Daktronics Data Time User Manual

Data Time® Series 50
Time & Temperature Displays
Installation, Operation &
Maintenance Manual
Data Time is a registered trademark of Daktronics, Inc.
ED 7207 Product #1114 Rev. 10 - 2Apr98
Copyright 1994 Daktronics, Inc.
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without written permission of the publisher.
Setting New Standards Worldwide
P.O. Box 5128 331 32nd Ave. Brookings, SD 57006 Phone (605)697-4400 or (800) 843-9879 Fax 697-4700


ED7207 – P1114
Data Time Series 50 Time and Temperature
1) This page is for reproduction reference only and will not be included in the manual.
2) This manual is to be copied on FRONT AND BACK PAGES -8 ½ x 11 paper. Note: The first page, Cover Page, uses the front of the page (blank on back). Section
heading pages always start on a new page; they never start on the back of another page.
3) Drawings included in this manual:
Section 1: A-61929, A-56629, A-57794, A-59698, A-58669, A-63117 Section 2: A-72324, A-72325, A-72326 Section 3: A-15267, A-57279, A-57319, A-67341, A-87841 Section 4: A-57210 Section 5: A-37070, A-67339 Appendix A: A -59425, A-87845 Appendix B: A-65383 Appendix C: None Appendix D: B-99250 (printed as an A-size)
4) Use a blue window cover and a blue back.
5) Punch all pages, window cover and back cover along the left edge and bind with a binder.
6) Please direct questions and suggestions to Engineering Secretarial.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction............................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 How To Use This Manual................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Display Overview............................................................................................... 1-1
2. Mechanical Installation ............................................................................................ 2-1
2.1 Display Definitions.............................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Support Column Selection ....................................................................................2-1
2.3 Mounting Details .................................................................................................2-1
3. Electrical Installation................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1 Display Access................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Power Connection .............................................................................................. 3-2
3.3 Grounding........................................................................................................... 3-2
3.4 Handset Connection ............................................................................................3-3
3.5 Temperature Sensor/Light Detector ..................................................................... 3-3
3.5.1 Eave Mounting of Sensor ........................................................................ 3-4
3.5.2 Connection to Controller ..........................................................................3-4
3.6 Master/Slave Connection..................................................................................... 3-4
3.6.1 12”, 18”, 24” and 36” Displays ................................................................ 3-4
3.6.2 48” and 60” Displays .............................................................................. 3-5
4. Operation................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Using the Handset to Program the Controller ........................................................4-1
4.2 Setting the Time ..................................................................................................4-1
4.3 Setting the Functions ........................................................................................... 4-2
4.4 The 14 Display Functions .................................................................................... 4-2
4.6 Setting the Price Values...................................................................................... 4-7
4.7 Operation without Temperature Sensor/Light Detector.......................................... 4-8
4.8 Switch Settings ................................................................................................... 4-8
5. Maintenance & Troubleshooting............................................................................5-1
5.1 The Lamp Driver ................................................................................................5-2
5.2 The Display Controller ........................................................................................ 5-3
5.2.1 Connectors............................................................................................. 5-4
5.2.2 Switches ................................................................................................ 5-4
5.2.3 Status Indicators..................................................................................... 5-5
5.3 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................. 5-5
5.3.1 Power-Up Tests..................................................................................... 5-6
5.3.2 Controller Lamp Test.............................................................................. 5-6
Table of Contents
5.3.3 Lamp Driver Test................................................................................... 5-7
5.3.4 Time and Temperature ............................................................................5-7
5.3.5 Dimming ................................................................................................ 5-7
5.4 Repair................................................................................................................ 5-7
5.4.1 Fuse Replacement .................................................................................. 5-8
5.4.2 Exchanging a Controller .......................................................................... 5-8
5.4.3 Exchanging a Lamp Driver ......................................................................5-8
5.4.4 Replacing Triacs .....................................................................................5-9
5.5 Structural Inspection ........................................................................................... 5-9
5.6 Replacement Parts List....................................................................................... 5-9
5.7 Unit Exchange/Replacement Procedure ............................................................... 5-9
Appendix A: Optional Indoor Controller Console .......................................................A-1
A.1 Controller Location ............................................................................................ A-1
A.2 Installation/Signal Connection.............................................................................. A-1
A.3 Indoor Console Operation ...................................................................................A-2
A.4 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................. A-4
A.5 Parts for Indoor Control Option........................................................................... A-4
Appendix B: Full View Option.........................................................................................B-1
Appendix C: Update Data Time I....................................................................................C-1
C.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................C-1
C.2 Installation.........................................................................................................C-1
C.3 Operation..........................................................................................................C-1
C.4 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................C-1
C.5 Replacement Parts.............................................................................................C-1
Appendix D: Update Triac Time & Temperature .........................................................D-1
D.1 Installation......................................................................................................... D-1
D.1.1 Triac Controller Chassis Removal........................................................... D-1
D.1.2 Display Driver Assembly Installation .......................................................D-1
D.1.3 Controller Installation ............................................................................. D-4
D.1.4 Temperature/Light Sensor Installation ..................................................... D-5
D.2 Operation.......................................................................................................... D-5
D.3 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................. D-5
D.4 Replacement Parts............................................................................................. D-5
Table of Contents

List of Figures

Figure 1: Installation Electrical Layout......................................................................................3-1
Figure 2: Handset and Enclosure..............................................................................................3-3
Figure 3: Block Diagram/Component Layout.............................................................................5-1
Figure 4: Dot Matrix Digit Segmentation for 18", 24", 36"...........................................................5-3
Figure 5: Installation Electrical Layout - Indoor Controller.........................................................A-4
Figure 6: Data Time 50 Controller Connections ........................................................................C-2
Figure 7: Time & Temp. Enclosure..........................................................................................D-2
Figure 8: Connections from Controller......................................................................................D-4
List of Figures

SECTION 1 : Introduction

1.1 How To Use This Manual
This manual explains the installation, operation and maintenance of Daktronics Data Time Series 50 Incandescent Time and Temperature Displays. It provides dimensions and guides you in mounting, wiring and operating these displays. The manual is divided into mechanical, electrical, operation and maintenance sections.
For additional questions regarding the safety, installation, operation or service of these displays, please refer to the phone numbers listed on the cover page of this manual.
KImportant Safeguards:
1. Read and understand these instructions before installing.
2. Do not drop the control console or allow it to get wet.
3. Be sure the display is properly grounded.
4. Disconnect power to the displays when they are not in use.
5. Disconnect power when servicing the displays.
6. Do not modify the displays or attach any panels or coverings to the displays
without the written consent of Daktronics, Inc.
The box below is an illustration of Daktronics drawing numbering system. The drawing number “7087-P08A-69945” is how Daktronics identifies individual drawings. This number is located in the lower right corner of the drawing. The manual refers to drawings by the last five digits and the letter preceding them. In the example below, the drawing would be referred to as Drawing A-69945. Each set of reference drawings will be inserted at the end of the section which first references them.
1.2 Display Overview
Reference Drawings: Shop Drawing, S50-12-SF/2V.............Drawing A-61929
Shop Drawing, S50-18-SF/2V .............Drawing A-56629
Shop Drawing, S50-24-SF-2V............Drawing A-57794
Shop Drawing, S50-36-SF/2V .............Drawing A-59698
Shop Drawing, S50-48-SF..................Drawing A-58669
Shop Drawing, S50-60-SF..................Drawing A-63117
Refer to the following drawings for overall display specifications for single face and 2V displays, and mounting details. Also use these drawings as an aid for mechanical installation, electrical installation and maintenance.

SECTION 2 : Mechanical Installation

2.1 Display Definitions
Two configurations of displays are offered: single face displays and 2V displays. A single face display is a single-sided, stand-alone unit. A 2V display consists of two units – one master and one slave. The two sides of this display may be mounted at any angle between 0 and 180 degrees. When mounted back-to-back, the maximum distance between displays cannot exceed 24”. The interconnect harness for the slave unit is coiled up inside the cabinet of the slave unit.
48” and 60” displays do not have the 24” maximum separation limitation. 48” and 60” displays do not have the master/slave interconnect, only a controller signal cable.
2.2 Support Column Selection
Support column size is dependent on the height and total wind loading of the display and advertising panels that make up the entire display. Column selection is critical and should be done only by a qualified individual. Only pipe and square or rectangular tubing are recommended for single column displays. Wide flange members have low torque resisting properties and wind flutter may result. It is the responsibility of the insta ller to determine the column size required to support all the components to be mounted.
2.3 Mounting Details
Reference Drawings: Display Mounting, Using Horizontal Angle.....Drawing A-72324
Display Mounting, Using U-Clamp................Drawing A-72325
Display Mounting, Vertical Angle...................Drawing A-72326
Drawings A-72324, A-72325 and A-72326 show suggested methods of mounting the displays to columns. The display cabinet has a 1.25” external flange. It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure the installation will adequately meet local standards. The mounting hardware and method are also the responsibility of the installer. Any aluminum angle used for mounting should be a minimum of 1/4” thick. Refer to the appropriate drawing in Section 1 for additional mounting details.
60” displays require a two (2) column mounting method unless additional horizontal support is provided by the customer. Minimum center to center column spacing is 72”. Engineering of additional support is the responsibility of the customer.
Mechanical Installation

SECTION 3 : Electrical Installation

(50 ft maximum)
Reference Drawings: Eave Mounting of Sensor.........................................Drawing A-15267
Assembly, Term Plate..............................................Drawing A-57279
System Schematic...................................................Drawing A-57319
Schematic, 48” & 60” T&T.......................................Drawing A-67341
Component Access and Controller..........................Drawing A-87841
Knockouts for1/2” conduit are provided in the master display on either end of the display for signal and power entrance. Refer to the appropriate drawing in Section 1 for dimensions. Figure 1 shows the general electrical layout of an installation.
Figure 1: Installation Electrical Layout
3.1 Display Access
Access the inside of the display through the hinged lampbank to perform electrical installation. The lampbank is held closed with 1/4-turn fasteners along the bottom. Release the fasteners and swing the lampbank open. Cut the cable ties on the prop rod and secure the lampbank open.
(25 ft. typical)
Electrical Installation
On a large display (36”, 48”, and 60”), the lampbank is in multiple doors. The internal components are located under the far left door when viewed from the front.
Drawing A-57279 is an illustration of the termination panel. Drawing A-87841 shows the controller and component access. The power connections are made on the power termination panel located in the master unit. The signal connections are made directly to the display controller. The controller is located in the master unit in an enclosure. The enclosure cover must be removed.
3.2 Power Connection
Note : When power is run to the display, a disconnect switch or plug must be provided within sight of the display. To maintain CSA listed display, use the supplied disconnect.
Refer to Drawing A-57279 and A-57319. Power is supplied to the display through the terminal block labeled TB41. The service required for a single face display is 120 VAC. Service for a 2V display is 120/240 VAC single phase. The display amperage is stated on the display specification label. Follow the instructions below to connect power to the display.
1. Run power through conduit into the display through one of the knockouts provided and
route over to the termination panel.
2. Connect the white neutral wire(s) to position 2 “NEUT” on TB41.
3. Connect a 120 VAC line to position 1 “01 (120 VAC)” on TB41.
4. For a 2V display, connect the second hot line of the 120/240 VAC service to position 3,
“02 (120 VAC)” on TB41. (Do not use two lines of a 120/208 three phase Wye service).
Exceptions: For 48” and 60” models, power is run separately to each face. Both positions 1
and 3 of TB41 are needed for one face and must be connected to a 120/240 VAC single phase service. Check the specification label on the display for amperage. Refer to Drawing A-
For a 12” 2V model, use a single 120VAC line and connect a jumper from position 1 to position 3 on TB41.
3.3 Grounding
All power service must be supplied with an earth-ground wire. Use the following instructions to properly ground the display:
1. Attach the ground wire to the earth ground lug in the termination panel marked with “Earth
Ground” (Drawing A-57279).
2. Attach the ground wire to a copper earth ground rod installed according to the National
Electrical Code. Do not ground to any steel columns supporting the display.
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