Danfoss AAF00x Operating Instructions Manual

VLT® Active Filter AAF00x Operating Instructions
Contents VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
1 How to Read these Operating Instructions
1.1.1 Copyright, Limitation of Liability and Revision Rights 4
2 Safety
2.1.2 General Warning 5
2.1.4 Special Conditions 5
2.1.5 Avoid Unintended Start 6
2.1.6 IT Mains 6
3 Introduction to VLT Active Filter AAF00x
3.1.2 Filter Configurator 8
4 How to Install
4.1 How to Get Started
4.2 Pre-installation
10 10 10
4.2.3 Transportation and Unpacking 10
4.2.4 Lifting 11
4.2.5 Mechanical Dimensions 12
4.3 Mechanical Installation
4.3.4 Terminal Locations - Frame size E 18
4.4 Field Installation of Options
4.4.1 Installation of Input Plate Options 21
4.5 Electrical Installation
4.5.1 Power Connections 22
4.5.10 Active Filter Operating with Capacitor Banks 32
4.5.13 Control and CT Cable Routing 34
4.6.1 Electrical Installation, Control Cables 37
4.7 Paralleling of Active Filter Units
MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 1
Contents VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
4.8 Final Set-Up and Test
5 How to Operate the Active Filter
5.1.1 How to Operate Graphical LCP (GLCP) 44
5.1.6 Tips and Tricks 47
6 How to Programme
6.3 0-** Operation/Display
6.4 5-** Digital I/O Mode
6.5 8-** General Settings
6.6 14-2* Trip Reset
6.7 15-0* Operating Data
6.8 16-0* General Status
6.9 300-**
6.10 301-**
6.11 Parameter Lists
6.11.1 Default settings 76
54 59 63 66 67 71 73 75 76
6.11.2 Operation/Display 0-** 77
6.11.6 FC Information 15-** 80
6.11.7 Data Readouts 16-** 81
7 RS-485 Installation and Setup
7.2 Network Configuration
7.3 FC Protocol Message Framing Structure
7.3.6 The Data Field 85
83 84 84
7.3.11 Data Types Supported by VLT AutomationDrive 87
7.3.13 Process Words (PCD) 88
7.4 How to Access Parameters
2 MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
Contents VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
7.4.3 IND 88
7.4.4 Text Blocks 88
8 General Specifications
8.1 Electrical Data
9 Troubleshooting
89 89
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How to Read these Operating... VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
1 How to Read these Operating Instructions
1.1.1 Copyright, Limitation of Liability and Revision Rights
This publication contains information proprietary to Danfoss. By accepting and using this manual the user agrees that the information contained herein will be used solely for operating equipment from Danfoss or equipment from other vendors provided that such equipment is intended for communication with Danfoss equipment over a serial communication link. This publication is protected under the Copyright laws of Denmark and most other countries.
Danfoss does not warrant that a software program produced according to the guidelines provided in this manual will function properly in every physical, hardware or software environment.
Although Danfoss has tested and reviewed the documen­tation within this manual, Danfoss makes no warranty or representation, neither expressed nor implied, with respect to this documentation, including its quality, performance, or fitness for a particular purpose.
Indicates a situation that may result in equipment or property-damage-only accidents.
Indicates highlighted information that should be regarded with attention to avoid mistakes or operate equipment at less than optimal performance.
In no event shall Danfoss be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use, or the inability to use information contained in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In particular, Danfoss is not responsible for any costs, including but not limited to those incurred as a result of lost profits or revenue, loss or damage of equipment, loss of computer programs, loss of data, the costs to substitute these, or any claims by third parties.
Danfoss reserves the right to revise this publication at any time and to make changes to its contents without prior notice or any obligation to notify former or present users of such revisions or changes.
Symbols The following symbols are used in this manual.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
4 MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
Safety VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
2 Safety
2.1.1 Safety Note
The voltage of the Active Filter is dangerous whenever connected to mains. Incorrect installation of the filter or options may cause damage to the equipment, serious personal injury or death. Consequently, the instructions in this manual, as well as national and local rules and safety regulations, must be complied with.
Safety regulations
1. The Filter must be disconnected from mains if repair work is to be carried out. Check that the mains supply has been disconnected and that the necessary time has passed before removing mains plugs.
2. The [OFF] key on the control panel does not disconnect the equipment from mains and is thus not to be used as a safety switch.
3. Correct protective earthing of the equipment must be established and the user must be protected against supply voltage in accordance with applicable national and local regulations.
4. The earth leakage currents are higher than
5. Do not remove the plugs for the mains supply while the filter is connected to mains. Check that the mains supply has been disconnected and that the necessary time has passed before removing mains plugs.
6. Please note that the filter has voltage inputs other than L1, L2 and L3, when external 24V DC have been installed. Check that all voltage inputs have been disconnected and that the necessary time has passed before commencing repair work.
Installation at high altitudes
At altitudes above 3km, please contact Danfoss Drives regarding PELV
2.1.2 General Warning
Touching the electrical parts may be fatal - even after the equipment has been disconnected from mains. Before touching any potentially live parts of the unit, wait at least as follows: 380 - 480 V, 190-400A, wait at least 20 minutes. Shorter time is allowed only if indicated on the nameplate for the specific unit. Be aware that there may be high voltage on the DC links even when the Control Card LEDs are turned off. A red LED is mounted on a circuit board inside the active filter to indicate the DC bus voltages. The red LED will stay lit until the DC link is 50V DC or lower.
Leakage current The earth leakage current from the filter exceeds 3.5mA. According to IEC 61800-5-1 a reinforced Protective Earth connection must be ensured by means of an PE wire ­with the same cable cross section as the Mains wiring ­must be terminated separately. Residual Current Device This product can cause a D.C. current in the protective conductor. Where a residual current device (RCD) is used for extra protection, only an RCD of Type B (time delayed) shall be used on the supply side of this product. Protective earthing of the filter and the use of RCD's must always follow national and local regulations.
Before Commencing Repair Work
Hazardous Voltage!
1. Disconnect the filter from mains
2. Wait at least the amount of time indicated in section General Warning above
Failure to follow recommendations could result in death or serious injury.
2 2
2.1.4 Special Conditions
Electrical ratings: The rating indicated on the nameplate of the active filter is based on a typical 3-phase mains power supply, within the specified voltage, current and temperature range, which is expected to be used in most applications.
MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 5
Safety VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
The unit also supports other special applications, which affect the electrical ratings of the filter. Special conditions which affect the electrical ratings might be:
Consult the relevant clauses in these instructions for information about the electrical ratings.
Installation requirements: The overall electrical safety of the active filter requires special installation considerations regarding:
Consult the relevant clauses in these instructions for information about the installation requirements.
High temperature applications which require
derating of the electrical ratings High altitude installation which require derating
of the electrical ratings Marine applications with more severe environ-
mental conditions
Fuses and circuit breakers for over-current and
short-circuit protection Selection of power cables (mains and relays)
Grid configuration (IT,TN, grounded leg, etc.)
Safety of low-voltage terminals (PELV conditions)
Disposal Instruction
Equipment containing electrical components must not be disposed of together with domestic waste. It must be separately collected with electrical and electronic waste according to local and currently valid legislation.
Avoid Unintended Start
While the Active Filter is connected to mains, the device can be started/stopped using digital commands, bus commands, references or via the Local Control Panel.
Disconnect the unit from mains whenever
personal safety considerations make it necessary to avoid unintended start.
To avoid unintended start, always activate the
[OFF] key before changing parameters.
2.1.6 IT Mains
IT mains Do not connect the unit with RFI-filters to mains supplies with a voltage between phase and earth of more than 440V for 400V. For 400V IT mains and delta earth (grounded leg), mains voltage may exceed 440V between phase and earth.
14-50 RFI Filter can be used to disconnect the internal RFI capacitors from the RFI filter to ground.
6 MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
Soft charge
Introduction to VLT Active ... VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
3 Introduction to VLT Active Filter AAF00x
3.1.1 Working Principle
VLT® Active Filter AAF00x is a device for harmonic current mitigation and reactive current compensation. The unit is designed for installation in various systems and applications as centrally installed filter(s) or combined with a VLT frequency converter as a packaged low harmonic drive solution.
The counter phase signals are generated by setting different IGBT switches in real time feeding a DC-voltage into the grid. The compensated current waveform is smoothened via a built-in LCL filter making sure that the IGBT switching frequency and DC-component is not imposed to the grid. The filter is able to operate on generator or transformer supply and is able to reduce individual motor, non-linear loads or mixed loads. All nonlinear-loads (diode feed loads) must hold AC coils to protect these units against over current of the input diodes.
The active shunt filter monitor all three phase line currents and process the measured current signal via a digital signal processor system. The filter then compensates by actively imposing signals in counter phase to the unwanted elements of the current.
The factory settings allow for fast start-up but dedicated programming is possible through the local user control panel LCP allowing adaptation to more demanding applications.
The filter allows either overall or selective harmonic compensation modes. In overall compensation mode all harmonics will be reduced towards zero. The filter will in this operation mode also balance out the load to reduce uneven load distribution between the three phases. The steady state performance will allow compensate of harmonics until 40th order but the ultra-quick current injection allow the filter also to compensate flicker and other quick and short term phenomenon. In selective mode the filter allows the user to program acceptable individual harmonic levels between 5th and 25th order. The filter will in selective mode not reduce even harmonic orders nor triplings and will not support phase load balancing and flicker reduction.
Beside the harmonic compensation mode the filter also allow the user to program the filter priority from either reactive current or harmonic compensation. If harmonic compensation is chosen as the 1st priority, the filter will use needed current for harmonic reduction and use energy for reactive current correction only if excessive energy is at hand. The filter will automatically and continuously assign energy between 1st and 2nd priority to provide highest
MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 7
Introduction to VLT Active ... VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
possible mitigation of both reactive and harmonic compensation. This reassures that the true power factor is continuously optimized and that highest possible utilization of the supply transformer current is secured. Filter LCP give user a friendly programming structure and allow multiple readouts on the LCP. Some read outs are calculated and approximated values and consequently cannot be weighted up against readout of a power quality analyser due to different sample rates and harmonic order content.
It is not possible to overload the active filter due to the self protection circuitry that automatically reduces the compensated current to a level where the filter is at a stable temperature condition. In case the mitigation demand is higher then the filter rating the filter will compensate to the best of it ability and leave remaining harmonics or reactive currents unaffected.
The active filter is as standard equipped with a RFI filter fulfilling EMC industrial (second) environment standard IEC55011 Class A2 equal category C3 of IEC61800-3.
Filter Configurator
Language package 3 English, German, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Romanian, Hungarian, Czech and Russian.
Language package 4 English, German, Spanish, English US, Greek, Brazilian Portuguese, Turkish and Polish. To order filters with a different language package, please contact your local sales office.
It is possible to design an Active Filter according to the application requirements by using the ordering number system. For the VLT Active Filter AAF 00x Series, you can order standard filters and filters with integral options by sending a type code string describing the product to the local Danfoss sales office, i.e.: AAF 00XA190T4E21H2xGCXXXSXXXXAxBXCFXXXDx
The meaning of the characters in the string can be located in the following pages containing the ordering numbers and option settings. In the example above a standard 190A Active Filter is chosen in an IP21 enclosure for a 380-480V net. From the Internet based configurator, you can configure the right filter for the right application and generate the type code string. The configurator will automatically generate an eight-digit sales number to be delivered to your local sales office. Furthermore, you can establish a project list with several products and send it to a Danfoss sales representative. The configurator can be found on the global Internet site: www.danfoss.com/drives.
Filters will automatically be delivered with a language package relevant to the region from which it is ordered. Four regional language packages cover the following languages: Language package 1 English, German, French, Danish, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish, Italian and Finnish. Language package 2 English, German, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Traditional Chinese and Bahasa Indonesian.
8 MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
A FA x0 0 A T 4 E H x G C x x x x x x x B x C x x x x xDAS
Introduction to VLT Active ... VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
3.1.3 Ordering Form type code
Possible choice Product groups 1-3 AAF Series 4-6 005 Current rating 7-10 A190: 190Amp
A250: 250Amp Phases 11 T: Three Phases Mains Voltage 12 4: 380-480V AC enclosure 13-15 E21: IP21/Nema Type1
ESH: IP54 hybrid RFI filter 16-17 H2: RFI filter, Class A2
H4: RFI filter, Class A1 (optional) Display (LCP) 19 G: Graphical Local Control Panel
(LCP) Coating PCB 20 C: Coated PCB Mains option 21 X: No mains option
3: Mains disconnect and fuse
7: Fuse Adaptation A 22 Reserved Adaptation B 23 Reserved Software release 24-27 Reserved Software language 28 Reserved A options 29-30 AX: No A option B options 31-32 BX: No B option C-option configu­ration D options 38-39 DX: No Options
33-37 CFxxx: CO-option occupied with
Active Filter control card
Product groups 1-3 AAF Series 4-6 006 Current rating 7-10 A190: 190Amp
Phases 11 T: Three Phases Mains Voltage 12 4: 380-480V AC enclosure 13-15 E21: IP21/Nema Type1
RFI filter 16-17 H2: RFI filter, Class A2 (standard)
Display (LCP) 19 G: Graphical Local Control Panel
Coating PCB 20 C: Coated PCB Mains option 21 X: No mains option
Adaptation A 22 Reserved Adaptation B 23 Reserved Software release 24-27 Reserved Software language 28 Reserved A options 29-30 AQ: MCA-122 Modbus TCP
B options 31-32 BX: No B option C-option configu­ration D options 38-39 DO: 24V backup
Possible choice
A250: 250Amp A310: 310Amp A400: 400 Amp
E54: IP54/Nema Type 12 E2M: IP21/Nema Type 1 with mains shield E5M: IP54/Nema Type 12 with mains shield
H4: RFI filter, Class A1 (optional)
3: Mains disconnect and fuse 7: Fuse
AX: No A option
33-37 CFxxx: CO-option occupied with
Active Filter control card
DX: No Options
MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 9
92 L2
91 L1
93 L3
6 5 4 3 2 1
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
4 How to Install
4.1 How to Get Started
This chapter covers mechanical and electrical installations to and from power terminals and control card terminals.
4.1.1 How to Get Started
The Active Filter is designed to achieve a quick and EMC­correct installation by following the steps described below.
Read the safety instructions before installing the unit. Failure to follow recommendations could result in death or serious injury.
Mechanical Installation
Mechanical mounting
Electrical Installation
Connection to Mains and Protecting Earth
CT connection and cables
Fuses and circuit breakers
Control terminals - cables
Quick Setup
Local Control Panel of filter
4.2 Pre-installation
4.2.1 Planning the Installation Site
Before performing the installation it is important to plan the installation of the Filter. Neglecting this may result in extra work during and after installation.
Select the best possible operation site by considering the following (see details on the following pages):
Ambient temperature conditions
Altitude at installation point
Installation and compensation method
How to cool the unit
Position of the Active Filter
CT installation point and possibility to reuse
existing CTs Cable routing and EMI conditions
Ensure the power source supplies the correct
voltage and frequency If the unit is without built-in fuses, ensure that
the external fuses are rated correctly.
Receiving the Active Filter
When receiving the unit please make sure that the packaging is intact, and be aware of any damage that might have occurred to the unit during transport. In case damage has occurred, contact immediately the shipping company to claim the damage.
Damaged packaging can indicate a too rough transpor­tation which might have resulted in inside failures of the unit. Even though the unit from the outside seems to be
Illustration 4.1 Diagram showing basic installation including mains and CTs.
10 MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
intact make sure to claim the damage
4.2.3 Transportation and Unpacking
Before unpacking the Active Filter it is recommended that it is located as close as possible to the final installation site. Keep the filter on the pallet and boxed, as long as possible to avoid scratches and dents.
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
4.2.4 Lifting
Always lift the unit in the dedicated lifting eyes. Use a bar to avoid bending the lifting holes.
4 4
Illustration 4.2 Recommended Lifting Method for AAF 005, Frame Sizes D9 and E7.
Illustration 4.3 Recommended Lifting Method for AAF 006, Frame Sizes D13 and E9.
The lifting bar must be able to handle the weight of the unit. See Mechanical Dimensions for the weight of the different frame sizes. Maximum diameter for bar is 25mm (1 inch). The angle from the top of the unit to the lifting cable should be 60° or greater.
MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 11
1733,6 [68]
1553,4 [61]
1853,6 [73]
200.0 [8]
377,8 [15]
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
Note the plinth is provided in the same packaging as the filter, but is not always attached to frame during shipment. The plinth is required to allow airflow to the unit to provide proper cooling. The plinth of the D and E-frames filters should be mounted before the unit is lifted to its final position.
4.2.5 Mechanical Dimensions
Illustration 4.4 Frame size D9, AAF05
12 MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
1549,9 [61]
2119,8 [83]
159,2 [8]
493,5 [19]
2000,1 [79]
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
4 4
Illustration 4.5 Frame size D13, AAF06
Illustration 4.6 Frame size E7, AAF05
MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 13
2004.50 mm
1491.35 mm
493.23 mm
2000 [78,78]
195 [7,68]
491,19 [19,43]
1498 [59,06]
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
Illustration 4.7 Frame size E9, AAF06
14 MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
Mechanical dimensions and rated power
Frame size D9 E7
4 4
Version AAF05 AAF05
enclosure protection
Nominal current rate 190A 250A Shipping Dimensions Height
Filter Dimensions Height
IP 21/54 hybrid 21/54 hybrid NEMA Type 1 Type 1
(mm) Width (mm) Depth (mm) Weight (kg) 400 450
(mm) Width (mm) Depth (mm) Max Weight (kg)
1852 2111
1118 1118
947 947
1732 2000
840 840
380 494
293 352
MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 15
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
Mechanical dimensions and rated power
Frame size D13 E9
Version AAF06 AAF06
enclosure protection
Nominal current rate 190A 250, 310, 400A Shipping Dimensions Height
Filter Dimensions Height
IP 21/54 21/54 NEMA Type 1/12 Type 1/12
(mm) Width (mm) Depth (mm) Weight (kg) 340 500
(mm) Width (mm) Depth (mm) Max Weight (kg)
750 864
737 737
1943 2203
1740 2000
600 600
380 494
293 458
16 MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
849.1 [33.4]
3x771.0 [30.4]
599.60 mm
600 [23]
380 [15]
600 [23]
849,0 [33]
889,1 [35]
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
4.3 Mechanical Installation
Preparation of the mechanical installation of the filter must be done carefully to ensure a proper result and to avoid additional work during installation. Start taking a close look at the mechanical drawings in 4.2.5 Mechanical Dimensions to become familiar with the space demands.
4.3.1 Tools Needed
To perform the mechanical installation the following tools are needed:
Drill with 10 or 12mm drill
Tape measure
Screw driver
Wrench with relevant metric sockets (7-17mm)
Extensions to wrench
Sheet metal punch for conduits or cable glands
Lifting bar to lift the unit (rod or tube max. Ø
25mm (1 inch), able to lift minimum 1000kg). Crane other lifting aid to place the unit in
position Torx T50 tool
4 4
General Considerations
Space Ensure proper space above and below the unit to allow airflow and cable access. In addition space in front of the unit must be considered to enable opening of the door of the panel.
Illustration 4.9 Space in front of IP21/IP54 enclosure type, frame size D13 .
Illustration 4.8 Space in front of IP21/IP54 enclosure type, frame size D9 .
MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 17
Illustration 4.10 Space in front of IP21/IP54 enclosure type, frame size E7.
597.00 mm
1068.91 mm
1069 [42,08]
597 [23,50]
0 [.0]
3x277,1 [10.9]
R/L1 91 T/L3 93S/L
3X 276,87
332.5 [13.1]
.0 [.0]
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
Illustration 4.12 Terminal Location of Frame D9
Illustration 4.11 Space in front of IP21/IP54 enclosure type, frame size E9.
Wire access Ensure that proper cable access is present including necessary bending allowance.
All cable lugs/ shoes must mount within the width of the terminal bus bar.
4.3.3 Terminal Locations - Frame size D
Consider the following position of the terminals when designing for cables access.
Illustration 4.13 Terminal Location of Frame D13
Be aware that the power cables are heavy and hard to bend. Consider the optimum position of the unit for ensuring easy installation of the cables.
Terminal Locations - Frame size E
Take the following position of the terminals into consid­eration when designing the cable access.
Illustration 4.14 Terminal Location of Frame E7
18 MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
323,9 [12,8]
0 [0]
0 0.5 4.9 13 27.3 45.9 66 89.3 115.7 147
Pressure Increase
Filter Derating
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
A door fan(s) is required on the enclosure to remove the heat losses not contained in the backchannel of the unit and any additional losses generated from other components installed inside the enclosure. The total required air flow must be calculated so that the appropriate fans can be selected. Some enclosure manufacturers offer software for performing the calculations (i.e. Rittal Therm software).
Airflow The necessary airflow over the heat sink must be secured. The flow rate is shown below.
Frame size D13/D9 E9, E7
Illustration 4.15 Terminal Location of Frame E9
Door fan Heatsink
4 4
Enclosure IP21 / IP54 IP21/54
340m3/h (200 cfm) 340m3/h (200 cfm) 765m3/h (450 cfm) 1230m3/h (725 cfm)
Note that the power cables are heavy and difficult to bend. Consider the optimum position of the unit for ensuring easy installation of the cables. Each terminal allows use of up to 4 cables with cable lugs or use of standard box lug. Earth is connected to relevant termination point in the unit.
4.3.5 Cooling and Airflow
Cooling Cooling can be obtained in different ways, by using the cooling ducts in the bottom and the top of the unit, by taking air in the back of the unit or by combining the cooling possibilities.
Back cooling The design of the active filter is built on a backchannel cooling system where 85% of all heat is ducted via an IP54 segregated backchannel. This reduces the needed airflow inside the enclosure and ensures less moist and dust ventilation across vital components.
The backchannel air is normally ventilated via the plint inlet and ducted out the top of the enclosure. The design of the backchannel does, however, also allow air to be taken from outside the control room and dusted back out again. This is supported to ease stress on the control room air conditioner and so conserve energy. To support back wall inlet, the unit air inlet has to be blocked via an optional cover and the air outlet ducted via an optional top duct.
Table 4.1 Heatsink Air Flow
For the active filter, the fan runs for the following reasons:
1. Active filter running
2. Specific heatsink temperature exceeded (power size dependent)
3. Specific Power Card ambient temperature exceeded (power size dependent)
4. Specific Control Card ambient temperature exceeded
Once the fan is started it will run for minimum 10 minutes.
External ducts If additional duct work is added externally to the Rittal cabinet the pressure drop in the ducting must be calculated. Use the charts below to derate the unit according to the pressure drop.
MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 19
Illustration 4.16 D frame Derating vs. Pressure Change Air flow: 450 cfm (765 m3/h)
Filter Derating
0 0 0.1 3.6 9.8 21.5 43.4 76 237.5 278.9
Pressure Change
246,0 [10]
20,0 [1]
380,0 [15]
419,7 [17]
55,9 [2]
20 [.8]
60 [2.4]
70 [2.8]
800,0 [32]
361,7 [14]
55,9 [2]
380,0 [15]
20,0 [1]
2X 370
2X 200
2X 112.75
2X 222.75
74.6 [3]
350 [14]
70 [3]
202.75 [8]
84.6 [3.5]
361.7 [14.5]
70.4 [3]
20 [1]
5.10 [.2]
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
Illustration 4.17 E frame Derating vs. Pressure Change Air flow: 725 cfm (1230m3/h)
Illustration 4.19 Frame Size D13
Gland/Conduit Entry - IP21 (NEMA 1)
4.3.6 and IP54 (NEMA12)
Cables are connected through the gland plate from the bottom. Remove the plate and plan where to place the entry for the glands or conduits. Prepare holes in the marked area on the drawing.
The gland plate must be fitted to the active filter to ensure the specified protection degree, as well as ensuring proper cooling of the unit. If the gland plate is not mounted, the unit may trip on Alarm 69, Pwr. Card Temp
Cable entries viewed from the bottom of the filter
Illustration 4.18 Frame Size D9
20 MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
Illustration 4.20 Frame Size E7
Illustration 4.21 Frame Size E9
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
4 4
Illustration 4.22 Mounting of bottom plate, E
The bottom plate of the E frame can be mounted from either in- or outside of the enclosure, allowing flexibility in the installation process, i.e. if mounted from the bottom the glands and cables can be mounted before the unit is placed on the pedestal.
Field Installation of Options
4.4.1 Installation of Input Plate Options
This section is for the field installation of input option kits available for Active Filters. Do not attempt to remove RFI filters from input plates. Damage may occur to RFI filters if they are removed from the input plate.
D9 177G2348 177G2344 177G2346 177G2347 177G2343 177G2345 E7 176F0253 176F0255 176F0257 176F0258 176F0260 D13 177G2348 177G2344 177G2346 177G2347 177G2343 177G2345 E9 176F0253 176F0255 176F0257 176F0258 176F0260
Fuses Disconnect and
RFI Fuses & RFI Fuses, RFI &
MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 21
3 Phase
91 (L1)
92 (L2)
93 (L3)
95 PE
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
4.5 Electrical Installation
4.5.1 Power Connections
Cabling and fusing
Cables General
All cabling must comply with national and local regulations on cable cross-sections and ambient temperature. UL applications require 75 °C copper conductors. 75° and 90 °C copper conductors are thermally acceptable for use in non UL applications.
If is insufficient to rate the power cable for the filter current rating alone due to skin and proximity effects.
The power cable connections are situated as shown below. The mains connection is fitted to the mains switch if this is included. Dimensioning of cable cross section must be done in accordance with the filter current rating including skin and proximity effects, derating and local legislation.
Mains must be connected to terminals 91, 92 and 93. Earth is connected to the terminal to the right of terminal 93.
Terminal No. 91, 92, 93 94
The conductor is predominantly carrying currents of high frequencies so the distribution of current is not evenly dispersed throughout the cross section of the conductor. This is due to two independent effects known as skin effect and proximity effect. Both effects make derating necessary and consequently the mains wire of the Active Filters have to be rated at a higher current then the filter rating itself.
Filter 190A 250A 310A 400A
Function Mains R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 Earth
Min CU wire Min ALU wire Max wire 70mm2 (2/0) 95mm2 (3/0) 2*150mm2 (2*300MCM)
120mm2 (4/0) 150mm2 (300MCM) 4x240mm2 (4x500MCM)
240 mm2 (500MCM) 2*95mm2 (2*3/0) 4x240mm2 (4x500MCM)
2*95mm2 (2*3/0) 2*150mm2 (2*300MCM) 4x240mm2 (8x900MCM)
The required derating is calculated as two separate factors: one for the skin effect and one for the proximity effect. The skin factor is depending on frequency of conduct, cable material and cable dimensions. The proximity effect is depending on the number of conducts, diameters and distance between the individual cables.
The optimized mains wire is:
Cupper wires
Single conducts
The reason for that is that cupper has lower skin effect factors then aluminium, busbars have bigger surface area compared to cables reducing the skin effect factor and proximity effects of single conducts is negligible. The following cables specifications take both skin and proximity effects into account:
Table 4.2 Allowed Active Filter Mains Cable with Typical Cable Manufacturer Data
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How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
Due to the built-in LCL filter the unit will not feed the main wire with high dU/dt signals. That reduces the radiated emission through the power cable. Cable screen/shielding can thus be omitted allowing the mains cables to be connected without considering EMC requirements. The Active Filter will be able to run at long cable runs. Cable length is limited by the voltage drop. It is advised to keep the cable lengths to less then 200m.
For protection of the active filter, the recommended fuses must be used or the unit must be with built-in fuses. Recommended fuses can be seen in the tables of the fuse section. Always ensure that proper fusing is made according to local regulation.
4 4
Illustration 4.23 Frame size D9
RFI 5) LCL line reactor
2) Mains wire connection 6) LCL capacitors R S T 7) LCL filter reactor L1 L2 L3 8) CT-wire connection point
3) Input plate 9) Fan/ SMPS fuse
4) Backchannel fan
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How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
Illustration 4.24 Frame size D13
CT - connection terminal 7) Mains contactor
2) FC card 8) Power card
3) AFC card 9) Mains wire connection
4) RFI (input option plate) 10) Back channel
5) Fuse/disconnect (mains option) 11) LCL circuitry
6) LCL circuitry 12) DC-capacitors
24 MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
4 4
Illustration 4.25 Frame size E7
RFI 5) LCL line reactor
2) Mains wire connection 6) LCL capacitors R S T 7) LCL filter reactor L1 L2 L3 8) CT-wire connection point
3) Input plate 9) Fan/ SMPS fuse
4) Backchannel fan
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How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
Illustration 4.26 Frames Sizes E9
CT - connection terminal 7) Mains contactor
2) FC card 8) Power card
3) AFC card 9) Mains wire connection
4) RFI (input option plate) 10) Back channel
5) Fuse/disconnect (mains option) 11) LCL circuitry
6) LCL circuitry 12) DC-capacitors
Table 4.3 Frames Sizes D13
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How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
4.5.2 Earthing
The following basic issues need to be considered when installing an active filter, so as to obtain electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
Safety earthing: Please note that the active filter
has leakage current and must be earthed appropriately for safety reasons. Apply local safety regulations.
High-frequency earthing: Keep the earth wire
connections as short as possible.
Connect the different earth systems at the lowest possible conductor impedance. The lowest possible conductor impedance is obtained by keeping the conductor as short as possible and by using the greatest possible surface area. The metal cabinets of the different devices are mounted on the cabinet rear plate using the lowest possible HF impedance. This avoids having different HF voltages for the individual devices and avoids the risk of radio interference currents running in connection cables that may be used between the devices. The radio interference will have been reduced. In order to obtain a low HF impedance, use the fastening bolts of the devices as HF connection to the rear plate. It is necessary to remove insulating paint or similar from the fastening points.
current. If ELCB relays are used, local regulations must be observed. To reassure effective protection and unintended tripping of protective relays, all relays must be suitable for protection of 3-phase equipment with active current infeed and for a brief discharge during power-up. It is recommended to use a type with adjustable trip amplitude and time characteristics. Select a current sensor with sensitivity of more then 200mA and not less than 0.1­second operation time.
4 4
4.5.4 RFI Switch
Mains supply isolated from earth If the Active filter is supplied from an isolated mains source (IT mains, floating delta and grounded delta) or TT/TN-S mains with grounded leg, the RFI switch is recommended to be turned off (OFF) 1) via 14-50 RFI Filter on the unit. For further reference, see IEC 364-3. In OFF, the internal RFI capacities between the chassis and the intermediate circuit are cut off to avoid damage to the intermediate circuit and to reduce the earth capacity currents (according to IEC 61800-3). Please also refer to the application note VLT on IT mains, MN.90.CX.02. It is important to use isolation monitors that are capable for use together with power electronics (IEC 61557-8).
Illustration 4.27 Example of Earth Terminal Position
When tightening all electrical connections it is very important to tighten with the correct torque. Too low or too high torque results in a bad electrical connection. Use a torque wrench to ensure correct torque. Below is the tightening torque required for the mains terminal:
Frame size D 19Nm M10 E 19Nm M10
Torque Bolt size
Extra Protection (RCD)
ELCB, RCD, GFCI relays or multiple protective earthings are often used as extra protection, or needed to provide compliance with local safety regulations. In case of an earth fault, a DC component may develop in the fault
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How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
Current transformer specification The Active Filter supports most current transformers. The current transformers have to have the following specifi­cations:
Technical specification of Active filter passive current transformers: RMS maximum measured RMS current
Illustration 4.28 Tightening Bolts with Torque Wrench
Accuracy 0.5% or better (Class 0.5) Secondary rated current Rated frequency 50/60 Hz Rated power/burden
Rated power/ burden [VA] Impedance of current CT [Ω]
Table 4.4 Rated Power/Burden
1A or 5A (5A is recommended) Set-up via hardware
See Table 4.4 (AAF’s burden equal 2mΩ)
5 7.5 10 15 30
≤ 0.15 ≤ 0.25 ≤ 0.35 ≤ 0.55 ≤ 1.15
Always use a torque wrench to tighten the bolts.
4.5.6 Shielded Cables
It is important that shielded cables are connected in a proper way to ensure high EMC immunity and low emissions.
Connection can be made using either cable glands or clamps:
EMC cable glands: Generally available cable
glands can be used to ensure an optimum EMC connection.
EMC cable clamp: Clamps allowing easy
connection are supplied with the unit.
Current Transformer (CT)
The filter operates in close loop operation by receiving current signals for external current transformers. The received signal is processed and the filter reacts according to programmed actions.
Incorrect current transformer connection, installation or configuration will lead to unintended and uncontrollable behaviour of the filter.
All other technical data like dynamic rated current, maximal permitted operating voltage, thermal dimensioning of continuous current, thermal dimensioning of short-time current, over current limit, isolation class, working temperature range etc. are specific values of the system and have to be defined during the project planning phase of the equipment.
RMS Specification The minimum RMS has to be determined by the total current that passes through the current transformer. It is important that the current sensor is not too small leading to saturation of the sensor. Add 10% margin and pick the next following bigger standard RMS rate. It is advised to use current transformers which has a RMS rating close to the maximum current that flows through it to allow the highest possible accuracy of the measurement and so an ideal compensation.
CT Burden In order to ensure that the current transformer performs according to specifications, the rated burden should not be above the true current requirement by the Active Filter. The burden of the CT is depending on the wire type and the cable length between the CT and the filter CT connection terminal. The filter itself contributes with 2mΩ.
The accuracy of the CT is depending on wire type and length of the cable between filter and current transformer.
The current transformers are not part of the filter package and must be purchased separately.
28 MG.90.V2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
The required (minimum) CT burden can be calculated as: [VA] = 25*[Ohm/M] *[M]+1.25 [Ohm/M] being the cable resistance in Ohm/meter, [M] being the cable length in meters
L1 L2
91 92 93 L1 L2 L3
How to Install VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
Table 4.5 shows the minimum CT burden for different wire gauge at wire length of 50m and standard wire resistance value:
Wire Gauge
[mm2 / AWG]
1.5 / #16 13.3 50 / 164 >16.6
2.5 / #14 8.2 50 / 164 >10.2 4 / #12 5.1 50 / 164 > 6.3 6 / #10 3.4 50 / 164 > 4.2 10 / #8 2 50 / 164 > 2.5
Table 4.5 Minimum CT Burden
Resistance [Ohm/Km]
Wire length
[meters / feet]
Minimum CT
burden [VA]
For a fixed CT burden the maximum allowed wire length can be calculated as: [M] = ([VA]-1.25) / (25*[Ohm/M])
Below the maximum wire length of CT with 2.5mm2 wires and resistor value equal 8.2 Ohm/km:
Wire Gauge
[mm2 / AWG]
2.5 / #14 8.2 5 <18m / 60
2.5 / #14 8.2 7.5 <30m / 100
2.5 / #14 8.2 10 <42m / 140
2.5 / #14 8.2 15 <67m / 220
2.5 / #14 8.2 30 <140m / 460
Resistance [Ohm/Km]
Minimum CT
burden [VA]
Wire length
[meter / feet]
4 4
1 or 5 Amp CT Set-up To allow for possible reuse of already present CT transformers, the VLT Active Filter allows use of either 1 Amp or 5 Amp CTs. The filter is as standard set-up for 5 Amp CT feedback. If the CTs are 1 Amp, redirect the CT terminal plug from slot MK101, pos. 1, to MK108, pos. 2, on the AFC card, see Illustration 4.29.
Example Calculation example for correct current transformer for an application with: RMS= 653Amp, Distance between filter and CT’s of 30m. RMS=653*1.1= 719A, CT RMS = 750Amp. Burden : 30m@2.5mm2 wire => 25*0.0082*30+1.25=7.4 => 7.5 [VA].
Current transformer installation The unit only supports three CT installations. External CTs should be installed on all three phases to detect the harmonic content of the grid. The flow direction of the sensor is in most cases indicated by an arrow. The arrow should point in the direction of the current flow and so towards the load. In case the flow direction is incorrectly programmed the polarity can be changed via filter
Illustration 4.29 AFC Board
300-25 CT Polarity. 300-25 CT Polarity can program the polarity of all three phases individually.
Individual or group compensation The compensation of the filter depends on the signal that is returned from the current transformers. The point of installation for these sensors is so determine the loads that are corrected.
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