Data Sheet
Micro Channel Heat Exchanger
Type MCHE D2300-C
Condenser – standard series
D2300-C is ideal for use in many dierent
applications, such as condensing units, air
driers and cabinet cooling.
MCHEs have an ingeniously simple allaluminum design that is not only lightweight
but also prevents galvanic corrosion.
The refrigerant-carrying tubes are formed to
optimize heat transfer, enabling the production
of more compact, but equally eective, cooling
solutions. The smart louvered n design
maximizes surface contact, reducing the airside pressure loss, improving eciency and
reducing noise levels.
• Reduce refrigerant system charge
• Improve eciency – More compact/better
COP/increased capacity
• Cost - Less sensitive to uctuations in raw
material prices
• Better corrosion characteristics due to allaluminum design

-40 °C / 121 °C
-40 °F / 250 °F
Performance [KW/Btu/h×1000]
Performance [KW/Btu/h×1000]
Performance [KW/Btu/h×1000]
Micro Channel Heat Exchanger, type MCHE D2300-C
Product specication
Technical data
Table 1: Technical data
Weight / internal volume
Coil weight: 1.391 kg / 3.06 lb
Internal volume: 0.23 l / 14.04 in
Material specication
MPE Tube: AA3102
Fins: AA3003Mod clad with AA4343
Manifold: AA3003 clad with AA4045
Side plate: AA3003
Inlet/Outlet tubes: Copper
Performance data
Table 2: Performance data of R410A and R134a
Table 3: Performance data of R404A and R407C
Table 4: Performance data of R290 and R452B
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