M1, M2, K1, K2 Electric Proportional Controls for H1B Motors
Product overview
Electric proportional controls...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Electric proportional with PCOR................................................................................................................................................. 4
Electric BPD.........................................................................................................................................................................................4
M1CA and M2CA options.............................................................................................................................................................. 6
K1KA and K2KA options with PCOR...........................................................................................................................................8
K1K1 and K2K2 options with PCOR and electric BPD........................................................................................................10
Latest version of technical literature.......................................................................................................................................11
Mating connector parts list ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
M1, M2, K1, K2 Electric Proportional Controls for H1B Motors
Product overview
Electric proportional controls
The electric proportional control consists of a proportional solenoid which acts directly on a two-position,
three-way porting spool. When activated, the solenoid pushes on the spool which then ports high
pressure to the larger diameter of the servo piston. The servo piston and rotating group move to change
the displacement to the point where the pressures on the servo are in balance with the force from the
feedback spring.
De-energized = maximum displacement
With a de-energized to maximum displacement control, the de-energized proportional valve keeps the
motor at maximum displacement. When energized, the solenoid pushes on the porting spool which
moves to port high system pressure to the larger diameter end of the servo piston. Depending on the
current supplied to the proportional valve, the motor will stroke between maximum displacement at zero
current and minimum displacement at maximum current.
De-energized = minimum displacement
With a de-energized to minimum displacement control, the de-energized proportional valve keeps the
motor at minimum displacement. When energized, the solenoid pushes on the porting spool which
moves to port high system pressure to the larger diameter end of the servo piston. Depending on the
current supplied to the proportional valve, the motor will stroke between minimum displacement at zero
current and maximum displacement at maximum current.
Electric proportional with PCOR
In the de-energized state, the electric proportional control keeps the motor at minimum displacement
until system pressure rises above the PCOR setting. When the PCOR activates, it ports high system
pressure to the larger end of the servo piston, increasing the motor displacement to maximum.
Electric BPD
For propel applications, use the electric BPD option in conjunction with the PCOR option. The BPD shuttle
valve is located ahead of the pressure compensator control valve.
The BPD consists of an electric off/on solenoid and a two-position, three-way porting spool. The applied
logic allows the pressure compensator control to operate normally with high loop system pressure
during acceleration and cuts off the supply pressure during deceleration if the motor is running in a
pump mode (includes deceleration or overrun). This prevents rapid or uncontrolled deceleration while
the machine is slowing down. With the BPD solenoid de-energized, the porting spool is centered by
spring force.
The BPD solenoid must be controlled by a direction lever switch or an output signal from a microcontroller.
M1, M2, K1, K2 Electric Proportional Controls for H1B Motors
Product overview
B – Control options
M1Electric proportional control without electric PCOR, 12 V, de-energized = minimum displacement,
M2Electric proportional control without electric PCOR, 24 V, de-energized = minimum displacement,
K1Electric proportional control with electric PCOR, 12 V, de-energized = minimum displacement,
K2Electric proportional control with electric PCOR, 24 V, de-energized = minimum displacement,
C – Servo supply options
CAWithout brake pressure defeat (BPD)
KAWithout brake pressure defeat (BPD)
K1With BPD 12 V, de-energized BPD = PCOR active at port A, DEUTSCH DT 04-2P connector
K2With BPD 24 V, de-energized BPD = PCOR active at port A, DEUTSCH DT 04-2P connector
DEUTSCH DT 04-2P connector
DEUTSCH DT 04-2P connector
DEUTSCH DT 04-2P connector
DEUTSCH DT 04-2P connector
Only certain control options for the H1B motor use this electric proportional control. Please refer to the
motor’s nomenclature to determine if the motor is equipped with the proper option. You can find the
nomenclature on the motor’s nametag. For nomenclature details, refer to H1B Bent Axis VariableDisplacement Motors Technical Information, BC00000043.