• The controller is used for temperature control refrigeration
appliances and cold room in supermarkets
• Control of defrost, fans, alarm and light
The controller contains a temperature control where the signal
can be received from one temperature sensor.
The sensor is placed in the cold air flow after the evaporator or in
the warm air flow just before the evaporator.
The controller controls the defrost with either natural defrost or
electric defrost. Renewed cutin after defrost can be accomplished
based on time or temperature.
A measurement of the defrost temperature can be obtained
directly through the use of a defrost sensor.
Two to four relays will cut the required functions in and out – the
application determines which:
• Refrigeration (compressor or solenoid valve)
• Defrost
• Fan
• Alarm
• Light
The different applications are described on next page.
• Integrated refrigeration-technical functions
• Defrost on demand in 1:1 systems
• Buttons and seal imbedded in the front
• IP65 enclosure from the front panel
• Digital input for either:
- Door contact function with alarm
- Defrost start
- Start/stop of regulation
- Night operation
- Change-over between two temperature reference
- Case cleaning function
• Instant programming via programming key
Factory calibration that will guarantee a better measuring
accuracy than stated in the standard EN ISO 23953-2 without
subsequent calibration (Pt 1000 ohm sensor)
Extra module
• The controller can afterwards be fitted with an insertion module
if the application requires it.
The controller has been prepared with plug, so the module
simply has to be pushed in.
Technical data .................................................................................................. 18
EKC 202A
Controller with two relay outputs, two temperature sensors and
digital input.
Temperature control at start/stop of compressor / solenoid valve
Defrost sensor
Electrical defrost / gas defrost
Alarm function
If an alarm function is required, relay number two may be used for
Defrost is performed here with circulation of the air as the fans are
operating continuously.
EKC 202B
Controller with three relay outputs, two temperature sensors and
digital input.
Temperature control at start/stop of compressor / solenoid valve
Defrost sensor
Electrical defrost / gas defrost
Relay output 3 is used for control of fan.
EKC 202C
Controller with four relay outputs, two temperature sensors and
digital input.
Temperature control at start/stop of compressor / solenoid valve
Defrost sensor
Electrical defrost / gas defrost
Control of fan
Relay output 4 can be used for an alarm function or for a light
A defrost can be started in different ways
Interval: Defrost is started at fixed time intervals, say, every
eight hour
Refrigeration time:
Defrost is started at fixed refrigeration time inter-
vals, in other words, a low need for
refrigeration will ”postpone” the coming defrost
Contact Defrost is started here with a pulse signal on a
digital input.
Manual: An extra defrost can be activated from the control ler’s lower-most button
S5-temp. In 1:1 systems the efficiency of the evaporator can
be followed. Icing-up will start a defrost.
Schedule Defrost here can be started at fixed times of the
day and night. But max. six defrosts
Network A defrost can be started via data communication
All the mentioned methods can be used at random – if just one
them is activated a defrost will be started. When the defrost starts
the defrost timers are set at zero
Digital input
The digital input can be used for the following functions:
- Door contact function with alarm if the door has been open for
too long.
- Defrost start
- Start/stop of regulation
- Change-over to night operation
- Case cleaning
- Change to another temperature reference
- Inject on/off
A pulse signal
starts the
If you need coordinated defrost, this must be done via data communication.
Case cleaning function
This function makes it easy to steer the refrigeration appliance
through a cleaning phase. Via three pushes on a switch you
change from one phase to the next phase.
The first push stops the refrigeration – the fans keep working
”Later”: The next push stops the fans
”Still later”: The next push restarts refrigeration
The different situations can be followed on the display.
There is no temperature monitoring during case cleaning.
On the network a cleaning alarm is transmitted to the system unit.
This alarm can be ”logged” so that proof of the sequence of events
is provided.
Defrost on demand
1 Based on refrigeration time
When the aggregate refrigeration time has passed a fixed time,
a defrost will be started.
2 Based on temperature
The controller will constantly follow the temperature at S5.
Between two defrosts the S5 temperature will become lower
the more the evaporator ices up (the compressor operates for a
longer time and pulls the S5 temperature further down). When
the temperature passes a set allowed variation the defrost will
be started.
The values will be shown with three digits, and with a setting you
can determine whether the temperature are to be shown in °C or
in °F.
Light-emitting diodes (LED) on front panel
There are LED’s on the front panel which will light up when the
belonging relay is activated.
= Refrigeration
= Defrost
= Fan
The light-emitting diodes will flash when there is an alarm.
In this situation you can download the error code to the display
and cancel/sign for the alarm by giving the top button a brief
During defrost a –d– is shown in the display. This view will
continue up till 15 min. after the cooling has resumed.
However the view of –d– will be discontinued if:
- The temperature is suitable within the 15 minutes
- The regulation is stopped with “Main Switch”
- A high temperature alarm appears
Set menu
1. Push the upper button until a parameter r01 is shown
2. Push the upper or the lower button and find that parameter you
want to change
3. Push the middle button until the parameter value is shown
4. Push the upper or the lower button and select the new value
5. Push the middle button again to enter the value.
Cutout alarm relay / receipt alarm/see alarm code
• Push briefly the upper button
If there are several alarm codes they are found in a rolling stack.
Push the uppermost or lowermost button to scan the rolling
Set temperature
1. Push the middle button until the temperature value is shown
2. Push the upper or the lower button and select the new value
3. Push the middle button to select the setting
Manuel start or stop of a defrost
• Push the lower button for four seconds.
See the temperature at the defrost sensor
• Push briefly the lower button
If no sensor has been mounted, ”non” will appear.
The buttons
When you want to change a setting, the upper and the lower
buttons will give you a higher or lower value depending on the
button you are pushing. But before you change the value, you
must have access to the menu. You obtain this by pushing the
upper button for a couple of seconds - you will then enter the column with parameter codes. Find the parameter code you want to
change and push the middle buttons until value for the parameter
is shown. When you have changed the value save the new value
by once more pushing the middle button
100% tight
The buttons and the seal are imbedded in the front.
A special moulding technique unites the hard front plastic, the
softer buttons and the seal, so that they become an integral
part of the front panel. There are no openings that can receive
moisture or dirt.
Differentialr010,1 K20 K2 K
Max. limitation of set point settingr02-49°C50°C50°C
Min. limitation of set point settingr03-50°C49°C-50°C
Adjustment of temperature indicationr04-20 K20 K0.0 K
Temperature unit (°C/°F)r05°C°F°C
Correction of the signal from Sairr09-10 K10 K0 K
Manual service(-1), stop regulation(0), start regulation (1)r12-111
Displacement of reference during night operationr13-10 K10 K0 K
Activation of reference displacement r40r39OFFonOFF
Value of reference displacement (activation by r39 or DI)r40-50 K50 K0 K
Delay for temperature alarmA030 min240 min30 min
Delay for door alarmA040 min240 min60 min
Delay for temperature alarm after defrostA120 min240 min90 min
High alarm limitA13-50°C50°C8°C
Low alarm limitA14-50°C50°C-30°C
Alarm delay DI1A270 min240 min30 min
High alarm limit for condenser temperature (o70)A370°C99°C50°C
Min. ON-timec010 min30 min0 min
Min. OFF-timec020 min30 min0 min
Compressor relay must cutin and out inversely (NC-function)c300 / OFF1 / on0 / OFF
Defrost method (none/EL/gas)d01nogasEL
Defrost stop temperatured020°C25°C6°C
Interval between defrost startsd030 hours48 hours8 hours
Max. defrost durationd040 min180 min45 min
Displacement of time on cutin of defrost at start-upd050 min240 min0 min
Drip off timed060 min60 min0 min
Delay for fan start after defrostd070 min60 min0 min
Fan start temperatured08-15°C0°C-5°C
Fan cutin during defrost
0: Stopped
1: Running during the whole phase
2: Running during the heating phase only
Defrost sensor (0=time, 1=S5, 2=Sair)d10020
Max. aggregate refrigeration time between two defrostsd180 hours48 hours0 hours
Defrost on demand - S5 temperature’s permitted variation during frost build-up. On
central plant choose 20 K (=off)
Fan stop at cutout compressorF01noyesno
Delay of fan stopF020 min30 min0 min
Fan stop temperature (S5)F04-50°C50°C50°C
Real time clock
Six start times for defrost.
Setting of hours.
Six start times for defrost.
Setting of minutes.
Clock - Setting of hourst070 hours23 hours0 hours
Clock - Setting of minutet080 min59 min0 min
Clock - Setting of datet451311
Clock - Setting of montht461121
Clock - Setting of yeart470990
Delay of output signals after power failureo010 s600 s5 s
Input signal on DI1. Function:
0=not used. 1=status on DI1. 2=door function with alarm when open. 3=door alarm
when open. 4=defrost start (pulse-signal). 5=ext.main switch. 6=night operation
7=change reference (r40 will be activated) 8=alarm function when closed. 9=alarm function when open. 10=case cleaning (pulse signal). 11=Inject off when open.
Network addresso0302400
On/Off switch (Service Pin message)o04OFFONOFF
Access code 1 (all settings)o0501000
Used sensor type (Pt /PTC/NTC)o06PtntcPt
Display step = 0.5 (normal 0.1 at Pt sensor)o15noyesno
Max hold time after coordinated defrosto160 min60 min20
Configuration of light function (relay 4)
1=ON during day operation. 2=ON / OFF via data communication. 3=ON follows the DIfunction, when DI is selected to door function or to door alarm
Activation of light relay (only if o38=2)o39OFFONOFF
Case cleaning. 0=no case cleaning. 1=Fans only. 2=All output Off.o46020
Access code 2 (partly access)o6401000
Save the controllers present settings to the programming key. Select your own number. o650250