time. This problem is margin erosion.
Margin erosion is caused when margin pressure is shifted from the operator-controlled valves to the LS
signal line orifice in the S45 pump. When this margin shifts too much, the valve cannot flow share
correctly. Danfoss PVG valve groups reduce this problem with compensator valves which remain open at
a very low margin pressure. This allows more aggressive torque limiting, particularly at low engine idle
speeds where torque limiting is most critical.
In addition to using valves with superior low pressure flow sharing characteristics, it is possible to use
calculations to identify problem areas where margin erosion can become a concern. Please contact your
Danfoss representative for more information on calculating and planning for margin erosion.
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AMR Sensor
Magnet Carrier
Deutsch Plug
User Manual
S45 ETL Control
General Angle Sensor Information
PLUS+1 Compliance
The Electric Angle Sensor has met and passed the Danfoss PLUS+1 compliance standard testing, and as
such, this Angle Sensor is PLUS+1 compliant. PLUS+1 compliance blocks are available on the Danfoss
website, within the PLUS+1 Guide section.
Angle Sensor Principle
The Series 45 Angle Sensor option allows users to measure the angle of pump displacement. The angle
sensor is an electronic sensor mounted to the housing of the pump, which reads the pump stroke angle
based on the swashplate position. Interfacing with the angle sensor is achieved through a 4-pin Deutsch
DTM04-4P receptacle attached to a flexible connection cable (for a mating connector, use Deutsch® plug
DTM06-4S). The sensor is mounted to the pump within an aluminum housing to prevent magnetic
Angle Sensor Characteristics
The angle sensor package incorporates two sensor signals (primary & secondary), within a single sensor
housing. This allows for improved accuracy and troubleshooting. For the ‘Angle Sensor – Right’ order
code in the K module, the sensor is positioned according to the following conventions.
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J Frame Angle Sensor Position
F Frame Angle Sensor Position
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Sensor Output (Volts)
Swashplate Angle (Degrees)
Sensor Output Voltage vs. Swashplate Angle
CW & CCW J & F-Frames (45-90cc)
Primary Output Voltage Secondary Output Voltage
User Manual
S45 ETL Control
General Angle Sensor Information
J & F-Frame (45-90cc) Angle Sensor Identification Convention:
When looking at the input shaft with the control on the ‘top’ side, the angle sensor will be viewed on the
right hand side. This convention is true for both Clockwise and Counter-clockwise rotation J & F-Frames.
This sensor location yields a unique voltage versus swashplate angle characteristic curve which is the
same for both Clockwise and Counter-clockwise rotation J & F-frames. Although each pair of curves will
be unique for individual pumps, a general example of what to expect is provided below for J & F units
with the ‘Right’ angle sensor position.
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