Service guide
Changing shaft
APP / APP S / APP S 674 53-86

Service guide | Changing shaft APP / APP S / APP S 674 53-86
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Disassembling shaft and cylinder barrel ................................................................................................................. 3
3. Assembling shaft and cylinder barrel ....................................................................................................................... 4
4. Exploded view ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
This document covers the instructions for changing shaft on the rotor of the axial piston pumps
APP / APP S / APP S 674 53-86.
The shaft kit includes a tool adapter that must be used with the standard tool kit.
Important: Place the pump horizontally on
a pallet or other stable surface above the
ground. Ensure that the pump cannot roll.
For a better understanding of the pump, please
see the exploded view in section 4.
Tools provided with toolset 180Z0665:
• 1 x cone bushing extractor
• 1 x M8 x 140 screw
• 3 x M8 x 70 screws with nuts
• 3 x valve plate fixation
• 2 x M6 x 65
• 2 x tool washer
• 1 x M16 pin and nut
• 1 x ø30/17 x 3 washer
• 1 x shaft seal press bush tool
• 1 x bracket
• 1 x 8 mm Allen key
• 1 x 6 mm Allen key
• 1 x M8 x 40 with nut
• 2 x combination wrench 13mm
• 1 x combination wrench 24 mm
• 1 x combination wrench 30 mm
• 1 x 24 mm socket (½”)
• 1 x torque wrench (½”)
• 1 x valve plate tool
• 2 x screw drivers, 5.5 x 1mm
• 1 x NV24 flush valve tool
• 2 x M8 x 16 bolts
• 1 x valve plate mount
2 | © Danfoss | DCS (im) | 2017.11
180R9404 | 521B1471 | DKCFN.PI.013.1J.02

Service guide | Changing shaft APP / APP S / APP S 674 53-86
2. Disassembling shaft and
cylinder barrel
1. Use the Service guide 180R9376 for disassembling the pump. When the
pump has been disassembled, use this Service guide 180R9404 in order to
disassemble the shaft and the cylinder barrel.
2. Place the shaft, with cylinder barrel on a
surface, that will not damage or scratch
the bearing surfaces.
4. Alternatively use the clutch to protect the
3. Loosen the cone connection by hitting
the shaft in radial direction with a soft
hammer. If the shaft has to be reused, take
care not to damage the shaft.
5. The shaft can now be pulled out of the
© Danfoss | DCS (im) | 2017.11
180R9404 | 521B1471 | DKCFN.PI.013.1J.02 | 3