Danfoss Modbus RTU Module User guide

User guide
Modbus RTU Module
for heat meter SonoMeter 30
Power supply
Communication interface
The Modbus RTU module is destined to heat meters in order the heat meters to Modbus RTU network using EIA-485 channel.
• Galvanic isolation EIA-485 network interface used for easy and safe connection up to 256 devices in one network bus.
• Modbus RTU Slave protocol is realized according to specifications by Modbus Organization.
Polarity independent connection for SELV power supply – connectors 60 and 61
Voltage: 12-24 V(AC/DC) Maximum power consumption: 2 W max. Typical supply current: 50 mA
Connectors 90 (noninverting, +) and 91 (inverting, -)
Communication protocol Modbus RTU
Baud rate (bits per second) 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600-default,19200,38400, 56000, 57600, 115200
Data format8E1
(8 data bits, even parit y bit, 1 stop bit)-default 8O1 (8 data bits, odd parity bit, 1 stop bit) 8N2 (8 data bits, none parity bit, 2 stop bits)
Status LED and Status Button functionality
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Status LED is signalizing every Modbus communication event. Status LED is blinking on during request and response sending.
Press the button, then power on the module and hold the button pushed longer than 15seconds to reset device to factory settings (set Modbus Slave ID todefault value 1, the Update Rate parameter to default 10 minutes and the communication interface to defaults parameters –9600 bps baud rate and 8E1 data format).
User guide Modbuster RTU module for SonoMeter 30
Modbus RTU Module for heat meters
Parameters which can be changed:
• ModBus address (Slave ID);
• Update Rate Data from Meter;
• Baud Rate
• Parity
• Stop Bits
Parameters can be changed using software called “Modbus Reader”.
1. First of all you need to open attached reading scenario called “Modbus.scn”. When it is opened, the main window which present in.
Fig 1 will be seen.
2. Then change device address, default is “1”.
3. Then click “Port Settings”.
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User guide Modbuster RTU module for SonoMeter 30
Modbus RTU Module for heat meters (continuo us)
4. Then immediately opens new window. In that new window choose the correctly parameters to read device.
• Parity – “Even”
• Stop Bits – “1 bit”
• Bits – “8”
• Baud rate – “9600 (default)” Then click “Ok”
5. Read the actual Modbus card.
6. In the value column near the parameter which you want to change simply enter the changeable value ant then press the button “Send command”. After this the parameter will be changed. In order to read Modbus card again you have to change “Port settings” or “Device address” if it has been changed.
7. If you need reset the ModBus module, you need to turn off the power supply from the 230V. Wait when the module discharge (about 5-10sec) and hold on the module “set” button then plug in 230V. You need to hold on the button until “LINK” led blinked. After all, the ModBus address back to default address.
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