Data Sheet
Micro Channel Heat Exchanger
Type MCHE D1600-C
Condenser – standard series
D1600-C is ideal for use in many dierent
applications, such as chillers and commercial
split/roof tops.
MCHEs have an ingeniously simple allaluminum design that is not only lightweight
but also prevents galvanic corrosion.
The refrigerant-carrying tubes are formed to
optimize heat transfer, enabling the production
of more compact, but equally eective, cooling
solutions. The smart louvered n design
maximizes surface contact, reducing the airside pressure loss, improving eciency and
reducing noise levels.
• Reduce refrigerant system charge
• Improve eciency – More compact/better
COP/increased capacity
• Cost - Less sensitive to uctuations in raw
material prices
• Better corrosion characteristics due to allaluminum design

-40 °C / 121 °C
-40 °F / 250 °F
Performance [KW/Btu/h×1000]
Performance [KW/Btu/h×1000]
Micro Channel Heat Exchanger, type MCHE D1600-C
Product specication
Technical data
Table 1: Technical data
Weight / internal volume
Coil weight: 6.1 kg / 13.5 lb
Internal volume: 0.84 l / 51.26 in
Material specication
MPE Tube: AA3102
Fins: AA3003Mod clad with AA4343
Manifold: AA3003 clad with AA4343
Side plate: AA3003
Inlet/Outlet tubes: Copper
Performance data
Table 2: Performance data of R410A and R134a
Table 3: Performance data of R404A and R407C
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