Danby DAR604BL Owner's Manual

Read andfollowWIsafetyrules and_)peratinginstructionsbefore
Veufllez}ireattentivement es consignesdes_curt_et los
ADVERTENCIA: LeayWgatodaslasrsgtasde
segurWade tnstrucclonesde
funclonamientoantesdeusareste artefactoperprimera'vez.
Befo!'e PutUng Into Use .......................... 2
important ......................................... 3
Placing and Installation ............................. 4
Description of theAppliance ........................ 5
Operation Control ................................. 6
Use ........................................... 8
Maintenance and Cleaning ........................... 9
Changing the Direction of opening the Door ......... 10
Trouble ShootingGuide ............................ 11
Bu!b R,ep,!acement; ...... _i ......... _: , ...... 12
.. = . . r!,; ,
conse Is importahts _,, : ...... "........ :.. i. ..... ;,, .16
" installation et raccordement ........................ 17
Description de I'appareil ............................ 18
Commande ................................ 19
U{ilisation ........ ...... .............................. 21
Er_tretiles'et nettoyage :i.. :.. _: _. o:::; ........... '.22
Chaogemee.t du sons d'ouverture de la porte .........23
En caS de prgbleme ................................ 24
Antes de comenzar a usarla ........................ 28
Importante ......................................29
Ubtcact6n e instalaci6n .......................... 30
DescripcI6n dei artefacto eI6ctrtco ................. 31
Controtes de operaci6n ................... 32
Uso ..................................... 34
Mantenimiento y limpieza ......................... 35
Cambio de direcci6n de la apertura de la puerta ...... 36
Guia de solucibn de averfas ......................... 37
Cambio de la bombltla ..................... 38
Danby Products Limited, PO Box 1778,Ontario, Canada NIH 6Z9
Danby Products Inc., PO Box 669, Findlay,Ohio, USA 45839-0669
All Refrigerator
,Thank'y0u for :buy!rig ;a Danby Silhouette _appliance';,? r' ,
We hope' it will successfully serve your requirements for many years."
This Refrlgerato_" is for domestic,use only,and is
intended for storing fresh foods at temperatures
* o _ , ,. F ....
hlgher than 0 ! 32 E,
-, , r- 1 .... -
Before Putting Into Use ......... 2
Instructionsfor Use. ....
We Care.for the Environment Tips for Energy Savings
Important ......... ; ......... 3
Disposing of Worn Out Appliances
Placing and Installation ........ 4
Choosing the Right Place Placing the Self-standing Appliance
Connection to Power Supply
Description of the Appliance ..... 5
Operation Control .............. 6
Temperature Selection
:Use ... ;_._._.._...:: _- . .-.i;;. :,. ;, : .8
Storing Fresh Foods ; . .....
Maintenance and Cleaning . .-, _, .9 ,- °' Automatic. Defrosting of _theRefrigerator, =,;:, ._
CIeanfng of, the Appliance, : ...-,, , _. ....
Switch Off the ApplianceWhen Not in Use "
Changing the Direction of Opening the;Door ;. '-,,,",... ,. ;..10 .
Trouble_-Shpoting Guide ,-, ,',-:,, 11..
Bulb Replacement ............ t2
Before Puttin 9 Into use ,..,
Before connecting the.appliance to.electrical.power ;- f thegasket is damage d or the-door seal is
supply: eave it stand for about 2 hours which will
reduce the po'ssibility of maffur;ctions in the cooling" system due to transport handt_ng
Clean the appliance thoroughly, especially in the interior (See Claaning and Maintenance)
In case the interior accessones are not correctly placed, rearrange them as described in chapter
"Description of the Appliance"
Instructions for Use
These instructions for USe are intended for the user They describe the'appliance and correct operating
procedures for safe use
Our products use environmentally ffiendty manner. To this end,'indivldual packaging materials are
clearly marked.
These Instructions are-printed either on recycled
paper or chlorine free bleached paper
When your appliance finally wears out, please try
not to burden the environment with it;call your nearest authorized service agent. (See Dlspostng
, , , , . ,, , -
of Worn Out Appliance) - - : .......
poor,_energy consumption is substantlal!y higher To restore efficiency, ;eplace the gasket.
Al,,_ays'consider;instructibns sia-te_ in ' _- sectloh.s Po'sthenir_g and Energy:Saving Tips, otherwise the energy cens;Jmption is substantially higher.
Try not to open the'doer tad often, especially whe'n the weather is hot a'nd humid. Once you open the -.
door, close it as soon as possible, This ]s espedafly important if yoti have an upright model.:_ L, -"_':-'.2
Every n6w and then check if the appttadoe,is - : _':; sufficiently ventilated (adequate air clrc_]atfdn_ _. '"
behind _he app]lance), . ; ....... . =:. " _.-
Set the thermoslat from higher to lower settings as soon as possible (depends on how loaded the appliance fs, ambient temperatures etc)
Before loading the appliance w]th packages of fresh foods, make sure that they are cooled to ambient temperature (excluding soups)
Ice and frost layers increase energy consumption, so clean the appliance as soon as the frost layer
is 3-5 mm thick.
Ifyouhaveboughtthisapplianceto replaceanold oneequippedwithadoe[lockthatcannptbe
openedfromtheinside(lock,boll),makesurethai thelocklsremoveddisabledordestroyedbefore dis&r'dlngl"f-hisw!llmakei!impgssiblef#_chii6ren'
IoaccldeGlplJy'loct;,themselvG#,insidetheappliance andsuffocate,. .-., :. , ,_ . ..-.>., _- . ,,
The:a'pplia'nc'emustbeproperlyconnecled'toan '- eleclricatpowersupply(see:connectiontopower
, , ,- ,
The refrigeratorsystemoftheapplianceisfilled withrefdgm'anta0d insulatingsubstances'which
shouldbe separatelytreatedandprocessedCalf yournearestauthorizedserviceagentor ': _ specializedservicingcenter Ifyouareunableto locateone,'conIacyyoul:-Iocaiaulhorjtiesor your
distiibuior.B__m-efulnoitpqlam_ge'thptubeson therearwalloftheappliance(dangei"Ofl_611ution).
awaylbe_au_eitsvetylikelylhatit isspeiledand ;- ":- " ' "" " _" _'_::_'_ ' '
thereforeIs_ahgetoustObobsuni&! ,-" ': .... - - _: " -" "
Alwaysdisconnecttheappliahce{_n_he power "--" _' 'AnemptyrefrgeratorIss ve,,ydangerous'&ttration'-
supplybefore'cleaningqhe.;_ppfianc._,replacingtho: _, tochildren.Removeeitherthegasdet,-lat_hes,lidsor lightbulband/orattGml_tidgqepairs.,WARNING:* ", x doorsfromunusedappliances,ortadesomeother
repairsshouldb_prefotmed,b!i_qbahfiedservice' _ '. actiontibetwi]l:gu'aranteeilharmless: _ " ;" - ' ;
personnelonly. ,:_' - , - ,.... :
Doimtdefrosttheappliancewithbtherelectde ,-. _;yeuoldreffigeiator_orfreezer_":':_'-_ -: "
appflances(forexarnplee flairdr}'er)andnever _ " '_;:' " Take off _e_dGdrs ": .....
altem,ptto s_fape/rpmGVe'c_/fro_twithsharp ', , Leavetheshelvesir_placeso t_atchildren
objects.Useohly_eh_;losedtoolortools ' .... maynoreasilyclimbinside.
recommendedbylhe mahufactureK: __ ..... :'- ._L: :.... : :
Therefrigeratingsystemoftheapplianceisfilled " withrefrigerantandoil,so whentheapplianceis damaged,handlettwithcareanddisposeofitin
,_mpllahcewithen_,,Ironmentalp(otecllon.--T.... : '
ether,nsfdeiheapplianceoroutsideonthetea:weL _, ;r
;" ' '1""':""°"'_1;' "_'W" _"1_ ''''_:°'''_ .... ";": : /`
,Dmp ose_of,, or :out _tlppl_ahCe -;_
...... :4 IMPORTANT WARNING - ,, '.,
........ , "_.... , ' ..... ,'" DANOER--Riskof_N]debtraprnentBefoi__outhrqwaway
Whenyourappliancefinallywearsout,disposeof it ina safeandharmlessmanner, Iftheapplianceis
equippedwith adoorlockthatcannotbe opened
from the inside( lock, bolt), make sure the lock is removed, disable or destroyed before being
discarded. This will make it impossible for children to accidentally lock themselves inside the appliance
and suffocate.
Placing and Installation
P_acethe appliancein a dry.andregularly :. . ..
ventilated room. Neverplacethe appliancenear
,beat emitting devices (e.g. cooking appliarlces,
_:ad'iators:_/ate'rheaters or similar devices) and do not.-exp'6seto dir'ect sunlight.
The appliance should be positioned at least 3 cm away from eiectric or gas cooking appliances
and at least 3D'.c'rhaway from oil or.coal fired stoves, If th!s i_inoi.ppssible, usela.nappropriate
insu ation b_arriet:,, , _" ,. _ _ ,
._ . ,' . r . ,-_._'" .', - ', " '_ " _ , J , .
Behind the appliance there should bea free , space at least 200 cm=w de and above the ,:
appliance kitchen units lcupbpards) should be at least 5cm away from the appliance in order to
assure adequate ventilation. ,:, ,
Place thb aldpliadde firmly on a solid base.
._ Some appliances have adjustable feet on the
front side; use them to level the appiiance.
Instructions perta|nin9 to therisk of fire, electric Sllo6k, or injury to persons.
' -. J .,, ._ ;-_ ":; . .: -':.-_,_ ."°:--L ,, ,:;LJJ,c__,U_;.'_-'L'.L-_ _;-L-. _- :-_'.-;
For your personal safety, this appliance must be
grounded. In the event of a malfunction or.
breakdown, grounding w_llreduce the risk of electric shock by providing a path of least -, resistance for electric.current, Thisapplianceis equipped,with a power cord having an,,-_ ,,
equtpmentgrsunding bonductor arid grounding
plug. The plug must be 1plugged;intoan - ....
appropriate wall outlet that is insta ledaqd. - g_:ou'hdedinaccbrdahce w!tb all existinglocal,
codes and ordinances. Consutia qualified , : electrician or .servtcemar_if,the greunding -' _. _:-.
nstruetons are not clear y,understood :or if r
doubt exists as to whether the appliance_is -,- .
properly grqunded., :.... ,-, _ ,, _ .-,',,::::.... ,
Connect {he'appfi_sce' power coid and plug toa properly gi-ounded wall outlet.' The'r_q'Qired-=:' "
nornln'alvoltage and frequ&n@ are indicated on- the rating plate (inside the unit or oq the exterior
rearwa ofthe unit). - .... '
. _ ,' .' . , i ', -, %' " - _ -, ÷ ,
_--_,,,'.,_r i _ o,,_ ° _ ,, '-' -
Description of the Appliance
A. ElectronicControls/Display -
, .. . ,,
B '_'-Tempered". cantilever ',Glass Shelves(,,-; ,1_..,,-_.,,,,3}
(D) CANSTOR DOOR LINER: Holds 355mL cans of ,. pop, uice, orbeer :_ ' ,,: .,,..: _=:- -.
(E), 2 LITER TALL BOTTLE STORAGE: holds 2 bottles,
(F) Defrost Water Outlet
The interior of Ihe refrigerator is cooled with'_ cooling plate mounted in the rear wail Under the plate there
is a channel and an outlet for defrost water. Regularly check the defrost water outlet and the drain'-
Channel for blockageo They should always b'e.kep! -- free and clean of food particles If the drain outlet
does become clogged, use a plastic straw to clearl it.
Illumination in the Interior of
the Refrigerator ',, The Iight for illuminating the interiorof the' refilgerator
is on, when the door is opened, off whefi the d_oor -
is closed,
Operation Control
.... '............ _ .................. _......... Scale) .... " - .......... "......... '- ...... - - " "
![] =; ...... " .... TheLEDdetaull_ellJngfortemperatureselection{°F?C)tsaF.(Faronhafght
T l_,_En_;u__EC.E_E SETTINGOPERATINGTEMPERATURE:Toeel!changetheoperating [] u_Do_.;_,t Iemperalure;
. ._,_,,E_DE 1 PressandreleaseellheroftheA _ (temperature)keys
O'_ C£'_IUSIJOC£ ' -, ' " ' - = .... -- ' , " :
,_ ,,_,._,,.,,;,ca_,.sSE,.CTO. j-- -TheLEDdis'.6Ia'y_'v]li'rem_o_'anli reverlthei'tlasing)spttamperalure[or.
TheelectronlcLEDdisplayonth!srefrigeraloi:isp;ogra_mediad_splay:':::"bbckanddisp!ayIliain_eroai(ca61ii_t)temp_erature.-:'.'--_ , {mdependenlly)lheloI_ow=nglemperalure(only)inforrnalion
"INTERt,IALCABINETTEMPERATURE:Thissetgngisrepresonledbye 2 Eachde-prassl6nof the_._L.:key(dUitn_iflashlng_ "steady=state(non-flashing)LEDdisplayandisthenormal(LED)default mode)willincreasethetemperalureIncrem
settingduringoperation antallybyl°(lemperaturerangesbe_,vaen36°F-.46"F/2°C-B°C)
SETOPERATINGTEMPERATURE:Thissellingisrepresenledbya "[lashing'LEDd}splayandcanonlybeprogrammed(SET)bypressingand re[easingei[herot_he,= v (lemperature)koysdurin_opera_on NOTE:Thesetlemperaturecanonlybeadjustedt'setwhlletheLEDisIn =fleshing"mode
TheLEDdsfau_lsettingfortheinternal(cabinet)temperatureisthe"real time"(ambient)lemparaluremeasuredatlhetimetheuollIsconnecledor
(aftera powerfailuzehasoccurred,lhepreviouslysetlemperalureis automaticallyerasedendwillhavetoberesel)
, . tempemlurewlhlnths5secopd_eflod,theLED',_lautomatlcailyreverl
3EachdepressionoftheV key(duringflashing mode)willdecreasethe[emperalureincrementally by 1°([emperaturerangesbettween36°F-46°F/
2°C-8_,)displayforapproximalely5 secconds after the'selecflenismade;thenreventbackto
display[he intemal(cabinet)temperature
TEMPERATURESELECTION(°F/°C):Thisunit candispay temperaturesonthe"Farenheighr'or
"Celsius"scalePressIhelemperaMeseEecter, _, keypadIo alternatebe_yen°FI,°C scale,Tbe_ '
"blue"indicatorlightadjacenttothecorresponding, modewillilluminateto'signifythe selectionmade ,i
,',,I ' I , _, "_; 7-, %- . . _, .,
DEFOSTING -':_"'- ' ", " _' _''
Yourretrigera!eris designedwithan"Auto-'Cycle_ defrostsystemWhatisAutoCycledefrost?
There[dgeratedsurfacesofIhe'freshfoorlcomp admentdefrostautornatically_during"ihe';off"cycle
ofthe coldcontroL(thermos[at)DefrostWaterfrom the fleshfood,compartmentisdisposedof. :, :-
aulamatica[ly,bymeansof,beingchanneledonto,; a driptraylocated.on.the.compressor.Heat.. .,.
transterfromlhecompressorcausesthedefrost ' watertoevaporate.::' ": ' _ q .[_'.L'
Toturn OFF therefl_geratarpermaneny,you'"....
mustdisconnectthepowercordfromtheefeclfical' outlet Therejsno"£fr'posjtion(sett,lng)aval!ab!e_
ontheelectroniccontrolpaneLwhentheTefligerator,. isnottobeused[ora longperiodoflime.
disconnectthe plugandleavethedoorpartiallyopen
NOTE:wait3 to 5minutesbeforerestartingif operalionhasbeeninterrupled
. ,. . ,
Storing :Fresh FOods .........
Properuse oftheappliance,adequatelypackedfood, correcllemperalureandlakingintoaccounthygienic
precautionswillsubstantiallyinfluencethe qualityof
Foodsto bestoredin therefrigeratorshouldbe properlypackedso asto preventmixingvarious
moisturedegreesandodors(inpolyethylenebags or sheet,aluminumfoil,waxpaper,or storedin coveredconlainersor bottles).
BeforestoringfoodIntherefrigerator,remove excessivepackaging(iikeyogurtinmulti-package)
Packsystematicallyandmakesurethat foodslul[sdonottoucheachother(variousodors
maymix) Assureadequateaircirculation aroundpackages.
Neversloreflammable,volatileor explosivesubstances
bestoredin tightly.sealedbotlles_n verllcalposilion
Crispyanddelicatefoodsshouldbe storedinthe
- j
coldestpartsof therefrigeralo_
Solthethai:roosts[Io a settingwherelewes{
temperaturesarereached,'Setthethermostat graduallyso asto avoidfreezingof foods -Usea thermometerandmeasurethe temperatureinthe
individualcompa_ments.Placethethermostatina. glassvesselfilledwithwater.Temperaturereadings aremostreitableafew hoursaftera steadyslate
conditionisreached . - _.
-., ' ?'2
, Someorganicsolulionslikevolatileoilsinlemon andorangepe,eE,acidinbutteretc.cancause.
damagewhenznconiaclwith'plastics'drfaces'or gaskets,f6[ ol_gperiods"oftime.'" ' '- ' '
- , "-'I "" ' ." '" ' J '-' ' "
Unpleasantodorsinsidetherefrtgeralor'ls,a sign thatsomethingiswrongwithfoodsortha!your ,.,
refrigera!orneeds:cleaning,Unpleasantodorscan., beeltmtnaledorreducedby,'washingthetntertorof
therefrigeratorwithmildsolutionofwale,rand . . vinegar.Wealsorecommendusingaclivatedcarbon
filterstocleaqthe airortoneutralizeodors :. ,
'Ifyouar_,olann]_galongjourney,'rnak-e'sureto '- removeperishable'articlesoffood outof the -
appliancebeforeyouleave. ' ......
Foods should be cooled down before storing,
Maintenance and, Cleanin9
Automattc._Defrost, ng of the -.. Swl,tch. Off0th.ei-A. pp!lance. -+',_,_._:._-,
_:,,Refrlgerator.,- ,,-.,.. ,.rr--" _ _:_. _ ;_5 ' - ; r[ _--Z: :_ "''''" ............ " ...... _ ............ _-- [
Thereis noneedtodefrosttherefrigerator,because' -_. +, f yeudo not intend to use _he ap,.pllance.fereng
ice depositingon the inner back wa]l is defrosted _ - ' ' '- periods' of time, (vacations) ,disconnect.the, Rower automalica[ly , supply, take out the foods arid defrost andc!ean the
Ice build-up on the inner back wall during the _ ,,i _,applianc.e.. Leave the door ,slightly open:, -
compressoroperatien;wlll_(whenthe'comprassorhas:,,_.,, _- cycledoff)defrostaulomalically_pefrQstwater, , -,_ -,. - _,,
collecL_!insidethe.dr_i_throughp)ssingthroughthe drainouUetin theinne:back.wall__:,,+-,- Into'adrainpar_._ : ,,, . ;
stualed'abovelhecompressor,fromwhereit ,: :,, _-,,v,_.--,
_,eanmg._.e+_,_pp,mance :_,-,,..;,-.
Disconnect the power, bar:befor_ cleaning-, .... : i_r"-;':."' =,
the appltaficeo - . ! ";; ,' - _,: : -,_-
, Do noLu3e [:o-aise.or &ggressive cleaning agents as
you can damage the surface. Clean the exterior with water and detergent
Remove the detachable accessories tn the interior of
the appliance and clean with water and liquid detergent. Plastic parts cannot be washed in _-:T..
dishwashers ,_L_"',:! Wash the interior of the appliance with lukewarm
water, adding one or two spoonfuls of v_negar, , After cleaning, connect the appliance to power supply
and reload it
Changing the,Direction of-the Door 0pening (Swing)
! ° r'.
1. Laythe uniton it's back
2, Re'naveIh_{hlee screws
locatedon thelowerdoor ' hing& ' '
3 Pullthedoordownwarduntilit
4 Removetheplas_tcscrewcap
fromthe toplefthandsideand InstallHonthetop fighthand
sideof Ihedoorframe
5 UnscrewIheupperdoorhinge
piefromtherightside ofIher
worktopaqdInstallit on theleft
sideof thffworktop
6 PosWonihematndoorbackon
Ihacabinetandpushupuntil lhe lop hingepfnis insertedintothe lop oflhe door.
7 Removethelowersupporlpin
fromthedoorandrepositienit onthe lowerhingeas shownin Fig,g
8 Re4nstallthe lowersupportpin
9 Makesuretoalignthe doorand
cabinetl_eforefasteningthe low-
er hingescrewsto lhecabinet.
Fig, B
! Lo',verOoo; ,_
-.i, t
[romfigh! tole_|bt nov.,open- log.
Fig. A
|"| tl III'|
I_] i i i, i i i _l
Trouble-Shootin 9 GUide:. ........ ,
Sometimes ou ma come across minor problems increased ice formation may be one oI Itle following: thai in me_,t_ases!Yo n_'trequire a ,_e_ice' c:alJand _' the dooi"does not _ea 'will '(clean t_qegasket fit Ls .
can be_reasily eti(ninated. The p'roblem may t_a_e:"; ' cohtamlnated, or'replace it' ifi(is _Jarnaged)__''-;' ',i resulted'fro_ i_mproper'l_andlingand/o; installalio'n'i_f "the 'dooi:t_ fi_luentl_' opened dr left too long. _ . "
the apl_lianee._P[ease refer to the'below/trouble:- ....... Lthe food stored In the refrig'erator was'war!n;'
shooting guide to assist you in identifying the -the food or dish is touching the inner back wall possible cause and solution to your problem Should the problem still persist after completing these Water isLeaking From the
checkpoints. Contact the closest authorizedservice --Refrigerator ..........
agent in your area for assistance
The Appliance Fails to .{_::.- deftbstwate_2drips.bver_the-_h-ahnel,water_willleak
Operate After Connedting-t O' Electrical Power Sup_)iy _ _ _
Check the power cord is properly/connected, "
Check the power supply in the electrical outlet .;_ (blown fuse / circuit breaker) . "_ -_
. Make sure the appliance is switched on _ :;
Continuous Operation of the
Cooling System
The door is frequently opened or left open for too long.
The door is not properly closed (the door may sag, the gasket may be polluted or damaged)
Perhaps you may have overloaded the appliance with fresh foods
The reason may be inadequate ventilation of the compressor (assure adequate air circulation)
Ice Formation on the Inner
Rear Wall
As long as the defrost water runs to the channel and through the outlet to the drain pan on the
compressor, automatic defrosting of the appliance is assured
In case the ice formation on the inner back wail is
increased (3-5 mm), ice should be manually defrosted
Never use electric devices for
defrosting and do not scrape the ice or frost layer with sharp objects.
After defrosting is complete, turn the knob to desired
- position and iclose the re[rig@raterdoor The _:ause of
i If the discharge water outlel Is clogged, or the
!........... frorn tiie refa:ig-erat6r_-....................
-"/Ctean_the cio.gged_-ouilei,-forexample wi!h,a .
, i
plastlc straw. - -_'.:.._. _.... [
Mahualty .defrostthe Increased ice layer. See : "Ice Formation on !he Inner rear Wall" ! I i
' ,, I
Noise ,-._,, , r
Cooling In a _:efrigerat0r'-freezingap_liance is made possible by cooling the system using a compressor,
which will produce cedatn noise levels How noisy
the appliance is depends on where it is p!aced, how il is used and how old the appliance is
During the operation of the compressor the
noise of the liquid Is heard and when the compressor is not opera'dng, the re[rigerant flow is heard. This is
a normal condition and it has no Influence whatsoever on.the lifetime of the appliance.
After starting the appliance, the operat{on of
the compressor and the refrigerant flow may be louder, which does not mean that something is wrong
with the appliance and it has no Influence on the
lifetime of the appliance, Gradually the is noise reduced.
Sometimes unusual and louder noise is hea_
which ts rather unusual for the appliance This noise
is often a consequence of inadequate Installation
-The appliance must be level and installed on a firm
solld baselfloor
-It should not touch the wall or kitchen units standin_ next to it
--Check the accessories on the interior of the appliance, they should be placed correctly fn their
posWons; also check, bottles, tins, and other vessels are not touching each other causing rattling
andtgr v!bratlons
Bulb Replacement ..........
, , ,-, _...... _ _ . . .
Before replacing the IJghtbulb disconnect the appliance from the power supply Using a phillips
screwdriver, remove the screw located on the eft (center) side of the Dightcover, Pu I the Dightcover straight down. Replacement light bulb must be the same,wattage as the original bulb.(]5 walts only)
Ifyou cannot locate this size bulb locally cgntact Danby's tol! free number 1-800-26-DANBY,
I , , - , ., r , , -
, ,-. . , ,
+ 28 hidden pages