Modular System Design.................................................................................................................................................................4
Design, Build, and Add the Fault Management Features to an Application
Before You Begin.............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Add Fault Management to Your Application.........................................................................................................................5
Determine the Fault Manager Features to Create................................................................................................................5
Complete the Fault-Definition Spreadsheet.......................................................................................................................... 5
Adding and Moving Spreadsheet Columns...................................................................................................................... 6
Make Fault Connections in the Function Block.....................................................................................................................7
Fault_Clock Function Block...........................................................................................................................................................8
FltMgr_IntFace Function Block....................................................................................................................................................9
Expand Space for Fault History.............................................................................................................................................. 9
Configure the Service Tool Screens.........................................................................................................................................11
Install the .p1d File................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Configure the FaultDescriptions.js file..............................................................................................................................12
Launch the Fault Monitor...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Example Fault Manager Service Tool Screen with Professional License....................................................................13
Example Fault Manager Service Tool Screen with Standard License..........................................................................14
Use the Detailed Fault Manager Service Tool Screen.......................................................................................................14
Danfoss | September 2019AQ316177216676en-000103 | 3
User Manual
PLUS+1® Function Block Library—Fault Manager
Fault Manager Overview
The Fault Manager allows you to design and develop fault management functions for machine
applications in an simple, iterative manner.
Your input to a macro-enabled spreadsheet is used to generate all of the PLUS+1® GUIDE interface files
that are needed to monitor each connected, potential fault source in a machine.
The Fault Manager also generates an interface file for service tool screens, making it easy to display
current faults, as well as the history of previous faults and how often they occur.
The Fault Manager consists of components that are available as an SDL library in PLUS+1® GUIDE. To add
fault management features to an application, drag the desired components onto the GUIDE canvas and
make a simple connection.
You can successfully compile your application at this point, even before connecting any components that
might generate errors. This flexibility lets you define the application's faults iteratively, over time. During
development, you may complete or tweak information in the fault-definition spreadsheet then re-run the
macro. All the new or updated interface files are then created for the application.
Modular System Design
The Fault Manager Library contains components that can be used to add diagnostic functions to
applications on an as-needed basis.
The modular design of the Fault Manager lets your application collect diagnostic data from services such
as CANopen and J1939.
The Fault Manager Standard function block collects data that can be used for Diagnostic Messages (DM)
DM1 and DM2.
The assembled Fault Management system is limited only by the memory available in the controller. The
Fault Manager Standard option can handle up to 3375 individual faults, including faults of the Fault
Manager itself.
Design, Build, and Add the Fault Management Features to an Application
Determine the fault management features to add to the application, complete the fault-definition
spreadsheet, and connect faults to the Fault input bus of the Fault Manager block in the PLUS+1® GUIDE
Before You Begin
Before you add Fault Manager components to your application, make sure you have the required
software tools installed.
Ensure these software programs and libraries are installed on the computer where you develop
PLUS+1® GUIDE version 10.1 or later.
PLUS+1® Service Tool version 10.1 or later.
Download and install the Fault Manager library in PLUS+1® GUIDE.
Microsoft Excel.
Add Fault Management to Your Application
Open the application that you want to add fault management to, then drag and drop the desired Fault
Management components onto the development canvas.
You can add the desired Fault Manager function block options to your application, even before any
potential fault sources are connected.
1. Select the Function tab in the right panel of PLUS+1® GUIDE.
2. Expand the Fault Manager library, then select the Fault Manager block you want to use in yourapplication. For Fault Manager Standard, select Fault_Mgr_Std.
3. Drag the function block onto the PLUS+1® GUIDE canvas.
4. In the window that appears, click Yes to confirm that you want to add the interface files and the
spreadsheet to your application.
The interface files and spreadsheet are added to the Project Manager panel.
5. Connect the two block inputs HstClear and HstErase to False Constant components. Later, you can
use these inputs to add optional external control over history memory.
You can compile the application successfully at this point. Or, if desired, you can complete the faultdefinition spreadsheet with as much information as is ready, gradually adding fault management
functions to the application.
Determine the Fault Manager Features to Create
Design the fault management functions wanted in the application, such as the types of fault information
to collect and how this information is used.
This work helps you complete the macro-enabled spreadsheet, where you will enter:
The variable name for the fault in PLUS+1® GUIDE.
The fault description, for use in a service tool application.
Number of severity levels required and the severity level of each fault. Severity level zero is the
highest level.
Whether or not the fault should be latching.
SPN/FMI numbers for each fault if DM1 and DM2 are used.
Do not enter information into the DM4 column.
Complete the Fault-Definition Spreadsheet
Complete the fault-definition spreadsheet with the fault features desired, then run the macro to generate
the interface files that make fault management available in the application.
When completing the fault-definition spreadsheet, follow these rules and recommendations:
Danfoss | September 2019AQ316177216676en-000103 | 5
User Manual
PLUS+1® Function Block Library—Fault Manager
Design, Build, and Add the Fault Management Features to an Application
When entering PLUS+1® GUIDE Variable Names, ensure the first character is a lowercase letter (a-z)
and the last character is either a lowercase letter or number (0-9). This is a limitation of the underlying
language structure. If you use an uppercase letter in these locations, the uppercase letter is changed
to lowercase when you click BUILD PROJECT in order to be compatible with PLUS+1® GUIDE.
You are not required to complete all the fields on the spreadsheet. However, the recommended
minimum fields to complete for each fault are:
PLUS+1® GUIDE Variable Name
Short Fault Description
Indicate if the fault is latched. Define most faults as latching, except those you want to clear when the
fault is removed, such as calibration faults.
Fault Severity Level. See Defining Fault Severity Levels for more information.
If you are just trying to learn more about the Fault Manager, note that only one column of the
spreadsheet – the first one, GUIDE Variable Name – must be completed before you run the BUILDPROJECT macro.
After completing the only required column, connect the faults to the function block's Fault input bus in
PLUS+1® GUIDE, then compile the application. Using this approach, all faults are then assumed to be nonlatching and have maximum (zero) severity. Also, no descriptions are available for the Service Tool.
If SPN and FMI are left blank, zeros are used as inputs.
1. Open the spreadsheet: by double-clicking EnterFaultDefinitions.xlsm in the Documents folder in
the Project Manager panel.
Complete each column of the spreadsheet with the desired information.
Only one column is mandatory: GUIDE Variable Name.
a) From the Project Manager tab in PLUS+1® GUIDE, open the Documents folder.
b) Double click on the EnterFaultDefinitions.xlsm file to open it in Excel.
3. In PLUS+1® GUIDE, accept the prompts to overwrite the interface files.
Interface files are created, as are the faults that are to be connected in the application.
Defining Fault Severity Levels
Follow these recommendations when defining the fault severity levels.
Severity level 0 is the highest level in this system.
To define how many severity levels are needed, set the severity levels at the extreme ends with just two
faults. A system is created with that many levels.
For example, if you set one fault to 0 and another to 3, a four-level severity system is created, leaving the
in-between levels empty internally, ready for use. It is suggested that you fully populate the severity
levels when possible to avoid unused and forgotten levels.
To revise the layout:
1. Change spreadsheet entries.
2. Click BUILD PROJECT to re-run the macro.
Adding and Moving Spreadsheet Columns
You can move columns in the spreadsheet as well as add user-defined columns to the spreadsheet.
Use the usual Excel steps to add or move columns. If you are moving a column, make sure to highlight an
entire column and not just the data within the column before the move. Moving data to a column where
that data is not intended to be used may result in data type mismatch errors and incorrect operation of
the Fault Manager.