Direct Current Twin Compressor
12V - with 101N08xx Series Controllers
Code number (without electronic units) 102Z3018
Compressor module 101N0800, 30 pcs: 101N0801
Application module 101N0820, 24 pcs: 101N0821
Approvals –
Compressors on pallet 50
Application LBP/MBP/HBP
Evaporating temperature °C -25 to 15
Voltage range VDC 9.6 - 17
Max. condensing temperature continuous (short)
Max. winding temperature continuous (short) °C 125 (135)
Cooling requirements
Application LBP MBP HBP
32°C F
38°C F
43°C F
Remarks on application:
- evaporator fan max. 200W
- condenser fan max. 100W
- starting ability: LST (low starting torque) only
Motor type variable speed
Resistance, all 3 windings (25°C) Ω 0.1
°C 60 (70)
S = Static cooling normally sufcient
O = Oil cooling
= Fan cooling 1.5 m/s
(compressor compartment temperature
equal to ambient temperature)
F2 = Fan cooling 3.0 m/s necessary
SG = Suction gas cooling normally sufcent
– = not applicable in this area
Displacement cm
Oil quantity (type) cm
Maximum refrigerant charge g 800
Free gas volume in compressor cm
Weight - Compressor/Electronic unit kg 15.8/2 x 0.33, 1 x 0.28
Battery protection settings
Voltage Min. value Default Max. value
Cut out (0.1 steps) VDC 9.6 10.4 17
Cut in diff. (0.1 steps) VDC 0.5 1.3 10
Height mm A 173
Suction connector location/I.D. mm | angle C 6.2 | 90°
material | comment Cu-plated steel | Al cap
Process connector location/I.D. mm | angle D 6.2 | 31.5°
material | comment Cu-plated steel | Al cap
Discharge connector location/I.D. mm | angle E 5.0 | 28°
material | comment Cu-plated steel | Al cap
Connector tolerance I.D. mm ±0.09, on 5.0 +0.12/+0.20
560 (polyolester)
B 169
B1 –
B2 –
2 x 5.08
2 x 1690
July 2013 Manufactured by Secop for Danfoss - DEHC.ED.100.S5.02 / 520N1493 1/2

Capacity (EN 12900 Household/CECOMAF) 12V DC, fan cooling F1watt
rpm \ °C -25 -23.3 -20 -15 -10 -6.7 -5 0 5 7.2 10 15
2,500 175 194 234 304 388 452 488 604 740 806 896 1076
3,000 203 225 271 353 450 524 566 702 860 936 1042 1250
3,500 227 252 304 396 508 592 638 792 970 1056 1176 1412
4,000 251 279 337 440 564 658 710 880 1080 1176 1308 1572
Capacity (ASHRAE LBP) 12V DC, fan cooling F
rpm \ °C -25 -23.3 -20 -15 -10 -6.7 -5 0 5 7.2 10 15
2,500 216 240 290 376 480 560 604 750 918 1002 1114 1340
3,000 252 278 336 438 558 650 702 870 1068 1164 1296 1556
3,500 282 312 376 492 628 732 790 982 1204 1312 1462 1758
4,000 312 346 418 546 698 814 880 1092 1340 1462 1628 1958
Power consumption 12V DC, fan cooling F
rpm \ °C -25 -23.3 -20 -15 -10 -6.7 -5 0 5 7.2 10 15
2,500 181 191 212 246 280 304 312 354 392 408 430 466
3,000 216 228 254 296 338 368 384 430 476 496 522 568
3,500 244 260 292 340 394 428 448 504 560 584 616 670
4,000 280 298 336 394 456 498 518 584 650 680 716 782
Current consumption 12V DC, fan cooling F
rpm \ °C -25 -23.3 -20 -15 -10 -6.7 -5 0 5 7.2 10 15
2,500 15.42 16.30 18.06 20.90 23.86 25.90 26.96 30.12 33.30 34.72 36.50 39.64
3,000 17.98 19.04 21.20 24.64 28.24 30.70 32.00 35.84 39.72 41.42 43.58 47.40
3,500 20.92 22.2 24.78 28.94 33.3 36.26 37.82 42.46 47.14 49.20 51.80 56.42
4,000 23.40 24.92 27.96 32.82 37.94 41.44 43.26 48.70 54.20 56.62 59.68 65.10
COP (EN 12900 Household/CECOMAF) 12V DC, fan cooling F
rpm \ °C -25 -23.3 -20 -15 -10 -6.7 -5 0 5 7.2 10 15
2,500 0.97 1.01 1.10 1.24 1.38 1.48 1.54 1.71 1.89 1.97 2.09 2.30
3,000 0.94 0.98 1.07 1.20 1.33 1.43 1.48 1.63 1.81 1.89 1.99 2.20
3,500 0.93 0.97 1.04 1.16 1.29 1.38 1.43 1.57 1.73 1.81 1.91 2.10
4,000 0.90 0.93 1.01 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.37 1.51 1.66 1.73 1.83 2.01
COP (ASHRAE LBP) 12V DC, fan cooling F
rpm \ °C -25 -23.3 -20 -15 -10 -6.7 -5 0 5 7.2 10 15
2,500 1.20 1.26 1.37 1.54 1.72 1.85 1.92 2.13 2.36 2.47 2.61 2.89
3,000 1.17 1.22 1.33 1.49 1.66 1.78 1.84 2.04 2.26 2.36 2.50 2.76
3,500 1.15 1.20 1.30 1.45 1.61
1.72 1.78 1.96 2.17 2.26 2.39 2.64
4,000 1.11 1.16 1.25 1.39 1.54 1.65 1.70 1.88 2.08 2.17 2.29 2.53
Test conditions EN 12900/CECOMAF ASHRAE LBP
Condensing temperature 55°C 54.4°C
Ambient temperature 32°C 32°C
Suction gas temperature 32°C 32°C
Liquid temperature no subcooling 32°C
Operational errors
Can be read out in the software TOOL4COOL®
Thermostat failure
(If the NTC thermistor is short-circuit or has no connection,
the electronic unit will enter manual mode).
Thermal cut-out of electronic unit
(If the refrigeration system has been too hea vi ly loaded,
or if the ambient tem pe ra ture is high, the electronic unit
will run too hot).
Minimum motor speed error
(If the refrigeration system is too heavily loaded, the
motor cannot maintain minimum speed at approximately
1,850 rpm).
Motor start error
(The rotor is blocked or the differential pressure in the
refrigeration system is too high).
Fan over-current cut-out
(The fan loads the electronic unit with too high current).
Battery protection cut-out
(The voltage is outside the cut-out setting).
Error type
Accessories for BD350/350GH
Mounting Code number
Bolt joint for one compressor Ø : 16 mm 118-1917
Bolt joint in quantities Ø: 16 mm 118-1918
Snap-on in quantities Ø: 1 6 mm 118-1919
(cables, sensors, etc.)
One Wire/LIN gateway 105N9501 –
communication cable 105N9524 –
Bluetooth® gateway 105N9502 –
communication cable 105N9525 –
Temperature sensor 470 mm 105N9612 105N9613, 200 pcs.
Temperature sensor 1000 mm 105N9614 105N9615, 100 pcs.
Temperature sensor 1500 mm 105N9616 105N9617, 100 pcs.
Twin comm. cable, 800 mm – 105N9561, 65 pcs.
Twin comm. cable, 1500 mm – 105N9555, 65 pcs.
Twin comm. cable, 3000 mm – 105N9556, 40 pcs.
Display cable, 1500 mm – 105N9557, 65 pcs.
Display cable, 3000 mm – 105N9558, 35 pcs.
Not deliverable from Secop
Slow-blow fuse compressor modules 2 x 60A
Slow-blow fuse application module 30A
Main switch
Code number
Single pack I - Pack
rated to min. 160A
See Intructions for details.
A) Application module 101N0820
B) Compressor module 101N0800, 12 V DC
C) Supply cables
D) Twin
compressor communication cable assembly
1) Mounting screws
2) Battery
3) Fuse
4) Main switch
5) Evaporator fan
6) Condenser fan
7) Mechanical thermostat
8) NTC temperature sensor (electrical thermostat),
alternative: mechanical thermostat
9) NTC auxiliary temperature sensor
10) Compressor(s)
11) One Wire/LIN gateway communication interface
12) Modbus-compatible device
13) Bluetooth® gateway communication interface
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products already on order provided that such alterations can be made without subsequential changes being necessary in specications already agreed.
All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.
2/2 Manufactured by Secop for Danfoss - DEHC.ED.100.S5.02 / 520N1493 July 2013