Fact Sheet
ExtensionBoxTM for VLT® OneGearDrive®
Increase the available torque in conveyor applications up to 1000 Nm with
easy to install extension for the VLT® OneGearDrive®.
Long and broad conveyors, such as
those used for buff ering and accumulation tables, or unpressurized
reunifi cation in fi lling lines, often
require a high torque. Although the
VLT® OneGearDrive® already delivers
high torque over a wide speed range,
certain applications may demand more.
Easy to install
The ExtensionBox™ is an accessory
that is designed to be easy to attach
to any OneGearDrive, which then can
be fitted to the conveyor frame with a
torque arm. Power is transmitted to the
conveyor via a special belt. As a result
known disadvantages of a gear stage
are avoided. Instead, owners now have
an oil and maintenance free solution
that extends the available torque of
the permanent magnet motor driven
OneGearDrive significantly.
Easy spare parts handling
The ExtensionBox™ offers an additional
advantage in that the number of
OneGearDrive variants in stock in the
plant is not increased. This supports
owners in keeping storage and
maintenance costs low.
Broader application area
The VLT OneGearDrive is already
an industry favorite as part of
Danfoss VLT® FlexConcept®, which is
widely used in the food and beverage
industry to increase energy effi ciency
and reliability.
With the new extension box, the
OneGearDrive extends the scope of
FlexConcept to other high torque
applications that now also can utilize
energy-effi cient and matched
Feature Benefit
– High system effi ciency incl.
VLT® OneGearDrive® and VLT® frequency
– Completely smooth enclosure leaves no
crevics or dirt traps
– Only one ratio extends the torque range of
the OneGearDrive up to 1000 Nm
– Gearbox without breather vents and
oil free operation
– Service port
– 40 mm hollow shaft optional with 1.5” or
high quality stainless steel (AISI 316 Ti)
– Save money and energy – up to 40% energy
compared to conventional systems
– Easy to clean
– Save production
– Up to 70% reduction in variants reduces spare
part stock
– Reduces maintenance costs lower-
contamination risks
– Flexible adaption to customer standards
– Enhanced corrosion resistance
Torque arm fastening set
Customer support frame
183 112
135 - 0.2
92.5 ( = 185/2 )
Danfoss VLT Drives, Ulsnaes 1, DK-6300 Graasten, Denmark, Tel. +45 74 88 22 22, Fax +45 74 65 25 80, www.vlt-drives.danfoss.com, E-mail: info@danfoss.com
DKDD.PFM.700.A2.02 © Copyright Danfoss Power Electronics | Danfoss VLT Drives PE-MSMBM | 2015.03