Floor heating system with electronic supply temperature control. The supply temperature is set to a fixed
The system uses a PT1000 sensor to detect and control the supply temperature and is also used to ensure
that the temperature does not exceed the max. allowed temperature. If connected, the system will control
the circulation pump and the heat demand signal for e.g. a boiler or heat pump. The pump and heat
demand signal will be on when minimum 1 circuit has a heat demand. Output 1 must be used for TWA on
mixing shunt.
The Global standby is a potential free input that can be used to remotely put the system in Global away
mode e.g. via an external 3rd party GSM module. When global standby input is active, all rooms receive a 15
degree celcius setpoint.
“SET 1” = Set desired supply flow temperature [25-70°C]
“SET 2” = Set desired safety cut-off temperature [30-75°C]
Note: temperature must be higher than flow temperature.
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Application test function
Enter the “Test” menu via the installer key.
The Application test (APP test) is specific for each application. The test is split into steps to ensure that all components are installed correctly. Please follow the process.
Test steps
Step 1:1 Go to mixing shunt control valve actuator, and
verify that the valve opens fully (up to 3 minutes opening
time can be expected). After 5 minutes, the mixing shunt
valve actuator will close again.
During the 5 minute test period, the display on the Master
Controller will also show the measured supply flow temperature in the display.
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Application 0002: 2-pipe system with demand based supply temperature
Optional: Global standby.
Application description
Floor heating system with electronic supply temperature control.
The demand based supply temperature is controlled depending on the heat demand from the rooms.
The system uses a PT1000 sensor to detect the supply temperature and is also used to ensure that the
temperature does not exceed the max. allowed temperature via a safety Tmax. If connected, the system
will control the circulation pump and the heat demand signal for e.g. a boiler or heat pump. The pump and
heat demand signal will be on when minimum 1 circuit has a heat demand. Output 1 must be used for
TWA on mixing shunt.
The Global standby is a potential free input that can be used to remotely put the system in Global away
mode e.g. via an external 3rd party GSM module. When global standby input is active, all rooms receive a 15
degree celcius setpoint.
“SET 1” = Set desired min. supply flow temperature [25-65°C]
“SET 2” = Set desired max. supply flow [30-70°C]
Note: temperature cannot be set less than 5°C higher than min. supply flow temperature.
“SET 3” = Set desired safety cut-off temperature [30-75°C]
Note: temperature must be higher than flow temperature.
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Application test function
Enter the “Test” menu via the installer key.
The Application test (APP test) is specific for each application. The test is split into steps to ensure that all components are installed correctly. Please follow the process.
Test steps
Step 1:1 Go to mixing shunt control valve actuator, and
verify that the valve opens fully (up to 3 minutes opening
time can be expected). After 5 minutes, the mixing shunt
valve actuator will close again.
During the 5 minute test period, the display on the master
controller will also show the measured supply flow temperature in the display.
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Application 0003: 2-pipe system with automatic changeover for cooling based
on supply temperature.
Optional: Dewpoint sensor (recommended), Global standby, Circulation pump and heat demand
Application description
Floor heating system with automatic changeover for cooling based on supply temperature input.
The supply temperature is monitered using a PT1000 sensor. Based on the measurement, the system
switches to heating or cooling. If connected, the system will control the circulation pump which will be
turned on when minimum 1 room has a heat or cooling demand.
The heat signal for e.g. a boiler or heat pump is only activated when the system is in heating mode and
minimum 1 room has a heat demand. For cooling applications it is always recommended to have a dew
point sensor installed in the system to prevent moisture damage to floor and installations in cases where
the relative humidty exceeds dew point.
The Global standby is a potential free input that can be used to remotely put the system in Global away
mode e.g. via an external 3rd party GSM module. When global standby input is active, all rooms receive a 15
degree celcius setpoint.
“SET 1” = Set supply flow temperature for change-over to heating [25-55°C]
“SET 2” = Set supply flow temperature for change-over to cooling [15-25°C]
Note: temperature cannot be set higher than 2°C lower than heating change-over temperature.
Settings on thermostat
Excluding rooms from cooling: To exclude a room from cooling - typically in bathrooms where cooling
would be uncomfortable - go to thermostat and set menu to . See Thermostat Installation Guide
for further information.
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Application test function
Enter the “Test” menu via the installer key.
The Application test (APP test) is specific for each application. The test is split into steps to ensure that all components are installed correctly. Please follow the process.
Test steps
Step 1:1 During the 1 minute test period, the display on
the master controller will show the measured supply flow
temperature in the display.
Parts list
Pos. 1087B11651 pc. ESM-11 PT1000 sensor
Pos. 2088U05XX / 088U06XX / 088U07XX 1 set Danfoss Manifold (types FHF or BasicPlus or SSM)
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Application 0004: 2 pipe system with heat pump controlled changeover to
Optional: Dewpoint sensor (recommended), Circulation pump and heat demand signal.
Application description
Floor heating system with automatic changeover for cooling controlled by heat source e.g. heat pump.
The heat pump provides the cooling signal to the DanfossIcon™ Master, when the heat pump goes into
cooling mode thus activating cooling mode. If connected, the system will control the circulation pump and
it will be turned on when minimum 1 room has a heat or cooling demand.
The heat signal for e.g. a boiler or heat pump is only activated when the system is in heating mode and
minimum 1 room has a heat demand. For cooling applications it is always recommended to have a dew
point sensor installed in the system to prevent moisture damage to floor and installations in cases where
the relative humidty exceeds dew point.
No settings necessary.
Settings on thermostat
Excluding rooms from cooling: To exclude a room from cooling - typically in bathrooms where cooling
would be uncomfortable - go to thermostat and set menu to . See Thermostat Installation Guide
for further information.
Application test function
Not relevant.
Parts list
Pos. 1NA1 pc. heat pump
Pos. 2088U05XX / 088U06XX / 088U07XX 1 set Danfoss Manifold (types FHF or BasicPlus or SSM)
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Application 0005: 2 pipe system with hybrid Air/water heat pump with integrated condensing boiler (example: Itho Cool Cube). Change over ordered from
reference room thermostat.
Optional: Dewpoint sensor (recommended) and Global standby.
Application description
Floor heating system with cooling done via e.g. Coolcube used as heating and cooling source.
The Icon™ system controls the heat and cooling demand by activating the corrosponding relay (PWR1
and potential free relay). For cooling applications it is always recommended to have a dew point sensor
installed in the system to prevent moisture damage to floor and installations in cases where the relative
humidty exceeds dew point. Four conditions must be true before cooling in a room is allowed:
• Reference room temperature must exceed the room setpoint + cooling hysterhesis.
• No room has called for heating within neutral time.
• The dew point sensor must not be active / no condensation risk present.
• The room thermostat must be enabled for cooling (default = enabled).
The Global standby is a potential free input that can be used to remotely put the system in Global away
mode e.g. via an external 3rd party GSM module. When global standby input is active, all rooms receive a 15
degree celcius setpoint.
“SET 1” = Set desired cooling hysterhesis for change-over [+2 to +4K]
“SET 2” = Set neutral time that must pass without active heating or cooling, before change-over can be
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Settings on thermostat
Excluding rooms from cooling: To exclude a room from cooling - typically in bathrooms where cooling
would be uncomfortable - go to thermostat and set menu to . See Thermostat Installation Guide
for further information.
Choose reference room thermostat: To assign a thermostat as reference room thermostat, go to the
desired reference room thermostat and in menu set to .
When selected the thermostat will control when the system goes from heating mode to cooling mode
based on the actual temperature in the room.
It is only possible to have one reference thermostat per system and if more than one thermostats are
assigned as reference, the last assigned will overwrite the previous reference room thermostats and cause
these to revert to normal function.
Application test function
Enter the “Test” menu via the installer key.
The Application test (APP test) is specific for each application. The test is split into steps to ensure that all components are installed correctly. Please follow the process.
Test steps
Step 1:3 During the first minute of the test, the heat
source is set to "heating mode" via "PWR1 output". Check
on heat source user interface that heating is active.
Step 2:3 During the second minute of the test, the heat
source is set to "cooling mode" via "Relay output". Check
on heat source user interface that cooling is active
Step 3:3 During the third minute of the test, the heat
source is set to "neutral mode", neither heating nor cooling
is active.
Parts list
Pos. 1NA1 pc. e.g. Coolcube
Pos. 2088U05XX / 088U06XX / 088U07XX 1 set Danfoss Manifold (types FHF or BasicPlus or SSM)
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Application 0006: 3-pipe system with cooling control via motorized valve and
common return, change over signal ordered by reference room thermostat.
Optional: Dewpoint sensor (recommended), Global standby and heat demand signal relay.
Application description
3 -pipe Floor heating system with cooling controlled via motorized valve and common return.
The Icon™ system controls the heat and cooling demand by activating the corresponding relay (PWR1
and PWR2). For cooling applications it is always recommended to have a dew point sensor installed in the
system to prevent moisture damage to floor and installations in cases where the relative humidty exceeds
dew point. Four conditions must be true before cooling in a room is allowed:
• Reference room temperature must exceed the room setpoint + cooling hysterhesis.
• No room has called for heating within neutral time.
• The dew point sensor must not be active / no condensation risk present.
• The room thermostat must be enabled for cooling (default = enabled).
The Global standby is a potential free input that can be used to remotely put the system in Global away
mode e.g. via an external 3rd party GSM module. When global standby input is active, all rooms receive a 15
degree celcius setpoint.
“SET 1” = Set desired cooling hysterhesis for change-over [+2 to +4K]
“SET 2” = Set neutral time that must pass without active heating or cooling, before change-over can be
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Settings on thermostat
Excluding rooms from cooling: To exclude a room from cooling - typically in bathrooms where cooling
would be uncomfortable - go to thermostat and set menu to . See Thermostat Installation Guide
for further information.
Choose reference room thermostat: To assign a thermostat as reference room thermostat, go to the
desired reference room thermostat and in menu set to .
When selected the thermostat will control when the system goes from heating mode to cooling mode
based on the actual temperature in the room.
It is only possible to have one reference thermostat per system and if more than one thermostats are
assigned as reference, the last assigned will overwrite the previous reference room thermostats and cause
these to revert to normal function.
Application test function
Enter the “Test” menu via the installer key.
The Application test (APP test) is specific for each application. The test is split into steps to ensure that all components are installed correctly. Please follow the process.
Test steps
Step 1:2 During the first minute of the test, the AMZ 113
valve is set to "heating mode" via "PWR1 output going
ON". Check on valve/actuator that position is correct for
Step 2:2 During the second minute of the test, the AMZ
113 valve is set to "cooling mode" via "PWR1 output going
OFF". Check on valve/actuator that position is correct for
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Application 0007: 3-pipe system with cooling control via thermal actuators and
common return controlled by reference room thermostat.
Optional: Dewpoint sensor (recommended), Global standby, pump relay and heat demand signal.
Application description
3 -pipe Floor heating system with cooling controlled via thermal actuators and common return.
The Icon™ system controls the heat and cooling demand by activating the corresponding outputs (M1 and M2). For cooling applications it is always recommended to have a dew point sensor installed in the system
to prevent moisture damage to floor and installations in cases where the relative humidty exceeds dew
point. Four conditions must be true before cooling in a room is allowed:
• Reference room temperature must exceed the room setpoint + cooling hysterhesis.
• No room has called for heating within neutral time.
• The dew point sensor must not be active / no condensation risk present.
• The room thermostat must be enabled for cooling (default = enabled).
The Global standby is a potential free input that can be used to remotely put the system in Global away
mode e.g. via an external 3rd party GSM module. When global standby input is active, all rooms receive a 15
degree celcius setpoint.
“SET 1” = Set desired cooling hysterhesis for change-over [+2 to +4K]
“SET 2” = Set neutral time that must pass without active heating or cooling, before change-over can be
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Settings on thermostat
Excluding rooms from cooling: To exclude a room from cooling - typically in bathrooms where cooling
would be uncomfortable - go to thermostat and set menu to . See Thermostat Installation Guide
for further information.
Choose reference room thermostat: To assign a thermostat as reference room thermostat, go to the
desired reference room thermostat and in menu set to .
When selected the thermostat will control when the system goes from heating mode to cooling mode
based on the actual temperature in the room.
It is only possible to have one reference thermostat per system and if more than one thermostats are
assigned as reference, the last assigned will overwrite the previous reference room thermostats and cause
these to revert to normal function.
Application test function
Enter the “Test” menu via the installer key.
The Application test (APP test) is specific for each application. The test is split into steps to ensure that all components are installed correctly. Please follow the process.
Test steps
Step 1:3 During the first five minutes, the output 1
is set to "ON" = heating mode/hot flow side (up to 3
minutes opening time can be expected).
Step 2:3 During next five minutes, the output 1 is
set to "OFF", and the outputs 3 & 4 are set to "ON"
= cooling mode/cold flow side (up to 3 minutes
opening time can be expected).
Step 3:3 During last 5 minutes, all outputs 1 and 2
should close.
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Application 0008: 3-pipe system with cooling control via motorized actuators
and common return controlled by reference room thermostat.
Optional: Dewpoint sensor (recommended), Global standby, pump relay and heat demand signal.
Application description
3 -pipe Floor heating system with cooling controlled via motorized actuators and common return.
The Icon™ system controls the heat and cooling demand by activating the corrosponding outputs (PWR1
and potential free relay). For cooling applications it is always recommended to have a dew point sensor
installed in the system to prevent moisture damage to floor and installations in cases where the relative
humidty exceeds dew point. Four conditions must be true before cooling in a room is allowed:
• Reference room temperature must exceed the room setpoint + cooling hysterhesis.
• No room has called for heating within neutral time.
• The dew point sensor must not be active / no condensation risk present.
• The room thermostat must be enabled for cooling (default = enabled)
If no heating or cooling demand is present, the two shut-off valves will close (AMZ 112).
The Global standby is a potential free input that can be used to remotely put the system in Global away
mode e.g. via an external 3rd party GSM module. When global standby input is active, all rooms receive a 15
degree celcius setpoint.
“SET 1” = Set desired cooling hysterhesis for change-over [+2 to +4K]
“SET 2” = Set neutral time that must pass without active heating or cooling, before change-over can be
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Settings on thermostat
Excluding rooms from cooling: To exclude a room from cooling - typically in bathrooms where cooling
would be uncomfortable - go to thermostat and set menu to . See Thermostat Installation Guide
for further information.
Choose reference room thermostat: To assign a thermostat as reference room thermostat, go to the
desired reference room thermostat and in menu set to .
When selected the thermostat will control when the system goes from heating mode to cooling mode
based on the actual temperature in the room.
It is only possible to have one reference thermostat per system and if more than one thermostats are
assigned as reference, the last assigned will overwrite the previous reference room thermostats and cause
these to revert to normal function.
Application test function
Enter the “Test” menu via the installer key.
The Application test (APP test) is specific for each application. The test is split into steps to ensure that all components are installed correctly. Please follow the process.
Test steps
Step 1:3 During the first minute of the test, the AMZ 112
valve of the hot flow side is set to "heating mode" via
"PWR1 output going ON". Check on valve/actuator that
position is correct for "heating".
Step 2:3 During the second minute of the test, the AMZ
112 valve on the cold flow side is set to "cooling mode"
via "PWR1 output going OFF" and "Relay output" going
ON. Check on valve/actuator that position is correct for
Step 3:3 During last minute of the test, botm AMZ 112
valves are closed.
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Application 0009: 4-pipe system with 6-port valve, automatic change over for
cooling controlled by a reference room thermostat. (Require external 24 VAC PSU).
Optional: Dewpoint sensor (recommended), shut-off function and Global standy.
Application description
Floor heating system with automatic changeover for cooling via 6-way changeover valve controlled by a
reference room thermostat.
The system can be configured with optional shut off function via a Danfoss AMZ-112 2-way ball valve and
Global standby. For cooling applications it is always recommended to have a dew point sensor installed
in the system to prevent moisture damage to floor and installations in cases where the relative humidty
exceeds dew point. Four conditions must be true before cooling in a room is allowed:
• Reference room temperature must exceed the room setpoint + cooling hysterhesis.
• No room has called for heating within neutral time.
• The dew point sensor must not be active / no condensation risk present.
• The room thermostat must be enabled for cooling (default = enabled).
If no heating or cooling demand is present, the shut-off valve will close.
The Global standby is a potential free input that can be used to remotely put the system in Global away
mode e.g. via an external 3rd party GSM module. When global standby input is active, all rooms receive a 15
degree celcius setpoint.
“SET 1” = Set desired cooling hysterhesis for change-over [+2 to +4K]
“SET 2” = Set neutral time that must pass without active heating or cooling, before change-over can be
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Settings on thermostat
Excluding rooms from cooling: To exclude a room from cooling - typically in bathrooms where cooling
would be uncomfortable - go to thermostat and set menu to . See Thermostat Installation Guide
for further information.
Choose reference room thermostat: To assign a thermostat as reference room thermostat, go to the
desired reference room thermostat and in menu set to .
When selected the thermostat will control when the system goes from heating mode to cooling mode
based on the actual temperature in the room.
It is only possible to have one reference thermostat per system and if more than one thermostats are
assigned as reference, the last assigned will overwrite the previous reference room thermostats and cause
these to revert to normal function.
Application test function
Enter the “Test” menu via the installer key.
The Application test (APP test) is specific for each application. The test is split into steps to ensure that all components are installed correctly. Please follow the process.
Test steps
Step 1:3 During the first two minutes, the AMZ 112 valve
goes to position "Flow" and the ChangeOver6 valve goes
to position "Cooling" for 1 minute.
Step 2:3 The ChangeOver6 valve now goes to position
"Heating" for 1 minute.
Step 3:3 The AMZ 112 valve goes to position "No Flow".
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Application 0010: 4-pipe system with 2-way valves on supply pipes and automatic
change over for cooling controlled by a reference room thermostat.
Optional: Dewpoint sensor (recommended), circulation pump, heat demand signal and Global
Application description
4-pipe system with 2-way valves on supply pipes and automatic change over for cooling controlled by
reference room thermostat.
The system activates cooling mode via 2-way valves with thermal actuators on supply and return side by
activating the corresponding outputs (M1 - M4). Note: In this application outputs 1, 2, 3 & 4 on DanfossIcon™
Master is used for the application and cannot be assigned to thermostats.
For cooling applications it is always recommended to have a dew point sensor installed in the system to
prevent moisture damage to floor and installations in cases where the relative humidty exceeds dew point.
Four conditions must be true before cooling in a room is allowed:
• Reference room temperature must exceed the room setpoint + cooling hysterhesis.
• No room has called for heating within neutral time.
• The dew point sensor must not be active / no condensation risk present.
• The room thermostat must be enabled for cooling (default = enabled).
The Global standby is a potential free input that can be used to remotely put the system in Global away
mode e.g. via an external 3rd party GSM module. When global standby input is active, all rooms receive a
15 degree celcius setpoint.
“SET 1” = Set desired cooling hysterhesis for change-over [+2 to +4K]
“SET 2” = Set neutral time that must pass without active heating or cooling, before change-over can be
Installation Guide Expansion Module for Danfoss Icon™ Master
Settings on thermostat
Excluding rooms from cooling: To exclude a room from cooling - typically in bathrooms where cooling
would be uncomfortable - go to thermostat and set menu to . See Thermostat Installation Guide
for further information.
Choose reference room thermostat: To assign a thermostat as reference room thermostat, go to the
desired reference room thermostat and in menu set to .
When selected the thermostat will control when the system goes from heating mode to cooling mode
based on the actual temperature in the room.
It is only possible to have one reference thermostat per system and if more than one thermostats are
assigned as reference, the last assigned will overwrite the previous reference room thermostats and cause
these to revert to normal function.
Application test function
Enter the “Test” menu via the installer key.
The Application test (APP test) is specific for each application. The test is split into steps to ensure that all components are installed correctly. Please follow the process.
Test steps
Step 1:3 During the first five minutes, the outputs 1&2 are
set to "ON" = heating mode/hot flow side (up to 3 minutes
opening time can be expected).
Step 2:3 During next five minutes, the outputs 1&2 are set
to "OFF", and the outputs 3 & 4 are set to "ON" = cooling
mode/cold flow side (up to 3 minutes opening time can be
Step 3:3 During last 5 minutes, all outputs 1, 2, 3 and 4
should close.
Installationsanleitung Erweiterungsmodus für Danfoss Icon™ Master
Die Verdrahtung gemäß dem
Schaltdiagramm durchführen und
anschließend das Erweiterungsmodul
für zusätzliche Funktionen in den
Danfoss Icon™ Hauptregler einführen.
IN 1
IN 2IN 3
1. Mit dieser Taste können Sie die
Anwendung auswählen. Drücken
Sie die Anwendungstaste, wählen
Sie mit und Anwendung
1-11 aus und bestätigen Sie mit
„OK“. Wählen Sie die geeignete
Anwendung mithilfe der Anwendungszeichnungen aus.
2. Mit dieser Taste können Sie
anwendungsspezifische Einstellungen einstellen. Die für die gewählte Anwendung verfügbaren
Einstellungen sind in der Anwendungsbeschreibung aufgeführt.
3. LED-Leuchten zeigen den Status
der Eingänge 1 bis 3 an. Vgl. die
Anwendungsbeschreibung für die
jeweilige Anwendung.
4. Anschlussklemmen für den Anschluss verschiedener Verdrahtungen/externer Geräte.
Fußbodenheizungssystem mit elektronischer Regelung der Zulufttemperatur. Die Zulufttemperatur ist auf
einen vorgegebenen Wert eingestellt.
Das System nutzt einen PT1000-Fühler, um die Zulufttemperatur zu erkennen und zu regeln, und wird auch
eingesetzt, um sicherzustellen, dass die Temperatur nicht die zulässige Höchsttemperatur übersteigt. Wenn
verbunden, steuert das System die Umwälzpumpe und das Heizbedarfssignal, beispielsweise für einen
Kessel oder eine Wärmepumpe. Die Pumpe und das Heizbedarfssignal sind eingeschaltet, wenn bei mindestens einem Kreislauf Heizbedarf besteht. Ausgang 1 muss für TWA an der Mischergruppe verwendet
Das Globale Standby ist ein potentialfreier Eingang, mit dem das System per Fernzugriff in den Globalen
Abwesenheitsmodus versetzt werden kann, z. B. über ein externes GSM-Modul eines Drittanbieters. Wenn
der globale Standby-Eingang aktiv ist, erhalten alle Räume einen Sollwert von 15 Grad Celsius.
Installationsanleitung Erweiterungsmodus für Danfoss Icon™ Master
Rufen Sie über die Installateurstaste das Menü „Test“ auf.
Der Anwendungstest (APP-Test) ist anwendungsspezifisch.
Der Test ist in mehrere Schritte unterteilt, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Komponenten ordnungsgemäß installiert
werden. Befolgen Sie bitte das Verfahren.
Schritt 1:1 Gehen Sie zum Regelventilantrieb der Mischer-
gruppe und überprüfen Sie, ob sich das Ventil vollständig
öffnet (es sind bis zu drei Minuten Öffnungszeit zu erwarten). Nach fünf Minuten schließt sich der Ventilantrieb der
Mischergruppe wieder.
Während der fünfminütigen Testphase zeigt das Display am
Hauptregler auch die gemessene Vorlauftemperatur an.
Installationsanleitung Erweiterungsmodus für Danfoss Icon™ Master
Anwendung 0002: Zweirohrsystem mit bedarfsbasierter Regelung der
Optional: Globales Standby.
Fußbodenheizungssystem mit elektronischer Regelung der Zulufttemperatur.
Die bedarfsbasierte Zulufttemperatur wird je nach dem Heizbedarf aus den Räumen geregelt. Das System
nutzt einen PT1000-Fühler, um die Zulufttemperatur zu erkennen, und wird auch eingesetzt, um mithilfe
eines Sicherheits-Tmax sicherzustellen, dass die Temperatur nicht die zulässige Höchsttemperatur übersteigt. Wenn verbunden, steuert das System die Umwälzpumpe und das Heizbedarfssignal, beispielsweise
für einen Kessel oder eine Wärmepumpe. Die Pumpe und das Heizbedarfssignal sind eingeschaltet, wenn
bei mindestens einem Kreislauf Heizbedarf besteht. Ausgang 1 muss für TWA an der Mischergruppe
verwendet werden.
Das Globale Standby ist ein potentialfreier Eingang, mit dem das System per Fernzugriff in den Globalen
Abwesenheitsmodus versetzt werden kann, z. B. über ein externes GSM-Modul eines Drittanbieters. Wenn
der globale Standby-Eingang aktiv ist, erhalten alle Räume einen Sollwert von 15 Grad Celsius.
“SET 1” = Set desired min. supply flow temperature [25-65°C]
„SET 1“ = Gewünschte minimale Vorlauftemperatur [25-65 °C] einstellen
„SET 2“ = Gewünschte maximale Vorlauftemperatur [30-70 °C] einstellen
Hinweis: Die Temperatur muss mindestens 5 °C höher als die minimale Vorlauftemperatur eingestellt werden.
Installationsanleitung Erweiterungsmodus für Danfoss Icon™ Master
Rufen Sie über die Installateurstaste das Menü „Test“ auf.
Der Anwendungstest (APP-Test) ist anwendungsspezifisch.
Der Test ist in mehrere Schritte unterteilt, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Komponenten ordnungsgemäß installiert
werden. Befolgen Sie bitte das Verfahren.
Schritt 1:1 Gehen Sie zum Regelventilantrieb der Mischer-
gruppe und überprüfen Sie, ob sich das Ventil vollständig
öffnet (es sind bis zu drei Minuten Öffnungszeit zu erwarten). Nach fünf Minuten schließt sich der Ventilantrieb der
Mischergruppe wieder.
Während der fünfminütigen Testphase zeigt das Display am
Hauptregler auch die gemessene Vorlauftemperatur an.
Pos. 1
Pos. 2
Pos. 3
Pos. 4
Pos. 5.
088U0093-961 Stk. Danfoss FHM-Cx Mischergruppe
088U05XX/088U06XX/088U07XX1 Satz Danfoss Verteiler (Typen FHF oder BasicPlus oder SSM)
NC: 088H3110/NO: 088H3111xx Stk. Thermischer Stellantrieb, 24 V TWA-A
087B11651 Stk. ESM-11 PT-1000 Fühler
NC: 088H3110/NC: 193B21481 Stk. Thermischer Stellantrieb, 24 V (Typen TWA-A oder ABN-FBH)
Installationsanleitung Erweiterungsmodus für Danfoss Icon™ Master
Anwendung 0003: Zweirohrsystem mit automatischer Umschaltung zur Kühlung
auf der Grundlage der Zulufttemperatur.
Optional: Taupunktfühler (empfohlen), Globales Standby, Umwälzpumpe und Heizbedarfssignal.
Fußbodenheizungssystem mit automatischer Umschaltung zur Kühlung auf der Grundlage des Zulufttemperatureingangs.
Die Zulufttemperatur wird mittels eines PT1000-Fühlers überwacht. Je nach Messung schaltet das System
von Heizung auf Kühlung um. Wenn verbunden, steuert das System die Umwälzpumpe, die eingeschaltet
wird, wenn mindestens ein Raum Heiz- oder Kühlbedarf hat.
Das Heizsignal für beispielsweise einen Kessel oder eine Wärmepumpe wird nur aktiviert, wenn sich das
System im Heizmodus befindet und mindestens ein Raum Heizbedarf hat. Für Kühlanwendungen empfiehlt
es sich immer, im System einen Taupunktfühler installiert zu haben, um Feuchtigkeitsschäden an Boden
und Installationen zu vermeiden, wenn die relative Luftfeuchte den Taupunkt übersteigt.
Das Globale Standby ist ein potentialfreier Eingang, mit dem das System per Fernzugriff in den Globalen
Abwesenheitsmodus versetzt werden kann, z. B. über ein externes GSM-Modul eines Drittanbieters. Wenn
der globale Standby-Eingang aktiv ist, erhalten alle Räume einen Sollwert von 15 Grad Celsius.
„SET 1“ = Vorlauftemperatur für die Umschaltung zum Heizen [25-55 °C] einstellen
„SET 2“ = Vorlauftemperatur für die Umschaltung zum Kühlen [15-25 °C] einstellen
Hinweis: Die Temperatur kann nicht höher als 2 °C unter der Umschalttemperatur zum Heizen eingestellt werden.
Einstellungen des Thermostats
Räume von der Kühlung ausschließen: Um einen Raum von der Kühlung auszuschließen, etwa ein Bade-
zimmer, in dem eine Kühlung unangenehm wäre, den Thermostat aufsuchen und Menü auf
einstellen. Weitere Informationen sind in der Installationsanleitung des Thermostats enthalten.
Installationsanleitung Erweiterungsmodus für Danfoss Icon™ Master
Rufen Sie über die Installateurstaste das Menü „Test“ auf.
Der Anwendungstest (APP-Test) ist anwendungsspezifisch.
Der Test ist in mehrere Schritte unterteilt, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Komponenten ordnungsgemäß installiert
werden. Befolgen Sie bitte das Verfahren.
Schritt 1:1 Während der einminütigen Testphase zeigt das
Display am Hauptregler die gemessene Vorlauftemperatur
Pos. 1
Pos. 2
Pos. 3
Pos. 4
087B11651 Stk. ESM-11 PT1000 Fühler
088U05XX/088U06XX/088U07XX 1 Satz Danfoss Verteiler (Typen FHF oder BasicPlus oder SSM)
NC: 088H3110/NO: 088H3111xx Stk. Thermischer Stellantrieb, 24 V TWA-A