Data Sheet
Thermostatic sensor RAS-C
RAS-C 013G5015 RAS-C 013G5016
The RAS-C radiator sensors are for use on Danfoss radiator valves in all central and district
heating systems.
RAS-C sensors are self-actuating proportional
controllers with a small P-band, designed for
use in 2-pipe domestic heating systems.
RAS-C sensors are equipped with a snaplock
connection, which ensures quick, rm and
long lasting mounting onto the valve body,
without the use of any tools.
All RAS-C sensors incorporates a Frost Protection Setting.
RAS-C 013G5023
The RAS-C sensors also provide the option to
limit the temperature range. On 013G5016
both maximum and minimum setting temperature can be limited. On 013G5015 only
the maximum temperature can be limited.
The RAS-C construction is particularly robust,
with both end-stop strength limits and sensor bending force limits being substantially
above the requirements of the European
Standard EN 215.
Danfoss Heating Solutions VDFNQ302 © Danfoss 05/2015 1

Datasheet Thermostatic sensor RAS-C
Registration number:
RAS-C 5023
Information: www.tell-online.eu
A Label of EUnited Valves
Thermostatic Eciency
Ordering and
Type Sensor Colour Features Setting range
RAS-C 5015 Built-in White Temp. limitation min./max 15 - 28 ˚C 013G5015
RAS-C 5016
RAS-C 5023
2 VDFNQ302 © Danfoss 05/2015 Danfoss Heating Solutions
Built-in White Temp. limitaionmin./max 8 - 28 ˚C 013G5016
Built-in Black/White Temp. limitation 8- 28 °C 013G5023
Code no.