Tech Note
from Danfoss Comfort Controls
Date: 2005-05-13
New Danfoss logotype on all radiator sensors
In an effort to strengthen the Danfoss brand it has been decided to replace the
triangle front icon (left) on all radiator sensors with the Dan foss logotype (right).
This applies to all sensors, in all ranges: RA2000, Serviceelements RA/V and
RA/VL, RA-Plus, RTD, RTD-Inova, RTD-Plus, RTS, RAE, RAS, and FJVR. New
ranges like the X-tra Collection and Everis already have the new front design.
The transition will follow gradually from week 22-26, 2005.
Sensors produced after week 26 will all be with the Danfoss logotype; however
existing stock will be used first. Below you can see a list, when the different
sensor groups will start being produced with the new logo:
Week 22 Week 24 Week 26
RA-Plus RA2000 RTD
RAE RA/V and RA/VL RTD-Inova
Technical literature, such as illustrations on packaging, data sheets, internet etc.
will also be updated gradually. Please note that stock of packaging will not be
scrapped, but used before new packaging is introduced.
Danfoss Comfort Controls do not expect any problems with the introduction of
new logo on sensors. A similar introduction for RAW elements on the German
market has been executed without any difficulties.
All code-numbers stay unchanged
Technical support:
CD-ST, Jens Pagh Schmidt