Data sheet
Preassembled automatic balancing valve set
AB-PM Rack set DN 15-20, PN10
Technical data
AB-PM Rack set is preassembled automatic
balancing solution for manifolds. The rack set is
installed in front of manifold in either radiator or
oor heating systems.
Automatic manifold balancing solution
*Reliable heating system
-Proper heat distribution even at partial load
-Filter to remove dirt before manifold
*Faster and simple installation
*Prepared for heat meter installation
Typ e DN
Rack set
AB-PM specification DN 15 20
Qnom (at 100% set ting) l/h 300 600
Max. pressure at zero load
Max dierential pressure (pa) 400
Min. dierential pressure (pa) 18
Nominal maximal pressure bar 10 (PN10)
Medium temperature °C -10 … +120
Connection ball-valves
20 003Z3173
F/F ¾”
Code No.
00 3Z3171
Typ e
Power supply Cable length
24 V AC
230 V AC 08 2F1264
1.2 m
Code No.
08 2F1260
© Danfoss | 2017/03
Materials in water
Valve body DZR Brass (CuZn36Pb2As - CW 602N)
Membrane and O-ring EPDM
Spring W.Nr. 1.4568, W.Nr. 1.4310
Cone (PC) W.Nr. 1.4305
Seat (PC) EPDM
Cone (CV) CuZn40Pb3 - CW 614N
Seat (CV) DZR Brass (CuZn36Pb2As - CW 602N)
Flat gasket NBR
Screw Stainless Steel (A2)
Sealing agent Dimethacrylate Ester
Ball valve Brass (CW617N)
Pipe Steel (P235GH)
Gasket PTFE
Sealing agent: Connections AFM34
VD.HR.C1.02 | 1

Data sheet Preassembled automatic balancing valve set AB-PM
AB-PM rack set should be mounted in front of manifold with AB-PM in the ow direction.
The mounting bracket to be screwed onto back plate or wall.
AB-PM is designed to be used in heating systems in residential applications. It can be used both in radiator
or oor heating systems.
AB-PM provides proper balance even at partial loads and limitation of maximal ow is simple and fast.
In addition, programmable zone control (night setback or holiday mode) is available by using On/O
actuator (TWA-Z /ABN A5), connected to a room controller (TP5001M / TPOne).
The AB-PM Rack set is prepared for heat meter installations in return ow and temperature probe
2 | © Danfoss | 2017/03
Temperature sensor