Data sheet
Atomizing Water Spray Nozzles Types M & MW
Mini nozzle type M features our unique perfect
solution where small size, accurate flow rates,
very fine atomization and low cost are desired.
Mini Wide nozzle type MW designates “wide
angle” and provides a very fine atomization in low
volume flow rates with a wide spray angle and
large coverage area.
Identification The nozzles are marked with the following
MW 5
Hago Mini nozzles are widely used in both
professional and home green houses for plant
and seedling misting, in industry for process
cooling or humidifying and in agriculture for
livestock cooling. In recent years they have been
used in dry climates for home patio cooling.
Application and Features
• Misting, cooling, humidifying
• Spraying light oils
• M: 80° sprayangle at 100psi (~ 7 bar)
• MW: 160° sprayangle at 100psi (~ 7 bar)
• Spray pattern: Semi solid cone
• Available in 12 pieces box single packed or 50
pieces blister pack.
Technical Data
Stampe d on the flats
MW Water Spray Noz zle
5 Capacity 5 = 5 USgal/h at 100 psi (~ 7 bar) and 35 SSU (2.7 cSt)
123 45 Batch code
Material and construction
Brass: Our common grade material of
construction. Acceptable for most water based
Type 416 stainless steel: Available on request.
Type 416 stainless steel shows good resistance to
wear at higher water pressures. It is rust resistant
as well, but not rust proof.
Pressure vs. Flow
For general purposes, changes in flow rate due
to changes in pressure can be estimated as being
approximately equal to the square root of the
pressure ratio.
Therefore: Flow rate at the desired pressure =
M Mini
MW Mini Wide
120 μm stainless steel filter.
Recommended tightening torque
100-150 in-lbs (11-17 Nm).
Maximum tightening torque
150 in-lbs (17 Nm).
© Danfoss | 2019.05 VD.DZ.F2.02 | 1

Data sheet Atomizing Water Spray Nozzles Types M & MW
A: Tip
B: Disc
C: Filter
D: Spring
Spray angles
Dimensions for reference only.
M1 030L4604 030L4654 030L4606 030L4656 1.00
M2 030L4608 030L4658 030 L4609 030L4659 2.00
M3 030 L4610 030L4 660 0 30L4 611 030 L46 61 3.00
M4 030 L4612 030L4662 030 L4613 030L 4663 4.00
M5 030 L4614 030L4664 0 30L4615 030 L4665 5.00
M7 - - 030 L4619 - 7.0 0
M10 030 L4616 030L4666 - - 10.0 0
M15 030 L4617 030L46 67 03 0L4618 030L4669 15.00
MW5 030L4602 030L4652 030L 4601 030L4651 5.00
MW 11 - - 030L4 621 030L4 671 11.0 0
MW15 030L4603 030L4653 - - 15 .00
12 pices
12 pices
50 pices
50 pices
12 p iec es
12 p iec es
50 pieces
50 pieces
at 100 psi
at 100 psi
Heating Segment • heating.danfoss.com • +45 7488 2222 • E-Mail: heating@danfoss.com
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© Danfoss | DHS-SDBT/DK | 2019.052 | VD.DZ.F2.02