• The controller is used for temperature control refrigeration
appliances and cold room in supermarkets
• Control of defrost, fans, alarm and light
• For front panel mounting
The controller contains a temperature control where the signal
can be received from one temperature sensor.
The sensor is placed in the cold air ow after the evaporator or in
the warm air ow just before the evaporator.
The controller controls the defrost with either natural defrost or
electric defrost. Renewed cutin after defrost can be accomplished
based on time or temperature.
A measurement of the defrost temperature can be obtained
directly through the use of a defrost sensor.
Two to four relays will cut the required functions in and out – the
application determines which:
• Refrigeration (compressor or solenoid valve)
• Defrost
• Fan
• Alarm
• Light
The dierent applications are described on next page.
• Integrated refrigeration-technical functions
• Defrost on demand in 1:1 systems
• Buttons and seal imbedded in the front
• IP65 density from the front panel
• Digital input for either:
- Door contact function with alarm
- Defrost start
- Start/stop of regulation
- Night operation
- Change-over between two temperature reference
- Case cleaning function
• Instant programming via programming key
Factory calibration that will guarantee a better measuring accuracy than stated in the standard EN 441-13 without subsequent
calibration (Pt 1000 ohm sensor)
Extra module
• The controller can afterwards be tted with an insertion module
if the application requires it.
The controller has been prepared with plug, so the module
simply has to be pushed in
- Battery and buzzer module
The module guarantees voltage to the controller if the supply
voltage should drop out for more than four hours. The clock
function can thus be protected during a power failure.
- Data communication
If you require operation from a PC, a data communication module has to be placed in the controller.
- Coordinated defrost via data communication
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 2
Operation ............................................................................................................ 5
Menu survey .......................................................................................................6
Functions .............................................................................................................8
Connections .....................................................................................................14
Data .....................................................................................................................15
Ordering ............................................................................................................16