Data sheet
Filter drier with access port
Product type DCL 01.5s, DCL 03s and DCL 05s
All ELIMINATOR® driers have a solid core with
binding material held to an absolute minimum.
The ELIMINATOR® core type DCL contain 80%
Molecular Sieve with 20% activated alumina.
The ELIMINATOR® type DCL driers are designed for
applications requiring high moisture capacity and
acid adsorption capacity.
The integrated access port provides an additional
point to diagnose issues or charge the system.
Available with solder (pure copper) connections.
For other connections please contact your Danfoss
Sales Representative.
Features The Core type DCL
• 80% 3Å Molecular Sieve with 20% activated
• Perfect core blend for systems that operate at
high condensing temperatures and require high
drying capacity
• Recommended for use with R22, R32, R134a,
R404A, R410A, R407C, R23, R600, R600a, R1234yf,
R1234ze, R407F, R290, R452A, R444B, R449A,
R448A, R450A, R507.
For other refrigerants, please contact Danfoss.
• Compatible with the oil types Mineral or AB, POE
or PAG without additives.
© Danfoss | DCS (sw) | 2016.11
The Shell
• UL approved for MWP 667 psig.
• Available with solder (pure copper) connections.
• Outlet connector: 2.8 mm for capillary tube, or
can be trimmed for ¼ inch.
• Corrosion resistant powder-painted nish.
Special coating for marine applications available
upon request.
• Allows installation with any orientation provided
the arrow is in the ow direction.
• Available in sizes 1.5 - 5 cubic inches.
The Filter
• 25 μm (0.001 in.) lter provides high retention.
with minimal pressure drop.
• Thermally stable up to 250 °F.
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Data sheet | Filter drier with access port, type DCL 01.5s, DCL 03s and DCL 05s
UL US, le no. SA 6398
PED 97/23/EC - a3p3
Compliant with ATEX hazard zone 2
ELIMINATOR® hermetic lter driers protect
refrigeration and air-conditioning systems from
moisture, acids, and solid particles.
Access port
for service
With these contaminants eliminated, systems are
safer from harmful chemical reactions and from
abrasive impurities.
Technical data
Solder connection (pure copper)
Refrigerants: R22, R32, R134a, R404A, R410A, R407C, R23, R600, R600a, R1234yf, R1234ze, R407F, R290,
R452A, R444B, R449A, R448A, R450A, R507.
For other refrigerants, please contact Danfoss.
This product is approved for R32 by ignition source assessment in accordance to standard EN13463-1.
Surface and volume
Solid core
DCL 1.52/CAPsV 7.2 1.5 1.7 1.21
DCL 032/CAPsV 13.0 3.0 2.7 1.28
DCL 052/CAPsV 15.0 4.0 4.0 1.72
Acid capacity
DCL 1.52/CAPsV 0.01
DCL 032/CAPsV 0.02
DCL 052/CAPsV 0.03
) Adsorption capacity of oleic acid at 0.05
TAN (Total Acid Number)
[in2] [in3] [. oz.] [. oz.]
Acid capacity 1)
Maximum working pressure and allowable temperature
Filter size
[in3] [psig] [°F]
DCL 03
DCL 05
Solid core
Solder pure
Filter drier volume
(shell volume)
Inlet Outlet
⁄4 inch ODF
2.8 mm ODM
⁄4 inch ODF
Filter drier volume
(net. volume)
Max. working
pressure MWP
-40 – 160
© Danfoss | DCS (sw) | 2016.11
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